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Time series data of water surface elevation and wave height were acquired at ten locations for 517 days (in three separate deployments) off the north coast of Roi-Namur Island, Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands, in support of a study on the coastal circulation patterns and the transformation of surface waves over the coral reefs. The relative placement of sensors on the reefs were as follows: ROI13W1 and ROI13E1 – fore reef ROI13W2 and ROI13E2 – outer reef flat ROI13W1 and ROI13E1 – middle reef flat ROI13W1 and ROI13E1 – inner reef flat
This portion of the USGS data release presents bathymetry data collected during surveys performed in the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon in 2014 (USGS Field Activity Number 2014-631-FA). Bathymetry data were collected using four personal watercraft (PWCs) equipped with single-beam sonar systems and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. The sonar systems consisted of an Odom Echotrac CV-100 single-beam echosounder and 200 kHz transducer with a 9 degree beam angle. Raw acoustic backscatter returns were digitized by the echosounder with a vertical resolution of 1.25 cm. Depths from the echosounders were computed using sound velocity profiles measured using a YSI CastAway CTD during...
This portion of the data release presents the raw aerial imagery collected during the unmanned aerial system (UAS) survey of the intertidal zone at West Whidbey Island, WA, on 2019-06-04. The imagery was acquired using a Department of Interior-owned 3DR Solo quadcopter fitted with a Ricoh GR II digital camera featuring a global shutter. Flights using both a nadir camera orientation and an oblique camera orientation were conducted. For the nadir flights (F04, F05, F06, F07, and F08), the camera was mounted using a fixed mount on the bottom of the UAS and oriented in an approximately nadir orientation. The UAS was flown on pre-programmed autonomous flight lines at an approximate altitude of 70 meters above ground...
This portion of the data release presents a digital surface model (DSM) and hillshade image of the intertidal zone at West Whidbey Island, WA. The DSM has a resolution of 4 centimeters per pixel and was derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with an unmanned aerial system (UAS) on 2019-06-04. Unlike a digital elevation model (DEM), the DSM represents the elevation of the highest object within the bounds of a cell. Vegetation, buildings and other objects have not been removed from the data. In addition, data artifacts resulting from noise in the original imagery have not been removed. The raw imagery used to create the DSM was acquired using a UAS fitted with a Ricoh GR II...
High-resolution topographic surveys were conducted at two pools on the Carmel River between 2014 and 2019 using a survey-grade total station. The Dam Reach pool (DMPOOL) is located within the Dam Reach, approximately 450 meters downstream of the former site of the San Clemente Dam. The Sleepy Hollow pool (SHPOOL) is located within the Sleepy Hollow reach, approximately 2.25 kilometers downstream of the former site of the San Clemente Dam. Both pools were surveyed in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2019 using a total station, in conjunction with the channel cross-section surveys also conducted as part of this study (see accompanying file within this data release for topographic survey transect data). For the 2015 survey,...
This data release supersedes version 1, published in 2017 under Please see Version_History_P9HG8UDS.txt below for more information. This dataset contains the easting, northing, and elevation values of the river-right and river-left transect endpoint reference benchmarks (RBM and LBM) from survey transects at 10 survey reaches along the Carmel River, central California. Topographic surveys were completed on these transects during eight summer surveys (in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020 and 2021). See accompanying file within this data release for elevation measurements. All data were collected in NAD83 UTM10N horizontal coordinates and NAVD88 Geoid 12B vertical coordinates,...
This dataset consists of physics-based Delft3D model and Delwaq model input files used in modeling sediment deposition and concentrations around the coral reefs of west Maui, Hawaii. The Delft3D models were used to simulate waves and currents under small (SC1) and large (‘SC2’) wave conditions for current stream discharge (‘Alt1’) and stream discharge with watershed restoration (‘Alt3’). Delft3D model results were subsequently used as forcing conditions for Delwaq models to simulate sediment transport and dispersion. The Delwaq models were used to simulate sediment transport and concentrations under the same two wave and stream discharge scenarios. The Delwaq models were run using forcing conditions generated by...
RBRduo pressure and temperature sensors, mounted on aluminum frames, were moored in shallow (< 6 m) water depths in Skagit and Bellingham Bays, Washington, USA, from December 2017 to February 2018, to capture wave heights and periods. Continuous pressure fluctuations are transformed into surface-wave observations of wave heights, periods, and frequency spectra at 30-minute intervals.
A sample of hydrothermally mineralized foraminifera ooze (D28A) was collected via dredge from a seamount within the Tuvalu Exclusive Economic Zone in the Pacific Ocean during cruise RR1310 funded by the National Science Foundation aboard the R/V Roger Revelle in 2013. USGS scientists requested these ferromanganese crust samples from the Oregon State University Marine and Geology Repository where they had been archived. Ferromanganese crust samples were sent to USGS for subsampling and x-ray diffraction analyses. Powder x-ray diffraction data for three layer-fractions of the hydrothermal sample are provided here. Measurements were made after heating to 115 C for 48 hours to test the stability of the phyllomanganate...
This shapefile contains center-beam depths for approximately 5727 trackline kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-bathymetry data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey - Coastal and Marine Geology Program cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The depth values were extracted from gridded data which were reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects.
This raster dataset represents approximately 49,581 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam backscatter-intensity data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. Calibrated backscatter-intensity time-series data were adjusted for range-angle, beam pattern, and power-gain distortions.
This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta collected in July 2016 using a kayak. The kayak was equipped with a single-beam echosounder and a survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver.
Water depth, turbidity, and current velocity time-series data were collected in Liberty Island Conservation Bank (WVA) in 2017. The turbidity sensors were not calibrated to suspended-sediment concentration at this location. Typically, each zip folder for a deployment period contains two data files from a velocimeter and one data file from a CTD, each of which include data from an optical backscatter sensor. --------- Data were collected from several sites in Little Holland Tract (LHT) and Liberty Island (LI), including the Liberty Island Conservation Bank (LICB), from 2015 to 2017. Table 1 (below) lists the deployment name (DLXXX) and dates for each sampling station location. Station names starting with ‘H’ are...
Water depth, turbidity, and current velocity time-series data were collected in Liberty Island from 2015 to 2017. Depth (from pressure) and velocity were measured in high-frequency (8 Hz) bursts. Burst means represent tidal stage and currents, and burst data can be used to determine wave height, period, and direction, and wave-orbital velocity. The turbidity sensors were calibrated to suspended-sediment concentration measured in water samples collected on site. The calibration and fit parameters for all of the turbidity sensors used in the study are tabulated and provided with the data. Data were sequentially added to this data release as they were collected and post-processed. Typically, each zip folder...
Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) profile data were collected along transects and across study areas of west Hawaii Island between 2010 and 2014. Measurements were made over a range of tide and weather conditions and help characterize the spatial extent and variability in estuarine conditions across the reef when grouped by 1 to 2-hour survey period or by season.
Spatial measurements of water temperature, specific conductance, salinity, pH, and dissolved oxygen between 0.25 and 0.50 m water depth were collected every 10-seconds along and across shore at 12 principal study areas along west Hawaii Island. Measurements were made between 2010 and 2013 during different seasons and tide states over the course of 1.0 to 2.5 hours to evaluate the spatial and temporal extent of water properties that influence coral reef health and coral reef habitat availability.

map background search result map search result map MGL1109centerdepth.shp: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, along-track center-beam depths extracted from 100-meter gridded data in shapefile format, geographic coordinates Multibeam backscatter data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded data in Fledermaus digital terrain format, geographic coordinate system MGL1111bathyutm.bag: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded data in bathymetric attributed grid format, UTM coordinate system Swell-filtered, high-resolution seismic-reflection data collected between Shelter Cove and Fort Bragg (northern Califrnia) during field activity B-5-10-NC from 09/20/2010 to 10/01/2010 MGL1111centerdepth.shp: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, along-track center-beam depths extracted from 100-meter gridded data in shapefile format, geographic coordinates Surface-water temperature, salinity, Ph, and dissolved oxygen data from nearshore coral reef locations along the west coast of Hawaii Island (2010-2013) Water-level, wind-wave, velocity, and suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) time-series data from Liberty Island Conservation Bank (station WVA), Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2017 Water-level, wind-wave, velocity, and suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) time-series data from Liberty Island (station LVB), Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2015-2017 (ver. 2.0, September, 2019) Conductivity, temperature, and depth (CTD) data from nearshore coral reef locations along the west coast of Hawaii Island (2010-2014) Nearshore bathymetry of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, 2014 Wave observations from nearshore bottom-mounted pressure sensors in Skagit and Bellingham Bays, Washington, USA from Dec 2017 to Feb 2018 Roi-Namur Island, Marshall Islands, wave and water level data, 2013-2015 Digital surface model (DSM) for the intertidal zone at West Whidbey Island, WA, 2019-06-04 Aerial imagery from UAS survey of the intertidal zone at West Whidbey Island, WA, 2019-06-04 Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, July 2016, collected from kayak Topographic survey transect endpoint coordinates along the Carmel River, central California, 2013 to 2021 (ver. 2.0, March 2022) High resolution topography for two pools on the Carmel River, central California, 2014 to 2019 Model parameter input files to compare effects of stream discharge scenarios on sediment deposition and concentrations around coral reefs off west Maui, Hawaii Computed Tomography (CT) scans, photographs, X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) scans, grain size, and gamma-ray bulk density data of vibracores from Searsville Lake, Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve, Stanford, California X-ray diffraction data for heat treated samples of hydrothermal minerals from seamounts within the Tuvalu Exclusive Economic Zone Water-level, wind-wave, velocity, and suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) time-series data from Liberty Island Conservation Bank (station WVA), Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2017 X-ray diffraction data for heat treated samples of hydrothermal minerals from seamounts within the Tuvalu Exclusive Economic Zone Computed Tomography (CT) scans, photographs, X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) scans, grain size, and gamma-ray bulk density data of vibracores from Searsville Lake, Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve, Stanford, California Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, July 2016, collected from kayak High resolution topography for two pools on the Carmel River, central California, 2014 to 2019 Aerial imagery from UAS survey of the intertidal zone at West Whidbey Island, WA, 2019-06-04 Digital surface model (DSM) for the intertidal zone at West Whidbey Island, WA, 2019-06-04 Roi-Namur Island, Marshall Islands, wave and water level data, 2013-2015 Water-level, wind-wave, velocity, and suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) time-series data from Liberty Island (station LVB), Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2015-2017 (ver. 2.0, September, 2019) Model parameter input files to compare effects of stream discharge scenarios on sediment deposition and concentrations around coral reefs off west Maui, Hawaii Topographic survey transect endpoint coordinates along the Carmel River, central California, 2013 to 2021 (ver. 2.0, March 2022) MGL1109centerdepth.shp: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, along-track center-beam depths extracted from 100-meter gridded data in shapefile format, geographic coordinates MGL1111bathyutm.bag: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded data in bathymetric attributed grid format, UTM coordinate system Multibeam backscatter data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded data in Fledermaus digital terrain format, geographic coordinate system MGL1111centerdepth.shp: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, along-track center-beam depths extracted from 100-meter gridded data in shapefile format, geographic coordinates