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The United States Gulf Coast Basin Curated Wells and Logs Database (CWLDB) is an online repository with stratigraphic information for petroleum wells in the United States portion of the onshore Gulf of Mexico Basin that provides several of the following attributes: a) deep penetrations (generally, total depth of 10,000 feet or more), b) high quality and diverse geophysical well log suites, c) lithostratigraphic logs, d) biostratigraphic units (biozones) and reports, and/or e) core or cuttings samples. First release: March 2023 Revised: November 2023 (ver. 2.0) Revised: July 2024 (ver. 3.0)
The various post-fire data products available on the Burn Severity Portal are produced using satellite imagery. The timing of the satellite imagery used, relative to the fire event, typically depends on the vegetation type and structure where the fire occurred. Each mapping program produces a suite of data products based on user intended user needs. You can find additional details in each of the available areas. First posted - September 6, 2022 Revised - January 6, 2023 (version 2.0) Revised - March 31, 2023 (version 3.0) Revised - August 8, 2023 (version 4.0) Revised - October 26, 2023 (version 5.0) Revised - January 26, 2024 (version 6.0) Revised - April 29, 2024 (version 7.0) Revised - August 22, 2024...
This CSV file contains landscape factors representing anthropogenic disturbances to stream habitats summarized within local and network stream catchments of Southeast Alaska. The source datasets compiled and attributed to spatial units were identified as being: (1) meaningful for assessing fluvial fish habitat; (2) consistent across the entire study area in the way that they were assembled; (3) broadly representative of conditions in the past 10 years, and (4) of sufficient spatial resolution that they could be used to make valid comparisons among local catchment units. Variables summarized at the catchment scale include measures of anthropogenic land uses, population density, roads, dams, mines, culverts, 303d...
To improve flood-frequency estimates at rural streams in Mississippi, annual exceedance probability flows at gaged streams in Mississippi and regional-regression equations, used to estimate annual exceedance probability (AEP) flows for ungaged streams in Mississippi, were developed by using current geospatial data, additional statistical methods, and annual peak-flow data through the 2013 water year. The regional-regression equations were derived from statistical analyses of peak-flow data, basin characteristics associated with 281 streamgages, the generalized skew from Bulletin 17B (Interagency Advisory Committee on Water Data, 1982), and a newly developed study-specific skew for select four-digit hydrologic unit...
This dataset was created to assess the status of Lahontan cutthroat trout (*Oncorhynchus clarkii henshawi*) habitat. Surveys were conducted within occupied Lahontan cutthroat trout habitat, as designated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Data represent reach-based surveys conducted in accordance with the Lahontan cutthroat trout habitat status assessment (LCTHSA) protocol (USGS). LCTHSA uses a probabalistic sampling design (i.e., Generalized Random Tessellation Stratified), standardized collection of habitat attributes, electronic data capture and management, and integration with remote sensing and geospatially-derived data products. Data were collected and managed by the U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Fish...
This data release includes one comma delimited table that represents a summary of source and target samples collected for White Clay Creek between 2020 and 2023, in support of sediment fingerprinting modelling. This table contains sediment sample information and results of particle size, elemental composition, and fallout radionuclide analyses. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. First posted - October 18, 2023 (available from author). Revised - March 28, 2024 (version 2.0). This data release has been revised to include data from samples collected in 2023 that were not published in version 1.0.
Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) extent, intensity, and hotspots data of land surface temperature (LST) are provided across 50 regions throughout the Continental U.S. The annual land surface temperature (LST) were derived from Landsat U.S. Analysis Ready Data (ARD). The time series land surface Temperature (LST) and land cover change products were used to produce SUHI intensity and hotspots products. The data ranges from 1985-present, and covers data within 5 km of each city. SUHI Intensity data is intended to quantify the difference between urban surface temperatures and the surrounding non-urban environment. The calculation takes the difference between a specific urban pixel’s land surface temperature (LST) and...
The Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring (BICM) program was developed by Louisiana’s Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) and is implemented as a component of the System Wide Assessment and Monitoring (SWAMP) program. The program uses both historical data and contemporary data collections to assess and monitor changes in the aerial and subaqueous extent of islands, habitat types, sediment texture and geotechnical properties, environmental processes, and vegetation composition. Examples of BICM datasets include still and video aerial photography for documenting shoreline changes, shoreline positions, habitat mapping, land change analyses, light detection and ranging (lidar) surveys for topographic...
The Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring (BICM) program was developed by Louisiana’s Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) and is implemented as a component of the System Wide Assessment and Monitoring Program (SWAMP). The program uses both historical data and contemporary data collections to assess and monitor changes in the aerial and subaqueous extent of islands, habitat types, sediment texture and geotechnical properties, environmental processes, and vegetation composition. Examples of BICM datasets include still and video aerial photography for documenting shoreline changes, shoreline positions, habitat mapping, land change analyses, light detection and ranging (lidar) surveys for topographic...
This data release is currently being revised and is temporarily unavailable. Digital datasets were used to develop basin characteristics whose values are used in multiple regression equations and tested for the use in predicting flow-duration curves (FDCs) in ungaged areas of Illinois and Indiana. Several basin characteristics are easily derived from StreamStats ( basin delineations themselves, such as basin area and basin centroid. Other basin characteristics require ancillary datasets as input. The data provided through this data release are those data that have been collected, tested, and ultimately selected as a basis for FDC development. These include Soil Components (Available...
This data release consists of Microsoft Excel workbooks, shapefiles, and a figure (png format) related to a cooperative project between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Florida Flood Hub for Applied Research and Innovation at the University of South Florida to derive projected future change factors for precipitation depth-duration-frequency (DDF) curves at 242 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlas 14 stations in Florida. The change factors were computed as the ratio of projected future (2020-59 or 2050-89) to historical (1966-2005) extreme-precipitation depths fitted to extreme-precipitation data using a constrained maximum likelihood (CML) approach as described in
This data release contains the standard statistical suite (version 1.0) daily streamflow performance benchmark results for the National Hydrologic Model Infrastructure application of the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (NHM-PRMS) version 1 "byObs" calibration with Muskingum routing computed at streamflow benchmark locations defined by Foks and others (2022). Model error was determined by evaluating predicted daily mean streamflow versus observed daily mean streamflow using various statistics; the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE), the Kling-Gupta efficiency (KGE), the logNSE, the Pearson correlation coefficient, the Spearman correlation coefficient, the ratio of the standard deviation, the percent bias, the percent...
On November 4-7, 2019, bathymetric data were collected on the Sandusky River between Tiffin and Fremont, Ohio. Wading measurements were made at cross-sections shallower than about 1 foot using a survey pole with a Trimble R10 Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver connected to the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) real-time virtual reference station (VRS) network. Cross-sections that were deeper than about 1 foot were measured with a CEE-ECHO single-beam echosounder mounted to a canoe. A Trimble R10 GNSS receiver connected to the ODOT real-time VRS network was mounted directly above the echosounder and integrated with the echosounder data collection unit to convert measured depths to bed elevations....
The PROSPER output rasters represent the estimates of probability of annual streamflow permanence produced by the PRObability of Streamflow PERmanence (PROSPER) model, for years 1989 through 2021, in the upper Missouri River basin and parts of the Great Basin, Upper Colorado River basin, and Pacific Northwest hydrographic regions of the United States. The PROSPER model is a raster-based empirical model with outputs representing probabilistic predictions of an unregulated and minimally impaired stream channel in the study area having year-round flow. This region includes 4-digit Hydrologic Unit Code boundaries 1002-1013, 1015, 1018, 1019, 1404, 1405, 1601, and 1704,. The model provides predictions at a 10-m spatial...
Across the country, public land managers make hundreds of decisions each year that influence landscapes and ecosystems within the lands they manage. Many of these decisions involve vegetation manipulations known as land treatments. Land treatments include activities such as removal or alteration of plant biomass, seeding burned areas, and herbicide applications. Data on these land treatments historically have been stored at local offices and gathering information across large spatial areas was difficult. These valuable data needed to be centralized and stored for Federal agencies involved in land treatments because these data are useful to land managers for policy and management and to scientists for developing...
This dataset describes the location of channel heads survyed in two headwater watersheds in Clarksburg, Montgomery County, Maryland, and the digital elevation models derived from light detection and ranging (lidar) covering the two watersheds. The digital elevation models were used to derive topographic attributes used to delineate drainage networks that were then assessed for accuracy using the field-surveyed channel heads. First posted - January 21, 2021 (available from author) Revised - October 15, 2021 (version 2.0)
We compiled electrofishing and habitat data sampled from 1990 to 2019 in the Harney Basin by the US Geological Survey (USGS), Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) and the High Desert Partnership (HDP) to describe native and non-native fish distributions and their habitat associations. USGS collected eDNA data in 2019 to refine the known distributions of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Site transect length, channel width, depth, and gradient were recorded concurrently with fish sampling. Site elevation was derived from statewide digital elevation models (DEM). We used Tableau, a visualization platform, to display fish distributions in the Harney Basin. This data release supersedes Laramie, M.B., Mejia, F.H.,...
Prior to the initiation of translocation efforts in 2017, Pacific lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus) were last documented in the Okanogan river subbasin in 2010. It appears as if lamprey were extirpated in the Okanogan subbasin some time shortly after that. However, until 2017, monitoring and management actions for lamprey were minimal in the Okanogan subbasin. This lack of monitoring has resulted in a large gap in understanding of the recent historical status of Pacific lamprey distribution throughout the Okanogan subbasin. Recent (beginning in 2017) translocation efforts have helped to rebound or reestablish lamprey in the Okanogan subbasin. Analysis of archived eDNA samples from the Okanogan river and its tributaries...
The project was conducted to study the effects of land management options. It was conducted across a regional network of sites in sagebrush communities. Using this regional network of sites allowed us to understand the thresholds between healthy and unhealthy sagebrush communities over a broad range of conditions across the Great Basin. Sites were located in sagebrush communities threatened by cheatgrass invasion, and we studied the effects of four land management options: control (no management action), prescribed fire, mechanical thinning of sagebrush by mowing, and herbicide application (to thin old, unproductive sagebrush plants and encourage growth of young sagebrush and native understory grasses). An additional...
This dataset contains information from surveys conducted 2016-2022 by USGS as part of an ongoing Oregon spotted frog (Rana pretiosa) monitoring effort in Oregon. USGS research activities 2016-2022 were divided into seven study design categories: breeding (egg mass counts), mid-level (visual encounter surveys for occupancy monitoring), apex (mark-recapture), telemetry, trapping, water quality (skin microbiome swabbing), and genetics (egg mass embryo or toe-clip tissue samples). Data consist of Oregon spotted frog observations aggregated by date, location, life stage, sex, and project. These data were compiled from multiple studies employing different survey methods, thus we caution users that counts are not directly...

map background search result map search result map National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP) 2015 Anthropogenic Disturbance Data for Southeast Alaska With Link to the Modified NHD with Catchments v1.1 Regions and Tables for Mississippi Flood Frequency, Data through 2013 (ver. 3.0, April 2019) Louisiana Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program – 2016 habitat map, Modern Delta Region (ver. 1.1, May 2020) Oregon spotted frog (Rana pretiosa) observations in Oregon (ver. 5.0, January 2023) Ephemeral channel heads and digital elevation models used to extract stream networks in Clarksburg, MD (ver. 2.0, October 2021) Louisiana Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program – 2015 habitat map, East Chenier Region (ver. 1.1, May 2020) Pre- and Post-Treatment Fuels and Vegetation Data from the Great Basin, 2006-2018 (ver. 2.0, September 2020) Fishes of the Harney Basin revisited: A contemporary assessment of the distribution of fish fauna throughout the Harney Basin from 1990 to 2019 (ver. 2.0, April 2022) Bathymetric and water quality data on the Sandusky River between Tiffin and Fremont, Ohio, November 4-7, 2019 Probability of Streamflow Permanence (PROSPER) output rasters, 1989-2021, upper Missouri River Basin (ver. 2.0, July 2024) Data for the Estimation of Regional Flow-Duration Curves for Indiana and Illinois (ver. 2.0, February 2021) Okanogan Basin Pacific lamprey eDNA detections and translocations for 2012-2020 (ver. 1.1, April 2022) Daily streamflow performance benchmark defined by the standard statistical suite (v1.0) for the National Hydrologic Model application of the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (v1 byObs Muskingum) at benchmark streamflow locations in the conterminous United States (ver 3.0, March 2023) Burn Severity Portal,  a clearing house of fire severity and extent information (ver. 8.0, August 2024) United States Gulf Coast Basin Curated Wells and Logs Database (ver. 3.0, June 2024) Reach-scale stream and riparian habitat from Nevada, 2022 (ver. 2.0, April 2024) Change factors to derive projected future precipitation depth-duration-frequency (DDF) curves at 242 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlas 14 stations in Florida (ver. 2.0, May 2024) Geochemical sediment source and target analysis in White Clay Creek, Pennsylvania (ver. 2.0, March 2024) Land surface thermal feature change monitoring in urban and non-urban interface from 1985 to present (ver. 5.0, December 2023) USGS Land Treatment Digital Library Data Release: A centralized archive for land treatment tabular and spatial data (ver. 7.0, September 2024) Ephemeral channel heads and digital elevation models used to extract stream networks in Clarksburg, MD (ver. 2.0, October 2021) Okanogan Basin Pacific lamprey eDNA detections and translocations for 2012-2020 (ver. 1.1, April 2022) Oregon spotted frog (Rana pretiosa) observations in Oregon (ver. 5.0, January 2023) Fishes of the Harney Basin revisited: A contemporary assessment of the distribution of fish fauna throughout the Harney Basin from 1990 to 2019 (ver. 2.0, April 2022) Geochemical sediment source and target analysis in White Clay Creek, Pennsylvania (ver. 2.0, March 2024) Regions and Tables for Mississippi Flood Frequency, Data through 2013 (ver. 3.0, April 2019) Reach-scale stream and riparian habitat from Nevada, 2022 (ver. 2.0, April 2024) Data for the Estimation of Regional Flow-Duration Curves for Indiana and Illinois (ver. 2.0, February 2021) Change factors to derive projected future precipitation depth-duration-frequency (DDF) curves at 242 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlas 14 stations in Florida (ver. 2.0, May 2024) Probability of Streamflow Permanence (PROSPER) output rasters, 1989-2021, upper Missouri River Basin (ver. 2.0, July 2024) National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP) 2015 Anthropogenic Disturbance Data for Southeast Alaska With Link to the Modified NHD with Catchments v1.1 Pre- and Post-Treatment Fuels and Vegetation Data from the Great Basin, 2006-2018 (ver. 2.0, September 2020) United States Gulf Coast Basin Curated Wells and Logs Database (ver. 3.0, June 2024) USGS Land Treatment Digital Library Data Release: A centralized archive for land treatment tabular and spatial data (ver. 7.0, September 2024) Daily streamflow performance benchmark defined by the standard statistical suite (v1.0) for the National Hydrologic Model application of the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (v1 byObs Muskingum) at benchmark streamflow locations in the conterminous United States (ver 3.0, March 2023) Land surface thermal feature change monitoring in urban and non-urban interface from 1985 to present (ver. 5.0, December 2023) Burn Severity Portal,  a clearing house of fire severity and extent information (ver. 8.0, August 2024)