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Whooping cranes (Grus americana) of the Aransas-Wood Buffalo population migrate twice each year through the Great Plains in North America. Recovery activities for this endangered species include providing adequate places to stop and rest during migration, which are generally referred to as stopover sites. To assist in recovery efforts, initial estimates of stopover site use intensity are presented, which provide opportunity to identify areas across the migration range used more intensively by whooping cranes. We used location data acquired from 58 unique individuals fitted with platform transmitting terminals that collected global position system locations. Radio-tagged birds provided 2,158 stopover sites over 10...
This dataset is the largest global dataset to date of soil respiration, moisture, and temperature measurements, totaling >3800 observations representing 27 temperature manipulation studies, spanning nine biomes and nearly two decades of warming experiments. Data for this study were obtained from a combination of unpublished data and published literature values. We find that although warming increases soil respiration rates, there is limited evidence for a shifting respiration response with experimental warming. We also note a universal decline in the temperature sensitivity of respiration at soil temperatures >25°C. This dataset includes 3817 observations, from control (n=1812), first (i.e., lowest or sole) level...
We collected snow density measurements at camera sites from December 2020 - April 2021, at the same time as snow hardness measurements. We took measurements every few weeks as logistics allowed. We took samples near the camera site in snow visually similar to the snow in the camera viewshed (the geographical area that is visible from a location) to prevent snow conditions from being disturbed beyond normal camera deployment. We took snow density samples using a homemade prairie sampler in snow depths < 100 cm and using a federal snow sampler in snow depths > 100 cm. The sampler was inserted into the snow to remove a snow core. We retained the core if the depth of snow in the sampler was at least 90% of the actual...
Remote camera data on snow presence, snow depth, and wildlife detections on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID, USA. Reconyx Hyperfire I and Hyperfire II cameras were used and set to take hourly timelapse images and motion-triggered images. The cameras were deployed from October 2020 - May 2021. Snow presence was assessed up to 15 m from the camera. Snow depth was measured using virtual snow stakes created with the edger R package created by the author. Wildlife were marked as present in all photos in which they appear, and new individuals were counted. Snow density was collected using a federal or prairie snow sampler. Snow hardness was collected using a ram penetrometer. Solar radiation was calculated using hemispherical...
Attributes of remote camera stations on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID including georeferencing information and camera deployment information. Remote cameras were used to collect data on snow presence, snow depth, and wildlife detections on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID, USA. Reconyx Hyperfire I and Hyperfire II cameras were used and set to take hourly timelapse images and motion-triggered images. The cameras were deployed from October 2020 - May 2021.
Drylands cover 40% of the global terrestrial surface and provide important ecosystem services. While drylands as a whole are expected to increase in distribution and aridity in coming decades, temperature and precipitation forecasts vary by latitude and geographic region suggesting different trajectories for tropical, subtropical, and temperate drylands. Uncertainty in the future of tropical and subtropical drylands is well constrained, whereas soil moisture and ecological droughts, which drive vegetation productivity and composition, remain poorly understood in temperate drylands. Here we show that, over the 21st century, temperate drylands may contract by a third, primarily converting to subtropical drylands,...
Previous research identified species of invasive plants in Hawai'i which are highly flammable and act as fuels in wildfires across Hawai'i. This work aimed to map the distribution of these species (largely grasses) around the islands of Hawai'i with the goal of using the locations for species distribution modeling. All data represents presence data, no absence data were recorded. Data are largely from within the past 20 years, but some georeferenced herbarium specimens go as far back as 1905. Data were obtained from georeferenced herbarium specimens, vegetation plot data, citizen science data (iNaturalist) reviewed by the authors, and data from roadside surveys conducted as part of this research to map these species....
This dataset contains information from 674 publications (academic and grey literature) that assessed the effects of climate variability and climate change on the 15 ungulate species that are native to the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Greenland. The publication contains literature published between 1947 and September 2020. Information documented includes study location, climate variables assessed, and ungulate outcomes measured (e.g., life history characteristics, population demographics, migratory behavior).
Dataset contains locations of drainage tile permits in North Dakota obtained from the State Water Commission as of October 2013. This dataset provides the latitude and longitude of the location given on the permit, which is not provided by the State Water Commission database. Additionally, overlap of permit polygons (if depicted in a geospatial application) is possible from two permits that share the same area. Permit applications that were marked as denied or that did not require a permit as determined by the State Water Commission were removed from this database.
Numerous wind energy projects have been constructed in the central and southern Great Plains, USA, the main wintering area for midcontinent Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis). We assessed exposure of wintering Sandhill Cranes to the current distribution of wind towers in the central and southern Great Plains by estimating overlap using location data from platform transmitting terminals (PTT) collected during winters 1998–2004. Because 90% of wind towers in the region were installed 2004–2013, comparing an established distribution of wind towers (as of January 2014) with pre-construction crane (1998-2004) distribution provides an initial assessment of the midcontinent population’s exposure. Distributions of cranes...
To facilitate camera-based snow depth observations without additional equipment installation, we developed a novel method implemented in an R package called edger to superimpose virtual measurement devices onto images. The virtual snow stakes can be used to derive snow depth measurements. We validated the method for snow depth estimation using camera data from Latah County, Idaho, USA in winter 2020–2021. Physical snow stakes were installed in the camera viewshed with which snow depth measurements were taken. Then, virtual snow stakes were superimposed on the images using edger and images were cropped to exclude the physical snow stake so that the two snow depth measurements could be compared. This dataset contains...
Modeled soil moisture raster maps (4km-pixels) displaying volumetric water content (VWC) and fraction of available water (FAW) in 10-cm depth increments for the 2015-2019 period for the Red River and Rio Grande basins.
This USGS data release contains 7Q10 and 30Q10 [lowest annual 7-day and 30-day average streamflow that occurs (on average) once every 10 years] statistics at 292 USGS streamgages in or adjacent to New York State excluding Long Island. all_sites_wstats.csv - includes 7Q10 and 30Q10 values for all sites and includes information on results from the trend analysis and which sites have daily exceedance probability values available. site_regulated_7day_exc_perc#.csv and site_regulated_30day_exc_perc#.csv files include daily exceedance probability values for all altered sites that were not suitable for calculating low flow statistics. R scripts used to compile and screen streamgage datasets of daily flow, perform...
Remote camera data on snow presence, snow depth, and wildlife detections on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID, USA. Reconyx Hyperfire I and Hyperfire II cameras were set to take hourly timelapse images and motion-triggered images from October 2020 - May 2021 at 5 elevation categories (800-925m, 925-1050m, 1050-1175m, 1775-1300m, and > 1300m), 4 aspects (N, S, E, and W), and 3 canopy densities (Sparse [0-35%], Moderate [35-75%], and Dense [75-100%]), in duplicate, plus 17 selected microclimates (137 locations total), on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID. Images from 27 other locations were part of a pilot experiment during January to May 2020. Data in the CSVs include image metadata, camera site characteristics,...
These model objects are the outputs of three Boosted Regression Tree models (for three different time periods) to explore the role of climate change and variability in driving ecological change and transformation. Response variables were the proportion of sites in each ecoregion with peak rates of change at 100-year time steps. Predictor variables included temperature anomaly, temperature trend, temperature variability, precipitation anomaly, precipitation trend, precipitation variability and ecoregion, also at 100-yr time steps. Models focused on the most distant time periods (0-21000 BP and 7500 - 21000 BP) show that rapid vegetation change was initiated across these landscapes once a 2 ℃ temperature increase...
The ascii grids represent regional probabilities that groundwater in a particular location will have dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations less than selected threshold values representing anoxic groundwater conditions or will have dissolved manganese (Mn) concentrations greater than selected threshold values representing secondary drinking water-quality contaminant levels (SMCL) and health-based screening levels (HBSL) for water quality. The probability models were constrained by the alluvial boundary of the Central Valley to a depth of approximately 300 meters (m). We utilized prediction modeling methods, specifically boosted regression trees (BRT) with a Bernoulli error distribution within a statistical learning...
Dr. Richard Janda of the USGS began a channel monitoring program in Redwood Creek in northern coastal California in 1973. The USGS continued this work through 2013, when the Research Geologist, Dr. Mary Madej retired. This effort produced 40 years of channel change data in rivers that were disrupted by severe erosion following timber harvest of old-growth redwood forests, a portion of the program's data (plus 1953 data) has been preserved in this data release. Original field surveys documented bank erosion, aggradation, and degradation at 60 cross-sectional transects at annual or biannual timesteps. Three river reaches also have long-term longitudinal channel bed surveys which document the distribution and development...
The baseline map of the Butte Basin, the representative basin from the Central Valley, was generated first by delineating the extent of the landscape to be modeled, in agreement with the basin boundaries identified by the Central Valley Joint Venture.The Butte Basin (CV) encompasses a region approximately 44km x 64 km, and the map used contains 10,698 individual habitat patches and 179,964 acres of possible foreageable area. Patch habitat types were identified by a combination of USDA CropScape data (to identify agricultural habitat patches including rice and corn) and other local mapping data made available through collaboration with USGS. Habitat flood schedules were generated using the Water Evaluation and Planning...
Habitat condition, both acres flooded and timing of inundation, were determined using remote sensing images from Landsat 5 and 8 for the Lower Klamath Basin, the representative basin for the southern Oregon and northeast California (SONEC) region. The dataset includes proportional water coverage (acres) for 8,825 distinct patches in Lower Klamath over 6 different time periods (1984-89; 1990-94; 1995-99; 2000-04; 2005-09; 2010-16), with a total of 368,301 acres of possibly foreageable land.
These model objects are the outputs of two Bayesian hierarchical models (one for the Middle Rockies and one for the Southern Rockies) to explore the role of landscape characteristics in climate-driven ecological change and transformation. We used the rate of change for each site at 100-yr time steps as the response variable, and included elevation, CHILI, aspect, slope, and TPI as fixed effects in the models, run separately for each ecoregion. We included a random intercept of site to quantify the magnitude of site-level variation in rate-of-change that may be unaccounted for by our covariates.

map background search result map search result map North Dakota Drainage Tile Permits Wintering sandhill crane exposure to wind energy development in the central and southern Great Plains, USA datasets River Channel Survey Data, Redwood Creek, California, 1953-2013 Probability distribution grids of dissolved oxygen and dissolved manganese concentrations at selected thresholds in drinking water depth zones, Central Valley, California Soil Moisture Data for the Red River and Rio Grande Basins from 2015-2019 Climate drivers of rapid ecological change at the landscape scale over the last 21,000 years in the Middle and Southern Rockies, U.S.A. The role of landscape characteristics in climate-driven rapid ecological change over the last 21,000 years in the Middle and Southern Rockies, U.S.A. Snow Density Measurements at Remote Camera Stations on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID (12/1/20-4/30/21) Attributes of Remote Camera Stations on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID, USA (10/20/20-5/30/21) Snow and Wildlife Detections from Remote Camera Stations on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID, USA (10/20/20-6/30/21) Environmental Data at Remote Camera Stations on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID, USA (10/20/20-5/30/21) Climate Change Habitat Scenarios for the Central Valley of California Water Coverage Data in Lower Klamath Basin, 1984-2016 Validation of the "edger" Virtual Snow Stake Locations of Fire Promoting Alien Plants Across the Islands of Hawaii Based on Field Surveys and Museum Collections from 1903-2023 Low-Flow Statistics for New York State, Excluding Long Island, Computed Through March 2022 Catalogue of the literature assessing climate effects on ungulates in North America (1947-2020) Snow Density Measurements at Remote Camera Stations on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID (12/1/20-4/30/21) Attributes of Remote Camera Stations on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID, USA (10/20/20-5/30/21) Snow and Wildlife Detections from Remote Camera Stations on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID, USA (10/20/20-6/30/21) Environmental Data at Remote Camera Stations on Moscow Mountain in Latah County, ID, USA (10/20/20-5/30/21) Validation of the "edger" Virtual Snow Stake Water Coverage Data in Lower Klamath Basin, 1984-2016 North Dakota Drainage Tile Permits Probability distribution grids of dissolved oxygen and dissolved manganese concentrations at selected thresholds in drinking water depth zones, Central Valley, California Low-Flow Statistics for New York State, Excluding Long Island, Computed Through March 2022 Wintering sandhill crane exposure to wind energy development in the central and southern Great Plains, USA datasets Soil Moisture Data for the Red River and Rio Grande Basins from 2015-2019 Climate drivers of rapid ecological change at the landscape scale over the last 21,000 years in the Middle and Southern Rockies, U.S.A. The role of landscape characteristics in climate-driven rapid ecological change over the last 21,000 years in the Middle and Southern Rockies, U.S.A. Locations of Fire Promoting Alien Plants Across the Islands of Hawaii Based on Field Surveys and Museum Collections from 1903-2023 Catalogue of the literature assessing climate effects on ungulates in North America (1947-2020)