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To determine if invasive annual grasses increased around energy developments after the construction phase, we calculated an invasives index using Landsat TM and ETM+ imagery for a 34-year time period (1985-2018) and assessed trends for 1,755 wind turbines (from the U.S. Wind Turbine Database) installed between 1988 and 2013 in the southern California desert. The index uses the maximum normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) for early season greenness (January-June), and mean NDVI (July-October) for the later dry season. We estimated the relative cover of invasive annuals each year at turbine locations and control sites and tested for changes before and after each turbine was installed. These data were used...
To better inform conservation efforts targeted at reversing grassland bird declines and ensure self-sustaining populations of at-risk species such as the lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus), a better understanding of broad-scale habitat availability for grassland birds is needed. his project will evaluate the utility of NDVI and phenology-based metrics in estimating lesser prairie-chicken reproductive habitat quality remotely over broad spatial scales.1. Evaluate the influence of grazing, fire, and precipitation on NDVI-related metrics in the Central and Southern Great Plains.2. Identify NDVI-related metrics that best distinguish lesser prairie-chicken reproductive habitat from non-habitat. 3. Relate...
The US Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) has experienced some of the highest rates of grassland loss in North America over a time that coincides with dramatic declines in grassland songbird populations yet increasing abundance of most grassland-nesting duck species except for northern pintail. To provide more insight into this contradiction, we propose to capitalize on long-term databases to evaluate how a key population driver nest survival for North American ducks has responded to system changes in the region including landscape and climatic factors. Outcomes of these analyses will contribute to testing primary conservation planning assumptions for the PPJV a vital component of the PPJV Strategic Habitat Conservation...
Using a solutions-oriented, multi-agency collaboration, we propose to pilot a large-scale assessment of an alternative (herding, electric- and virtual-fence) grazing strategy designed to mimic pre-colonial grazing patterns by bison, to ascertain their value for local- and regional-scale assemblages ofsagebrush- and grassland-associated birds in Montana. A fundamental goal of most wildlife-based grazing programs is to foster a mosaic of patches that represent the broadest possible spectrum of habitat types that benefits different sagebrush- and grassland-associated birds in different parts of the landscape (for example, western meadowlarks, vesper sparrows, and thick-billed longspur in open, heavily grazed areas;...
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission (NGPC) contracted the Rainwater Basin Joint Venture (RWBJV) to conduct a black-tail prairie dog colony inventory of Nebraska using 1-meter National Agriculture Imagery Program ( 2010) aerial imagery. We estimated the extent of each colony by placing polygon vertices on the furthest visible burrows. Burrows were then re-evaluated using sub-meter resolution imagery. Burrow delineations within 3 kilometers of one another were combined and considered a single colony resulting in 669 distinct colonies totaling 97,438 acres across the state of Nebraska.
Maintaining the native prairie lands of the Northern Great Plains (NGP), which provide an important habitat for declining grassland species, requires anticipating the effects of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations and climate change on the region’s vegetation. Specifically, climate change threatens NGP grasslands by increasing the potential encroachment of native woody species into areas where they were previously only present in minor numbers. This project used a dynamic vegetation model to simulate vegetation type (grassland, shrubland, woodland, and forest) for the NGP for a range of projected future climates and relevant management scenarios. Comparing results of these simulations illustrates...
The mottled duck, a focal species for the Gulf Coast Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative, is one of only a few duck species adapted to breeding in southern marshes. A major part of its population spends its entire life cycle within a relatively small coastal area in eastern Texas and western Louisiana. This is a thriving part of the Mississippi and Central Flyways, two of four major waterfowl migration routes in North America. In recent years, the mottled duck’s habitat and surrounding areas have been compromised by urbanization, agricultural development, and changes to the area’s hydrology affecting coastal wetlands. The latter threat includes the ramifications of climate change, such as sea level rise and...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2012, 2013, ANIMALS/VERTEBRATES, ANIMALS/VERTEBRATES, ANIMALS/VERTEBRATES, All tags...
Habitat loss and fragmentation are widely recognized as among the most important threats to global biodiversity. New analytical approaches are providing improved ability to predict the effects of landscape change on population connectivity at vast spatial extents. This paper presents an analysis of population connectivity for three species of conservation concern [swift fox (Vulpes velox); lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus); massasuaga (Sistrurus catenatus)] across the American Great Plains region. We used factorial least-cost path and resistant kernel analyses to predict effects of landscape conditions on corridor network connectivity. Our predictions of population connectivity provide testable...
Categories: Data, Project, Publication; Types: Citation, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2010, CO-01, CO-02, CO-03, CO-04, All tags...
The range-wide plan (RWP) has been developed in response to concerns about lesser prairie-chicken (LPC) habitat threats which may be impacting LPC populations, and the proposed listing under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Along with the existing conservation efforts already being implemented, as described in the RWP, the supporting WAFWA Conservation Agreement (WCA) represents another mechanism to implement conservation to benefit LPC. The WCP represents an opportunity to enroll participants who agree to avoid, minimize and mitigate actions which may be detrimental to LPC. Landowners may enroll properties to be managed for the benefit of LPC. Properties may generate credits for mitigation. When complete avoidance...
Grassland birds have declined more rapidly than any other group of land birds in North America in the last 50 years, with populations of Spragues Pipit, Chestnut-collared and Thick-billed Longspur, and Bairds Sparrow having declined 65-94% during this period. Developing strategic conservation plans for grassland birds requires an understanding of their individual population ecology, along with their community dynamics amongst species. Few studies have focused on understanding how adult density during the breeding season relates to nesting performance (e.g., nest density and nest success) and how abiotic and biotic factors influence these individual demographics. This proposed work complements concurrent studies...
As part of a 2018 Northwest Climate Adaptation and Science Center project, USGS researchers are releasing a series of spatially-explicit land-cover projections for the period 2018-2050 covering part of the northern Great Basin (Beaty Butte Herd Management Area, Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge, and Sheldon National Refuge). The dataset contains an empirically-based business-as-usual (BAU) and an RCP8.5 climate change scenario executed for shrub, herbaceous, and bare cover types. Each scenario is executed 30 times (i.e. Monte Carlo simulations) to account for variability across historical change estimates derived from annual fractional cover maps generated by the National Land Cover Database. The map dates...
In response to concerns about rangeland fragmentation associated with exurban development, ranching families, agency representatives, and conservation groups have organized to address management concerns through the Malpai Borderlands Group (see: This group promotes large acreage conservation easements throughout the region as means to promote rangeland connectivity. Shrub encroachment and long-term loss of grass productivity are primary natural resource concerns. Fire, which is facilitated in areas free of exurban development, is a key conservation practice. Additional practices include mechanical brush management, prescribed grazing, and erosion control structures. The conservation...
Summary of project, results, and discussion for the study completed by Susan K. Skagen, Amy A. Yackel Adams, Victoria J. Dreitz, Ressa Yale Conrey, Lucy Burris, Gene Albanese, Craig A. Davis and Bradley W. Compton. Summary written by the Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GP LCC).
We developed multi-scale habitat suitability models for black-tailed prairie dogs (BTPD) in the southwestern Great Plains, corresponding to the western region of the Great Plains LCC. We used long-term (10-yr), high-resolution datasets on BTPD colony boundary locations collected at 7 study areas distributed across the region to develop resource selection functions based on colony locations and expansion patterns. Models are based on (1) soil maps and associated Ecological Sites (NRCS SSURGO database), (2) a topographic wetness index based upon water runoff and solar insolation patterns (TWIsi) that tests a priori hypotheses for topographic controls on BTPD, and (3) broad climatic gradients in temperature and mean...
Recovery of the endangered pallid sturgeon is comprised of interrelated programs (including, Conservation Propagation and Stocking Program (CPSP), and Pallid Sturgeon Population Assessment Program (PSPAP) with numerous contributing agencies. These programs are in need of improved database architecture to integrate and share the capture, tagging, propagation, stocking, genetics, and other critical data to meet program and population monitoring requirements and to measure progress toward recovery. A range-wide relational database architecture or decision support system is needed to manage and integrate the large amounts of data collected by numerous partners and programs in order to evaluate progress toward downlisting...
Grassland birds have declined more rapidly than any other group of land birds in North America in the last 50 years with populations of Spragues Pipit, Chestnut-collared and Thick-billed Longspur, and Bairds Sparrow having declined 65-94% during this period. This cross-programmatic collaborative project will expand on a growing network of Motus automated receivers (stations) to provide the first fine-scale quantitative assessment of the migratory period for regional priority grassland songbirds which will inform key knowledge gaps about migration routes and stopover locations. Data collected via Motus automated telemetry tracking will allow the FWS and partners to inform full-life cycle models to reveal limiting...
Grassland birds have declined more rapidly than any other group of land birds in North America in the last 50 years, with populations of Spragues Pipit, Chestnut-collared and Thick-billed Longspur, and Bairds Sparrow having declined 65-94% during this period. This proposed cross-programmatic collaborative project between Migratory Birds and Refuges will expand on a growing network of Motus automated radio telemetry receivers (stations) to provide the first fine-scale quantitative assessment of the migratory period for regional priority grassland songbirds, which will inform key knowledge gaps about migration routes and stopover locations. Data collected via Motus automated telemetry tracking will allow the FWS and...

map background search result map search result map Projecting the Future Encroachment of Woody Vegetation into Grasslands of the Northern Great Plains by Simulating Climate Conditions and Possible Management Actions Range-wide Lesser Prairie-Chicken Management Plan Development Implications of climate change for avian conservation in Great Plains landscapes Climate change and connectivity: Assessing landscape and species vulnerability Spatially-Explicit Decision Support Tool for Guiding Habitat Conservation for Western Gulf Coast Mottled Ducks Malpai Borderlands Portal Project Summary: Black-tailed Prairie Dog Habitat Suitability Modeling for the Southern Great Plains: Cross-scale Analysis of Soils, Topography and Climate Model GeoTiffs: Black-tailed Prairie Dog Habitat Suitability Modeling for the Southern Great Plains: Cross-scale Analysis of Soils, Topography and Climate Project Summary: Climate change planning for the Great Plains:  Wildlife vulnerability assessment and potential for mitigation with grazing management Project Summary: Implications of climate change for avian conservation in Great Plains landscapes Data supporting Landsat time series assessment of invasive annual grasses following energy development Spatially-explicit land-cover scenarios of federal lands in the northern Great Basin: 2018-2050 Patterns of greenness (NDVI) in the Southern Great Plains and their influence on the habitat quality and reproduction of a declining prairie grouse Developing a Decision Support System for the Pallid Sturgeon Recovery Program Expansion of the Motus network Motus network development on National Wildlife Refuges for tracking declining grassland songbirds Evaluating patterns of long-term system change and demographic response for grassland nesting ducks in the US Prairie Pothole Region Informing Multi-scale Strategic Habitat Conservation for Priority Grassland Birds in the Northern Great Plains Assessing Traditional and Emerging Grazing Strategies for Creating a Mosaic of Diverse Habitat Patches for Grassland- and Sagebrush Associated Birds Nebraska Black-Tailed Prairie Dog Colony Delineation Using Aerial Photography - 2010 Malpai Borderlands Portal Spatially-explicit land-cover scenarios of federal lands in the northern Great Basin: 2018-2050 Data supporting Landsat time series assessment of invasive annual grasses following energy development Nebraska Black-Tailed Prairie Dog Colony Delineation Using Aerial Photography - 2010 Spatially-Explicit Decision Support Tool for Guiding Habitat Conservation for Western Gulf Coast Mottled Ducks Informing Multi-scale Strategic Habitat Conservation for Priority Grassland Birds in the Northern Great Plains Assessing Traditional and Emerging Grazing Strategies for Creating a Mosaic of Diverse Habitat Patches for Grassland- and Sagebrush Associated Birds Range-wide Lesser Prairie-Chicken Management Plan Development Patterns of greenness (NDVI) in the Southern Great Plains and their influence on the habitat quality and reproduction of a declining prairie grouse Developing a Decision Support System for the Pallid Sturgeon Recovery Program Expansion of the Motus network Implications of climate change for avian conservation in Great Plains landscapes Climate change and connectivity: Assessing landscape and species vulnerability Project Summary: Black-tailed Prairie Dog Habitat Suitability Modeling for the Southern Great Plains: Cross-scale Analysis of Soils, Topography and Climate Model GeoTiffs: Black-tailed Prairie Dog Habitat Suitability Modeling for the Southern Great Plains: Cross-scale Analysis of Soils, Topography and Climate Project Summary: Climate change planning for the Great Plains:  Wildlife vulnerability assessment and potential for mitigation with grazing management Project Summary: Implications of climate change for avian conservation in Great Plains landscapes Projecting the Future Encroachment of Woody Vegetation into Grasslands of the Northern Great Plains by Simulating Climate Conditions and Possible Management Actions Motus network development on National Wildlife Refuges for tracking declining grassland songbirds Evaluating patterns of long-term system change and demographic response for grassland nesting ducks in the US Prairie Pothole Region