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Geomechanical modeling of induced seismicity source parameters and implications for seismic hazard assessment, credited to Goertz-Allmann, BP, published in 2012. Published in Geophysics, volume 78, issue 1, in 2012.
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation, Journal Citation; Tags: Geophysics
An electrical resistivity monitoring survey was conducted on a mine heap to track fluid movement during high pressure injections. The injections were part of Newmont's patent-pending process called Hydro-Jex, where high pressures and flow rates were used to add significant volumes of fluid within multiple depths or zones. For this experiment, injections occurred in two wells over a seven day period, with a total of about 3000 m3 of leachate added to each well. The resistivity data showed that the flow of leachate can be affected by low permeability zones. The cascading effect of leachate moving along the top of low permeability horizons and finally draining over the edge was directly observed in the resistivity...
An electrical resistivity monitoring survey was conducted on a mine heap to track fluid movement during high pressure injections. The injections were part of Newmont's patent-pending process called Hydro-Jex, where high pressures and flow rates were used to add significant volumes of fluid within multiple depths or zones. For this experiment, injections occurred in two wells over a seven day period, with a total of about 3000 m3 of leachate added to each well. The resistivity data showed that the flow of leachate can be affected by low permeability zones. The cascading effect of leachate moving along the top of low permeability horizons and finally draining over the edge was directly observed in the resistivity...
Aeromagneticand gravity surveys were conducted in the Black Rock Desert,Utah to assess the geothermal potential of the Meadow-Hatton KnownGeothermal Resource Area (KGRA). The presence of basalt flows lessthan 1000 yr old and a 400 000 yr oldrhyolite dome suggested that a hot intrusive body, which shouldbe detectable in both types of potential field data, mayprovide the heat source for hot springs in the studyarea. A simultaneous inversion computer program was developed as partof this study to model these potential field data. Theresulting models indicate hydrothermal alteration about the hot springs extendingto a depth of approximately 1 km. Normal faults abovea low-angle detachment appear to reach a depth of approximately4...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation, Journal Citation; Tags: Geophysics, SEG
An electrical resistivity monitoring survey was conducted on a mine heap to track fluid movement during high pressure injections. The injections were part of Newmont's patent-pending process called Hydro-Jex, where high pressures and flow rates were used to add significant volumes of fluid within multiple depths or zones. For this experiment, injections occurred in two wells over a seven day period, with a total of about 3000 m3 of leachate added to each well. The resistivity data showed that the flow of leachate can be affected by low permeability zones. The cascading effect of leachate moving along the top of low permeability horizons and finally draining over the edge was directly observed in the resistivity...
In UK policy circles, there is a growing recognition that mediating the interface between policy making and the public through local government led initiatives is one way through which to provide a practicable means to deliver carbon reduction at an individual, household, and community level. Following on from the aims of Local Agenda 21 in creating the space for a more bottom–up policy infrastructure, the 2007 UK Energy White Paper is one of the latest political statements to highlight the way in which reaching UK targets on CO2 emissions will continue to involve a greater local response to climate change. This emphasis was given further weight through the introduction of a new local performance framework in April...
Investigation of injection-induced seismicity using a coupled fluid flow and rate/state friction model, credited to McClure, MW, published in 2011. Published in Geophysics, volume 76, issue 6, in 2011.
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation, Journal Citation; Tags: Geophysics
Seismicdata from the Paradox basin, southeast Utah, exhibit amplitude anomaliesassociated with the presence of Pennsylvanian algal mound reservoirs. Anexperimental line over the Patterson and Nancy fields shows amplitudereductions corresponding to reservoir mound facies. Amplitude reduction is dueto the lateral facies change from intermound evaporite-dominated facies tothe carbonate algal mound facies. Porosity in the mound faciesaccentuates the amplitude reduction but the influence of porosity isminor compared to the effect of the lateral lithologic change.Recurrent movement on basement faults during the Pennsylvanian may havecontrolled the location of these mounds. �1988 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Published...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation, Journal Citation; Tags: Geophysics, SEG
Changes in continental water stores, largely human-induced, affect sea level. Better hydrological models and observations could clarify the land's role in sea-level variations.
Investigation of injection-induced seismicity using a coupled fluid flow and rate/state friction model, credited to McClure, Mark W, published in 2011. Published in Geophysics, volume 76, issue 6, on pages WC181 - WC198, in 2011.
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation, Journal Citation; Tags: Geophysics
We evaluate the ability of global climate models participating in phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) to reproduce observed seasonality and interannual variability of temperature over the Caribbean, and compare these with simulations from atmosphere-only (AMIP5) and previous-generation CMIP3 models. Compared to station and gridded observations, nearly every CMIP5, CMIP3 and AMIP5 simulation tends to reproduce the primary inter-regional features of the Caribbean annual temperature cycle. In most coupled model simulations, however, boreal summer temperature lags observations by about 1 month, with a similar lag in the simulated annual cycle of sea surface temperature (SST), and a systematic...
BIOENERGY HAS the potential to provide renewable heat, electricity and transport fuel the world over, but controversy has dogged the technology's development, especially in recent times. So what is the industry doing to redress this? Sarah Robertson talks to international Bioenergy expert Professor Ralph Sims.
TheRANN Division (Research Applied to National Needs) of the NationalScience Foundation has embarked upon a program of encouragement andsponsorship of research on exploration for and exploitation of nonenergynonrenewable resources. To define critical problems requiring research, RANN issponsoring a series of workshops wherein prominent members of industry,academia, and government assemble to debate the issues and producelists of subjects requiring research. The first workshop in thisseries, entitled Published in Geophysics, volume 42, issue 4, on pages 878 - 886, in 1977.
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation, Journal Citation; Tags: Geophysics, SEG
ReflectionP- and S-wave data were used in an investigation todetermine the relative merits and strengths of these two datasets to characterize a naturally fractured gas reservoir in theTertiary Upper Green River formation. The objective is to evaluatethe viability of P-wave seismic to detect the presence ofgas-filled fractures, estimate fracture density and orientation, and compare theresults with estimates obtained from the S-wave data. The P-waveresponse to vertical fractures must be evaluated at different source-receiverazimuths (travelpaths) relative to fracture strike. Two perpendicular lines ofmulticomponent reflection data were acquired approximately parallel and normal tothe dominant strike of Upper Green...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation, Journal Citation; Tags: Geophysics, SEG
Salinization and alkalinization are the most common land degradation processes, particularly occurring in arid and semi-arid regions, where precipitation is too low to maintain a regular percolation of rainwater through the soil. Under such a climatic condition, soluble salts are accumulated in the soil, influencing soil properties and environment which cause lessening of the soil productivity. The consistent identification of the processes is essential for sustainable soil management. Identification, large scale mapping and monitoring of the salt-affected areas have been done using three different data and techniques. Remote sensing has been widely used to detect and map salt-affected areas, since thousands of...
Shallow groundwater, the primary water source in the Bengal Basin, contains up to 100 times the World Health Organization (WHO) drinking-water guideline of 10 μg l−1 arsenic (As), threatening the health of 70 million people. Groundwater from a depth greater than 150 m, which almost uniformly meets the WHO guideline, has become the preferred alternative source. The vulnerability of deep wells to contamination by As is governed by the geometry of induced groundwater flow paths and the geochemical conditions encountered between the shallow and deep regions of the aquifer. Stratification of flow separates deep groundwater from shallow sources of As in some areas. Oxidized sediments also protect deep groundwater through...
In 2021 and 2022, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR), drilled and constructed well SEP 16 (431900112593601) approximately 6 miles south-southeast of Big Southern Butte in Butte County, Idaho. The purpose of the well installation was to collect geologic, geophysical, and hydrologic data. On July 13, 2022, the USGS Idaho National Laboratory Project Office (INLPO) collected select geophysical logs within the cased well including natural gamma, neutron, neutron porosity, and gamma-gamma dual density logs. Gyroscopic deviation data were also collected during geophysical surveying to account for the horizontal and vertical displacement of the well. On...
Geophysicalmethods can be helpful in mapping areas of contaminated soiland groundwater. Electrical resistivity and very low-frequency electromagnetic induction (VLF)surveys were carried out at a site of shallow hydrocarboncontamination in Utah County, Utah. Previously installed monitoring wells facilitatedanalysis of water chemistry to enhance interpretation of the geophysicaldata. The electrical resistivity and VLF data correlate well, andvertical cross-sections and contour maps generated from these data helpedmap the contaminant plume, which was delineated as an areaof high interpreted resistivities. Published in Geophysics, volume 62, issue 1, on pages 80 - 86, in 1997.
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation, Journal Citation; Tags: Geophysics, SEG

    map background search result map search result map Seismic stratigraphy study of algal mound reservoirs, Patterson and Nancy fields, Paradox basin, San Juan County, Utah Mapping groundwater contamination using dc resistivity and VLF geophysical methods--A case study Drilling, construction, geophysical, water quality, and aquifer test data for well SEP 16, Butte County, Idaho Mapping groundwater contamination using dc resistivity and VLF geophysical methods--A case study Seismic stratigraphy study of algal mound reservoirs, Patterson and Nancy fields, Paradox basin, San Juan County, Utah