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In many subsurface situations where human health and environmental quality are at risk (e.g., contaminant hydrogeology petroleum extraction, carbon sequestration, etc.),scientists and engineers are being asked by federal agency decision-makers to predict the fate of chemical species under conditions where both reactions and transport are processes of first-order importance.In 2002, a working group (WG) was formed by representatives of the U.S. Geological Survey, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Energy Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Department of Agriculture, and Army Engineer Research and Development Center to assess the role of reactive transport modeling (RTM) in addressing these situations. Specifically...
Groundwater quality data for 472 domestic well-water samples were retrieved from the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS) database and combined with descriptive information on the sampled well locations. The NWIS data for a sample, collected on the selected date, were averaged into a single record (one per well), and rounded according to USGS protocols. For evaluation and reporting, the water-quality data were further combined with physical attributes and classified by lithology, topographic position, physiographic province, region, redox, and pH (as standalone matrix, one row per well). A second data matrix file incorporating minimum reporting levels for censored and low-reported values (set to 0.99X highest...
Groundwater from the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer (MRVA) is a vital resource for agriculture and drinking-water supplies in the central United States. Water availability can be limited in some areas of the aquifer by high concentrations of trace elements, including manganese and arsenic. Boosted regression trees, a type of ensemble-tree machine-learning method, were used to predict manganese concentration and the probability of arsenic concentration exceeding a 10 µg/L threshold throughout the MRVA. Explanatory variables for the BRT models included attributes associated with well location and construction, surficial variables (such as hydrologic position and recharge), variables extracted from a MODFLOW-2005...
This child item of the data release contains groundwater-level elevation and water-quality data, both collected by contractors to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and later furnished to U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and water-quality data collected by USGS during 2020. The USGS sampling and analysis resulted in a diverse dataset including major and trace elements, rare earth elements (REE), stable isotopes, radiogenic isotopes, and environmental tracers. This diverse dataset aids in providing a complete hydrologic and geochemical conceptualization of the processes occurring in the mine workings and adjacent groundwater and serves as an example of applications to other sites.
Groundwater age distributions and susceptibility to natural and anthropogenic contaminants were assessed for selected wells, streambed piezometers, and springs in southeastern Minnesota. The data provide information to understand how long it will take to observe groundwater quality improvements from best management practices implemented at land surface to reduce losses of nitrate (and other chemicals) from agricultural practices. Nineteen water samples were collected from ten wells, three streambed piezometers, and four springs between August 2020 and September 2022. Two of these samples are field replicate samples collected from a spring site and a well site. A child item contains historical data from 15 water...
Groundwater quality data were collected in 5,000 wells between 1988-2001 by the National Water-Quality Assessment Project. About 1,500 of these wells were sampled again between 2002-2012 to evaluate decadal changes in groundwater quality. Monitoring wells, domestic supply wells, and some public supply wells were included in this study. All water was collected prior to treatment. Groundwater samples used to evaluate decadal change were collected from networks of wells with similar characteristics. Some networks, consisting of domestic or public supply wells, were used to assess changes in the quality of groundwater used for drinking water supply. Other networks, consisting of monitoring wells, assessed changes in...
This data release provides a comprehensive dataset of sampling-site characteristics and baseline groundwater-quality data collected from a network of multilevel sampling wells installed in a densely developed coastal neighborhood undergoing a conversion from onsite septic systems to municipal sewering. Groundwater samples were collected during multiple events from a total of 227 well screens at 15 locations using a peristaltic pump between June 2016 and March 2024. Samples were collected and preserved following methods documented in the U.S. Geological Survey National Field Manual (variously dated) and Savoie and others (2012). This dataset provides well construction information, groundwater levels, water-quality...
The California State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) initiated the Oil and Gas Regional Monitoring Program (RMP) to assess effects of oil and gas development on groundwater designated for any beneficial use. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is the technical lead in conducting the RMP through the California Oil, Gas, and Groundwater (COGG) Program, working in cooperation with the State Water Board, and in partnership with other State and local agencies. The USGS collected and analyzed groundwater, surface water, and associated quality control (QC) samples in the Poso Creek Oil Field study area during February 2020-December 2021. Groundwater samples were collected from eleven irrigation, two domestic,...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the California State Water Resources Control Board collected produced water samples for analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the eight California oil fields of Fruitvale, Lost Hills, North Belridge, Orcutt, Placerita, South Belridge, Midway-Sunset, and Buena Vista from 2016 to 2020. Sampled sites included oil wells; injectate from tanks, pipelines, and injection wells where produced water from many wells, after removal of oil, is stored or transported prior to underground injection; integrated produced water from many oil wells collected from pipelines before oil removal; and surface disposal ponds where produced water, after removal of oil, is disposed...
These data sets present results from the analyses of groundwater samples collected from monitoring wells and monitoring intervals in bedrock wells in the mudstone aquifer underlying the former Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC), West Trenton, NJ. The water samples were collected between 2008 and 2013 and were analyzed for field parameters, inorganic and organic constituents, and the abundances of selected microbes of importance to the evaluation of biological degradation of organic contaminants in groundwater. The collection and analyses of the groundwater samples coincides with conducting a bioaugmentation experiment in a targeted region of the mudstone aquifer. The purpose of the bioaugmentation was to introduce...
This data release contains data used to develop models and maps that estimate the probabilities of exceeding various thresholds of arsenic concentrations in private domestic wells throughout the conterminous United States. Three boosted regression tree (BRT) models were developed separately to estimate the probability of private well arsenic concentrations exceeding 1, 5, and 10 micrograms per liter (µg/L). A random forest (RF) model was developed to estimate the most probable arsenic concentration category (≤5, >5 to ≤10, or >10 µg/L). The models use arsenic concentration data from private domestic wells located throughout the conterminous United States and independent variables that are available as geospatial...
Groundwater residence times were simulated for the major regional aquifers of the Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer system from New York to North Carolina using particle tracking in a regional groundwater flow model. Millions of particles were distributed throughout the aquifers of the North Atlantic Coastal Plain in a MODFLOW model with a volume-weighted algorithm, then tracked backwards using MODPATH6 (Pollock, 2012) until termination of their paths at their sources of origin, usually the simulated water table. Particles were tracked under simulated transient hydrologic conditions from the reference time of January 1, 2018 backwards to 1900, then under simulated steady-state conditions prior to 1900 until...
Groundwater is a vital resource to the Mississippi embayment region of the central United States. Regional and integrated assessments of water availability that link physical flow models and water quality in principal aquifer systems provide context for the long-term availability of these water resources. An innovative approach using machine learning was employed to predict groundwater pH across drinking water aquifers of the Mississippi embayment. The region includes two principal regional aquifer systems; the Mississippi River Valley alluvial (MRVA) aquifer and the Mississippi embayment aquifer system that includes several regional aquifers and confining units. Based on the distribution of groundwater use for...
Groundwater is a vital resource in the Mississippi embayment of the central United States. An innovative approach using machine learning (ML) was employed to predict groundwater salinity—including specific conductance (SC), total dissolved solids (TDS), and chloride (Cl) concentrations—across three drinking-water aquifers of the Mississippi embayment. A ML approach was used because it accommodates a large and diverse set of explanatory variables, does not assume monotonic relations between predictors and response data, and results can be extrapolated to areas of the aquifer not sampled. These aspects of ML allowed potential drivers and sources of high salinity water that have been hypothesized in other studies to...
This dataset describes plume boundary extents for 2,4-dinitrotoluene (2,4-DNT) in the vicinity of the Badger Army Ammunition Plant in Sauk County, Wisconsin for various time intervals between 2000 - 2018.
OF12-1149.pdf: The published Open File Report Table 1-1.xlsx: Water-quality data for Goose Lake study site, Montana, 1989-2009 Table 1-2.xlsx: Water-quality data for Anderson study site, Montana, 2004, 2005, 2010 Table 1-3.xlsx: Water-quality data for Fuller study site, North Dakota, 2010 Table 1-4.xlsx: Geophysical survey data for the Goose Lake study site, Montana (2004. 2009), for the Anderson study site, (2004, 2010), and for the Fuller study site (2010)
Data provided here describe geochemical correction of carbon-14 in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) for groundwater age dating. Datasets include major ion chemistry of groundwater samples, model parameter inputs, and final corrected carbon-14 in DIC. Geochemical correction was completed in two phases: determination of reactive phase mole transfers through an inverse geochemical model (PHREEQC; Parkhurst and Appleo, 1992) and tracking of isotopic mass transfer among phases (NetpathXL; Parkhusrtand Charlton, 2008). Parkhurst, D.L., and Appelo, C.A.J., 2013, Description of input and examples for PHREEQC version 3—A computer program for speciation, batch-reaction, one-dimensional transport, and inverse geochemical...
Tags: Cenozoic, Connecticut, Holocene, Idaho, Illinois, All tags...
Time series electromagnetic induction-log (TSEMIL) datasets are collected from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) cased or uncased monitoring wells to evaluate changes in water conductivity over time. TSEMIL datasets consist of a series of individual electromagnetic induction logs collected at a frequency of months or years that have been compiled into a dataset by eliminating small uniform offsets in bulk conductivity between logs likely caused by minor variations in calibration. At depths where water conductivity is not changing through time, each log is typically within about ±15 mS/m of the median of the dataset at any given depth, which is within the stated repeatability specifications of the probe (Mount Sopris Instrument...
Data were collected at 19 groundwater monitoring wells and 3 surface water locations across McHenry County, Illinois, in 2020 by staff from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Central Midwest Water Science Center. Quality control samples (2 blanks and 1 replicate) were also collected to assess data reliability and precision. Samples were submitted to the USGS National Water Quality Laboratory in Denver, Colorado, and analyzed for per- and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) substances in late 2022 and results provided in April of 2023. PFAS were detected in 16 of the 19 groundwater monitoring wells and in all 3 surface water sites sampled.
State and local county health departments have detected per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in groundwater downgradient of airports and military and firefighting training areas in Long Island, New York. However, the occurrence and spatial distribution of PFAS throughout the surficial aquifer is not well established. Shallow groundwater samples were collected in 2018 from two observation well networks; the Sentinel network and Wastewater Treatment Plant groundwater (WTPGW) network. The Sentinel network is an island-wide group of wells screened within the shallow upper glacial (surficial, <100 feet deep) aquifer, which were sampled to assess the occurrence of PFAS in different land-use settings. The WTPGW network...

map background search result map search result map Biogeochemical analyses of water samples collected in the mudstone aquifer underlying the Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, NJ (2008-2013) Data from Decadal Change in Groundwater Quality Web Site, 1988-2012 Geochemical Correction of Carbon-14 in Dissolved Inorganic Carbon used for Groundwater Age Dating in the Glacial Aquifer System, Conterminous United States Baseline Groundwater-Quality Data from a Densely Developed Coastal Neighborhood, Falmouth, Massachusetts (June 2016 - March 2024)(ver. 5.0, July 2024) Occurrence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, Long Island and New York City, New York Time Series Electromagnetic Induction-Log Datasets, Including Logs Collected through the 2018 Water Year in South Florida Machine-learning model predictions and groundwater-quality rasters of specific conductance, total dissolved solids, and chloride in aquifers of the Mississippi embayment Statistical summaries of simulated groundwater residence times for the 10 regional aquifers of the Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer system, at a 1 square-mile grid resolution Prediction grids of pH 2,4-DNT Plume Boundaries Machine-learning model predictions and rasters of arsenic and manganese in groundwater in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer Data compilation for regional synthesis of chemical characteristics of groundwater used for domestic supply in north-east and north-central Pennsylvania Hydrologic and geochemical data Groundwater data and age information from samples collected in Minnesota (ver. 2.0, January 2024) Produced water volatile organic compound and select organic and inorganic data collected from eight oil fields, 2016-2020, California Reconnaissance of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Selected Groundwater and Surface Water Sites in McHenry County, Illinois, 2020 Water Chemistry data for samples collected at groundwater sites in the Poso Creek Oil Field study area, February 2020-December 2021, Kern County, California Biogeochemical analyses of water samples collected in the mudstone aquifer underlying the Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, NJ (2008-2013) Baseline Groundwater-Quality Data from a Densely Developed Coastal Neighborhood, Falmouth, Massachusetts (June 2016 - March 2024)(ver. 5.0, July 2024) Hydrologic and geochemical data 2,4-DNT Plume Boundaries Water Chemistry data for samples collected at groundwater sites in the Poso Creek Oil Field study area, February 2020-December 2021, Kern County, California Reconnaissance of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Selected Groundwater and Surface Water Sites in McHenry County, Illinois, 2020 Occurrence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, Long Island and New York City, New York Data compilation for regional synthesis of chemical characteristics of groundwater used for domestic supply in north-east and north-central Pennsylvania Produced water volatile organic compound and select organic and inorganic data collected from eight oil fields, 2016-2020, California Time Series Electromagnetic Induction-Log Datasets, Including Logs Collected through the 2018 Water Year in South Florida Groundwater data and age information from samples collected in Minnesota (ver. 2.0, January 2024) Machine-learning model predictions and groundwater-quality rasters of specific conductance, total dissolved solids, and chloride in aquifers of the Mississippi embayment Prediction grids of pH Machine-learning model predictions and rasters of arsenic and manganese in groundwater in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer Statistical summaries of simulated groundwater residence times for the 10 regional aquifers of the Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer system, at a 1 square-mile grid resolution Geochemical Correction of Carbon-14 in Dissolved Inorganic Carbon used for Groundwater Age Dating in the Glacial Aquifer System, Conterminous United States Data from Decadal Change in Groundwater Quality Web Site, 1988-2012