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This data set describes nuclear microsatellite genotypes derived from six autosomal loci (AgCA222, Age7.1JT, BV13, BV20, NVH206, NVH195-2) in Cooper's Hawks. Samples originated from blood samples collected from live trapped birds. Version History: First release: December 2020 Revised: February 2022 (ver. 2.0)
This data set contains sampling information, allele sizes of 11 microsatellite loci, and Genbank accession numbers of ddRAD seq results for scoters (Melanitta sp.). Microsatellite data is provided for three North American species of scoter (black scoter, M. americana n = 61; white-winged scoter, M. deglandi, n = 208; surf scoter, M. perspicillata, n = 145) and their European congeners (common scoter, M. nigra, n = 19; velvet scoter, M. fusca, n = 20). Individuals with ddRAD results include 27 black scoters, 4 common scoters, 32 surf scoters, 28 white-winged scoters, and 4 velvet scoters.
Categories: Data; Tags: Alaska, Alleles, Animals/Vertebrates, Baja California, Biota, All tags...
These are genetic data collected from replicated samples of 21 Enteroctopus (E. dofleini or a cryptic lineage) in Prince William Sound Alaska to evaluate tissue type, DNA extraction method, and time until analyses are completed on data reliability. Data collected from all samples include two microsatellites identified as possible lineage indicators, and nine microsatellite loci previously identified as polymorphic in both lineages. DNA sequence data from 528 bp of the octopine dehydrogenase (OCDE) gene were also collected.
The Utah sucker (Catostomus ardens) is endemic to the Bonneville Basin and the upper Snake River drainage in western North America, and is thought to hybridize with the federally endangered June sucker (Chasmistes liorus mictus) in Utah Lake (Bonneville Basin). Here we describe the discovery of a major subdivision in Utah suckers (4.5% mitochondrial sequence divergence) between the ancient Snake River drainage and the Bonneville Basin. This boundary has not previously been recognized in Utah suckers based on morphologic variation, but has been recently described in two endemic cyprinids in the region. Populations in valleys east of the Wasatch Mountains in Utah clustered with the Snake River populations, suggesting...
This dataset provides cycle threshold (Ct) values achieved during qPCR for 6 sex-linked genes, and two autosomal genes, for individuals from 60 species and across 13 orders of birds.
These data are comprised of two tables, one table containing wolverine (Gulo gulo) sample and genetic information for 20 microsatellite loci (Gg10-1, Gg25, Gg37-2, Gg42-1, Gg192-1, Gg443, Gg452, Gg454, Gg465, Gg471, Gg473, Gg-3-1, Gg-4, Gg-7-1, Ggu_216-1, Lut604, Ma-3-1, Mvis075, Tt-1, and Tt-4) and genetic sex determination results from North America and one Russian wolverine. All samples were obtained from collections at the University of Alaska Museum of the North or the University of New Mexico’s Museum of Southwestern Biology. The second table provides complete primer information for the genetic markers since several were redesigned from their originally-published sequences for this study.
This data package is comprised of three tables with data from wintering Harlequin Ducks (Histrionicus histrionicus) from Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Maine, Greenland, and Iceland. The first table contains available allele sizes for 7 microsatellite loci (Sfiµ1, Sfiµ4, Sfiµ9, Sfiµ10, Bcaµ10, Hhiµ2, Hhiµ5) and mtDNA control region haplotypes. The second table contains the mtDNA control region sequences used to assign haplotypes. The third table provides the geographic locations of sampling sites.
These are genetic data collected from over 700 individual coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) from 17 streams and rivers within Glacier Bay Alaska and 2 rivers outside the bay. Data collected from all samples include one nuclear gene intron, Growth Hormone-1, and eight microsatellite loci.
This data set describes nuclear microsatellite genotypes derived from eight autosomal loci (BCA6, BCA9, BCA11, BCA5, CRG, OXY13, TSP1.20.09 and TSP1.20.46) and a 366 base pair portion of the mitochondrial control region. A total of 665 Greater White-fronted Geese were examined by genotyping and 518 by sequencing with samples coming from its circumpolar range representing multiple flyways (Midcontinent, Pacific, Greenland, Palearctic). The sex of most samples was determined in the field by morphology or cloacal examination. Version History: First release: June 2018 Revised: July 2018 (ver. 2.0)
Categories: Data; Tags: Alaska, Alleles, Anadyr, Anderson River, Animals/vertebrates, All tags...
Two tables of data are included in this data release. The first table provides screening results for 32 previously described and/or published microsatellites and 1 sexing marker, primer redesigns for use in Mexican Spotted Owls in this data release, and size of markers in Mexican Spotted Owls. The second table provides microsatellite and sexing marker results for 10 tissue and 98 feather samples for 11 microsatellite markers identified as variable in initial marker screenings.
This data set contains allele sizes for 8 previously published and 16 novel microsatellite loci, and one microsatellite redesigned for amplification in Merlins (Falco columarius) associated with circadian clock control and polymorphism that has been associated with juvenile dispersal and migratory behavior in some avian species for Merlin (Falco columbarius) from North America (n=21). Allele sizes for the 16 microsatellite loci developed in this study are included for 12 Gyrfalcons (F. rusticolus) and 13 Peregrine Falcons (F. peregrinus). Additional population level data for Merlins and mtDNA will be added to this data release in the future.
This data set describes nuclear microsatellite genotypes derived from eleven autosomal loci (Lar24, Lar12, Lar26, Lar19, Rbg13, K16, Rbg18, Hg18, Hg16, Hg25, Rbg29). A total of 651 Larus gulls were examined for this study with samples collected throughout North America, Europe, Russia, and South America.
This data set is comprised of one table with sampling information and NCBI BioProject accession numbers for sequence information of this amplicon-based study targeting Loon (Gavia sp.) and fish species expected in lake systems of the North Slope of Alaska from fecal samples. Highly conserved primers which could differentiate species of interest were developed for five portions of gavia mtDNA genes (COXI, CytB, ND1, ND2, and ND5) and two portions of fish mtDNA genes (12S, and CytB). The reference sequences and conserved primer sets to identify species present were developed using publicly available data from NCBI GenBank.

map background search result map search result map Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Microsatellite DNA Data, Pacific Coast of North America, 2000-2009 Larus Gull Microsatellite DNA Data, 2006-2009 Greater White-Fronted Goose Genetic Data, Circumpolar, 1988-2009 Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) Genetic Data, Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska (1994-1999) Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) mtDNA and Microsatellite Genetic Data, Alaska, Canada and Russia, 1880-2012 Enteroctopus Sampling Effects on Genetic Data, Prince William Sound, Alaska, 2012-2015 Genetic Data From Nesting Steller's Eiders (Polysticta stelleri), Near Utqiagvik, Alaska, 1995-2016 Gavia Species Identification and Diet Composition from Feces, Central North Slope, Alaska, 2012-2014 Scoter (Melanitta sp.) ddRAD SNP and Microsatellite Genetic Data, North America and Europe, 1977-2012 Genomic Data of North American Sea Ducks Genetic Data from Wolverine (Gulo gulo) of North America Genetic Data for Merlin (Falco columbarius) and Cross-Species Microsatellite Amplification in Select Falco Species, North America Genetic Data from Cooper's Hawks (Accipiter cooperii), North America Harlequin Duck Genetic Data, North America, Greenland, and Iceland, 1945-2006 Brant (Branta bernicla) Genetic Data from North America, Europe, and Asia DNA Microsatellite and Sex Identification Marker Screening for Mexican Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis lucida) Genetic Microsatellite Data from Sorex, Based on Holarctic Sampling Genetic Data from Barrow's Goldeneye and Common Goldeneye Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) Genetic Data, Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska (1994-1999) Enteroctopus Sampling Effects on Genetic Data, Prince William Sound, Alaska, 2012-2015 DNA Microsatellite and Sex Identification Marker Screening for Mexican Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis lucida) Genetic Data from Cooper's Hawks (Accipiter cooperii), North America Genetic Data from Wolverine (Gulo gulo) of North America Genetic Data for Merlin (Falco columbarius) and Cross-Species Microsatellite Amplification in Select Falco Species, North America Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Microsatellite DNA Data, Pacific Coast of North America, 2000-2009 Genetic Data from Barrow's Goldeneye and Common Goldeneye Harlequin Duck Genetic Data, North America, Greenland, and Iceland, 1945-2006 Genetic Microsatellite Data from Sorex, Based on Holarctic Sampling Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) mtDNA and Microsatellite Genetic Data, Alaska, Canada and Russia, 1880-2012 Scoter (Melanitta sp.) ddRAD SNP and Microsatellite Genetic Data, North America and Europe, 1977-2012 Greater White-Fronted Goose Genetic Data, Circumpolar, 1988-2009 Genomic Data of North American Sea Ducks Brant (Branta bernicla) Genetic Data from North America, Europe, and Asia Larus Gull Microsatellite DNA Data, 2006-2009