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This dataset is a component of a complete package of products from the Connect the Connecticut project. Connect the Connecticut is a collaborative effort to identify shared priorities for conserving the Connecticut River Watershed for future generations, considering the value of fish and wildlife species and the natural ecosystems they inhabit. Click here to download the full data package, including all documentation.This dataset represents the sea level rise metric based on a model developed by Rob Theiler and associates at USGS Woods Hole, which is a measure of the probability of a focal cell being unable to adapt to predicted inundation by sea level rise. Specifically, whether a site gets inundated by salt water...
This dataset is a component of a complete package of products from the Connect the Connecticut project. Connect the Connecticut is a collaborative effort to identify shared priorities for conserving the Connecticut River Watershed for future generations, considering the value of fish and wildlife species and the natural ecosystems they inhabit. Click here to download the full data package, including all documentation. This dataset depicts the potential capability of the landscape throughout the CT River Watershed to provide habitat for American black bear based on environmental conditions existing in approximately 2010. All locations are scored on a scale from 0 to 1, with a value of 0 indicating no capacity to...
These data represent land cover and land use for the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem. The data are a compilation from multiple sources [Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics (MRLC) Consortium, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), and the Canadian Forest Service (CFS)], Canadian data are circa 2000, US are circa 2001. VALUE: 0 = NoData; 20 = Water; 30 = Barren; 31 = Ice/Snow; 34 = Developed; 50 = Scrub/Shrub; 80 = Wetland; 110 = Grassland; 120 = Agriculture; 210 = Coniferous; 220 = Deciduous; 230 = Mixed. This dataset was published in November 2010. The dataset was updated in 2014 to fix several no-data pixels along the US-Canada border. This dataset was developed by the Crown Managers Partnership, as part of...
This raster represents a continuous surface of sage-grouse habitat suitability index (HSI) values for Nevada during summer, which is a surrogate for habitat conditions during the sage-grouse brood-rearing period.
The broadly shared information needs for grassland managers in the North Central region to meet conservation goals in a changing climate are presented and ranked as highly relevant, somewhat relevant, or not relevant for federal, state, tribal, and non-governmental grassland-managing entities.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is providing an online map of water-table altitude contours in the upper glacial and Magothy aquifers on Long Island, New York, April-May 2013. USGS serves this map and geospatial data as a REST Open Map Service (as well as HTTP, JSON, KML, and shapefile), so end-users can use the map and data on mobile and web clients. A companion report, U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3326 (Como and others, 2015; further describes data collection and map preparation and presents 68x22 in. PDF versions, 4 sheets, scale 1:125,000. This polyline shapefile consists of digital contours that represent the water table altitude in the upper...
Separate data for floodplain elevation and bathymetry were collected on the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS) by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Upper Mississippi River Restoration (UMRR) program. While many information needs can be met by using these data separately, in many cases seamless elevation data across the river and its floodplain are needed. This seamless elevation surface was generated by merging lidar (i.e., floodplain elevation) and bathymetry data. Merging the data required special processing in the areas of transition between the two sources of data.
Drylands cover 40% of the global terrestrial surface and provide important ecosystem services. While drylands as a whole are expected to increase in distribution and aridity in coming decades, temperature and precipitation forecasts vary by latitude and geographic region suggesting different trajectories for tropical, subtropical, and temperate drylands. Uncertainty in the future of tropical and subtropical drylands is well constrained, whereas soil moisture and ecological droughts, which drive vegetation productivity and composition, remain poorly understood in temperate drylands. Here we show that, over the 21st century, temperate drylands may contract by a third, primarily converting to subtropical drylands,...
NOTE: Two data download links are provided. The first includes the data described below as a geographic point layer and as a .csv file. The second link is a data package containing: the annual probability of observing one individual, the annual probability of encountering a large flock, and the monthly probability of observing one individual, for the full set of 24 species (in .csv format), and the associated report “Mapping the distribution, abundance and risk assessment of marine birds in the Northwest Atlantic.” To improve display of this data on Data Basin the point data was converted to a raster grid. This map depicts the mean predicted probability of observing at least one individual Great Shearwater (Puffinus...
NOTE: Two data download links are provided. The first includes the data described below as a geographic point layer and as a .csv file. The second link is a data package containing: the annual probability of observing one individual, the annual probability of encountering a large flock, and the monthly probability of observing one individual, for the full set of 24 species (in .csv format), and the associated report “Mapping the distribution, abundance and risk assessment of marine birds in the Northwest Atlantic.” To improve display of this data on Data Basin the point data was converted to a raster grid. This map depicts the mean predicted probability of observing at least one individual Common Loon (Gavia immer)...
NOTE: Two data download links are provided. The first includes the data described below as a geographic point layer and as a .csv file. The second link is a data package containing: the annual probability of observing one individual, the annual probability of encountering a large flock, and the monthly probability of observing one individual, for the full set of 24 species (in .csv format), and the associated report “Mapping the distribution, abundance and risk assessment of marine birds in the Northwest Atlantic.” To improve display of this data on Data Basin the point data was converted to a raster grid. This map depicts the mean predicted probability of observing at least one individual Laughing Gull (Leucophaeus...
The subset of all NRCS Common Resource Areas (CRA), version 1.2, that can support native prairie habitats within the Mississippi River Basin. A Common Resource Area is defined as a geographical area where resource concerns, problems, or treatment needs are similar. It is considered a subdivision of an existing Major Land Resource Area (MLRA) map delineation or polygon. Landscape conditions, soil, climate, human considerations, and other natural resource information are used to determine the geographic boundaries of a CRA.
In order to identify areas within the Mississipi River Basin (MRB) where implementing wildlife conservation actions could potentially provide the highest benefit to both local waters and the Gulf of Mexico the Miss. River Basin/Gulf Hypoxia Initiative identified a "Water Quality Priority Zone". This provisional zone of interest represents HUC-8 watersheds having the highest potential for nutrient export from agricultural sources (using nitrogen as a surrogate). The potential for nutrient export was determined using the 2002 SPARROW Mississippi/Atchafalaya River Basin Model and cropland data from the 2013 USDA-NASS Cropland Data Layer. As the results from the SPARROW model are somewhat dated (ca. 2002), we incorporated...
Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P)-related impaired waters for which a TMDL has been developed (Cycle Year 2010) within the Mississippi River Basin. For purposes of identifying N/P-related TMDLs, EPA used the following national impairment categories: algal growth, ammonia, noxious aquatic plants, nutrients, organic enrichment/oxygen depletion. Source : EPA Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pollution Data Downloads <> Downloaded June 2014.
This item has two datasets which provide information over the entire CCE: 1. MPB_AB_5kmBuffer_2000.shp: Mountain Pine Beetle (MPB) disturbance in the Alberta portion of the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem from 2001 to 2007. This layer is a compilation from multiple sources.These data are used to help focus ground survey work and are not 100% accurate. 2. MPB_CCE_5kmBuffer_2000: This layer represents polygons within and up to 5km outside the British Columbia and Montana portions of the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem with groupings of dead (red) pine trees which indicate a high likelihood of green attack mountain pine beetle trees from 2001 to 2007. The current beetle year (August 15 to August 15) Mountain Pine...
This shapefile represents habitat suitability categories (High, Moderate, Low, and Non-Habitat) derived from a composite, continuous surface of sage-grouse habitat suitability index (HSI) values for Nevada and northeastern California during summer¸ which is a surrogate for habitat conditions during the sage-grouse brood-rearing period.
This dataset is a component of a complete package of products from the Connect the Connecticut project. Connect the Connecticut is a collaborative effort to identify shared priorities for conserving the Connecticut River Watershed for future generations, considering the value of fish and wildlife species and the natural ecosystems they inhabit. Click here to download the full data package, including all documentation. This dataset represents the probability of occurrence of brook trout in headwater creeks based on current habitat and climate conditions. Brook trout are a representative species for cool/cold headwater creeks. This layer was derived from a model developed by Ben Letcher and associates at the USGS...
This dataset is a component of a complete package of products from the Connect the Connecticut project. Connect the Connecticut is a collaborative effort to identify shared priorities for conserving the Connecticut River Watershed for future generations, considering the value of fish and wildlife species and the natural ecosystems they inhabit. Click here to download the full data package, including all documentation.This dataset represents a version of the ecological systems map (ESM+), originally derived by TNC and modified for the Designing Sustainable Landscapes (DSL) project. Major modifications include improvements to the classification and mapping of roads, development, streams, and coastal wetlands. In this...

map background search result map search result map UMRR Pool 04 Topobathy Predicted Annual Probability of Observing at least One Great Shearwater Predicted Annual Probability of Observing at least One Common Loon Predicted Annual Probability of Observing at least One Laughing Gull Prairie Ecological System (MRB) Corn/Soybean Production Region Rice Production Region Water Quality Priority Zone (Draft - 2014) Reaches with Nutrient TMDLs (2010) Ecological Systems Map, CT River Watershed Sea Level Rise, CT River Watershed z_Archive Mountain Pine Beetle in the CCE Landscape Capability for Black Bear, CT River Watershed Brook Trout Current Probability of Occurrence, CT River Watershed Land Use & Land Cover in the Crown of Continent Ecosystem c2000 Summer Season Habitat Categories Shapefile Summer Season Habitat Suitability Index raster dataset Contours of Water Table Altitudes in the Upper Glacial and Magothy Aquifers, April-May 2013 Broadly Shared Information Needs Among Grassland Managers in the North Central Region UMRR Pool 04 Topobathy Contours of Water Table Altitudes in the Upper Glacial and Magothy Aquifers, April-May 2013 Brook Trout Current Probability of Occurrence, CT River Watershed Ecological Systems Map, CT River Watershed Sea Level Rise, CT River Watershed Landscape Capability for Black Bear, CT River Watershed z_Archive Mountain Pine Beetle in the CCE Land Use & Land Cover in the Crown of Continent Ecosystem c2000 Rice Production Region Summer Season Habitat Categories Shapefile Summer Season Habitat Suitability Index raster dataset Predicted Annual Probability of Observing at least One Great Shearwater Predicted Annual Probability of Observing at least One Common Loon Predicted Annual Probability of Observing at least One Laughing Gull Corn/Soybean Production Region Broadly Shared Information Needs Among Grassland Managers in the North Central Region Reaches with Nutrient TMDLs (2010) Water Quality Priority Zone (Draft - 2014) Prairie Ecological System (MRB)