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The Murderer’s Creek mule deer herd winters south of U.S. Route 26 in river valleys near Canyon Creek, Murderer’s Creek, and the South Fork John Day River. The herd’s winter ranges are characterized by western juniper, big sagebrush, and Columbia Basin grassland communities, with medusahead and other non-native grasses invading lower elevations. In the spring, mule deer mainly migrate southeast to summer ranges distributed throughout Gilbert Ridge and the Aldrich Mountains, some traveling as far south as Devon Ridge and east to Ironside Mountain. Summer ranges in these areas contain mixed-conifer forests, ponderosa pine, and low sagebrush communities. A smaller portion of this herd migrates northeast in the spring,...
The Trout Creek mule deer herd is composed of residents and migrants that make short-range elevational migrations. Mule deer mainly winter at lower elevations surrounding Blue Mountain and the slopes of the Oregon Canyon Mountains. In spring, some of these mule deer migrate to higher elevations in the Oregon Canyon Mountains. Other members of the herd winter in the southwestern portion of the herd’s range, inhabiting areas near Hawks Mountain, the Pueblo Mountains, and the foothills of the Trout Creek Mountains. These mule deer migrate to summer ranges on the crests of Holloway Mountain and the Trout Creek Mountains. Notably, one mule deer formerly wintering on the Trout Creek Mountains migrated south from a summer...
The Trout Creek mule deer herd is composed of residents and migrants that make short-range elevational migrations. Mule deer mainly winter at lower elevations surrounding Blue Mountain and the slopes of the Oregon Canyon Mountains. In spring, some of these mule deer migrate to higher elevations in the Oregon Canyon Mountains. Other members of the herd winter in the southwestern portion of the herd’s range, inhabiting areas near Hawks Mountain, the Pueblo Mountains, and the foothills of the Trout Creek Mountains. These mule deer migrate to summer ranges on the crests of Holloway Mountain and the Trout Creek Mountains. Notably, one mule deer formerly wintering on the Trout Creek Mountains migrated south from a summer...
South of Interstate 40 elk reside primarily in Arizona’s Game Management Unit (GMU) 8. Upon completing population surveys in 2021, approximately 4,000 elk were estimated to inhabit GMU 8. Their summer range is primarily characterized by high-elevation ponderosa pine forests and grasslands. The elk radiate out from various origin points within their summer range to their winter range, comprised of rims of canyons in the area, including Sycamore Canyon, Tule Canyon, and Government Canyon. This series of canyons creates an impermeable southern boundary for this herd. Their winter range along the rim country is primarily characterized by pinyon-juniper, manzanita, and scrub oak. Interstate 40 is the primary threat to...
This dataset contains all the layers associated with U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Restoration Assessment (GLCWRA) initiative for the Upper Peninsula Restoration Assessment (UPRA) which aims to identify and rank coastal areas with the greatest potential for wetland habitat restoration. Each layer has a unique contribution to the identification of restorable wetlands. The 7 parameters (Parameter 0: Mask, Parameter 1: Hydroperiod, Parameter 2: Wetland Soils, Parameter 3: Flowlines, Parameter 4: Conservation and Recreation Lands, Parameter 5: Impervious Surfaces, and Parameter 6: Land Use) and Index Composite directly correlate to areas that are recommended for restoration. The dikes, degree...
We characterized seafloor sediment conditions near the mouth of the Elwha River from underwater photographs taken every four hours from September 2011 to December 2013. A digital camera was affixed to a tripod that was deployed in approximately 10 meters of water (Tripod location from September 2011 to April 2013: 48.15333, -123.55931; tripod location from April 2013 to December 2013: 48.15407, -123.55444). Each photograph was qualitatively characterized as one of six categories: (1) base, or no sediment; (2) low sediment; (3) medium sediment; (4) high sediment; (5) turbid; or (6) kelp. For base conditions, no sediment was present on the seafloor. Low sediment conditions were characterized by a light dusting of...
The Assessment Unit is the fundamental unit used in the National Assessment Project for the assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources. The Assessment Unit is defined within the context of the higher-level Total Petroleum System. The Assessment Unit is shown herein as a geographic boundary interpreted, defined, and mapped by the geologist responsible for the province and incorporates a set of known or postulated oil and (or) gas accumulations sharing similar geologic, geographic, and temporal properties within the Total Petroleum System, such as source rock, timing, migration pathways, trapping mechanism, and hydrocarbon type. The Assessment Unit boundary is defined geologically as the limits of the geologic...
This data set contains shoreline rate of change statistics for New York State coastal wetlands. Analysis was performed using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS), created by U.S. Geological Survey, version 5.0, an extension for ArcMap. A reference baseline was used as the originating point for orthogonal transects cast by the DSAS software. The transects intersect each polyline vector shoreline establishing intersection measurement points, which were then used to calculate the rates of change. End-point rates, calculated by dividing the distance of shoreline movement by the time elapsed between the oldest and the most recent shoreline, were generated for wetlands where fewer than three historic shorelines...
Dataset contains the groundwater well locations and water-level measurements for 273 wells measured during a water-level survey of the Sparta-Memphis aquifer in Arkansas, January through June 2015. Well-location and water-level data is publicly available from the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water Information System.
Karst hydrologic systems are important resources in the state of Tennessee both as drinking water resources and as centers for possible biological diversity. These systems are susceptible to contamination due to the inherent connectivity between surface water and groundwater systems in karst systems. A partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Tennessee Department of Conservation (TDEC) was formed to investigate karst spring systems across the state utilizing fluorescent groundwater tracing, particularly in areas where these resources may be used as drinking water sources. In fall 2021, USGS and TDEC staff identified possible vulnerabilities or complexities that may exist within karst spring systems...
Karst hydrologic systems are important resources in the state of Tennessee both as drinking water resources and as centers for possible biological diversity. These systems are susceptible to contamination due to the inherent connectivity between surface water and groundwater systems in karst systems. A partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Tennessee Department of Conservation (TDEC) was formed to investigate karst spring systems across the state utilizing fluorescent groundwater tracing, particularly in areas where these resources may be used as drinking water sources. In fall 2021, USGS and TDEC staff identified possible vulnerabilities or complexities that may exist within karst spring systems...
South of Interstate 40 mule deer reside in Game Management Units (GMU) 8 and 6B in Arizona. The herd summers in high-elevation open meadows and ponderosa pine habitat southwest of Flagstaff, Arizona. In late October, the herd migrates west to lower elevation pinyon-juniper and shrub habitats near the junction of Interstate 40 and U.S. Highway 89. With funding support by the U.S. Department of the Interior (USDI) through Secretarial Order 3362, research on this herd’s migration began in February 2020. Additional GPS collars were deployed in January 2022 with support from the U.S. Forest Service, Mule Deer Foundation, and other partners. Primary threats to the herd’s migration involve high volume roads including Interstate...
The Siskiyou mule deer herd migrates from winter ranges primarily north and east of Mount Shasta (i.e., Day Bench, Lake Shastina, Montague, Mount Dome, Mount Hebron, Sheep-Mahogany Mountain, Tionesta, and Wild Horse Mountain) to sprawling summer ranges scattered between the Mount Shasta Wilderness in the west and the Burnt Lava Flow Geological Area in the east. A small percentage of the herd are residents, residing largely within winter ranges across the central and northeast areas of the herd’s annual distribution. The total population size of the Siskiyou herd is unknown, but adult deer densities averaged 6.01 deer per km2 on summer ranges in 2017 and 5.16 deer per km2 on winter ranges in 2019 (Wittmer and others,...
Mule deer within the Jackson segment of the Sublette herd winter mainly in the valley and south-facing slopes of the buttes. These geologic features are characteristic of the Jackson Hole area near Jackson, Wyoming. Winter ranges in the Jackson valley are a mixture of national forest public land as well as private urban and exurban land. The lower elevation, south-facing hillslopes are typified by stands of Juniperus scopulorum (Rocky Mountain juniper) or mixed mountain shrub communities of Artemisia tridentata (mountain big sagebrush), Artemisia tripartite (three-tip sagebrush), Purshia tridentata (antelope bitterbrush), Amelanchier alnifolia (Saskatoon serviceberry), Symphoricarpos albus (common snowberry), chokecherry,...
This dataset describes irrigation water use in Kansas in 2015. Volumes of water used, irrigated area, and average irrigation application depths are provided for three sets of subareas: (1) Irrigation water use analysis regions that include Groundwater Management Districts (GMDs) with the areas outside of GMDs divided into eastern, central, and western Kansas; (2) Regional Planning Areas (RPAs), which are 14 areas determined by the Kansas Water Office based on hydrologic and administrative boundaries, each with a set of goals outlined in the Kansas Water Vision (; and (3) the 105 Kansas counties. Volumes of water used, irrigated area, and average application depths are also...
Disclaimer: this is an historic version of NLCD provided for research and citation purposes. Different release dates of NLCD cannot be used with other release dates for correct analysis. Each release of NLCD generates a complete set of directly comparable products. These products must be used together for correct analysis. You can find the latest suite of synced products at The National Land Cover Database 2001 land cover layer for mapping zones 01-66 was produced through a cooperative project conducted by the Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics (MRLC) Consortium. The MRLC Consortium is a partnership of federal agencies (, consisting of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the National...
This data release contains monthly 270-meter resolution Basin Characterization Model (BCMv8) climate and hydrologic variables for Localized Constructed Analog (LOCA; Pierce et al., 2014)-downscaled ACCESS 1.0 Global Climate Model (GCM) for Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5 (medium-low emissions) and 8.5 (high emissions) for hydrologic California. The LOCA climate scenarios span water years 1950 to 2099 with greenhouse-gas forcings beginning in 2006. The LOCA downscaling method has been shown to produce better estimates of extreme events and reduces the common downscaling problem of too many low-precipitation days (Pierce et al., 2014). Ten GCMs were selected from the full ensemble of models from the...
This dataset of anticlines is intended primarily for reference; it includes major structures such as those shown on Plate 2, Principal structural features, Gulf of Mexico Basin (compiled by T.E. Ewing and R.F. Lopez), in Volume J, The Geology of North America (1991). This dataset contains basic data and interpretations developed and compiled by the U.S. Geological Survey's Framework Studies and Assessment of the Gulf Coast Project. Other major sources of data include publicly available information from state agencies as well as publications of the U.S. Geological Survey and other scientific organizations. In cases where company proprietary data were used to produce various derivatives such as contour surfaces, the...
Airborne geophysical surveys were conducted in the eastern Adirondacks from Dec. 7, 2015 - Dec. 21, 2015, by Goldak Airborne Surveys. The area was flown along a draped surface with a nominal survey height above ground of 200 meters. The flight line spacing was 250 meters for traverse lines and 2500 meters for control lines. Here we present downloadable magnetic and radiometric (gamma spectrometry) data from those surveys as image (Geotiff) and flight line data (csv format). Background The Eastern Adirondacks region was known for iron mining in the 1800's and 1900's but it also contains deposits of rare earth minerals. Rare earth minerals are used in advanced technology such as in cell phones, rechargeable batteries...
This data set consists 23 transient electromagnetic (TEM) soundings collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in June 2020 as part of the Umatilla Indian Reservation Geothermal Resources Assessment: Phase 2 project. TEM data were collected in 100 x 100 m loops or 40 x 40 m loops along 4 profiles in areas of interest for geothermal potential. Files included in this publication include measured TEM soundings and 1-D resistivity models.

map background search result map search result map Airborne Geophysical Surveys over the Eastern Adirondacks, New York State Characterization of seafloor photographs near the mouth of the Elwha River during the first two years of dam removal (2011-2013) Irrigation water use in Kansas, 2015 Rate of shoreline change statistics for New York State coastal wetlands Sparta-Memphis aquifer well point dataset, in Arkansas, January-June 2015 National Land Cover Database (NLCD) 2001 Land Cover Conterminous United States (ver. 2.0, July 2024) Anticlines in the US Gulf Coast [anticlineg] Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Restoration Assessment (GLCWRA) Upper Peninsula, U.S. (ver. 2.0, January 2024) Magnetotelluric and TEM Data from the Umatilla Indian Reservation Geothermal Resources Assessment: Phase 2, 2020: TEM data Future Climate and Hydrology from the Basin Characterization Model (BCMv8) using LOCA-downscaled Global Climate Model ACCESS 1.0 Cowan, Tennessee Karst Groundwater Dye Tracing Water Year 2022 Woodbury, Tennessee Karst Groundwater Dye Tracing Water Year 2022 Arizona Mule Deer South of I 40 Stopovers California Mule Deer Siskiyou Routes Wyoming Mule Deer Jackson Routes Arizona Elk South of Interstate 40 Corridors Oregon Mule Deer Murderer's Creek Winter Ranges Oregon Mule Deer Trout Creek Migration Corridors Oregon Mule Deer Trout Creek Stopovers USGS National Assessment of Oil and Gas Project - Unconventional Assessment Units from 2000 to 2011 Characterization of seafloor photographs near the mouth of the Elwha River during the first two years of dam removal (2011-2013) Magnetotelluric and TEM Data from the Umatilla Indian Reservation Geothermal Resources Assessment: Phase 2, 2020: TEM data Cowan, Tennessee Karst Groundwater Dye Tracing Water Year 2022 Woodbury, Tennessee Karst Groundwater Dye Tracing Water Year 2022 Arizona Mule Deer South of I 40 Stopovers Arizona Elk South of Interstate 40 Corridors Airborne Geophysical Surveys over the Eastern Adirondacks, New York State Oregon Mule Deer Trout Creek Stopovers Oregon Mule Deer Trout Creek Migration Corridors Oregon Mule Deer Murderer's Creek Winter Ranges Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Restoration Assessment (GLCWRA) Upper Peninsula, U.S. (ver. 2.0, January 2024) California Mule Deer Siskiyou Routes Rate of shoreline change statistics for New York State coastal wetlands Sparta-Memphis aquifer well point dataset, in Arkansas, January-June 2015 Irrigation water use in Kansas, 2015 National Land Cover Database (NLCD) 2001 Land Cover Conterminous United States (ver. 2.0, July 2024) Future Climate and Hydrology from the Basin Characterization Model (BCMv8) using LOCA-downscaled Global Climate Model ACCESS 1.0 Anticlines in the US Gulf Coast [anticlineg] USGS National Assessment of Oil and Gas Project - Unconventional Assessment Units from 2000 to 2011