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Burnsville Cove in Bath and Highland Counties (Virginia, USA) is a karst region in the Valley and Ridge Province of the Appalachian Mountains. The region contains many caves in Silurian to Devonian limestone, and is well suited for examining geologic controls on cave location and cave passage morphology. In Burnsville Cove, many caves are located preferentially near the axes of synclines and anticlines. For example, Butler Cave is an elongate cave where the trunk channel follows the axis of Sinking Creek syncline and most of the side passages follow joints at right angles to the syncline axis. In contrast, the Water Sinks Subway Cave, Owl Cave, and Helictite Cave have abundant maze patterns, and are located near...
This data release contains the model inputs, outputs, and source code (written in R) for a redeveloped PRObability of Streamflow PERmanence (PROSPER) model (version 2.0) that had previously been developed for the Pacific Northwest Region (PROSPER_PNW_2), and a raster data set which shows where influential predictor values were outside the range of calibration data. The PROSPER-PNW model, a random forest model, was redeveloped in the Ranger R package using all the original model inputs consistent with PROSPER_PNW_2 to produce annual streamflow permanence probabilities for calendar years 2004-2016 at a 30-meter stream grid resolution that approximately corresponds to flowlines consistent with the National Hydrography...
Dreissenid management has focused primarily on chemical tools which are efficacious, but not without ecological or economic costs. There is a need for additional control tools that are less expensive, readily available, and will not leave a residue after treatment. Carbon dioxide has these advantages over chemical pesticides and has demonstrated effectiveness for control of a range of aquatic invasive species, including dreissenid mussels. Carbon dioxide was lethal to adult zebra mussels at levels that were safe to juvenile unionid mussels and lower levels cause detachment and gaping. Dreissenid veligers are more sensitive than adults to water quality conditions, including pH. Therefore, we hypothesized that effective...
The National Hydrologic Geospatial Fabric Reference and Derived Hydrofabrics is a geospatial dataset used for hydrologic modeling, containing a network of connected rivers, lakes, and catchments. It consists of four different network representations: Reference Fabric, Refactored Fabric, target-size Hydrofabric, and Point of Interest (POI) Aggregated Hydrofabric. Each representation is designed to meet specific modeling needs by providing different levels of consolidation and aggregation of the hydrographic features. The dataset includes features and attributes representing hydrologic locations associated with observational data, cataloging, or reporting water data quantity or quality, and structures important to...
This dataset provides cost estimates for 668 dam removal projects occurring in the United States. Cost estimates were obtained by searching the internet for sources of information that mention the cost of dam removal projects listed in the USGS Dam Removal Information Portal. When cost data were not available for a dam removal but contact information was, then personal communications were used to acquire additional cost information. The accuracy of estimates is not known but we assume that most estimates represent close to the total cost or the minimum financial cost, with overestimates being rare. Total cost information could include component costs related to project planning, dam deconstruction cost, and several...
In summer 2018, the U.S. Geological Survey partnered with the U.S Department of Energy and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management to conduct the Mid-Atlantic Resources Imaging Experiment (MATRIX) as part of the U.S. Geological Survey Gas Hydrates Project. The field program objectives were to acquire high-resolution 2-dimensional multichannel seismic-reflection and split-beam echosounder data along the U.S Atlantic margin between North Carolina and New Jersey to determine the distribution of methane gas hydrates in below-sea floor sediments and investigate potential connections between gas hydrate dynamics and sea floor methane seepage. MATRIX field work was carried out between August 8 and August 28, 2018 on the...
Categories: Data, Data Release - In Progress; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Atlantic Ocean, BOEM, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, CMHRP, Cape Hatteras, All tags...
As part of a large-scale study of nitrate contamination on Kirtland Air Force Base in central New Mexico, the USGS collected groundwater and surface water samples for artificial sweetener analyses. Samples were collected following standard USGS procedures (U.S. Geological Survey, variously dated), filtered to 0.45 microns, and frozen until analysis. Artificial sweeteners analyzed include neotame, acesulfame-K, aspartame, saccharin, and sucralose. Of the 49 sites sampled, 17 sites had measurable detections of artificial sweeteners. Neotame was the most commonly detected sweetener (n=12) followed by saccharin (n=5), acesulfame-K (n=2), aspartame (n=1), and sucralose (n=0). Concentrations ranged from 0.0003–0.011 μg/L...
Migratory species often provide ecosystem service benefits to people in one country while receiving habitat support in other countries. The multinational cooperation necessary to ensure continued provisioning of these benefits by migrational processes may be informed by understanding the benefits that people in different countries derive from migratory wildlife. We conducted stated preferences surveys to estimate the willingness of respondents from Canada, the U.S., and México to invest in conservation for two migratory species, the northern pintail duck (Anas acuta) and the Mexican free-tailed bat (Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana). These data include characteristics of were conservation payments might occur, of...
Data consist of census counts of Pliocene-Pleistocene benthic and planktic foraminifera from sites U1523, U1522, and U1521 collected from the Ross Sea on IODP expedition 374. In total, counts of individuals from 205 samples are included.
A hydro-economic model was developed by coupling a three-dimensional groundwater flow model of the Harney Basin, southeastern Oregon (using MODFLOW 6) with a hedonic agricultural economic model. The hydro-economic model was used to investigate a set of hypothetical future scenarios having different groundwater pumpage conditions. The model looked at conditions 30 years beyond the 2018 conditions at the end of the HBGM transient simulation. This USGS data release contains all of the input and output files and needed Python scripts and JuPyter Notebooks for the simulations described in the associated journal article (
This data release provides documentation on the input and output files used in a seismotectonic study of northern California (see reference below). Files contained in the data release include the station, location and arrivaltime input files to the tomography code and the output relocations and resulting P- and S-wave images. Note that we did not use the S-wave imaging results in the study of Furlong et al. (2024)--see reference below. Details on file formats and tutorials on how to use the tomography code used in the study can be found at Reference: Furlong, K. P., Villaseñor, A., Benz, H.M., & McKenzie, K. A. (2024). Formation and evolution of the Pacificā€North...
Summary: This computational notebook is intended to visualize any dataset of offset measurements along a fault, including datasets for single or multiple earthquakes. It is used to plot recent, geomorphic, and synthetic offset measurements for the companion manuscript: Limited preservation of strike-slip surface displacement in the geomorphic record by N.G. Reitman, Y. Klinger, R. Briggs, and R. Gold in Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. This computational notebook (plot_offsets.ipynb) plots offset measurements and their uncertainties along faults. The notebook can plot offset measurements along faults of all rakes (strike-slip, normal, and reverse) and faults with single or multiple earthquakes. It...
U.S. Geological Survey and partners are testing the effects of prescribed fire on Black Rails, Yellow Rails, and Mottled Ducks in the high marsh habitats of the northern Gulf of Mexico region. The study is conducted in cooperation with Mississippi State University, Illinois Natural History Survey, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, state agencies, universities, and non-governmental organizations. The objectives of this project are to develop an adaptive management framework that allows land managers to reduce our uncertainty about the effects of prescribed fire on these species and the habitats on which they depend, and give managers tools and information that will help them determine the best management actions to...
The development and deployment of digital broadband seismographs provides the data required to rapidly assess earthquake size, determine source parameters and better characterize ground motions affecting earthquake hazard. The focus of regional moment tensor analysis is to estimate the moment magnitude, faulting parameters and source depth of earthquakes that are too small to be recorded teleseismically. Thus they have the potential of extending the earthquake catalog to magnitudes less than about M4-4.5. This data distribution provides the details required to critically review the resulting catalog, e.g., the waveforms used, processing parameters and velocity model. In addition the issue of the correct local magnitude...
This dataset captures the Zebra Mussel dose-response to four independent toxicants and each binary mixture of those toxicants. Toxicants included EarthTec QZ, Clam-Trol CT-2 (syn. Spectrus CT1300), niclosamide, and potassium chloride. Each dose of toxicant was verified with either ICP-OES or UHPLC, depending on analyte, and comparison to a standard curve. Mortality was tabulated for each observation.
The Missouri Stream Conservation and Connectivity Prioritization Tool contains data tabulating costs to traverse between 10,357 origin and 50,135 destination stream reaches throughout the Central Plains and Ozarks aquatic subregions in Missouri. Below are links to data associated with the more northern drainages and also the southern drainages. These data are intended to be used in the Missouri Stream Conservation and Connectivity Prioritization Tool and are not suitable stand-alone products outside of the context of the application.
A dataset consisting of the documented year of first arrival of Pseudogymnoascus destructans (Pd) at 596 locations across North America was used to fit a Gaussian process model. The model allows prediction of the year of first arrival of Pd at arbitrary locations. The included dataset consists of these predictions which span the North American continent.
This dataset provides wetland information for 49 semi-permanent wetlands in Minnesota, with target variables of amphipods, water quality variables, and aquatic macrophytes.
The Everglades Vulnerability Analysis (EVA) is a series of connected, modular Bayesian networks that predict the response of several Everglades indicators of ecosystem health to changes in hydrology, salinity, and the landscape. This release provides the code to update the vegetation module of EVA, validate the updated module, and provides the process and outputs of a sensitivity analysis of the module. Key updates include expanding the number of vegetation classes predicted from 6 to 11 classes, simplifying the inputs to the module, and increasing the number of vegetation observations used to parameterize the network. The validation of the module includes the process to calculate receiver operating characteristic...
Water temperature were recorded for six groundwater springs or seeps within the Neversink Reservoir Watershed, NY at hourly logging intervals between May - October 2022 using a water temperature data logger (HOBO TidbiT v2). Data are reported in degrees celsius. Data loggers were either placed within a pool of water (bedrock springs) or driven into the shallow subsurface (non-bedrock springs) at approximately 0.5 meter depth at seep location.

map background search result map search result map Artificial sweetener results from groundwater and surface water samples collected on Kirtland Air Force Base and the surrounding region Split-beam Echo Sounder and Navigation Data Collected Using a Simrad EK80 Wide Band Tranceiver and ES38-10 Transducer During the Mid-Atlantic Resource Imaging Experiment (MATRIX), USGS Field Activity 2018-002-FA. National Hydrologic Geospatial Fabric Reference and Derived Hydrofabrics In Support of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 3-Bat Species Status Assessment: Gaussian Process Model Predictions for the Spread of White-Nose Syndrome across North America Macrophyte and amphipod surveys in prairie wetlands of Minnesota in year 2019 Multi-species, multi-country analysis reveals North Americans are willing to pay for transborder migratory species conservation, data Fire Effects in Gulf of Mexico Marshes: Adaptive Management for Black Rails, Yellow Rails, and Mottled Ducks Compilation of cost estimates for dam removal projects in the United States Data Release for Luminescence: Butler Cave, Burnsville Cove, Bath and Highland Counties, VA Updates to the Everglades Vulnerability Analysis (EVA) vegetation module Updated Probability of Streamflow Permanence (PROSPER) Model Output Layers for the Pacific Northwest region, 2004 - 2016 Hydro-Economic model used to simulate future withdrawal scenarios in the Harney Basin, southeastern Oregon Formation and Evolution of the Pacific-North American (San Andreas) Plate Boundary: Constraints from the Crustal Architecture of Northern California Regional Moment Tensor Solutions Missouri Stream Conservation and Connectivity Prioritization Tool: Improving and Expanding Existing Conservation Networks Water temperature time series collected within groundwater springs in the Neversink Reservoir Watershed, NY: Spring, Summer, Fall 2022 Data Release for Luminescence: Butler Cave, Burnsville Cove, Bath and Highland Counties, VA Water temperature time series collected within groundwater springs in the Neversink Reservoir Watershed, NY: Spring, Summer, Fall 2022 Artificial sweetener results from groundwater and surface water samples collected on Kirtland Air Force Base and the surrounding region Updates to the Everglades Vulnerability Analysis (EVA) vegetation module Hydro-Economic model used to simulate future withdrawal scenarios in the Harney Basin, southeastern Oregon Split-beam Echo Sounder and Navigation Data Collected Using a Simrad EK80 Wide Band Tranceiver and ES38-10 Transducer During the Mid-Atlantic Resource Imaging Experiment (MATRIX), USGS Field Activity 2018-002-FA. Macrophyte and amphipod surveys in prairie wetlands of Minnesota in year 2019 Formation and Evolution of the Pacific-North American (San Andreas) Plate Boundary: Constraints from the Crustal Architecture of Northern California Missouri Stream Conservation and Connectivity Prioritization Tool: Improving and Expanding Existing Conservation Networks Fire Effects in Gulf of Mexico Marshes: Adaptive Management for Black Rails, Yellow Rails, and Mottled Ducks Updated Probability of Streamflow Permanence (PROSPER) Model Output Layers for the Pacific Northwest region, 2004 - 2016 National Hydrologic Geospatial Fabric Reference and Derived Hydrofabrics In Support of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 3-Bat Species Status Assessment: Gaussian Process Model Predictions for the Spread of White-Nose Syndrome across North America Compilation of cost estimates for dam removal projects in the United States Multi-species, multi-country analysis reveals North Americans are willing to pay for transborder migratory species conservation, data Regional Moment Tensor Solutions