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The Data Needs Assessment research project was undertaken to review the variety of resources on conservation planning to provide packages of products, data, and identified data gaps to improve conservation planning in the Appalachian LCC. A suite of core conservation planning products and data from principal investigators at Clemson University are now available to the Cooperative.“Deliverables from this research include:An analysis of State Wildlife Action Plans in the Appalachian LCC that describe how information contained in these plans can be linked to integrate state and local-scale efforts into a regional conservation framework;A list of 21 conservation planning tools, describing function and relevance of each...
This project will conduct a vulnerability assessment, develop climate-smart adaptation strategies and actions, and generate implementation plans for focal habitats of the South and Central Coast regions of the CALCC, with a specific focus on four Southern California National Forests (Angeles, San Bernardino, Cleveland, Los Padres).Specific project goals include:(1) Assess the regional vulnerabilities and resiliencies of focal habitats to climate change and non-climate change stressors.(2) Generate climate-informed maps to identify how vulnerabilities vary spatially to help prioritize conservation areas and activities.(3) Identify implementable climate-smart conservation strategies and actions to conserve priority...
FY2013This project retrieves four years of data from over 200 temperature sensors nested within 28 sites across ~40 million hectares of the hydrographic Great Basin. The sensors span all major aspects and up to 700 m of elevation within sites, and occur in numerous management jurisdictions in 18 mountain ranges plus other areas not in ranges. This project: Quantifies the variability of climate at micro-, meso-, and macroscales across the Basin, and across diel, seasonal, and interannual periods. Informs management and conservation efforts, in terms of helping calibrate and refine the climatic stage upon which all biological actors and efforts hinge (Beier and Brost 2010). Feeds into other bioclimatic and wildlife...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2013, 2014, Academics & scientific researchers, California, California, All tags...
Across the Tennessee River Basin is a collaboration within the Appalachian LCC bringing together multiple agencies and stakeholders in a joint effort to plan and deliver landscape conservation actions to protect one of the most diverse areas for aquatic species in North America.The mainstem Tennessee River winds its way for roughly 650 miles through Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, back into Tennessee, and finally into Kentucky, where it empties into the Ohio River. Streams from these states, but also North Carolina and Georgia, feed the river along its course. Indeed, the entire basin encompasses over 40,000 square miles. Five major physiographic provinces are represented within the basin: the Blue Ridge, the Valley...
This project will apply the results of an on-going climate change vulnerability assessment to the management of two complex landscapes. The vulnerability assessment project team will work with mangers, land-owners, and conservation practitioners to explore 1) how downscaled climate datasets, modeled vegetation changes, and information on estimated species sensitivities can be used to develop climate change adaptation strategies, and 2) how model results and datasets can be made more useful for informing the management of species and landscapes. To accomplish these two goals, we will prepare datasets and model outputs for two landscapespotentially, the Pioneer Mountains-Craters of the Moon region in Idaho and the...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Climate Change, Columbia Basin, Columbia Plateau, Connectivity, Conservation Plan/Design/Framework, All tags...
Project Vision and BackgroundThe Caribbean Landscape Conservation Cooperative (CLCC) is developing shared conservation priorities to guide their individual and collective conservation actions. The long term goal is a shared vision of land and seascapes of the future where cultural and natural resources most important to the greatest number of people are sustained and strengthened. Our approach to reach that shared vision is through the collective development and implementation of landscape conservation design (LCD; Campellone et al. 2014 ) The CLCC will use a multi-stakeholder structured decision-making (SDM) process to determine values associated with specific resources – or fundamental objectives, and associated...
Texas Tech University will conduct quantitative and predictive analysis of the connectivity of isolated desert “wetlands”, that include tinajas, the name for eroded pools in bedrock, for 20 wildlife species over the Sonoran desert ecoregion. Potential loss of wetlands due to climate change will also be studied to identify high value areas that can be prioritized for future restoration efforts and targeted for better management practices.Target species for landscape connectivity analysis include:Colorado River toad ( Incilius alverius )American bullfrog ( Lithobates catesbeianus )Chiricahua leopard frog ( Lithobates chiricahuensis )Lowland leopard frog ( Lithobates yavapaiensis )Couch’s spadefoot ( Scaphiopus couchii...
Purpose of the PA-CAT:To provide information and guidance in support of establishment and management of comprehensive protected areas systems in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.Role/Tasks:Short-term• Build an open-access national protected areas database consistent with the IUCN classification system applied to Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands and determine what lands and marine extents are currently under protection and by what mechanisms.• Develop a conservation strategy that standardizes the language used for discussing protected areas in Puerto Rico, details the existing and potential mechanisms and tactics for protection (i.e., acquisition, easements, land use, donation) based on the database,...
Landscape simulation modeling will be used to develop detailed management guidelines for restoring and sustaining whitebark pine under future climates, accounting for the principal stressors that threaten its persistence (exotic disease infections, mountain pine beetles, and fire exclusion policies). We will build on existing work, including the 2012 publication A Range-Wide Restoration Strategy for Whitebark Pine Forests and existing simulation areas within critical whitebark pine habitat. This project will create a robust and trans-boundary set of management tools for creating resistant and resilient whitebark pine forests within the Rocky Mountains, USA and Canada.FY2013Objectives:We propose to use FireBGCv2...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Alberta, British Columbia, Climate Change, Conservation Plan/Design/Framework, Conservation Planning, All tags...
A combination of citizen science inventories and expert assessments will be used to collect critical baseline information on known spring and seep resources using the Spring Ecosystem Inventory and Assessment Protocols and adapting them as needed for the unique arid Sky Island ecosystems. The assessment will collect information on channel morphology, riparian and wetland vegetation, water quality, aquatic macroinvertebrates, and wildlife. This information will be combined with historic data from cooperating agencies (Pima County, Santa Cruz County, USFS, NPA, USGS, USFWS, BLM, and AGFD) in a regional, on-line database to provide a landscape level context for managing resources, which was previously unavailable due...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2011, AZ-02, AZ-03, Arizona, Arizona, All tags...
The PFLCC and Florida’s State Wildlife Action Plan have goals in common including working with partners to develop shared priorities, working at the landscape scale, developing conservation targets to monitor progress of species and habitat conservation efforts, and providing a forum for dialogue about the most important actions to take to conserve Florida’s natural and cultural resources. Partnering in these initiatives will achieve greater results for wildlife and habitat conservation in Florida. In addition, the FWC has already undertaken key activities that are foundational to the PFLCC including development of the Cooperative Conservation Blueprint and support of the Critical Lands and Waters Identification...
Given the rapid environmental change experienced and expected across the Appalachians, it will be crucial to understand the vulnerabilities of valued ecosystem services to drivers of large-scale change that may threaten their sustainability. The Appalachian LCC has partnered with the US Forest Service Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center to assess ecosystem services, and vulnerabilities to environmental risk factors, throughout the Appalachians. Synthesizing current knowledge of the diverse benefits that people derive from functioning Appalachian ecosystems will help managers, scientists, industries, and the public to establish a common language for linking the environmental and economic values...
In response to the threats of land use and changing environmental conditions, the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) and the Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (NEAFWA) coordinated a team of partners from 13 states, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, nongovernmental organizations, and universities, who worked for more than a year to develop a regional conservation design that provides a foundation for unified conservation action from Maine to Virginia. Drawing on the data and models generated by projects supported over the years by the North Atlantic LCC, and building on smaller-scale conservation designs in the region, Nature’s Network is an overarching design that represents...
This project seeks to develop a tool that strategically identifies priority areas for land protection. This is a pilot study to assess the extent of taxa that contain adequate genetic sampling within the south Atlantic ecoregion for characterization of intraspecific genetic variation. We seek to use genetic data from multiple taxa coupled with GIS data to provide a genetic landscape from which geographic patterns of intraspecific genetic diversity will be inferred. Joint analyses of the resulting genetic landscapes will be used to identify geographic areas where multiple species show atypical patterns of interpopulation divergence or intrapopulation diversity (i.e., a hotspot of high biological value). We will then...
The USGS Southeast Ecological Science Center (SESC) Nonindigenous Aquatic Species (NAS) database provides records of sightings and capture data of non-native (introduced) aquatic species over the entire the United States (Benson 1999). For areas within the SALCC region, the NAS currently contains records dating back to 1885 for over 200 nonindigenous plant and animal species. This project seeks to utilize these data along with new GIS-based data on current and future (e.g. SLEUTH) landscape and climate parameters to develop models of invasive species introductions and dispersal across the SALCC region. Both multi- and single species models will be considered in these analyses. We will then utilize a formal decision-analytic...
The Cascadia Partner Forum will complete conservation design for four Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative conservation targets with significance to the transboundary Cascadia landscape to inform sound, data-driven management planning and action. This project aims to complete conservation design at the Cascadia-wide scale for grizzly bear, salmon, aquatic, and terrestrial connectivity to contribute to the Great Northern LCC Science Plan, while providing input and integration to the coarser-scale GNLCC-wide Science Plans established objectives, threats, metrics, and conservation actions for each target. Additionally, the Forum will conduct analyses on a common Great Northern LCC landscape stressor roads...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Aquatic Connectivity, British Columbia, Bull Trout, Canada Lynx, Cascadia, All tags...
The Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative (Desert LCC) is designing a process that will: produce spatially explicit data and information about focal resources, chosen by the Desert LCC partners; seek to understand the effects of climate change and other landscape stressors on natural resources; integrate social and economic information to understand what these resources might look like in the future; and look at specific focal areas to develop collaborative adaptation responses that are useful and implementable by our partners.Where this work is being done: Dos Rios Eastern Mojave Desert Madrean Watersheds In the face of rapid climatic shifts, natural resource managers and conservation practitioners...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2014, AZ-01, AZ-02, AZ-03, AZ-04, All tags...
The primary objective of this project is to bring together Hawaii’s climate change scientists, Molokai’s traditional fishpond managers, and other natural resource managers to share scientific and cultural knowledge and work together as a team to identify adaptive management strategies for two of Molokai’s ancient fishponds. We will accomplish this through a short series of workshops. A secondary objective is to form new and strengthen existing partnerships so we can pool resources and better respond to climate change as an island. We will incorporate workshop results into our strategic plan for the ponds and upland areas, revise our K-6 educational curriculum, create a climate change video featuring Moloka’i kupuna,...
The South Atlantic Conservation Blueprint is a living spatial plan to conserve natural and cultural resources for future generations. It identifies shared conservation priorities across the South Atlantic region. The first Blueprint, Version 1.0, was released in March 2014. Blueprint 1.0 was based on a combination of expert input and partner plans and used a spatial scale of HUC-12 subwatersheds in the terrestrial environment and outer continental shelf lease blocks in the marine environment. More than 300 people from 85 organizations were actively involved in developing this version of the Blueprint.
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2014, ANTHROPOGENIC/HUMAN INFLUENCED ECOSYSTEMS, AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS, Academics & scientific researchers, Applications and Tools, All tags...

map background search result map search result map Applying Vulnerability Assessment Tools to Plan for Climate Adaptation: Case Studies in the Great Northern LCC Developing Management Guidelines for Creating Resilient Whitebark Pine Ecosystems in the Northern Rocky Mountains Using Spatial Simulation Modeling Springs and Seeps Inventory, Assessment, and Management Planning Project Landscape Connectivity of Isolated Waters for Wildlife in the Sonoran Desert Characterization of Montane Ecosystems, Their Microclimates, and Wildlife Distribution and Abundance Across the Hydrographic Great Basin Moloka`i Climate Collaboration: Bridging Climate Science and Traditional Culture Strategic conservation planning for management applications in Cascadia Desert LCC Landscape Conservation Design Mechanisms of aquatic species invasions across the SALCC Identifying priority areas for land protection in the South Atlantic: a landscape genetics pilot study South Atlantic Conservation Blueprint Version 1.0 Nature's Network: A Regional Conservation Design for the Northeast Ecosystem Benefits and Risks Data Needs Assessment Across the Tennessee River Basin Protected Areas Conservation Action Team (PA CAT) Developing Management Guidelines for Creating Resilient Whitebark Pine Ecosystems in the Northern Rocky Mountains Using Spatial Simulation Modeling Applying Vulnerability Assessment Tools to Plan for Climate Adaptation: Case Studies in the Great Northern LCC Protected Areas Conservation Action Team (PA CAT) Springs and Seeps Inventory, Assessment, and Management Planning Project Landscape Connectivity of Isolated Waters for Wildlife in the Sonoran Desert Strategic conservation planning for management applications in Cascadia Characterization of Montane Ecosystems, Their Microclimates, and Wildlife Distribution and Abundance Across the Hydrographic Great Basin Mechanisms of aquatic species invasions across the SALCC Identifying priority areas for land protection in the South Atlantic: a landscape genetics pilot study South Atlantic Conservation Blueprint Version 1.0 Ecosystem Benefits and Risks Data Needs Assessment Across the Tennessee River Basin Nature's Network: A Regional Conservation Design for the Northeast Desert LCC Landscape Conservation Design