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Map containing historical census data from 1900 - 2000 throughout the western United States at the county level. Data includes total population, population density, and percent population change by decade for each county. Population data was obtained from the US Census Bureau and joined to 1:2,000,000 scale National Atlas counties shapefile.
Observing and counting bats is extremely difficult. Bats hide during the day, fly in darkness, and most species in the United States (US) become inactive and inaccessible in cryptic hibernation sites for 7-8 months each year. More than 40 different species of bats occur year-round in the US, yet reasonable population estimates exist for very few. Populations of US bats face new and unprecedented threats from white-nose syndrome (WNS) and industrial wind turbines. Like WNS, wind energy development might adversely affect entire populations of bats. Species of bats dying at wind turbines in the greatest numbers rank among the most cryptic, elusive, and poorly understood. Hoary bats (Lasiurus cinereus) compose approximately...
Conclusions: Habitat changes resulting from timber harvest have altered the predator–prey balance leading to asymmetric predation affecting the survivial rates of endangered mountain caribou Thresholds/Learnings: As young forest stands increase in proportion to old forests, caribou population densities and survival rates decline as they become increasingly vulnerable to predation and extripation. Synopsis: Timber harvesting in areas of Mountain Caribou habitat have created landscapes of early seral forests. Such habitat changes have altered the predator–prey balance resulting in asymmetric predation in which predators are maintained by alternative prey (i.e. apparent competition). This study estimates survival...
Climate change vulnerability assessments are commonly used to identify species or populations at risk from global climate change, but few translate impact assessments to climate change adaptation actions. Furthermore, most climate change adaptation efforts emphasize where to implement management actions, whereas timing remains largely overlooked. The rate of modern climate change introduces urgency in evaluating whether delaying conservation actions compromises their efficacy for reaching important conservation targets. We evaluated the importance of multiple climate change adaptation strategies including timing of actions on preventing extinctions for a threatened climate-sensitive species, the Eastern Massasauga...
Of the vital rates that determine recruitment, breeding propensity (i.e., the proportion of females that lay at least one egg) and nest success appear to have the greatest influence, but breeding propensity remains poorly studied. The few studies that have been conducted reveal it to be highly variable among years (15–77%), likely in response to environmental conditions (e.g., precipitation and wetland availability), and lower than estimates from other dabbling ducks. Thus, quantifying breeding propensity across the mottled duck range in the WGC and identifying factors responsible for its variation remain high priorities for future investigation. Breeding propensity is also among the most difficult vital rates to...
Assessing the distribution and abundance of both predator and prey (forage) fish species is a cornerstone of ecosystem-based based fishery management, and supports decision making that considers food-web interactions. In support of binational Great Lakes fishery management the objectives of this survey were to: provide estimates of densities of key forage and predator species in the western basin of Lake Erie, to assess seasonal and spatial distributions of fishes, and to assess year class strength. A systematic grid sampling approach with 41 stations was sampled during June (Spring) and September (Autumn), starting in 2013. This data release adds 2017 data to the set – making it five years of continuous observation.
Synopsis: To date, there is a lack of well-controlled field experiments that disentangle the effects of the intervening matrix from other landscape variables (e.g., patch geography or quality) that might influence animal dispersal among patches. We performed a field experiment to investigate how the movement of a delphacid planthopper (Prokelisia crocea) among discrete patches of prairie cordgrass (Spartina pectinata) is affected by the composition of the matrix (mudflat, native nonhost grasses, and the introduced grass smooth brome [Bromus inermis]). Within each matrix type, marked planthoppers were released onto experimental cordgrass patches that were made identical in size, isolation, and host plant quality....
The Western Gulf Coast (WGC) is home to approximately 90% of the worldwide population of mottled ducks (Anas fulvigula), a non-migratory species that must satisfy its annual cycle needs within a small geographic range. Available population data suggest the WGC mottled duck population has experienced a slight to moderate decline across its range since 1985 (Gulf Coast Joint Venture [GCJV] Mottled Duck Working Group, Unpublished report). Because of its population status and reliance on a restricted geography, the mottled duck has been identified as a focal species for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, a priority species in Texas and Louisiana Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Plans, and the subject of targeted...
In 2014, the USGS Lake Erie Biological Station participated in the Coordinated Science and Monitoring Initiative (CMSI) program, a program founded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Environment Canada in the 1990s as a means to focus collaborative research attention on one of the five Great Lakes each year (on a rotating schedule) as a means to increase scientific knowledge for Great Lakes restoration. The Lake Erie survey examined the food web across a nearshore to offshore gradient, matching the sampling design the preceding USGS studies of the other four Great Lakes (2010-2013). We sampled all trophic levels in all three lake basins across multiple seasons in order to determine nutrient availability...
These data are multi-state capture histories of 273 individual San Francisco gartersnakes collected at a site before and after a portion of the site was burned. Data collection began in 2008 and continued until 2013, and the prescribed fire was applied in the fall of 2010. These data support the following paper: Halstead, B. J., Thompson, M. E., Amarello, M. , Smith, J. J., Wylie, G. D., Routman, E. J. and Casazza, M. L. (2018), Effects of prescribed fire on San Francisco gartersnake survival and movement. Jour. Wild. Mgmt.. . doi:10.1002/jwmg.21585
This data release includes both a tabular data set and a zipped file of images. The tabular data set consists of measurements of annuli widths from Walleye dorsal spine thin sections. Walleye spines were sampled non-lethally from fish that were selected for acoustic telemetry tag implantation in several interrelated investigations. The telemetry work was coordinated through the Great Lakes Acoustic Telemetry Observation System (GLATOS, Measurements were obtained from digital images of spine thin sections within the zipped file provided, and can be used to understand the age and growth characteristics of tagged Walleye. These data can be cross-referenced with biological and tagging data...
These data were compiled to provide seed transfer and native plant materials development guidance to managers and practitioners across the Colorado Plateau and in adjacent regions. This data release contains empirical seed transfer zones derived from molecular genetic data for Cleome serrulata (syn. Peritoma serrulata), Heliomeris multiflora, and Astragalus lonchocarpus. These species show distinct population structure (i.e., genetic differentiation) across their ranges; as such, seed transfer zones reflect both patterns of genetic differentiation and information on each species' unique adaptations to climatic gradients. These shapefile data may support successful restoration outcomes if, for example, seed transfer...
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Arizona, Astragalus lonchocarpus, Botany, Cleome serrulata (syn. Peritoma serrulata), Colorado, All tags...
Chloropyron maritimum subsp. maritimum population counts at Sweetwater Marsh National Wildlife Refuge, California, and tide and weather data from San Diego, California, are used to explain interannual variation in Chloropyron counts and to predict past population counts.
This data set summarizes electrofishing effort, observations, and tissue sampling of aquatic vertebrates near Yellow Pine, Idaho. Sampling was conducted using a backpack electrofishing unit at two reference sites including Cane Creek and Sugar Creek, and at three mine impact sites including Sugar Creek and Cinnabar Creek. Juvenile Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) were present at all five sites and were the primary species targeted during our sampling effort. Additional tissue samples of Sculpin, and amphibians were taken when available. Where possible, a two pass (quantitative depletion) electrofishing survey was conducted at each site for non-USGS stakeholders (Nez Perce Tribe and Idaho Department of Fish and...
We compiled time series of egg mass counts (an index of adult female abundance) from Rana boylii populations in 36 focal streams and fit a Multiple Population Viability Analysis (MPVA) model to quantify how streamflow metrics, stream temperature, and surrounding land cover affect population growth. In addition, data on streamflow, stream temperature, and surrounding land cover for each stream were compiled from existing sources. These data support the following publication: Rose, J.P., Kupferberg, S.J., Peek, R.A., Ashton, D., Bettaso, J.B., Bobzien, S., Bourque, R.M., Breedveld, K.G., Catenazzi, A., Drennan, J.E., Gonsolin, E., Grefsrud, M., Herman, A.E., House, M.R., Kluber, M.R., Lind, A.J., Marlow, K.R., Striegle,...

    map background search result map search result map Changes in landscape composition influence the decline of a threatened woodland caribou population Matrix composition affects the spatial ecology of a prairie planthopper. Human Population in the Western United States (1900 - 2000) Using light-level geolocators to measure breeding propensity of mottled ducks in the Western Gulf Coast Coastal California San Francisco Gartersnake Capture-Mark-Recapture Data (2008-2013) Lake Erie Collaborative Science and Monitoring Initiative 2014 Electrofishing Results and Sampling of Bull Trout and Other Aquatic Vertebrates in the Vicinity of Yellow Pine, Idaho 2016 Lake Erie Fish Community Data, 2013-2017 Sclerochronology of Walleye Dorsal Spines, 2011-2016 Publication: Delaying conservation actions matters for species vulnerable to climate change Chloropyron maritimum subsp. maritimum population counts, tide, and weather data for Sweetwater Marsh National Wildlife Refuge Genomic Determination of Hoary Bat Population History and Trend Final Report: Using light-level geolocators to measure breeding propensity of mottled ducks in the Western Gulf Coast Genetically informed seed transfer zones for Astragalus lonchocarpus, Cleome serrulata, and Heliomeris multiflora across the Colorado Plateau and adjacent regions Egg Mass Counts from Foothill Yellow-Legged Frogs (Rana boylii) in California from 1992-2021 Chloropyron maritimum subsp. maritimum population counts, tide, and weather data for Sweetwater Marsh National Wildlife Refuge Coastal California San Francisco Gartersnake Capture-Mark-Recapture Data (2008-2013) Electrofishing Results and Sampling of Bull Trout and Other Aquatic Vertebrates in the Vicinity of Yellow Pine, Idaho 2016 Lake Erie Fish Community Data, 2013-2017 Lake Erie Collaborative Science and Monitoring Initiative 2014 Sclerochronology of Walleye Dorsal Spines, 2011-2016 Matrix composition affects the spatial ecology of a prairie planthopper. Changes in landscape composition influence the decline of a threatened woodland caribou population Using light-level geolocators to measure breeding propensity of mottled ducks in the Western Gulf Coast Final Report: Using light-level geolocators to measure breeding propensity of mottled ducks in the Western Gulf Coast Genetically informed seed transfer zones for Astragalus lonchocarpus, Cleome serrulata, and Heliomeris multiflora across the Colorado Plateau and adjacent regions Egg Mass Counts from Foothill Yellow-Legged Frogs (Rana boylii) in California from 1992-2021 Publication: Delaying conservation actions matters for species vulnerable to climate change Human Population in the Western United States (1900 - 2000) Genomic Determination of Hoary Bat Population History and Trend