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The capacity of ecosystems to provide services such as carbon storage, clean water, and forest products is determined not only by variations in ecosystem properties across landscapes, but also by ecosystem dynamics over time. ForWarn is a system developed by the U.S. Forest Service to monitor vegetation change using satellite imagery for the continental United States. It provides near real-time change maps that are updated every eight days, and summaries of these data also provide long-term change maps from 2000 to the present. Based on the detection of change in vegetation productivity, the ForWarn system monitors the effects of disturbances such as wildfires, insects, diseases, drought, and other effects of weather,...
WaSSI (Water Supply Stress Index) predicts how climate, land cover, and human population change may impact water availability and carbon sequestration at the watershed level (about the size of a county) across the lower 48 United States. WaSSI users can select and adjust temperature, precipitation, land cover, and water use factors to simulate change scenarios for any timeframe from 1961 through the year 2100. Simulation results are available as downloadable maps, graphs, and data files that users can apply to their unique information and project needs. WaSSI generates useful information for natural resource planners and managers who must make informed decisions about water supplies and related ecosystem services...
In 2006, the Century Commission for a Sustainable Florida called for an identification of those lands and waters in the state that are critical to the conservation of Florida’s natural resources. In response, the Florida Natural Areas Inventory, University of Florida Center for Landscape Conservation Planning, and Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission collaborated to produce CLIP - the Critical Lands and Waters Identification Project. CLIP is a GIS database of statewide conservation priorities for a broad range of natural resources, including biodiversity, landscape function, surface water, groundwater, and marine resources. CLIP is now being used to inform planning decisions by the Peninsular Florida...
This dataset contains measures of seasonal mean bird stopover densities and in seasonal mean bird density based on weather surveillance radar data from 20 radar locations in the Northeast U.S. across seven autumn migrations (15 August through 7 November of 2008-2014) [six autumn migrations for the terminal doppler weather radar (15 August through 7 November of 2009-2014)]. Data are present only in radar-sampled areas for each individual radar (see below for description on how these data are filtered). If you are interested in a continuous map of bird stopover densities for the entire region (and outside of these radar coverage areas), refer to layer “Predicted autumn migratory landbird density, 1km, Northeast U.S.”.The...
Collection of 4 assessments for Upland Streams and Rivers. The Condition Index ranks stream segments according to how well they meet the Desired State described qualitatively and quantitatively in the draft Integrated Science Agenda (v4). From the Condition Index, 3 assessments are derived that rank opportunities for management and restoration of conditions included in the Condition Index – Watershed Land Use, Riparian Cover, and Stream Meander. Watershed Land Use management opportunities are based on the proportion of undisturbed land in the contributing (i.e. cumulative) watershed such that stream segments meeting the Desired State are considered Maintenance opportunities (values 5-6). Those that do not meet the...
The purpose of this data set is support resource allocation decisions (i.e. where to invest conservation effort) within the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative. The Protection Opportunity action map for the Upland Hardwood (Woodland) habitat system ranks pixels (250-m) based primarily on the Upland Hardwood (Woodland) Condition Index such that unprotected sites within healthy landscapes are ranked higher than those in very fragmented landscapes. Ranks are increased by information on existing partner interest (i.e. stated priority areas), elevated risk of change by 2060, and predicted occupancy of a majority of species identified in the GCPO LCC’s draft Integrated Science Agenda (v4)....
In large river ecosystems, the timing, extent, duration and frequency of floodplain inundation greatly affect the quality of fish and wildlife habitat and the supply of important ecosystem goods and services. Seasonal high flows provide connectivity from the river to the floodplain, and seasonal inundation of the floodplain governs ecosystem structure and function. River regulation and other forms of hydrologic alteration have altered the connectivity of many rivers with their adjacent floodplain – impacting the function of wetlands on the floodplain and in turn, impacting the mainstem river function. Conservation and management of remaining floodplain resources can be improved through a better understanding of...
Systematic conservation planning is well suited to address the many large-scale biodiversity conservation challenges facing the Appalachian region. However, broad, well-connected landscapes will be required to sustain many of the natural resources important to this area into the future. If these landscapes are to be resilient to impending change, it will likely require an orchestrated and collaborative effort reaching across jurisdictional and political boundaries. The first step in realizing this vision is prioritizing discrete places and actions that hold the greatest promise for the protection of biodiversity. Five conservation design elements covering many critical ecological processes and patterns across the...
This data represents an assessment of forest composition used in the ecological assessment of upland hardwood systems by the GCPO LCC. We used a combination of remote sensing products including 2011 National Land Cover Database (NLCD) forest classes and the 2011 MAV forest classification layer produced by the Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture to delineate patches of all forest types in the GCPO LCC. We used NLCD as the primary data source when assessing forests outside the GCPO LCC MAV subgeography, and the LMVJV forest classification as the primary data source for forest assessment within the MAV. NLCD was developed using 2011 Landsat TM imagery, with forest classes including only areas with trees exceeding...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: BIOSPHERE, BIOSPHERE, Conservation planning, Data, EARTH SCIENCE, All tags...
This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy’s Northeast lakes and ponds classification.The Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus) is a medium-sized raptor that feeds on small mammals, frogs, snakes, and other small prey. It has been chosen to represent the habitat needs of other species of wildlife that also use mature forest, especially in floodplains or with wetlands, including species with relatively large home ranges. This dataset depicts the potential capability of the landscape...
This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy’s Northeast lakes and ponds classification.The Ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapilla) is a common, migratory songbird that builds a nest shaped like an old-fashioned oven on the floor of forests across much of the Northeast. It has been chosen to represent the habitat needs of other species of wildlife that also use moist hardwood and mixed forests.This dataset depicts the potential capability of the landscape throughout the Northeastern United...
This dataset is a component of a complete package of products from the Connect the Connecticut project. Connect the Connecticut is a collaborative effort to identify shared priorities for conserving the Connecticut River Watershed for future generations, considering the value of fish and wildlife species and the natural ecosystems they inhabit. Click here to download the full data package, including all documentation.This dataset depicts the potential capability of the landscape throughout the CT River Watershed to provide habitat for Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella magna) based on environmental conditions existing in approximately 2010. Landscape capability integrates factors influencing climate suitability, habitat...
This dataset is a component of a complete package of products from the Connect the Connecticut project. Connect the Connecticut is a collaborative effort to identify shared priorities for conserving the Connecticut River Watershed for future generations, considering the value of fish and wildlife species and the natural ecosystems they inhabit. Click here to download the full data package, including all documentation. This dataset depicts the potential capability of the landscape throughout the Connecticut River Watershed to provide habitat for Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa umbellus) based on environmental conditions existing in approximately 2010. Landscape capability integrates factors influencing climate suitability,...
The download for this dataset includes TNC’s full Northeastern Aquatic Habitat Classification System: stream size, stream temperature, stream gradient, stream geology, lakes and catchments. This dataset represents the results (9/30/2008) of the Northeastern Aquatic Habitat Classification System (NAHCS) GIS map for streams and rivers. This classification focused on mapping a stream habitat types across 13 northeastern states (ME, NH, VT, MA, CT, RI, NY, NJ, PA, MD, DC, DE, VA, WV). Stream and river centerlines were extracted from the USGS National Hydrography Dataset Plus (NH-Plus) 2006 1:100,000 data. These reaches were attributed and placed into classes representing their biopysical setting in terms of stream...
The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation – Natural Heritage Program (DCRDNH) and the Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) at Florida State University (collectively, Project Partners) were funded by the South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (SALCC) in April 2015 to develop ten species distribution models (SDM) of priority at-risk and range-restricted species (Ambystoma cingulatum, Echinacea laevigata, Heterodon simus, Lindera melissifolia, Lythrum curtissii, Notophthalmus perstriatus, Phemeranthus piedmontanus, Rhus michauxii, and Schwalbea americana) for the purposes of incorporating the models and supporting information on the conservation and management needs of the species into the...
This dataset was last updated 02/2017. This version includes a new tidal restrictions metric that assesses the effect of undersized culverts and bridges on tidal regime.The previous version (3.1) was updated on 05/2016 by incorporating a revised version of the land cover classification, DSLland Version 3.1, developed by UMass, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy’s Northeast lakes and ponds classification. This dataset depicts the ecological integrity of locations (represented by 30 m grid cells) throughout the northeastern United States based on environmental conditions existing in approximately 2010. Ecological integrity is defined as the ability of an area (e.g., local site or landscape) to...
The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation – Natural Heritage Program (DCRDNH) and the Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) at Florida State University (collectively, Project Partners) were funded by the South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (SALCC) in April 2015 to develop ten species distribution models (SDM) of priority at-risk and range-restricted species (Ambystoma cingulatum, Echinacea laevigata, Heterodon simus, Lindera melissifolia, Lythrum curtissii, Notophthalmus perstriatus, Phemeranthus piedmontanus, Rhus michauxii, and Schwalbea americana) for the purposes of incorporating the models and supporting information on the conservation and management needs of the species into the...
This dataset was last updated February 2017. This version incorporates a revised version of the land cover classification, Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Map (DSLland), Version 3.1 developed by the University of Massachusetts, which included the addition of The Nature Conservancy’s Northeast lakes and ponds classification.The Blackpoll Warbler (Setophaga striata) is a small, migratory songbird that breeds in the northern coniferous forests of Alaska and Canada, with a range barely extending into northern New England and New York. It has been chosen to represent the habitat needs of other species of wildlife that also use boreal coniferous forests, particularly montane forests. This dataset depicts the potential...

map background search result map search result map Northeastern Aquatic Habitat Classification System, Stream Gradient Landscape Capability for Ruffed Grouse, CT River Watershed Landscape Capability for Eastern Meadowlark, CT River Watershed GCPO Inundation Frequency Mosaic (2017) Landscape Capability for Blackpoll Warbler, Version 3.0, Northeast U.S. Landscape Capability for Red-shouldered Hawk, Version 3.0, Northeast U.S. Landscape Capability for Ovenbird, Version 3.0, Northeast U.S. Appalachian LCC Landscape Conservation Design Phase 1 Local Build-outs WASSI Future Change in Water Supply Stress Index 1991-2010 ForWarn Mean Summer National Difference Vegetation Index 2009-2013 Amount of inflow stored in upstream dams-rivers Mean Forest Composition in 10 km Landscape (GCPO LCC) Florida Critical Lands and Waters Identification Project 4 0 Upland Hardwood Woodland Protection Opportunities Upland Streams & Rivers Grouped Assessments Index of Ecological Integrity, Stratified by Ecosystem, Region-wide, Version 3.2, Northeast U.S. Determining Priority Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Areas (PARCAs) in the South Atlantic landscape, and assessing their efficacy for cross-taxa conservation: Geographic Dataset Autumn migratory landbird stopover density radars, Northeast U.S. At-risk and range restricted species models: Geographic Datasets for Ambystoma cingulatum (Frosted Flatwoods Salamander) At-risk and range restricted species models: Geographic Datasets for Notophthalmus perstriatus (Striped Newt) Landscape Capability for Ruffed Grouse, CT River Watershed Landscape Capability for Eastern Meadowlark, CT River Watershed Florida Critical Lands and Waters Identification Project 4 0 Determining Priority Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Areas (PARCAs) in the South Atlantic landscape, and assessing their efficacy for cross-taxa conservation: Geographic Dataset Upland Streams & Rivers Grouped Assessments Upland Hardwood Woodland Protection Opportunities At-risk and range restricted species models: Geographic Datasets for Ambystoma cingulatum (Frosted Flatwoods Salamander) At-risk and range restricted species models: Geographic Datasets for Notophthalmus perstriatus (Striped Newt) Mean Forest Composition in 10 km Landscape (GCPO LCC) WASSI Future Change in Water Supply Stress Index 1991-2010 Appalachian LCC Landscape Conservation Design Phase 1 Local Build-outs Autumn migratory landbird stopover density radars, Northeast U.S. GCPO Inundation Frequency Mosaic (2017) Amount of inflow stored in upstream dams-rivers ForWarn Mean Summer National Difference Vegetation Index 2009-2013 Northeastern Aquatic Habitat Classification System, Stream Gradient Landscape Capability for Blackpoll Warbler, Version 3.0, Northeast U.S. Landscape Capability for Red-shouldered Hawk, Version 3.0, Northeast U.S. Landscape Capability for Ovenbird, Version 3.0, Northeast U.S. Index of Ecological Integrity, Stratified by Ecosystem, Region-wide, Version 3.2, Northeast U.S.