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Note: this data release has been deprecated. Please see new data release here: This 25-m-resolution surface presents bathymetric change of Suisun Bay, California, from 1988 to 2016. This surface compares a 1-m-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) of the northern portion of San Francisco Bay (Fregoso and others, 2020), comprised of bathymetry data in the Suisun region from the time period referred to as the 2010s because the majority of the surveys were in that decade, to a 25-m-resolution bathymetric DEM of Suisun Bay comprised of historic surveys from 1988 to 1990 (referred to as the 1990s because the majority of the surveys were in that decade). The creation of this change...
This portion of the USGS data release presents bathymetry data collected during surveys performed on the Elwha River delta, Washington in July 2017 (USGS Field Activity Number 2017-638-FA). Bathymetry data were collected using two personal watercraft (PWCs) and a kayak, all equipped with single-beam sonar systems and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. The PWC sonar systems consisted of an Odom Echotrac CV-100 single-beam echosounder and 200 kHz transducer with a 9° beam angle. Raw acoustic backscatter returns were digitized by the echosounder with a vertical resolution of 1.25 cm. Depths from the echosounders were computed using sound velocity profiles measured using a YSI CastAway CTD during the...
This portion of the USGS data release presents topography data collected during surveys performed in the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, in 2016 (USGS Field Activity Number 2016-663-FA). Topographic profiles were collected by walking along survey lines with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks. Prior to data collection, vertical distances between the GNSS antennas and the ground were measured using a tape measure. Hand-held data collectors were used to log raw data and display navigational information allowing surveyors to navigate survey lines spaced at 100- to 1000-m intervals along the beach. Profiles were surveyed from the landward edge of the study area...
This portion of the USGS data release presents topography data collected during surveys performed in the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, in 2023 (USGS Field Activity Number 2023-644-FA). Topographic profiles were collected by walking along survey lines with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers mounted on backpacks. Prior to data collection, vertical distances between the GNSS antennas and the ground were measured using a tape measure. Hand-held data collectors were used to log raw data and display navigational information allowing surveyors to navigate survey lines spaced at 100- to 1000-m intervals along the beach. Profiles were surveyed from the landward edge of the study area...
This portion of the USGS data release presents topography data collected during surveys performed along northern Monterey Bay, California, in September and October 2015 (USGS Field Activity Number 2015-668-FA). Topographic profiles were collected on foot with GNSS receivers mounted on backpacks. Prior to data collection, vertical distances between the GNSS antennas and the ground were measured using a tape measure. Hand-held data collectors were used to log raw data and display navigational information allowing surveyors to navigate survey lines spaced at 50- to 250-m intervals along the beach. Profiles were surveyed from the landward edge of the study area (either the base of a bluff, engineering structure, or...
This portion of the USGS data release presents sediment grain-size data from samples collected on the Elwha River delta, Washington, in January 2015 (USGS Field Activity Number 2015-605-FA). Surface sediment was collected on January 28, 2015, at a total of 61 locations using a small ponar, or 'grab', sampler from the R/V Frontier in water depths between about 1 and 17 m around the delta. A hand-held global satellite navigation system (GNSS) receiver was used to determine the locations of sediment samples. The grain-size distributions of samples were determined in the USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center sediment lab. Approximately 20 g of sediment was sub-sampled and 10 mL of 35 percent hydrogen peroxide...
This portion of the USGS data release presents bathymetry data collected during surveys performed on the Elwha River delta, Washington in September 2014 (USGS Field Activity Number 2014-649-FA). Bathymetry data were collected using two personal watercraft (PWCs), each equipped with single-beam sonar systems and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. The PWC sonar systems consisted of an Odom Echotrac CV-100 single-beam echosounder and 200 kHz transducer with a 9° beam angle. Raw acoustic backscatter returns were digitized by the echosounder with a vertical resolution of 1.25 cm. Depths from the echosounders were computed using sound velocity profiles measured using a YSI CastAway CTD during the survey....
This part of the data release presents bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta collected in February 2016 using a kayak. The kayak was equipped with a single-beam echosounder and a survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver.
This portion of the USGS data release presents topography data collected during surveys performed on the Elwha River delta, Washington, in September 2013 (USGS Field Activity Number W-07-13-PS). Topography data were collected on foot with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) equipment mounted on backpacks operating primarily in Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) mode. A total of 5 GNSS backpacks, each equipped with a dual-frequency GNSS receiver and handheld data collector, were used during the survey. Differential corrections were transmitted at 1-Hz intervals by a VHF radio to the backpack GNSS receivers from a GNSS base station placed on a benchmark with known horizontal and vertical coordinates relative to the North...
A high-resolution (10-meter per pixel) digital elevation model (DEM) was created for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta using both bathymetry and topography data relative to current modern datum of North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). This DEM is the result of collaborative efforts of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the California Department of Water Resources (DWR). The base of the DEM is from a 10-m DEM released in 2004 and updated in 2005 (Foxgrover and others, 2005) that used Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), ArcGIS Topo to Raster module to interpolate grids from single beam bathymetric surveys collected by DWR, the Army Corp of Engineers (COE), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric...
This portion of the USGS data release presents topography data collected during surveys performed on the Elwha River delta, Washington, in May 2012 (USGS Field Activity Number W-03-12-PS). Topography data were collected on foot with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) equipment mounted on backpacks operating primarily in Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) mode. A total of 4 GNSS backpacks, each equipped with a dual-frequency GNSS receiver and handheld data collector, were used during the survey. Differential corrections were transmitted at 1-Hz intervals by a VHF radio to the backpack GNSS receivers from a GNSS base station placed on a benchmark with known horizontal and vertical coordinates relative to the North American...
Note: this data release has been deprecated. Please see new data release here: This 25-m-resolution surface presents bathymetric change of Central San Francisco Bay, California (hereafter referred to as Central Bay). This surface compares a 1-m-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) of the central portion of San Francisco Bay (Fregoso and others, 2021), comprised of bathymetry data in the Central Bay region from the time period referred to as the 2010s because the majority of the surveys were in that decade, to a 25-m-resolution DEM of Central Bay comprised of historic surveys from 1971 to 1984 (referred to as the 1980s because the majority of the surveys were in that decade)....
This 25-m-resolution surface presents bathymetric change of San Pablo Bay, California, from 1983 to 2015. This surface compares a 1-m-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) of the northern portion of San Francisco Bay (Fregoso and others, 2020), comprised of bathymetry data in the San Pablo Bay region from the time period referred to as the 2010s because the majority of the surveys were in that decade, to a 25-m-resolution bathymetric DEM of San Pablo Bay comprised of historic surveys from 1983 to 1986 (referred to as the 1980s because the majority of the surveys were in that decade). Prior to creating this change surface, the 1-m-resolution 2010s DEM was resampled to match the 25-m-resolution 1980s DEM, and the...
In this data set, records (rows) represent GPS locations of ducks marked with telemetry in California and whether locations were overlapping (within 300 m of) locations of marked ducks in other consecutive years (2015-16, 2016-17, and 2017-18) during October - March. Years 2015-16, 2016-17, and 2017-18 represented drought, non-drought, and non-drought, respectively. Matchett and company (2020; see Larger Work section for citation) summarized this data set in tables E3 and E4 to compare overlap of duck locations between consecutive years to investigate interannual habitat stability in relationship with drought, habitat management (daytime roosts and night feeding sites), and in two regions (Suisun Marsh and California...
A 1-m resolution, continuous surface, bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM) of the central portion of San Francisco Bay, was constructed from bathymetric surveys collected from 2005 to 2020. In 2014 and 2015 the California Ocean Protection Council (OPC) contracted the collection of bathymetric surveys of large portions of San Francisco Bay. A total of 93 surveys were collected using a combination of multibeam and interferometric side-scan sonar systems. Of those 93 surveys, 75 consist of swaths of data ranging from 18- to just over 100-meters wide. These swaths were separated by data gaps ranging from 10- to just over 300-meters wide. The no-data areas required interpolation to create a continuous surface. The...
These data sets were derived from surveys at the Missouri River and Papillion Creek Water Resource Recovery Facility outfalls on the Missouri River. Each site had three transects, one at the outfall, one 45.7 meters upstream of the outfall and one 45.7 meters downstream of the outfall. Velocity and depth data were collected using an acoustic Doppler current profiler at each transect. Elevations of water surface, bank topography, and shallow channel bed elevations were collected at each transect using survey grade Global Navigation and Satellite System instruments connected to the High Precision Real-Time Kinematic (HPRTK) correction service ( Data were processed using Velocity Mapping Toolbox:...
This portion of the USGS data release presents topography data collected during surveys performed on the Elwha River delta, Washington, in August 2012 (USGS Field Activity Number W-05-12-PS). Topography data were collected on foot with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) equipment mounted on backpacks operating primarily in Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) mode. A total of 4 GNSS backpacks, each equipped with a dual-frequency GNSS receiver and handheld data collector, were used during the survey. Differential corrections were transmitted at 1-Hz intervals by a VHF radio to the backpack GNSS receivers from a GNSS base station placed on a benchmark with known horizontal and vertical coordinates relative to the North...
This portion of the USGS data release presents digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from bathymetric and topographic surveys conducted on the Elwha River delta, Washington, in January 2015 (USGS Field Activity Number 2015-605-FA). Nearshore bathymetry data were collected using two personal watercraft (PWCs) and a kayak, each equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. Topography data were collected on foot with survey-grade GNSS receivers mounted on backpacks. Positions of the survey platforms were referenced to a GNSS base station placed on a benchmark with known horizontal and vertical coordinates relative to the North American Datum of 1983 (CORS96...
This portion of the USGS data release presents digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from bathymetric and topographic surveys conducted on the Elwha River delta, Washington, in August 2011 (USGS Field Activity Number W-06-11-PS). Nearshore bathymetry data were collected using two personal watercraft (PWCs) equipped with single-beam echosounders and survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers. Topography data were collected on foot with survey-grade GNSS receivers mounted on backpacks. Positions of the survey platforms were referenced to a GNSS base station placed on a benchmark with known horizontal and vertical coordinates relative to the North American Datum of 1983 (CORS96 realization)...
This portion of the USGS data release presents topography data collected during surveys performed along northern Monterey Bay, California, in October 2014 (USGS Field Activity Number 2014-676-FA). Topographic profiles were collected on foot with GNSS receivers mounted on backpacks. Prior to data collection, vertical distances between the GNSS antennas and the ground were measured using a tape measure. Hand-held data collectors were used to log raw data and display navigational information allowing surveyors to navigate survey lines spaced at 50- to 250-m intervals along the beach. Profiles were surveyed from the landward edge of the study area (either the base of a bluff, engineering structure, or just landward...

map background search result map search result map Digital elevation models (DEMs) of the Elwha River delta, Washington, January 2015 Surface-sediment grain-size distributions of the Elwha River delta, Washington, January 2015 Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, September 2014 Topography data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, September 2013 Topography data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, August 2012 Topography data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, May 2012 Digital elevation models (DEMs) of the Elwha River delta, Washington, August 2011 San Francisco Bay-Delta bathymetric/topographic digital elevation model (DEM) Topography data from northern Monterey Bay, California, October 2014 Topography data from northern Monterey Bay, California, September and October 2015 Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, July 2017 Beach topography of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, 2016 Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, February 2016, collected from kayak Interannual overlap of duck telemetry locations in California during the fall-winter October-March of 2015-16, 2016-17, and 2017-18 Velocity and Bathymetric Data near Outfall Structures for the City of Omaha Water Resource Recovery Facilities on the Missouri River, 2020 Digital elevation model (DEM) of central San Francisco Bay, California, created using bathymetry data collected between 2009 and 2020 (NAVD88) Bathymetric change of Suisun Bay, California: 1988 to 2016 Bathymetric change of Central San Francisco Bay, California: 1971 to 2020 Beach topography of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, 2023 Bathymetric change of San Pablo Bay, California: 1983 to 2015 Nearshore bathymetry data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, February 2016, collected from kayak Topography data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, May 2012 Topography data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, September 2013 Surface-sediment grain-size distributions of the Elwha River delta, Washington, January 2015 Topography data from the Elwha River delta, Washington, August 2012 Digital elevation models (DEMs) of the Elwha River delta, Washington, August 2011 Digital elevation models (DEMs) of the Elwha River delta, Washington, January 2015 Topography data from northern Monterey Bay, California, October 2014 Topography data from northern Monterey Bay, California, September and October 2015 Bathymetric change of Suisun Bay, California: 1988 to 2016 Bathymetric change of San Pablo Bay, California: 1983 to 2015 Digital elevation model (DEM) of central San Francisco Bay, California, created using bathymetry data collected between 2009 and 2020 (NAVD88) Bathymetric change of Central San Francisco Bay, California: 1971 to 2020 Beach topography of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, 2023 Beach topography of the Columbia River littoral cell, Washington and Oregon, 2016 San Francisco Bay-Delta bathymetric/topographic digital elevation model (DEM) Interannual overlap of duck telemetry locations in California during the fall-winter October-March of 2015-16, 2016-17, and 2017-18