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Conifer removal and management is a key tool for restoring sagebrush ecosystems and Greater Sage-Grouse populations, though the response of other sagebrush-obligate birds, including Pinyon Jays, to conifer management has not been well-studied. Quantifying the response of avian species to conifer management will inform conservation delivery to ensure that agencies achieve sagebrush bird and habitat objectives while minimizing impacts on Pinyon Jays in the sagebrush/pinon-juniper woodland ecotone. The results of this project will address key science needs on Pinyon Jays and directly inform more effective conifer management throughout the eastern Great Basin. Without these data, we will be unable to provide science-based...
A laser rangefinder was used to record surficial mass movements at Cascades volcanoes and an experimental debris flow flume. Mass movements such as large lahars and smaller seasonal debris flows can occur at volcanoes in the Cascades. A combination of seismic, infrasound, tripwires, and webcams can be used to detect and characterize these flows. A laser rangefinder can be placed on the banks of the drainages and pointed towards the channel as a low power, low bandwidth piece of equipment to confirm increases in flow past the station. This can serve as another piece of evidence for flows and may be able to be incoporated into future alarm systems to improve their accuracy and performance.
These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. This data release has been superseded by Altitudes of the top of model layers for the transient ground-water flow model, Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California (also available at This digital data set defines the altitudes of the tops of 16 model layers simulated in the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system (DVRFS) transient flow model. The area simulated...
Tags: Amargosa Desert, Ash Meadows, California, California Valley, Chicago Valley, All tags...
These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. This data release supersedes Boundary of the area contributing flow to the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California (also available at This digital data set defines the boundary of the area contributing ground-water flow to the Death Valley regional ground-water flow-system (DVRFS) model domain. The boundary encompasses an approximate 112,000 square-kilometer region...
Tags: Amargosa Desert, Ash Meadows, California, California Valley, Chicago Valley, All tags...
This is a child item of the USGS Data Release: This dataset includes zooplankton biomass from Prince William Sound, Icy Bay and Yakutat Bay, Alaska. Zooplankton were sampled with a ring net (0.6 m diameter with 211 µ mesh) on a 50 m vertical haul or to within 5 m of the bottom in shallow water. Zooplankton samples were identified to species and life stage when possible.
Total and organic carbon values from soil samples taken from the Yukon River Basin, Alaska. These samples were used to create a relationship between total carbon and organic carbon for samples which were only run for total carbon. This is a child item of the USGS Data Release:
The Southern Nevada volcanic-rock aquifers reside in southern-central Nevada. This group of aquifers can be categorized into welded tuff, bedded tuff, and lava flow aquifers. Each of these categories possess different physical characteristics and have varying degrees of welding and number of interconnected joints. The lithology of these aquifers is primarily dependent on mode of eruption and cooling and are highly variable. Because the lithology is so variable, so is groundwater transmission, storage, and yield (HA 730-B). This product provides source data for the Southern Nevada volcanic-rock aquifers framework, including: Extent shapefiles: 1. p_57SRNVDV.shp: Polygon shapefile containing the areal extent...
This dataset is a single comma-delimited text file (.csv). Data include the name of lakes where samples were obtained, the historical dynamics of that lake, the sampled community type, and the dry mass of annual new growth. Shrub community measurements are a combination of understory mass from quadrat harvests and shrub stem mass derived from published allometric equations. This is a child item of the USGS Data Release:
This dataset is a single comma-delimited text file (.csv). Data include the name of lakes where samples were obtained, soil pH, electrical conductivity (EC), water content (VWC), and bulk density (BD) of soil core samples within organic soil horizon in lake-margin wetland plant communities. This is a child item of the USGS Data Release:
This dataset consists of Structure-from-Motion (SfM) - derived point clouds and highly detailed orthomosaic images of four roadcut exposures covering the upper part of the Harrell Shale, the full Brallier Formation, the full Foreknobs Formation, and the lower part of the Hampshire Formation at Baker, West Virginia. For each roadcut exposure, two datasets are published: an orthomosaic raster image and a point cloud. The orthomosaic raster image is a vertical outcrop orthomosaic constructed from multiple orthophotos to create a geometrically rectified image. This facilitates a detailed visual inspection of the stratigraphic succession outside of a GIS environment, unlike georefrenced orthomosaics derived from aerial...
Note: this data release is currently being revised and is temporarily unavailable. This data release contains two point clouds derived from structure-from-motion photogrammetry. The first survey was conducted on 10 September 2015 and the second survey was conducted on 1 June 2016. Each survey was designed to capture a 35-meter channel reach using digital photos (1187 photos were taken in the first survey and 1085 photos were taken in the second survey). Twenty-five bolts were drilled into the bedrock channel to serve as ground control points. We used a local coordinate system to create a reference frame, but the location of all of the ground control points are attached in the file called: GCPs_exported.txt. Agisoft...
Tiltmeter data from KÄ«lauea stations (ESC, IKI, JKA, KAE, POC, SDH, SMC, UWE) from January 1 to December 31, 2022. These data were collected in 2022 by Andria P. Ellis of the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.
Estimates of various low-flow statistics were computed at 56 ungaged stream locations throughout New Jersey during the 2023 water year using methods in the published reports, 1) Streamflow characteristics and trends in New Jersey, water years 1897-2003 (Watson and others, 2005) and 2) Implementation of MOVE.1, censored MOVE.1, and piecewise MOVE.1 low-flow regressions with applications at partial-record streamgaging stations in New Jersey (Colarullo and others, 2018). The estimates are computed as needed for use in water-resources permitting, assessment, and management by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. The data release includes the stream name, location, drainage area, method of estimation,...
Kuskokwim airborne magnetic and radiometric geophysical survey, northern Kuskokwim Mountains, Geophysical Report 2023-1, covers parts of the Tanana, Norton Bay, Nulato, Ruby, Kantishna River, Medfra, and Mt. McKinley quadrangles west of Nenana, Alaska (fig. 1). Magnetic and radiometric data were collected with a fixed-wing aircraft from May 14 to August 31, 2023, by MPX Geophysics LTD. The survey contains a single block. A total of 86,712 line-kilometers were collected. The block covers 29,361 km2. The magnetometer was mounted to a rear-facing fixed boom ("tail stinger"). The radiometric crystals were located in the cabin of the aircraft. The block was flown with a line spacing of 400 m. The mean ground clearance...
Categories: Data; Tags: Aeromagnetic, Aeromagnetic Data, Aeromagnetic Map, Aeromagnetic Survey, Airborne Geophysical Survey, All tags...
The Climate Adaptation Science Centers (CASCs) partner with natural and cultural resource managers, tribes and indigenous communities, and university researchers to provide science that helps fish, wildlife, ecosystems, and the communities they support adapt to climate change. The CASCs provide managers and stakeholders with information and decision-making tools to respond to the effects of climate change. While each CASC works to address specific research priorities within their respective region, CASCs also collaborate across boundaries to address issues within shared ecosystems, watersheds, and landscapes. These shapefiles represent the 9 CASC regions and the national CASC that comprise the CASC network, highlighting...
This data release has been SUPERSEDED. No data are provided here. The geospatial outlines and herd size estimates of Chukchi Sea autumn walrus haulouts, interpreted from Satellite imagery, have been combined into a single updated U.S. Geological Survey data release: This data release contains maps, geospatial files, and a table of the satellite imagery types with the dates when they were collected and examined to interpret the presence of, and area occupied by, walruses at terrestrial haulouts. Estimates of the land area occupied by walruses are provided based on interpretation by experienced image reviewers. The images are from a variety of Earth observing satellite imagery sources...
This is a child item of the USGS Data Release: This dataset contains catch data from trawls at the sampling stations. We deployed a modified herring trawl in coastal waters within glacier fjords of Alaska. Sampling stations in each fjord were chosen randomly from a 2.5 x 2.5 km grid overlaid on navigable waters in the fjord. The number of stations in each fjord was chosen to achieve a sampling frequency of about 1 sample per 15 km^2, and was based on available resources and logistical constraints (weather, navigational hazards and vessel time).
USGS is assessing the feasibility of a map projections and grid systmes for lunar surface operations. We propose developing a new Lunar Transverse Mercator (LTM), the Lunar Polar Stereographic (LPS), and the Lunar Grid Reference Systems (LGRS). We have also embedded additional grids designed to NASA requirements for astronaut navigation, referred to as LGRS Artemis Condensed Coordinates (ACC). LTM, LPS, and LGRS are similar in design and use to the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), Universal Polar Stereographic (LPS), and Military Grid Reference System (MGRS), but adhere to NASA requirements. LGRS ACC format is similar in design to historic Army Mapping Service Apollo orthotopophoto charts for navigation.
These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. This data release supersedes False-color composite of Landsat data for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system project, Nevada and California (also available at The false-color composite image of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system (DVRFS), an approximately 100,000 square-kilometer region of southern Nevada and California, was derived from Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM)...
Tags: Amargosa Desert, Ash Meadows, California, California Valley, Chicago Valley, All tags...
These data were released prior to the October 1, 2016 effective date for the USGS’s policy dictating the review, approval, and release of scientific data as referenced in USGS Survey Manual Chapter 502.8 Fundamental Science Practices: Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. This data release supersedes Surface altitudes of hydrogeologic units used in the hydrogeologic framework and transient ground-water flow model of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California (also available at A digital three-dimensional (3D) hydrogeologic framework model (HFM) represents the geometry and extent of hydrogeologic units (HGUs) and major structures in...
Tags: Amargosa Desert, Ash Meadows, California, California Valley, Chicago Valley, All tags...

map background search result map search result map Maps of the USGS Climate Adaptation Science Centers (May 2024) Child Item 2: Aboveground Net Primary Production Estimates from the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge Child Item 3: Soil Properties of Lake-Margin Wetlands of the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge Child Item 6: Total Carbon, Organic Carbon, and Nitrogen Data from a Subset of Soils Within the Yukon River Basin Effect of conifer treatments and landscape management on sagebrush obligate songbirds and Pinyon Jays in the Great Basin False-color composite of Landsat data for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system project, Nevada and California Boundary of the area contributing flow to the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California Surface altitudes of hydrogeologic units used in the hydrogeologic framework and transient ground-water flow model of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California Altitudes of the top of model layers for the transient ground-water flow model, Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California Structure-from-Motion derived point clouds and orthomosaic images of reference sections of the Brallier and Foreknobs Formations, Baker, WV Laser Rangefinder Data for Surficial Mass Movements in the Cascades Estimated low-flow statistics at ungaged stream locations in New Jersey, water year 2023 Aquifer framework datasets used to represent the Southern Nevada volcanic-rock aquifers, Nevada SUPERSEDED: Pacific Walrus Coastal Haulout Occurrences Interpreted from Satellite Imagery, 2023 Kuskokwim Airborne Magnetic and Radiometric Geophysical Survey, Northern Kuskokwim Mountains Chalk Cliffs Channel Surveys derived from Structure-from-Motion (Under Revision) Child Item 5: Modified Herring Trawl Fish Catch Data in Gulf of Alaska Fjords, 2004-2011 Child Item 6: Zooplankton Biomass Data from Gulf of Alaska Fjords, 2010-2011 Chalk Cliffs Channel Surveys derived from Structure-from-Motion (Under Revision) Structure-from-Motion derived point clouds and orthomosaic images of reference sections of the Brallier and Foreknobs Formations, Baker, WV Aquifer framework datasets used to represent the Southern Nevada volcanic-rock aquifers, Nevada Estimated low-flow statistics at ungaged stream locations in New Jersey, water year 2023 Surface altitudes of hydrogeologic units used in the hydrogeologic framework and transient ground-water flow model of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California Altitudes of the top of model layers for the transient ground-water flow model, Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California Child Item 2: Aboveground Net Primary Production Estimates from the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge Child Item 6: Total Carbon, Organic Carbon, and Nitrogen Data from a Subset of Soils Within the Yukon River Basin False-color composite of Landsat data for the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system project, Nevada and California Kuskokwim Airborne Magnetic and Radiometric Geophysical Survey, Northern Kuskokwim Mountains Boundary of the area contributing flow to the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California SUPERSEDED: Pacific Walrus Coastal Haulout Occurrences Interpreted from Satellite Imagery, 2023 Child Item 3: Soil Properties of Lake-Margin Wetlands of the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge Effect of conifer treatments and landscape management on sagebrush obligate songbirds and Pinyon Jays in the Great Basin Child Item 5: Modified Herring Trawl Fish Catch Data in Gulf of Alaska Fjords, 2004-2011 Child Item 6: Zooplankton Biomass Data from Gulf of Alaska Fjords, 2010-2011 Maps of the USGS Climate Adaptation Science Centers (May 2024)