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__LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
___USFWS Science Applications
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Predicted population cores (25%, 50% and 75%) of breeding thick-billed longspur (Rhynchophanes mccownii) based on a range-wide random forest distribution model. We summed the probability of occurrence across all pixels in the study region to generate an index of total population. We placed each grid cell prediction in the context of the study area by dividing the individual pixel probability by the total index. Starting with the highest-value pixels, we cumulatively summed the probabilities until a given threshold was met. We set 25, 50 and 75% thresholds to delineate cores as the smallest possible areas containing the highest concentrations of predicted birds.
The Crown Managers Partnership (CMP) is coordinating the Crown of the Continent Landscape Conservation Design (LCD) process to help land managers collectively achieve landscape-scale ecological objectives while working within agency and organizational jurisdictions and mandates. By bringing stakeholders together, the LCD provides the opportunity for land managers to prioritize and coordinate actions on the ground. Representing 42 stakeholder entities across 31,000 sq km (50,500 mi2) in Montana, Alberta, and British Columbia, we are developing spatial designs for 15 priority landscape features. Spatial design integrates stakeholder and subject matter expert knowledge and objectives of resource management plans with...
Around the globe, fish and wildlife managers are facing increasingly complex management issues because of multiscale ecological effects like climate change, species invasion, and land-use change. Managers seeking to prevent extinctions or preserve ecosystems are increasingly considering more interventionist techniques to overcome the resulting changes. Among those techniques, translocation methods that intentionally move species into new, less impacted habitats are being considered. These types of translocations are known by a range of terms, including “managed relocation” and “assisted migration,” but the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s Species Survival Commission (IUCN SSC, 2013) has proposed...
Contains source data related to conservation programs and actions.
The Alberta wall to wall land-cover (LC) polygon vector layer circa 2010 (ABMIw2wLCV2010), version 1.0, is a map describing the spatial distribution of LC across the province of Alberta for the reference year 2010. The map legend consists of 11 LC classes (see below), and the map itself (i.e., this feature class) consists of a mosaic of roughly a million non-overlapping polygons of various sizes, from half a hectare (ha) to thousands of ha. The minimum mapping unit (MMU, or minimum polygon size) is 0.5 ha for aquatic features and 2 ha for the rest, and the Minimum Mapping Width (MMW) is two Landsat pixels (60 m). The file format chosen for the ABw2wLCV2000 is ESRI file geodatabase (gdb), and the cartographic projection...
Written material products from Crown LCD Phase 1
This two-page document is a summary of the USFWS decision support framework effort as of August 2023. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (USFWS) decision support framework for conservation introductions (framework) aims to foster inclusive, transparent and defensible decision making about when to use conservation introductions as a strategy for preventing species extirpation or extinction, re-establishing an ecological function lost through extinction, or directing ecosystem change toward a state that better supports conservation goals. The framework is being developed for use by the USFWS in HawaiĘ»i, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Federated States...
Documents developed and used for the Training for Sagebrush Conservation Practitioners

map background search result map search result map Thick-billed Longspur Cores Thick-billed Longspur Cores