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These data represent an resource selection function (RSF) for translocated sage-grouse in North Dakota during the summer. Human enterprise has led to large‐scale changes in landscapes and altered wildlife population distribution and abundance, necessitating efficient and effective conservation strategies for impacted species. Greater sage‐grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter sage‐grouse) are a widespread sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) obligate species that has experienced population declines since the mid‐1900s resulting from habitat loss and expansion of anthropogenic features into sagebrush ecosystems. Habitat loss is especially evident in North Dakota, USA, on the northeastern fringe of sage‐grouse’ distribution,...
Ranked index of model-projected nest site selection integrated with nesting productivity (i.e., nest survival), demonstrating the spatial distribution of adaptive vs. maladaptive habitat selection at each 30 m pixel. Hierarchical models of nest selection and survival were fit to landscape covariates within a Bayesian modeling framework in Nevada and California from 2009 through 2017 to develop spatially explicit information about nest site selection and survival consequences across the landscape. Habitat was separated into 16 classes ranking from high (1) to low (16). Habitat ranked highest where the top nest selection and survival classes intersected (adaptive selection), whereas the lowest rank occurred where...
Rasters representing median raven density estimates, calculated from approximately 28,000 raven point count surveys conducted between 2009 and 2019. Estimates were the result of a Bayesian hierarchical distance sampling model, using environmental covariates on detection and abundance.
Expanding human enterprise across remote environments impacts many wildlife species, including sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus), an indicator species whose decline is at the center of national conservation strategies and land use policies. Anthropogenic resources provide subsidies for generalist predators, potentially leading to cascading effects on sensitive prey species at lower trophic levels. In semi-arid western ecosystems, common ravens (Corvus corax) are expanding in distribution and abundance, and may be negatively affecting sage-grouse reproductive success at broad spatial scales. Ravens are a common predator of sage-grouse nests, and potentially prey on chicks as well. This research aimed to address...
A shapefile representing greater sage-grouse (hereafter sage-grouse) space use and lek abundance in the Bi-State Distinct Population Segment (DPS) of California and Nevada. These data were derived by combining a kernel density estimation of sage-grouse lek abundance combined with another raster representing distance to lek. The 85 percent isopleth was then used to define "high space-use."
A raster identifying areas that met the criteria to be priority habitat before a fire disturbance occurred. This file is binary, a value of 1 indicates the pixel represents pre-fire priority habitat, a value of 0 indicates the pixel did not meet the criteria of selection, survival, and space-use to be considered pre-fire priority habitat.
These data consist of six separate tables. Two tables represent observed and expected greater sage-grouse (hereafter; sage-grouse) lek abundances, averaged within neighborhood clusters and the Bi-State Distinct Population segment as a whole. Three tables are the input tables for seasonal habitat selection models. These tables are the result of extracting values from rasters to both 'used' and 'available' locations; 'used' refers to an observation of a sage-grouse nesting or brood rearing, 'available' is a randomly-generated location proximal to a paired 'used' location. For these locations, we extract values from multiple rasters expressing landscape characteristics such as landcover (such as sagebrush, annual grass,...
These data are the results of a spatially interpolated integrated population model (SIIPM) fit to count and demographic data collected from populations of Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter, sage-grouse) located in Nevada, U.S.A. during 2013-2021. We used a novel framework, using integrated population models (IPMs), to express demographic relatedness among sampled and unsampled populations using geographic principles of spatial autocorrelation (Shepard, 1968; Tobler, 1970). Specifically, the framework pairs relatively inexpensive population count data with spatially interpolated demographic estimates. When conducted within a Bayesian framework, spatially interpolated demographic parameters...
Rasters representing Greater Sage-grouse (hereafter sage-grouse) survival indices and categories during the nesting, early brood, and late brood life stages. A higher pixel value corresponds to a better chance of survival. The four categories of survival are very low, low, moderate, and high. We have also included rasters representing source and sink habitats for sage-grouse. Habitat sinks occur in areas of maladaptive habitat selection, where there are relatively high levels of selection, but low chance of survival. Source habitats were defined as any pixel that supported both high selection and high survival for a given life stage. Importantly, a given pixel was only considered source habitat if it was not sink...
A hierarchical occupancy model adapted from Royle & Dorazio (2008) and Rota et al. (2011) for use in R. References: Royle, J.A. and Dorazio, R.M., 2008. Hierarchical modeling and inference in ecology: the analysis of data from populations, metapopulations and communities. Academic Press. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-374097-7.50001-5 J. Andrew Royle, Robert M. Dorazio, Rota, C. T., Fletcher Jr, R. J., Dorazio, R. M. and Betts, M. G. (2009), Occupancy estimation and the closure assumption. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46: 1173-1181. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2664.2009.01734.x
We expanded developed methodology to incorporate habitat selection and survival during reproductive life stages and specific seasons with updated greater sage-grouse location and known fate datasets. We included brood-rearing areas that are understood to be threatened and important for population persistence. We combined predictive habitat map surfaces for each life stage and season with updated information on current occupancy patterns to classify habitat based on its suitability and probability of occupancy. We performed additional steps to delineate example habitat management areas, specifically: (1) incorporated corridors connecting key nesting and brood-rearing habitat; (2) corrected outputs for pre-wildfire...
These data represent an resource selection function (RSF) for translocated sage-grouse in North Dakota during the brooding season. Human enterprise has led to large‐scale changes in landscapes and altered wildlife population distribution and abundance, necessitating efficient and effective conservation strategies for impacted species. Greater sage‐grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter sage‐grouse) are a widespread sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) obligate species that has experienced population declines since the mid‐1900s resulting from habitat loss and expansion of anthropogenic features into sagebrush ecosystems. Habitat loss is especially evident in North Dakota, USA, on the northeastern fringe of sage‐grouse’...
Sage-grouse continue to use habitat following wildfire, so prioritizing high selection, low survival areas can help ameliorate potential post-wildfire ecological traps. This shapefile represents areas within the burn scars at the Virginia Mountains field site which are high selection and high or low survival which have been deemed to be 'priority' targets for post-fire restoration efforts. The 'burn scar' used in this project is an amalgamation of multiple fires which occurred within the field site during the summers of 2016 and 2017.
We combined approximately 28,000 raven point count surveys with data from more than 900 sage-grouse nests between 2009 and 2019 within the Great Basin, USA. We modeled variation in raven density using a Bayesian hierarchical distance sampling approach with environmental covariates on detection and abundance. Concurrently, we modeled sage-grouse nest survival using a hierarchical frailty model as a function of raven density as well as other environmental covariates that influence risk of failure. Raven density commonly exceeded more than 0.5 ravens per square kilometer and increased at low relative elevations with prevalent anthropogenic development and/or agriculture. Reduced sage-grouse nest survival was strongly...
We used movement and demographic data to simultaneously evaluate habitat selection by sage-grouse across multiple seasons, and measures of survival during key reproductive life stages (nesting and brood-rearing) to identify priority habitat by linking resource selection to demographic performance. We calculated and mapped composite selection and survival indices across the Bi-State Distinct Population Segment (DPS) to differentiate productive habitat that supported high selection and survival compared to areas of maladaptive selection where selection and survival were misaligned. We then reclassified the indices into categorical rasters representing different classes of selection (high, moderate, low, non-habitat)...
Map of nesting habitat selection scores predicted from a resource selection function (RSF) developed from sage-grouse nest locations. Nest site selection was modeled using a generalized linear mixed model of used and random locations in a Bayesian modeling environment, and the midpoint of coefficient conditional posterior distributions were used for prediction. Continuous values were reclassified and ranked using a percent isopleth approach with respect to observed nest locations.
We use locations from previously released radio-marked greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter sage-grouse) in a resource selection function framework to evaluate habitat selection following translocation and identify areas of seasonal habitat to inform habitat management and potential restoration needs. We also evaluate possible changes in seasonal habitat since the late 1980s using spatial data provided by the Rangeland Analysis Platform coupled with resource selection modeling results. Our results serve as critical baseline information for habitat used by translocated individuals across life stages in this study area, and will inform future evaluations of population performance and potential...

map background search result map search result map Data from: Broad-scale occurrence of a subsidized avian predator: reducing impacts of ravens on sage-grouse and other sensitive prey Hierarchical Occupancy Model Code for R and Accompanying Files Greater Sage-grouse Nest Selection, Nevada and California 2019 Greater Sage-grouse Nest Site Source-Sink, Nevada and California 2019 Geospatial Information and Predictive Maps of Greater Sage-grouse Habitat Selection in Southwestern North Dakota, USA Brooding RSF of Translocated Greater Sage-grouse in North Dakota, 2017 - 2018 Summer RSF of Translocated Greater Sage-grouse in North Dakota, 2017 - 2018 Habitat Suitability Index for Greater Sage-Grouse During the Late Brood Rearing Life Stage, Nevada and California Greater Sage-Grouse Relative Survival During the Early Brood Rearing Life Stage, Nevada and California Greater Sage-Grouse Relative Survival During the Late Brood Rearing Life Stage, Nevada and California Priority Areas for Habitat Restoration Post-Fire in the Virginia Mountains, Nevada (2018) Data to Support Hierarchical Models and Decision Support Maps to Guide Management of Subsidized Avian Predator Densities Median Estimates of Raven Density in California, Nevada, and Idaho (2012 - 2019) Rasters Representing Greater Sage-grouse Space Use, Habitat Selection, and Survival to Inform Habitat Management Greater Sage-grouse Survival Indices, Survival Categories, Sources, and Sinks in Nevada and Northeastern California Greater Sage-grouse Pre-fire Priority Habitat, Nevada and Northeastern California Spatially Explicit Estimates of Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) Survival, Recruitment, and Rate of Population Change in Nevada, 2013-2021 Tables Representing Greater Sage-Grouse Abundance and Habitat Selection Covariates in the Bi-State Region of California and Nevada Greater Sage-Grouse High Abundance and Space-Use in the Bi-State Distinct Population Segment Time-Varying Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat Selection and Survival Categories in the Bi-State Region of California and Nevada Priority Areas for Habitat Restoration Post-Fire in the Virginia Mountains, Nevada (2018) Geospatial Information and Predictive Maps of Greater Sage-grouse Habitat Selection in Southwestern North Dakota, USA Brooding RSF of Translocated Greater Sage-grouse in North Dakota, 2017 - 2018 Summer RSF of Translocated Greater Sage-grouse in North Dakota, 2017 - 2018 Greater Sage-Grouse High Abundance and Space-Use in the Bi-State Distinct Population Segment Tables Representing Greater Sage-Grouse Abundance and Habitat Selection Covariates in the Bi-State Region of California and Nevada Time-Varying Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat Selection and Survival Categories in the Bi-State Region of California and Nevada Spatially Explicit Estimates of Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) Survival, Recruitment, and Rate of Population Change in Nevada, 2013-2021 Greater Sage-grouse Pre-fire Priority Habitat, Nevada and Northeastern California Greater Sage-grouse Nest Selection, Nevada and California 2019 Greater Sage-grouse Nest Site Source-Sink, Nevada and California 2019 Greater Sage-grouse Survival Indices, Survival Categories, Sources, and Sinks in Nevada and Northeastern California Rasters Representing Greater Sage-grouse Space Use, Habitat Selection, and Survival to Inform Habitat Management Data to Support Hierarchical Models and Decision Support Maps to Guide Management of Subsidized Avian Predator Densities Median Estimates of Raven Density in California, Nevada, and Idaho (2012 - 2019) Habitat Suitability Index for Greater Sage-Grouse During the Late Brood Rearing Life Stage, Nevada and California Greater Sage-Grouse Relative Survival During the Early Brood Rearing Life Stage, Nevada and California Greater Sage-Grouse Relative Survival During the Late Brood Rearing Life Stage, Nevada and California Hierarchical Occupancy Model Code for R and Accompanying Files Data from: Broad-scale occurrence of a subsidized avian predator: reducing impacts of ravens on sage-grouse and other sensitive prey