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The geology for this map was compiled using Viking Orbiter images on 1:500,000- scale photomosaics of the Mars Transverse Mercator quadrangles -40262, -40267, and -40272. This map represents a detailed extension of regional geologic mapping of the east Hellas rim (Crown and others 1990, 1992) and is published at 1:1,000,000 scale. The map area is on the east rim of one of the largest impact structures in the Solar System, the ~2,000-km-diameter Hellas basin (fig. 1). Channeled plains, with Dao, Harmakhis, and Reull Valles as the primary drainage features, dominate much of the surface within the map area. Dao Vallis is the downstream extension of Niger Vallis, which originates on the south flank of Hadriaca Patera,...
Most images used in mapping the geology of the Shakespeare quadrangle were taken during the near-equatorial first pass, with close encounter on the dark side of the planet. The second, south-polar pass did not image the Shakespeare quadrangle at high resolution. High-resolution images of small areas within the quadrangle were also obtained during the third pass, when the spacecraft was on the near-encounter north-polar trajectory. Because the spacecraft viewed the same areas from different positions during the first and second passes, stereoscopic pictures are available for certain areas of the southern hemisphere; however, such pictures are not available for the Shakespeare quadrangle. This map includes a strip...
The Lavinia Planitia quadrangle (V–55) is in the southern hemisphere of Venus and extends from 25° to 50° south latitude and from 330° to 360° longitude. It covers the central and northern part of Lavinia Planitia and parts of its margins. Lavinia Planitia consists of a centralized, deformed lowland flooded by volcanic deposits and surrounded by Dione Regio to the west (Keddie and Head, 1995), Alpha Regio tessera (Bindschadler and others, 1992a) and Eve Corona (Stofan and others, 1992) to the northeast, itself an extensive rift zone and coronae belt to the east and south (Baer and others, 1994; Magee and Head, 1995), Mylitta Fluctus to the south (Magee Roberts and others, 1992), and Helen Planitia to the southwest...
Supplemental Material: Distinct yet adjacent earthquake sequences near the Mendocino Triple Junction: 20 December 2021 Mw 6.1 and 6.0 Petrolia, and 20 December 2022 Mw 6.4 Ferndale Data Sets S0-S4 with station data and earthquake catalogs in text format See README_Data_Supplement.pdf for more details
This data release contains monthly 270-meter resolution Basin Characterization Model (BCMv8) climate and hydrologic variables for Localized Constructed Analog (LOCA; Pierce et al., 2014)-downscaled ACCESS 1.0 Global Climate Model (GCM) for Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5 (medium-low emissions) and 8.5 (high emissions) for hydrologic California. The LOCA climate scenarios span water years 1950 to 2099 with greenhouse-gas forcings beginning in 2006. The LOCA downscaling method has been shown to produce better estimates of extreme events and reduces the common downscaling problem of too many low-precipitation days (Pierce et al., 2014). Ten GCMs were selected from the full ensemble of models from the...
This digital dataset contains historical geochemical and other information for 481 samples of produced water (PW) from 408 sites in the Edison, Mountain View, and Ant Hill Oil Fields in Kern County, California. Produced water is a term used in the oil industry to describe water that is produced from oil wells as a byproduct along with the oil and gas. The locations from which these historical samples have been collected include 199 wells, 67 sumps, 43 storage tanks (not associated with a specific well), and 104 unidentifiable sample sources which could not be classified because of insufficient information. The wells include 176 sites identifiable by an API (American Petroleum Institute) number and 23 sites for which...
This dataset is support materials for the publication "Crop type classification, trends, and patterns of central California agricultural fields from 2005 – 2020". This data release is comprised of two child datasets. The first dataset, 'Labeled_CropType_Points', is a shapefile that consists of randomly selected point locations in which crop types were verified using high resolution imagery for each examined year across the study period (2005 - 2020). The second dataset, 'Central_CA_Classified_Croplands', is also a shapefile, but contains polygons of 9 classified crop types derived from a random forest machine learning classifier for central California for each examined year across the study period (2005 - 2020).
We present whole-rock geochemical analyses of 12 core samples obtained from three serpentinite mud volcanoes (Yinazao, Asut Tesoru, and Fantangisna) located on the forearc of the Mariana subduction system, where the Pacific Plate descends beneath the Philippine Sea Plate. The core was collected during International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 366 of 2016-2017. The materials comprising the mud volcanoes have risen diapirically along normal faults in the forearc that may extend down to the subducting slab. Ten of the samples are thoroughly serpentinized ultramafic rocks. The other two come from cored intervals into Fantangisna mud volcano that contain materials derived from the subducting Pacific Plate, and...
Observations of irrigated agricultural land within the Hualapai Valley Irrigation Non-Expansion Area Groundwater Basin in Arizona. Crops were verified in situ twice in 2023, first on May 10th and again on Sep 14th; based on digitized field boundaries. Field boundaries were digitized from U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Imagery Program County Mosaic 2023 imagery for Arizona and supplemented with the Sentinel2 imagery collection accessed via the European Space Agency, Copernicus Browser ( Satellite images were also used to identify the length of the growing season and crop condition. Water withdrawals were calculated using the modified Blaney-Criddle...
Observations of irrigated agricultural land within the Willcox Groundwater Basin in Arizona. Crops were verified in situ three times in 2023, first on May 3rd, then on Aug 16th, and finally on Dec 19th; based on digitized field boundaries. Field boundaries were digitized from U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agriculture Imagery Program County Mosaic 2023 imagery for Arizona and supplemented with the Sentinel2 imagery collection accessed via the European Space Agency, Copernicus Browser ( Satellite images were also used to identify the length of the growing season and crop condition. Water withdrawals were calculated using the modified Blaney-Criddle model of calculating...
The NABat sampling frame is a grid-based finite-area frame spanning Canada, the United States, and Mexico consisting of N total number of 10- by 10-km (100-km2) grid cell sample units for the continental United States, Canada, and Alaska and 5- by 5-km (25km2) for Hawaii and Puerto Rico. This grain size is biologically appropriate given the scale of movement of most bat species, which routinely travel many kilometers each night between roosts and foraging areas and along foraging routes. A Generalized Random-Tessellation Stratified (GRTS) Survey Design draw was added to the sample units from the raw sampling grids ( This dataset represents the final 2018 NABat Sampling grid with...
Memo detailing the Apollo 16 field exercises at the Nevada Test Site from 19711026 to 19711028.
These data are a summary of modeled exposure of various lifeline infrastructure linear features and facilities (transportation, water supply and wastewater, oil and gas, electric power, and telecommunications) to potential hazards resulting from the HayWired earthquake scenario, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake occurring on the Hayward Fault on April 18, 2018, with an epicenter in the city of Oakland, CA. Existing hazard data (surface offset, ground shaking (mainshock and aftershocks), landslide, liquefaction, and fire following earthquake) were looked at alone and in combination with each other relative to the lifeline infrastructure linear features and facilities to provide estimates of potential exposure to various...
Microbial biofilm communities are composed of fungi, bacteria, and phytoplankton taxonomic groups (e.g., cyanobacteria, diatoms, and chlorophytes), which inhabit the surface of intertidal mudflats. Such biofilms have critical roles in shorebird diets, mudflat stabilization, primary productivity, and carbon storage. These raster datasets represent the nutritional quality, quantity and pigment characteristics of biofilms located on the mudflats of South San Francisco Bay in Spring 2021, during peak shorebird migration. To produce these datasets, we used a multi-scalar remote sensing approach that coupled in-situ data with data from an ASD field spectrometer, a HySpex VNIR/SWIR imaging spectrometer (5 mm), and the...
These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. The Colorado River and its tributaries supply water to more than 35 million people in the United States and 3 million people in Mexico, irrigating more than 4.5 million acres of farmland, and generating about 12 billion kilowatt hours of hydroelectric power annually. Planning for the sustainable management of the Colorado River in future climates requires an understanding of the Upper Colorado River Basin groundwater system. The...
These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. awc_UCRB_Maurer_resolution.asc is an Esri ASCII grid representing the available water capacity (AWC) for the Upper Colorado River Basin. AWC is the amount of water that a soil can hold, and is between a soil’s field capacity and the wilting point. In Soil-Water Balance model recharge simulations, AWC is multiplied by root zone depth to define the maximum water capacity of a cell, and any soil-moisture exceeding this amount is converted...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) installed acoustic bedload monitoring systems at four sites along the Trinity River below Lewiston Dam to record the noise generated by mobilized bed material, known as sediment generated noise (SGN) (Geay and others, 2017). The four sites are: Trinity River at Lewiston (TRAL, 11525500), Trinity River above Grass Valley Creek (TRGVC, 11525630), Trinity River at Limekiln Gulch (TRLG, 11525655) and Trinity River at Douglas City (TRDC, 11525854). These sites were selected because bedload measurements are frequently made at these locations during restoration flows as part of monitoring done by the Trinity River Restoration Program (TRRP). Monitoring took place in the spring of 2015,...
This dataset contains absolute-gravity data collected by the USGS Southwest Gravity Program, a collaborative effort of the Arizona, California, and New Mexico Water Science Centers to monitor and model groundwater-storage change. Data were collected following the methods in "Procedures for Field Data Collection, Processing, Quality Assurance and Quality Control, and Archiving of Relative and Absolute-Gravity Surveys", U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods book 2, chapter D4 . All data are reviewed and approved. Additional gravity data, including network-adjusted relative- and absolute-gravity data, may be available in ScienceBase Data Releases.Gravity data are provided as two files:sgp_agdb_stations_YYYY-MM-DD.csv...
This dataset contains the streams derived from the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for Australasia from the Hydrological Derivatives for Modeling and Analysis (HDMA) database. The HDMA database provides comprehensive and consistent global coverage of raster and vector topographically derived layers, including raster layers of digital elevation model (DEM) data, flow direction, flow accumulation, slope, and compound topographic index (CTI); and vector layers of streams and catchment boundaries. The coverage of the data is global (-180º, 180º, -90º, 90º) with the underlying DEM being a hybrid of three datasets: HydroSHEDS (Hydrological data and maps based on SHuttle Elevation Derivatives at multiple Scales), Global...

map background search result map search result map Streams layers from the Hydrologic Derivatives for Modeling and Analysis (HDMA) database -- Australasia Attributed North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) Master Sample and Grid-Based Sampling Frame: Mexico Results of individual lifeline exposure to hazards resulting from the HayWired scenario earthquake sequence for counties and cities in the San Francisco Bay area, California Southwest Gravity Program Absolute-Gravity Database (updated 2024-09-06) Future Climate and Hydrology from the Basin Characterization Model (BCMv8) using LOCA-downscaled Global Climate Model ACCESS 1.0 Available Water Capacity for the Upper Colorado River Basin in Maurer et al. (2002) Climate Data resolution (awc_UCRB_Maurer_resolution.asc) Input Digital Datasets for the Soil-Water Balance Groundwater Recharge Model of the Upper Colorado River Basin Historical produced water chemistry data compiled for the Edison, Mountain View, and Ant Hill Oil Fields and vicinity, Kern County, California Whole-rock chemistry of core from serpentinite mud volcanoes, Northern Mariana subduction zone Russian River Integrated Hydrologic Model (RRIHM): Agricultural Water Use Package (AG) Classification of crop types in central California from 2005 - 2020 Geologic map of the Shakespeare Quadrangle of Mercury Geologic map of the Dao, Harmakhis, and Reull Valles region of Mars Sediment generated noise and bedload data from the Trinity River, California, 2015-2019. Science Data Catalog submission - USGS:aedffa40-95a3-4b8d-a947-cab0b7c05fff Intertidal biofilm nutritional quality, quantity and pigment maps derived from AVIRIS-Next Generation 3.7-meter airborne imagery, South San Francisco Bay, California Estimated crop irrigation water use withdrawals in Hualapai Valley Irrigation Non-Expansion Area Groundwater Basin, Arizona for 2023 Estimated crop irrigation water use withdrawals in Willcox Groundwater Basin, Arizona for 2023 Apollo 16 Field Exercises 19711026 to 19711028- 19711015 Apollo 16 Field Exercises 19711026 to 19711028- 19711015 Sediment generated noise and bedload data from the Trinity River, California, 2015-2019. Intertidal biofilm nutritional quality, quantity and pigment maps derived from AVIRIS-Next Generation 3.7-meter airborne imagery, South San Francisco Bay, California Historical produced water chemistry data compiled for the Edison, Mountain View, and Ant Hill Oil Fields and vicinity, Kern County, California Estimated crop irrigation water use withdrawals in Hualapai Valley Irrigation Non-Expansion Area Groundwater Basin, Arizona for 2023 Russian River Integrated Hydrologic Model (RRIHM): Agricultural Water Use Package (AG) Whole-rock chemistry of core from serpentinite mud volcanoes, Northern Mariana subduction zone Science Data Catalog submission - USGS:aedffa40-95a3-4b8d-a947-cab0b7c05fff Results of individual lifeline exposure to hazards resulting from the HayWired scenario earthquake sequence for counties and cities in the San Francisco Bay area, California Available Water Capacity for the Upper Colorado River Basin in Maurer et al. (2002) Climate Data resolution (awc_UCRB_Maurer_resolution.asc) Geologic map of the Dao, Harmakhis, and Reull Valles region of Mars Input Digital Datasets for the Soil-Water Balance Groundwater Recharge Model of the Upper Colorado River Basin Classification of crop types in central California from 2005 - 2020 Future Climate and Hydrology from the Basin Characterization Model (BCMv8) using LOCA-downscaled Global Climate Model ACCESS 1.0 Southwest Gravity Program Absolute-Gravity Database (updated 2024-09-06) Attributed North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) Master Sample and Grid-Based Sampling Frame: Mexico Geologic map of the Shakespeare Quadrangle of Mercury Streams layers from the Hydrologic Derivatives for Modeling and Analysis (HDMA) database -- Australasia