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Description of Work USGS will conduct seasonal sampling of benthic invertebrates, zooplankton, prey fish, and their diets to complement the seasonal lower trophic level sampling by EPA. A point of emphasis is describing the vertical distribution of planktivores and their zooplankton prey, to fill a knowledge gap on these predator/prey interactions. These data will provide a more holistic understanding of how invasive-driven, food-web changes could be altering energy available to sport fishes in the Great Lakes and used to build bioenergetics models that can evaluate whether zooplankton dynamics are being driven by limited resources or excessive predation. Understanding the key drivers of zooplankton will provide...
In Hawai‘i and other oceanic islands with few native land mammals, black rats (Rattus rattus) are among the most damaging invasive vertebrate species to native forest bird populations and habitats, due to their arboreal behavior and generalist foraging habitats and habitat use. This is a selected data set used to assess the impacts of rodenticide treatment on black rat (Rattus rattus) abundance within Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (HAVO). The key objective was to identify rat abundance before and after rodenticide treatment, using paired non-treatment and treatment plots at high elevation (1700-1830m) and low elevation (1220-1340 m). This dataset includes the results of a mark recapture study that took place within...
Invasive species may vary in their seasonal distribution and abundance due to environmental conditions such as precipitation and temperature. Bigheaded carps, which include silver and bighead carp, are one such taxon of invasive species that appear to change habitats seasonally. Seasonal changes in bigheaded carp distribution may occur because of hydrological changes, water temperature changes, and spawning activities. Monitoring this seasonal dispersal and migration is important for management to control the population size and spread of the species. We examined if environmental DNA (eDNA) approaches could detect seasonal changes in the occurrence of DNA in water samples and used these approaches to calculate the...
To determine if invasive annual grasses increased around energy developments after the construction phase, we calculated an invasives index using Landsat TM and ETM+ imagery for a 34-year time period (1985-2018) and assessed trends for 1,755 wind turbines (from the U.S. Wind Turbine Database) installed between 1988 and 2013 in the southern California desert. The index uses the maximum normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) for early season greenness (January-June), and mean NDVI (July-October) for the later dry season. We estimated the relative cover of invasive annuals each year at turbine locations and control sites and tested for changes before and after each turbine was installed. These data were used...
In support of U.S. Geological Survey invasive carp research examining aggregations of invasive carp in the tail water of dams, water velocity measurements were made at cross sections in the Illinois River below Starved Rock Lock and Dam on June 16, 2021. A total of 16 cross sections were surveyed, with two transects per cross section. Water depth and crew safety limited the extent of the survey. The discharge in the Illinois River at Starved Rock Lock and Dam at the time of data collection was approximately 185.7 cubic meters per second. The data were processed in the Velocity Mapping Toolbox (VMT) v.4.09 (Parsons and others, 2013) to obtain a depth-averaged velocity field for each cross section from paired transects...
This project had two primary goals: 1) To develop a process for integrating data from multiple sources to improve predictions of climate impacts for wildlife species; and 2) To provide data on climate and related hydrological change, fire behavior under future climates, and species’ distributions for use by researchers and resource managers.We present within this report the process used to integrate species niche models, fire simulations, and vulnerability assessment methods and provide species’ reports that summarize the results of this work. Species niche model analysis provides information on species’ distributions under three climate scenarios and time periods. Niche model analysis allows us to estimate the...
These heatmaps show a top 3 invasive and problematic plant stressor for riparian areas in the Chihuahuan Desert, as ranked by participants, and the concentration of participants who reported as working in each municipality or county who also voted for that stressor across the landscape. Symbology represents the percentage of participants with 0% = dark green, 0.0001 % - 24.99% = light green, 25% - 49.99% = yellow, 50% - 74.99% = orange, 75% - 100% = red. All counties and municipalities identified by participants as areas where they work were given a tally for each of the top 3 stressors that participants chose. Counties with a small number of participants were not adjusted for small sample size. These results were...
Description of Work USGS will conduct monthly samples of benthic invertebrates, zooplankton, and water quality as well as seasonal sampling of fish and fish diets. This project supports lower trophic sampling in Lake Erie and understanding food webs. An emphasis will be collecting samples from a nearshore to offshore design.
Coastal wetlands are major global carbon sinks, however, they are heterogeneous and dynamic ecosystems. To characterize spatial and temporal variability in a New England salt marsh, static chamber measurements of greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes were compared among major plant-defined zones (high marsh dominated by Distichlis spicata and a zone of invasive Phragmites australis) during 2013 and 2014 growing seasons. Two sediment cores were collected in 2015 from the Phragmites zone to support previously reported core collections from the high marsh sites (Gonneea and others 2018). Collected cores were up to 70 cm in length with dry bulk density ranges from 0.04 to 0.33 grams per cubic centimeter and carbon content 22.4%...
The Rio Grande cutthroat trout is New Mexico’s state fish; but habitat loss and non-native trout invasions threaten the persistence of this fish throughout the remaining 12% of its historic range. Stakeholders, including state agencies, federal agencies, Tribal nations, Pueblos, and private groups are particularly concerned about the impact that non-native brown trout have on native cutthroat trout. This project will be the first to demonstrate how non-native brown trout negatively affect Rio Grande cutthroat trout populations. The project has two primary objectives: 1) compare the health and characteristics of native Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout in areas both with and without invasive brown trout in cold and warm...
This workshop introduced and demonstrated key concepts and a series of software tools, whichallow managers, biologists, and conservationists to efficiently evaluate predictors of wildlife space-use and generate spatial models based on that analysis.Specific content of the workshop: Access to free or low-cost remote sensing information on vegetation, climate, habitat metrics, disturbance, etc., in a useable format, including covariate datasets currently available or under development by the NASA Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System (TOPS) Explanation of how this information is derived, created, integrated, validated and matched with species data sets prior to analysis Demonstration of user-friendly computer...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Academics & scientific researchers, Alberta, British Columbia, CO-2, CO-3, All tags...
In May 2014, the GNLCC Steering Committee approved two pilot projects explore approaches to landscape-scale coordination to enhance science-based management across the GNLCC. The two ‘Shared Landscape Outcomes’ pilots were designed to assess and focus on specific pairs of a GNLCC Goal and a priority landscape stressor (as defined in the Strategic Conservation Framework) and focus the approach at the entire GNLCC scale. The two pilot projects focused on (1) the Connectivity goal and Land Use Change stressor (described here) and (2) the Aquatic Integrity goal and Invasives stressor and (see: )Connectivity Pilot:Wildlife species are becoming increasingly isolated in patches of habitat,...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Alberta, Aquatic Connectivity, British Columbia, Bull Trout, Cascadia, All tags...
This project will apply the results of an on-going climate change vulnerability assessment to the management of two complex landscapes. The vulnerability assessment project team will work with mangers, land-owners, and conservation practitioners to explore 1) how downscaled climate datasets, modeled vegetation changes, and information on estimated species sensitivities can be used to develop climate change adaptation strategies, and 2) how model results and datasets can be made more useful for informing the management of species and landscapes. To accomplish these two goals, we will prepare datasets and model outputs for two landscapespotentially, the Pioneer Mountains-Craters of the Moon region in Idaho and the...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Climate Change, Columbia Basin, Columbia Plateau, Connectivity, Conservation Plan/Design/Framework, All tags...
The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD) recognizes the need for a strong data foundation to inform science-based decisions for fisheries management at a watershed level. In preparation for a shift towards comprehensive watershed-scale planning, AGFD is developing a fisheries data management system with an initial focus on compiling and formatting several hundred thousand fish survey and stocking records. Fish data will be integrated within a Geographic Information System (GIS) by georeferencing observations to an existing national spatial framework (National Hydrography Dataset), which will allow for broader transferability to watersheds shared with neighboring states, creating a seamless layer not limited by...
Our proposal addresses Funding Category Ill by evaluating natural resource management practices and adaptation opportunities. More specifically, our project addresses Science Need #6 to improve monitoring and inventory of watersheds and ecosystems (including invasive species). Our proposed study will occur within the Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) (upper Virgin River, UT) and the Desert LCC (lower Virgin River, AZ and NVL and therefore will be submitting to both cooperatives. Invasive saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) is the third most abundant tree in Southwestern riparian systems (Friedman et al. 2005). Resource managers must often balance the management goals of protecting wildlife species and...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2012, AZ-01, AZ-02, AZ-03, AZ-04, All tags...
Introduction: Tamarisk (Tamarix spp., also saltcedar) is a non-native tree introduced to the United States during the 19th century as an ornamental species and solution to erosion in the American West (Robinson 1965). Tamarisk can form dense monotypic stands, which have been linked to a decline in richness and diversity of native plants (Engel-Wilson & Ohmart 1978; Lovich et al. 1994) and wildlife (Anderson et al. 1977; Durst et al. 2008) in riparian areas. As a result, natural resource managers have invested millions of dollars to control tamarisk (Shafroth & Briggs 2008). Few studies have conducted community-level analyses to document the impact of one of these methods, the introduction of a native enemy or predator,...
Categories: Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2012, AZ-01, AZ-02, AZ-03, AZ-04, All tags...
Russian olive and tamarisk are two invasive species that have established along the Green River. These two species are poor riparian plants and are outcompeting the native vegetation. Native vegetation is well suited to stabilize stream banks and capture sediment, thereby improving water quality. Currently the Wyoming Game and Fish Department has funded the Teton Science School to conduct an assessment from Fontenelle Dam to the southern end of Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), and the City of Green River is treating Russian olive and Tamarisk on their properties. There is a need to complete an assessment from the southern boundary of Seedskadee NWR to Flaming Gorge Reservoir, initiate control measures...
Remote sensing technologies, such as high-resolution sonar, can be used to collect more detailed information about the benthic and water column characteristics of macro habitats in the Illinois River. Multibeam echosounders (MBES) collect multibeam and sidescan simultaneously, providing high-resolution images of the riverbed. Sidescan images, in raster format, show the recorded intensity of acoustic signal returns from the river bed. The acoustic data were collected from the main and side channels (where accessible) of the Marseilles reach June 26 – August 23, 2017, and May 22, 2018.
In Hawai‘i and other oceanic islands with few native land mammals, black rats (Rattus rattus) are among the most damaging invasive vertebrate species to native forest bird populations and habitats, due to their arboreal behavior and generalist foraging habitats and habitat use. We evaluated the nesting response of Hawai‘i ‘Elepaio (Chasiempis sandwichensis; Monarchidae), a generalist insectivore, to the removal of black rats using rodenticide in a before-after-control-impact study in high and low, mesic montane habitat recovering from long-term damage from introduced ungulates and weeds. We monitored nesting and rat activity during 2015–2016 before applying diphacinone bait in 2017 to remove rats from two 700 x...
In May 2014, the GNLCC Steering Committee approved two pilot projects explore approaches to landscape-scale coordination to enhance science-based management across the GNLCC. The two ‘Shared Landscape Outcomes’ pilots were designed to assess and focus on specific pairs of a GNLCC Goal and a priority landscape stressor as defined in the Strategic Conservation Framework and focus the approach at the entire GNLCC scale. The two pilot projects focused on (1) the Aquatic Integrity goal and Invasives stressor (described here) and (2) the Connectivity goal and Land Use Change stressor (see: Pilot:The challenge of managing for invasive species creates an opportunity for the GNLCC...

map background search result map search result map Green River Russian Olive - Tamarisk Decision Support Tools for Species Populations and Their Habitats Workshop: The EAGLE (Ecosystem Assessment, Geospatial Analysis, and Landscape Evaluations) System Applying Vulnerability Assessment Tools to Plan for Climate Adaptation: Case Studies in the Great Northern LCC A Landscape Approach for Fisheries Database Compilation and Predictive Modeling (Not listed in the LCC Science Catalog due to Desert LCC co-funding and catalog administering) Effects of Bio-Control and Restoration on Wildlife in Southwestern Riparian Habitats Cooperative Science and Monitoring Initiative (CSMI) - LAKE HURON Cooperative Science and Monitoring Initiative (CSMI) - LAKE ERIE Conserving an Intact and Connected GNLCC Landscape Aquatic Integrity and Invasives: Shared Landscape Outcomes Seasonal trends in eDNA detection and occupancy of bigheaded carps, Wabash River, IN: Raw Data Final Report: Vulnerability of Riparian Obligate Species in the Rio Grande to the Interactive Effects of Fire, Hydrological Variation and Climate Change Final Report: Effects of Biocontrol and Restoration on Wildlife in Southwestern Riparian Habitats Susceptibility of Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout to Displacement by Non-Native Brown Trout and Implications for Future Management Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Elepaio nest monitoring and black rat mark recapture data 2015-2017 Rat mark-recapture data in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park from 2015-2017 Illinois River, Marseilles, Sidescan Image Mosaic, 2017-2018 Data supporting Landsat time series assessment of invasive annual grasses following energy development Invasive and Problematic Plant Stressors for Riparian Areas in the Chihuahuan Desert Static chamber gas fluxes and carbon and nitrogen isotope content of age-dated sediment cores from a Phragmites wetland in Sage Lot Pond, Massachusetts, 2013-2015 Velocity Survey at Cross Sections in the Illinois River below Starved Rock Lock and Dam near Utica, Illinois, June 16, 2021 Green River Russian Olive - Tamarisk Static chamber gas fluxes and carbon and nitrogen isotope content of age-dated sediment cores from a Phragmites wetland in Sage Lot Pond, Massachusetts, 2013-2015 Velocity Survey at Cross Sections in the Illinois River below Starved Rock Lock and Dam near Utica, Illinois, June 16, 2021 Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Elepaio nest monitoring and black rat mark recapture data 2015-2017 Rat mark-recapture data in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park from 2015-2017 Applying Vulnerability Assessment Tools to Plan for Climate Adaptation: Case Studies in the Great Northern LCC Effects of Bio-Control and Restoration on Wildlife in Southwestern Riparian Habitats Final Report: Effects of Biocontrol and Restoration on Wildlife in Southwestern Riparian Habitats Cooperative Science and Monitoring Initiative (CSMI) - LAKE ERIE Data supporting Landsat time series assessment of invasive annual grasses following energy development Seasonal trends in eDNA detection and occupancy of bigheaded carps, Wabash River, IN: Raw Data Cooperative Science and Monitoring Initiative (CSMI) - LAKE HURON Final Report: Vulnerability of Riparian Obligate Species in the Rio Grande to the Interactive Effects of Fire, Hydrological Variation and Climate Change A Landscape Approach for Fisheries Database Compilation and Predictive Modeling (Not listed in the LCC Science Catalog due to Desert LCC co-funding and catalog administering) Invasive and Problematic Plant Stressors for Riparian Areas in the Chihuahuan Desert Susceptibility of Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout to Displacement by Non-Native Brown Trout and Implications for Future Management Decision Support Tools for Species Populations and Their Habitats Workshop: The EAGLE (Ecosystem Assessment, Geospatial Analysis, and Landscape Evaluations) System Conserving an Intact and Connected GNLCC Landscape Aquatic Integrity and Invasives: Shared Landscape Outcomes