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Average January temperature for 2016-2030 projected by the GFDL2.1 GCM run 1 driven by the A2 emissions scenario at 1/8 degree latitude-longitude (approximately 12km by 12 km) over the Wyoming Basin and surrounding areas. BCSD data downloaded the "Downscaled CMIP3 and CMIP5 Climate and Hydrology Projections," archived at
Average annual temperature for 2016-2030 projected by the ECHAM5 GCM run 1 driven by the A2 emissions scenario at 1/8 degree latitude-longitude (approximately 12km by 12 km) from a 36-member GCM ensemble (16 GCMs with multiple runs of some GCMs, all the runs available for BCSD) over the Wyoming Basin and surrounding areas. BCSD data downloaded from the "Downscaled CMIP3 and CMIP5 Climate and Hydrology Projections" archived at
To assess fire frequency and extent, the perimeters of fires overlapping the distribution of pygmy rabbit. Fire occurrences since 1980 were compiled from fire occurrence data sets from U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Geological Survey (GeoMAC), National Park Service, Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity, Western Fires Database, Bureau of Land Management, and National Fire and Aviation Management Web applications.
Low risk of SAD equals current aspen distribution coincident with the 2030 SAD climatic envelope classes, Potential aspen climatic envelope expansion, or No expected change in aspen climatic envelope.
Geospatial data sets for the Wyoming Basin REA spatially quantify explicit cumulative effects and provide a broad-scale ecological context for decision-making and planning that cannot be determined using local-level information.
The potential effect of development on patch size was used as an index of fragmentation. Patch size was quantified for relatively undeveloped patches (Terrestrial Development Index scores less than or equal to 1 percent) of sagebrush steppe. Because TDI is calculated for a 2.25 km radius moving window, relatively undeveloped patches are defined at this analysis scale. Patch sizes for relatively undeveloped areas can then be compared to baseline conditions.
Average percent of land cover accounted for by herbaceous cover in the Wyoming Basins Ecoregional Assessment area (5 km scale), a summary of the percent cover of herbaceous cover produced by Homer and others, 2012 (Homer, C. G., C. L. Aldridge, D. K. Meyer, and S. J. Schell. 2012. Multi scale remote sensing sagebrush characterization with regression trees over Wyoming, USA: laying a foundation for monitoring. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 14: 233 to 244.), by running the focalsum command in ArcGIS Spatial Analyst
Core area risk is classified by the percent of aspen that is core area, summarized by township. Core area was defined as aspen greater than 60 m from nonforest edges and roads or railroads.
Ranks of landscape level ecological risks for pygmy rabbit, summarized by township, in the Wyoming Basin Rapid Ecoregional Assessment project area. Landscape level risk based on Terrestrial Development Index (TDI). Risk classes based on mean TDI score by township. Lowest risk corresponds to TDI less than 1, medium risk corresponds to TDI 1 to 3, Highest risk corresponds TDI greater than 3. See table 27.3 and appendix in the Wyoming Basin REA report at for additional details.
The potential effect of development on patch size was used as an index of fragmentation. Patch size was quantified for baseline conditions for pygmy rabbit. This provides a reference for comparing patch size for relatively undeveloped patches (Terrestrial Development Index scores less than or equal to 1 percent) of pygmy rabbit.
The potential effect of development on patch size was used as an index of fragmentation. Patch size was quantified for baseline conditions for Greater Sage Grouse. This provides a reference for comparing patch size for relatively undeveloped patches (Terrestrial Development Index scores less than or equal to 1 percent).
Fifth-level watersheds (HUC10) with high or very high conservation potential for at least one aquatic species evaluated as a Conservation Element by land ownership and protection from PADUS.
This map shows Class I Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) areas. These data are provided by Bureau of Land Management (BLM) "as is" and may contain errors or omissions. The User assumes the entire risk associated with its use of these data and bears all responsibility in determining whether these data are fit for the User's intended use. These data may not have the accuracy, resolution, completeness, timeliness, or other characteristics appropriate for applications that potential users of the data may contemplate. The User is encouraged to carefully consider the content of the metadata file associated with these data. The BLM should be cited as the data source in any products derived from these data.
The potential effect of development on patch size was used as an index of fragmentation. Patch size was quantified for baseline conditions for foothill shrublands and woodlands. This provides a reference for comparing patch size for relatively undeveloped patches (Terrestrial Development Index scores less than or equal to 1 percent) of Foothill Shrublands Woodlands.
Active Water Rights of Montana. The data consists of estimated locations of all the active recorded points of diversion and points of use in the water rights database. There are four separate spatial layers: Points of diversion, Points of Use, Points of Reservoirs, and Points of Use for Irrigation (a subset of Points of Use). The version of this data available at the State Library is updated on a weekly basis. For administrative purposes, the original version of all active water rights is given (i.e. Version ID = 1). If change of information about a particular water right has occurred over time, there will be an additional version of the water right, and depending on how many changes, there will only be one other...
The Wyoming Basin Rapid Ecoregional Assessment project area is defined by all 5th level watersheds (HUC10) that intersect the boundary of the Wyoming Basin Ecoregion. All other datasets used for Wyoming Basing Rapid Ecoregional Assessment are clipped to this boundary.
Proportion of Riparian Land Cover (540 m scale) in the Wyoming Basins Ecoregional Assessment area, produced by Hanser and others, 2011 (Hanser, S. E., M. Leu, S. T. Knick, and C. L. Aldridge, eds. 2011. Sagebrush ecosystem conservation and management: ecoregional assessment tools and models for the Wyoming Basins. Allen Press, Lawrence, KS.), by using a circular 6 pixel focal moving window analysis.

map background search result map search result map BLM REA WYB 2011 Intactness Watersheds Ownership and Protection Status BLM REA WYB 2011 Proportion of riparian land cover, summarized at 540 m BLM REA WYB 2011 Average percent cover of herbaceous vegetation, summarized at 5 km BLM REA WYB 2011 Project Area Boundary BLM REA WYB 2011 Invasive Species Locations in WYBREA, points BLM REA WYB 2011 Montana Water Rights BLM REA WYB 2011 WFDSS Interagency Historic FirePerimeters 20120608 v1 BLM REA WYB 2011 ECHAM5 projected annual temperature, 2016-2030 BLM REA WYB 2011 GFDL2.1 projected January temperature, 2016-2030 BLM REA WYB 2011 Developed Landcover used in Biome Analysis BLM REA WYB 2011 Foothill Shrublands Woodlands Patches Baseline BLM REA WYB 2011 Sagebrush Steppe Relatively Undeveloped Patches 15m BLM REA WYB 2011 Foothills Aspen Distribution Functional Type no null values BLM REA WYB 2011 TS C ASPEN RISK Poly Ch15 Fig16a BLM REA WYB 2011 Aspen Low Risk of Sudden Aspen Decline BLM REA WYB 2011 Greater Sage Grouse Patches Baseline BLM REA WYB 2011 Pygmy Rabbit Patches Baseline BLM REA WYB 2011 Pygmy Rabbit Ecological Risk BLM REA WYB 2011 Pygmy Rabbit Fire BLM REA SLV 2013 Class I Prevention of Significant Deterioration BLM REA WYB 2011 Invasive Species Locations in WYBREA, points BLM REA WYB 2011 Montana Water Rights BLM REA WYB 2011 Pygmy Rabbit Fire BLM REA WYB 2011 Intactness Watersheds Ownership and Protection Status BLM REA WYB 2011 TS C ASPEN RISK Poly Ch15 Fig16a BLM REA WYB 2011 Pygmy Rabbit Ecological Risk BLM REA WYB 2011 Project Area Boundary BLM REA WYB 2011 Developed Landcover used in Biome Analysis BLM REA WYB 2011 Foothill Shrublands Woodlands Patches Baseline BLM REA WYB 2011 Sagebrush Steppe Relatively Undeveloped Patches 15m BLM REA WYB 2011 Foothills Aspen Distribution Functional Type no null values BLM REA WYB 2011 Greater Sage Grouse Patches Baseline BLM REA WYB 2011 Proportion of riparian land cover, summarized at 540 m BLM REA WYB 2011 Average percent cover of herbaceous vegetation, summarized at 5 km BLM REA WYB 2011 Pygmy Rabbit Patches Baseline BLM REA WYB 2011 Aspen Low Risk of Sudden Aspen Decline BLM REA SLV 2013 Class I Prevention of Significant Deterioration BLM REA WYB 2011 GFDL2.1 projected January temperature, 2016-2030 BLM REA WYB 2011 ECHAM5 projected annual temperature, 2016-2030 BLM REA WYB 2011 WFDSS Interagency Historic FirePerimeters 20120608 v1