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Characterizing Rivermouth Ecosystems : 7 Associated Items

2013 Ecological Process Monitoring in Western Basin Lake Erie data  product of  Characterizing Rivermouth Ecosystems
Great Lakes rivermouth ecosystems: scientific synthesis and management implications  product of  Characterizing Rivermouth Ecosystems
Great Lakes rivermouths: a primer for managers  product of  Characterizing Rivermouth Ecosystems
Rivermouth alteration of agricultural impacts on consumer tissue δ<sup>15</sup>N  product of  Characterizing Rivermouth Ecosystems
An exploratory investigation of the landscape-lake interface: Land cover controls over consumer N and C isotopic composition in Lake Michigan rivermouths  product of  Characterizing Rivermouth Ecosystems
Relationships between land cover and dissolved organic matter change along the river to lake transition  product of  Characterizing Rivermouth Ecosystems
Fatty acid composition at the base of aquatic food webs is influenced by habitat type and watershed land use  product of  Characterizing Rivermouth Ecosystems

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