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It is well know that every earthquake can spawn others (e.g., as aftershocks), and that such triggered events can be large and damaging, as recently demonstrated by L’Aquila, Italy and Christchurch, New Zealand earthquakes. In spite of being an explicit USGS strategic-action priority (; page 32), the USGS currently lacks an automated system with which to forecast such events and official protocols for disseminating the potential implications. This capability, known as Operational Earthquake Forecasting (OEF), could provide valuable situational awareness to emergency managers, the public, and other entities interested in preparing for potentially damaging earthquakes. With the various...
The distribution and abundance of cheatgrass, an invasive annual grass native to Eurasia, has increased substantially across the Intermountain West, including the Great Basin. Cheatgrass is highly flammable, and as it has expanded, the extent and frequency of fire in the Great Basin has increased by as much as 200%. These changes in fire regimes are associated with loss of the native sagebrush, grasses, and herbaceous flowering plants that provide habitat for many native animals, including Greater Sage-Grouse. Changes in vegetation and fire management have been suggested with the intent of conserving Greater Sage-Grouse. However, the potential responses of other sensitive-status birds to these changes in management...
This project used species distribution modeling to assess the risk to habitat change under various climate change scenarios for rare plants. To predict the response of rare plant species to climate change, the project modeled the current distribution of the species using climate and environmental data (e.g., soils, disturbance, land-use), use these models to predict the species distribution given climate change, calculate current and future range size, calculate the amount of overlap of predicted future distribution with current distribution, and assess where barriers and protected areas are located with reference to the change in species distribution. Given the results of the distribution modeling, each species...
Understanding the physiological impacts of climate change on arid lands species is a critical step towards ensuring the resilience and persistence of such species under changing temperature and moisture regimes. Varying degrees of vulnerability among different species will largely determine their future distributions in the face of climate change. Studies have indicated that Northern Mexico and the Southwestern United States are likely to become climate change hotspots, experiencing significantly drier and warmer average conditions by the end of the 21st century. However, relatively few studies have examined specifically the physiological effects of climate change on species inhabiting this region. This manuscript...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2014, AZ-01, AZ-02, AZ-03, AZ-04, All tags...
The project had 2 broad objectives. The first objective was to meet the needs of the Yurok Tribe in collecting and documenting TEK to inform tribal planning related to climate change impacts to culturally significant wildlife and habitats that support these species. This information is crucial to informing Yurok Tribe resource managers and the Yurok Council as it embarks on climate change adaptation planning. The Yurok Tribes Council and Environmental, Forestry, Wildlife, Fisheries and Cultural Resources Programs will benefit from the knowledge and wisdom gained from the project as the Tribe prepares for climate change impacts. The second objective was to assist the NPLCC in its efforts to integrate Tribal TEK into...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2012, Academics & scientific researchers, CA-2, CA-2, California, All tags...
This project will provide a comprehensive synthesis of beaver recolonization science and techniques for successful reintroduction or population expansion through a thorough, in-depth, coordinated review of all North American beaver-related information, including identification of research gaps and data needs, and recommendations for project implementation. This information will be disseminated through a series of one-day workshops.
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2013, AK-1, Alaska, Alaska, Alaska, All tags...
Projected water deficits mean that land and water managers must be proactive in their management of rivers and shallow aquifers, if they want to maintain the ecosystems dependent upon them. To do this, managers and decision makers need easy access to the best techniques available for determining how much water ecosystems need. This project will result in a Desert LCC-wide database of environmental flow needs and responses (environmental water demands) to help water and land managers make management decisions. This project will identify critical data gaps in flow need and flow response data in the Desert LCC (especially related to baseflow dependent streams) and result in a user-friendly, one-stop-shop for managers...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2014, AZ-01, AZ-02, AZ-03, AZ-04, All tags...
This project applied sea-level rise (SLR) modeling approaches along the Pacific coast tidal gradient at a parcel scale through improved data collection tools and collaboration relevant to land managers. At selected salt marsh parcels in both the North Pacific and California LCCs, data collection techniques were employed to assess detailed baseline habitat elevations; tidal ranges, microclimate, and extreme weather events; sediment supply sources; vegetation community composition; and vertebrate population indices. The design provides resource managers with information on the value of different datasets and methods including their uncertainty, as well as determines their usefulness in climate change adaptation planning...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2011, Academics & scientific researchers, Alaska, British Columbia, CA-2, All tags...
This project obtained information regarding past catastrophic events, such as tsunamis, and TEK through oral history interviews with Tolowa elders regarding the effects of climate change and tsunamis on traditional smelt fishing camps; generated a GIS model of coastal inundation due to sea level rise and overlaid that with known archaeological and ethnographic resources; generated a final report with detailed information of past tsunami events, and modeled the potential effects of climate change and sea level rise on archaeological and ethnographic Tolowa sites using TEK and GIS based upon the results of this study.
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2012, CA-2, CA-2, California, California, All tags...
FY2013This project retrieves four years of data from over 200 temperature sensors nested within 28 sites across ~40 million hectares of the hydrographic Great Basin. The sensors span all major aspects and up to 700 m of elevation within sites, and occur in numerous management jurisdictions in 18 mountain ranges plus other areas not in ranges. This project: Quantifies the variability of climate at micro-, meso-, and macroscales across the Basin, and across diel, seasonal, and interannual periods. Informs management and conservation efforts, in terms of helping calibrate and refine the climatic stage upon which all biological actors and efforts hinge (Beier and Brost 2010). Feeds into other bioclimatic and wildlife...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2013, 2014, Academics & scientific researchers, California, California, All tags...
Building on currently available resources and on the prior climate adaptation experiences of our team,which includes tribal staff and a cultural anthropologist who is also an enrolled member of theConfederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, we will co-develop a guidebook for tribal adaptation. Thisguidebook will bring a tribal focus to adaptation planning and building resilience, in the context ofexisting tribal priorities, and will include traditional and local knowledge as well as western scientificresources and tools. Under the direction of an advisory group, the guidebook will be road-tested withseveral tribes, two of which have already been identified, and then revised at least once before beingreleased.
FY2017There is an increasing concern and need for the conservation of springsnails and other endemic mollusks and for conservation of the unique spring and springbrook habitats on which they depend (Hershler et al 2014; Abele 2011). Nationwide, several of these species have been listed as endangered or threatened under provisions of the ESA; others are candidates for federal listing or are undergoing review by USFWS for possible future listing actions. These species can be particularly susceptible to localized threats and specific knowledge necessary for effective site-based conservation is often limited or lacking.Springsnail are particularly susceptible to extinction because the entire population of any single...
FY2017Increasing effectiveness of post-fire treatments is a management priority, such as is emphasized in Secretarial Order #3336 on rangeland fire and restoration, which prescribes a programmatic, longer-term approach that accommodates the layering of different treatments in sagebrush-steppe rangelands. The phasing of treatments by applying them in different post-fire years is an important part of wildfire response that, along with timing of livestock grazing resumption, likely affects overall project success - but is yet under studied. This projects objective is to determine the incremental gains in increasing desirable perennials and decreasing exotic annual grasses with the phasing of land management actions...
FY2015The Northwestern Great Basin ecoregion is one of the most intact ecosystems in the west. It is also a biological hotspot for migratory birds, greater sage-grouse and a stronghold for pronghorn antelope. However, altered fire regimes, invasive species, water scarcity, development, and climate change threaten the integrity of this landscape. Several efforts are ongoing for individual species, specific threats or sub-geographies, and over 60 existing plans and assessments have been identified for the region. This project will pull the pieces together to create a holistic view of shared priorities on the landscape.
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Alford Desert, Alford Desert, Alford Desert, Alford Desert, Applications and Tools, All tags...
Texas Tech University will conduct quantitative and predictive analysis of the connectivity of isolated desert “wetlands”, that include tinajas, the name for eroded pools in bedrock, for 20 wildlife species over the Sonoran desert ecoregion. Potential loss of wetlands due to climate change will also be studied to identify high value areas that can be prioritized for future restoration efforts and targeted for better management practices.Target species for landscape connectivity analysis include:Colorado River toad ( Incilius alverius )American bullfrog ( Lithobates catesbeianus )Chiricahua leopard frog ( Lithobates chiricahuensis )Lowland leopard frog ( Lithobates yavapaiensis )Couch’s spadefoot ( Scaphiopus couchii...
FY2013Cheatgrass die-offs are unexplained instances of stand failure observed in areas of Nevada and Utah, where cheatgrass fails to grow even though it has been a dominant component of plant communities in the past. The goals of this project are to:1) provide information on the size and extent of historic (1985 - 2012) die-offs in the Winnemucca area using satellite imagery, and 2) determine if die-offs are restoration opportunities by planting and monitoring local and commercially available native grasses in die-off areas.Support is requested to fund monitoring of the restoration project through a second growing season and to develop predictive spatial models of die-off from analysis of satellite imagery and GIS...
FY2014This project builds upon the springs and seeps inventory funded by the Desert LCC.This project will: Fill a significant gap in aquatic habitat information for scenario planning. Create a publically available geospatial database of approximately 2,000+ known Great Basin springs. Create a summary report on the biotic and abiotic conditions of the known springs.
Greater sage-grouse genetic connectivity is essential to the species persistence across the Great Northern landscape; without such connectivity the greater sage-grouse may suffer the same fate as many other related species of grouse, which disappeared from the middle and eastern portion of the United States due to loss of habitat coupled with inbreeding depression. To prevent isolation in the face of energy development and other landscape changes it is essential that we evaluate both fine-scale connectivity and assign relative importance to different leks (breeding populations) on the landscape. This massive task cannot be accomplished with existing tools and maps; fortunately, advanced molecular genomic analyses...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2012, AZ-1, Academics & scientific researchers, Alberta, Arizona, All tags...
FY2017This dataset provides a near-real-time estimate of 2017 herbaceous annual cover with an emphasis on annual grass (Boyte and Wylie. 2016. Near-real-time cheatrass percent cover in the Northern Great Basin, USA, 2015. Rangelands 38:278-284.) This estimate was based on remotely sensed enhanced Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (eMODIS) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data gathered through June 19, 2017. This is the second iteration of an early estimate of herbaceous annual cover for 2017 over the same geographic area. The previous dataset used eMODIS NDVI data gathered through May 1 ( The pixel values for this most recent estimate ranged from 0 to100%...
There are few resources that provide managers cross-scale information for planning climate adaptation strategies for species and taxa at risk. Appropriate allocation of resources requires an understanding of mechanisms influencing a species’ risk to global change. Dr. Griffis-Kyle will produce a manuscript for peer-reviewed publication and create content for web pages that can be included on the Desert LCC website that provide modules on amphibian climate adaptation strategies. This work is associated with addressing Desert LCC Critical Management Question 4: Physiological Stress of Climate Change and follows a webinar that Dr. Griffis-Kyle presented for the Desert LCC’s CMQ 4 team, titled “Climate and Desert Amphibian...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2014, AZ-01, AZ-02, AZ-03, AZ-04, All tags...

map background search result map search result map Providing High Resolution Connectivity Maps for Greater Sage-grouse in the Great Northern Landscape Using State of the Art Genomics Utilizing Yurok traditional ecological knowledge to inform climate change priorities Humboldt Bay NWR Sea-level rise modeling Assessing and Mapping Rare Plant Species Vulnerability to Climate Change Landscape Connectivity of Isolated Waters for Wildlife in the Sonoran Desert Characterization of Montane Ecosystems, Their Microclimates, and Wildlife Distribution and Abundance Across the Hydrographic Great Basin Using TEK to model the effects of climate change and sea-level rise on coastal cultural resources at Tolowa Dunes State Park, Del Norte County, California Using Beaver for Climate Change and Conservation Benefits Physiological Effects of Climate Change on Species within the Desert LCC Desert LCC Environmental Flows Database Northwest Basin and Range Synthesis Project Relations Among Cheatgrass, Fire, Climate, and Sensitive-Status Birds across the Great Basin Understanding the Causes and Consequences of Cheatgrass Die-offs in the Great Basin Climate Adaptation Strategies for Desert Amphibians Paper and Web Modules Environmental Characteristics of Great Basin and Mojave Desert Spring Systems Developing resilience to natural and cultural dimensions of climate change: Tribal perspectives and applications
the transboundary Cascadia landscape, and assessing contribution of eDNA to monitoring
priority species Near-real-time Herbaceous Annual Cover in the Great Basin Matching support to JFSP projects on post-fire recovery of sagebrush and perennial grasses Development of a Regional Springsnail Conservation Strategy Humboldt Bay NWR Sea-level rise modeling Utilizing Yurok traditional ecological knowledge to inform climate change priorities Using TEK to model the effects of climate change and sea-level rise on coastal cultural resources at Tolowa Dunes State Park, Del Norte County, California Understanding the Causes and Consequences of Cheatgrass Die-offs in the Great Basin Using Beaver for Climate Change and Conservation Benefits Providing High Resolution Connectivity Maps for Greater Sage-grouse in the Great Northern Landscape Using State of the Art Genomics Northwest Basin and Range Synthesis Project Landscape Connectivity of Isolated Waters for Wildlife in the Sonoran Desert Characterization of Montane Ecosystems, Their Microclimates, and Wildlife Distribution and Abundance Across the Hydrographic Great Basin Development of a Regional Springsnail Conservation Strategy Assessing and Mapping Rare Plant Species Vulnerability to Climate Change Relations Among Cheatgrass, Fire, Climate, and Sensitive-Status Birds across the Great Basin Environmental Characteristics of Great Basin and Mojave Desert Spring Systems Near-real-time Herbaceous Annual Cover in the Great Basin Matching support to JFSP projects on post-fire recovery of sagebrush and perennial grasses Desert LCC Environmental Flows Database Climate Adaptation Strategies for Desert Amphibians Paper and Web Modules Physiological Effects of Climate Change on Species within the Desert LCC