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FY2014This projects main goals are to assess the effects of grazing by feral horses and livestock on Greater Sage-grouse demography and habitats. The Sheldon-Hart Mountain National Wildlife Refuge Complex and adjacent lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management provide the unique opportunity to assess sage-grouse populations free of feral horses and livestock grazing, populations that only have feral horses, as well as populations that coincide with both livestock grazing and feral horses. The project team will:1)Use historical sage-grouse data collected from Hart Mountain before and immediately after livestock were removed in the early 1990s, and historical data from Sheldon before the irruption of feral horses...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Conservation Planning, Data Acquisition and Development, Datasets/Database, Federal resource managers, Grazing, All tags...
The occurrence of Potentially Toxic Elements (PTEs) in the Arctic and sub-Arctic is of major concern for the sensitive ecosystems and the humans and aquatic flora and fauna in this region. Specifically, the Aleutian volcanic arc within the ABSI LCC is of interest because it exists along the ocean and atmospheric pathways for the transport of these and other contaminants and pollutants that are derived from other locations, such as Asia. Assessing the distribution of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in the Aleutian volcanic arc (within the ABSI LCC) is necessary in order to document the natural and anthropogenic sources of such elements that are utilized as micro-nutrients by aquatic wildlife, in some cases biomagnify,...
In its first funded year this project created an online environment in which land managers and their technical support staff can quickly find the climate adaptation information they need and communicate with the researchers producing the data. Phase 2 of the project focused on reaching out to the user community to get them engaged in the Climate Commons, and continuing development of the site. In year 3 and beyond, the Climate Commons became the CA LCC’s project data management platform as well as a digital library offering a starting place to find climate change science relevant to conservation decision-making.
Categories: Data, Project; Tags: 2011, 2012, Academics & scientific researchers, Applications and Tools, CA, All tags...
Final Report Abstract: More than half of the world’s population relies upon monsoonal rainfall that supports agriculture. While in many locations climate change is resulting in less moisture from fewer winter storms and more intense summer precipitation events, rural working landscapes (agricultural managed systems) are struggling to recover from increasingly extreme droughts and floods. The Cañada Alamosa watershed, a 420,000 acre in southwestern New Mexico (see figure 1), faces contemporary resource challenges common to the Southwest; overgrazing and fire suppression have led to a loss of deep soils and vegetative cover. This area’s traditional cultural practices of managed stormwater flooding of the historic...
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service, Shapefile; Tags: 2012, Alamosa Creek, Cañada Alamosa Watershed, Conservation Design, Desert LCC, All tags...
The northern bobwhite Colinus virginianus has experienced range-wide declines over the past several decades, primarily due to habitat loss and habitat fragmentation. As northern bobwhite populations continue to decline, there is a need for studies that address the impact of habitat changes on population persistence at multiple spatial scales. Our goal was to assess changes in habitat and land use related to northern bobwhite declines across multiple spatial scales in Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana. We determined northern bobwhite trends for 1972–2012 using Breeding Bird Survey data. At the regional scale, we compared northern bobwhite population trends with road density (2000, 2012), human population (1970–2010),...
FY2013“The loss of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt.) on sites disturbed by fire has motivated many restoration seeding and planting efforts. However, the resulting sagebrush establishment is often lower than desired, especially in dry areas. Sagebrush establishment may be increased by addressing factors such as seed source and condition or management of the plant community. The research team assessed initial establishment of seeded sagebrush and four populations of small outplants (from different geographies, climates, and cytotypes) and small sagebrush outplants in an early seral community where mowing, herbicide, and seeding of other native plants had been experimentally applied. No emergence of seeded...
Goal: Identify actions that will maximize the adaptive capacity of priority species, habitat, and ecosystems to support an ecologically connected Central Valley landscape. The CA LCC will bring partners together to cooperatively agree on strategic climate-smart adaptation goals, objectives, strategies, and actions for the Central Valley landscape. The project area is the Central Valley due to its high vulnerability to numerous stressors including continuing land use changes, increasing temperatures, drought, and loss of important habitats. The target audience is natural resource managers and decision makers in the Central Valley. The approach includes assessing current and potential future conditions of priority...
In order to understand ongoing and future climate change and its impacts on ecosystem services, we must have a grasp on historical ranges of climate variability. Fortunately, detailed weather station data are available in the United States for thousands of locations over the last century. Moreover, sophisticated approaches have been developed for translating these measurements into unified datasets across the U.S., including climate estimates for locations that lack station data.The PRISM (Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model) Climate Group produces such estimates from weather station data at daily, monthly, and annual time steps, incorporating data from 1895 to the present day. PRISM methods...
With the ultimate goal of conserving and restoring threatened native grassland prairies and the wildlife that depend on them, the National Audubon Society (Audubon) is facilitating a landscape conservation design for the grassland birds in the greater Chicago region. As a first step in this process standardized avian point count surveys conducted primarily by citizen volunteers were combined with landcover composition and configuration, soils, and vegetation productivity data to model abundance of five grassland bird species. Models were updated with additional data and expert review in 2015 and now provide map outputs of existing grassland bird habitat and population estimates for species of conservation concern...
This project includes the following tasks: Update the viewer to add the following components from future Blueprint versions and data products: a) Update Blueprint priority layer with future versions, and b) Update indicator charting at level of individual indicators and ecosystems. Develop pixel-level filtering feature: a) Build a user interface to allow users to filter the Blueprint by indicator value, and b) Set up appropriate computing resources, including cloud-hosted virtual machine and software installation. Scope and develop mobile responsive design: a) Investigate and develop strategy to incorporate mobile capability into the Simple Viewer, and b) Build compatible mobile responsive interface. Investigate...
The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) will facilitate integration of regional science through local land-use decision-making to enhance stewardship of North Atlantic LCC conservation priorities. The WCS will identify North Atlantic LCC science data layers that are most relevant for state and regional conservation priorities and determine opportunities for integrating this information into state and regional planning. This information will be used to identify and prioritize communities with the greatest potential to achieve conservation outcomes in locations of high conservation value on private lands through small science-based modifications to existing land-use planning tools. WCS will demonstrate on-the-ground...
About This Project Open woodlands dominated by southern yellow pine were historically a large component of the landscape across the southeastern United States. These woodlands have an open canopy of longleaf, slash, shortleaf, and/or loblolly pines, with scattered shrubs and a grassy understory. These southern open pine ecosystems support many species of wildlife, many of which have declined in recent years as the amount and condition of their habitat has declined. This troubling decline in wildlife species has led to a focus on regional conservation efforts by America’s Longleaf, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Landscape Conservation Cooperatives, state wildlife agencies, the U.S. Forest Service, National...
The emerald ash borer (EAB) poses a tremendous threat to ash forest habitats across the upper Great Lakes. Of particular concern is the impact EAB will have on the ecology and functioning of black ash ( Fraxinus nigra) forested wetlands, which cover over 500,000 ha in Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin and represent the region’s most common ash forest habitat. Black ash often occurs in relatively pure stands on poorly drained sites where it serves as a foundation species exerting a strong control over ecosystem structure and functioning. Correspondingly, extirpation of this species by EAB could have negative cascading effects, including dramatic rises in water tables and shifts in vegetation composition towards...
The Lower Rio Grande Valley in south Texas is one of the largest migratory bird stopovers in North America and a major birding hotspot. Reservoir development allowed controlled flows of the lower Rio Grande River and subsequent agricultural expansion in the river valley, resulting in rapid population growth and habitat loss, causing significant declines in fish and wildlife populations. Gulf Coast Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative partners wish to restore habitat and self-sustaining migratory bird populations in the valley.
The Urban Influence measure developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Economic Research Service (ERS) identifies metropolitan counties by population size and outlines where natural area and urban boundaries exist. This can help to indicate where increased stresses on ecosystem services may occur.The boundaries between urban, rural, and natural areas in Appalachia are increasingly defined by the accelerated demand for ecosystem services from growing urban populations. Increases in “urbanness” not only stress the capacity of affected landscapes to provide ecosystem services, but also magnify the pressure on nearby natural areas to provide those services to more people. However, opportunities exist for...
Regional Climate Centers (RCC) Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI: drought index). Recent 10-year climatology for drought in all months, 1950-1999.Drought is one of the most consequential aspects of variation in precipitation and temperature patterns in terms of its impacts on natural ecosystems and human systems. The production of food and clean water can be strongly affected, as can forest products production, outdoor recreation, ecosystem processes such as wildland fire, and many other processes affecting ecosystem services. Having a grasp on recent ranges of variability in drought conditions can provide a context for understanding ongoing and future climate change and its impacts on ecosystem services. Although...
Conservation of biological communities requires accurate estimates of abundance for multiple species. Recent advances in estimating abundance of multiple species, such as Bayesian multispecies N-mixture models, account for multiple sources of variation, including detection error. However, false-positiveerrors (misidentification or double counts), which are prevalent in multispecies data sets, remain largely unaddressed. The dependent-double observer (DDO) method is an emerging method that both accounts for detection error and is suggested to reduce the occurrence of false positives because it relies on two observers working collaboratively to identify individuals. To date, the DDO method has not been combined with...

map background search result map search result map Bird Communities of Mature and Revegetated Tracts along the Lower Rio Grande Grassland Bird Conservation Design in the Chicago Region Quantifying and mitigating the impacts of emerald ash borer on black ash forests in the upper Great Lakes region Drought The Palmer Drought Severity Index Annual Mean 1950-1999 Economic Research Council Urban Influence Codes 2013 Assessment of Impacts of Feral Horses and Livestock Grazing on Sage-grouse and their Habitats: Long-term trends in sage-grouse demography and habitats on the Sheldon-Hart Mountain NWRC and adjacent lands Improve viewer for South Atlantic Conservation Blueprint Version 2.1 and 2.2 Enhanced Stewardship of Priority Habitats and Species on Private Lands Using NALCC Science Across Four Northeastern States R12AP80911 Final Report: Alamosa Creek and the Cañada Alamosa Community: Aligning ecological restoration and community interests through active experimentation Restoring Big Sagebrush A multispecies dependent double-observer model: A new method to for estimating multispecies abundance PRISM Winter Minimum Normal Temperature Normal 1981-2010 NatureScape, Aquatic Modeling Catchment Scores Tennessee State Wildlife Action Plan Priorities Upstream of Aquatic Habitats Tennessee State Wildlife Action Plan 2015 Aquatic Habitat Priorities Efficiently monitoring extent of fire and fire effects in the South Atlantic LCC: Fire Spatial Footprint White Paper Publication: Correlates of habitat fragmentation and northern bobwhite abundance in the Gulf Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative Assessment of Impacts of Feral Horses and Livestock Grazing on Sage-grouse and their Habitats: Long-term trends in sage-grouse demography and habitats on the Sheldon-Hart Mountain NWRC and adjacent lands Restoring Big Sagebrush R12AP80911 Final Report: Alamosa Creek and the Cañada Alamosa Community: Aligning ecological restoration and community interests through active experimentation Bird Communities of Mature and Revegetated Tracts along the Lower Rio Grande Grassland Bird Conservation Design in the Chicago Region Tennessee State Wildlife Action Plan Priorities Upstream of Aquatic Habitats Tennessee State Wildlife Action Plan 2015 Aquatic Habitat Priorities Enhanced Stewardship of Priority Habitats and Species on Private Lands Using NALCC Science Across Four Northeastern States Improve viewer for South Atlantic Conservation Blueprint Version 2.1 and 2.2 Efficiently monitoring extent of fire and fire effects in the South Atlantic LCC: Fire Spatial Footprint White Paper Publication: Correlates of habitat fragmentation and northern bobwhite abundance in the Gulf Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative Economic Research Council Urban Influence Codes 2013 NatureScape, Aquatic Modeling Catchment Scores Drought The Palmer Drought Severity Index Annual Mean 1950-1999 PRISM Winter Minimum Normal Temperature Normal 1981-2010 A multispecies dependent double-observer model: A new method to for estimating multispecies abundance Quantifying and mitigating the impacts of emerald ash borer on black ash forests in the upper Great Lakes region