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This is a collaborative, two-part project to compile and analyze resource data to support WLCI efforts. Part 1 entails directing data synthesis and assessment activities to ensure that they will inform and support the WLCI LPDTs and Coordination Team in their conservation planning efforts, such as developing conservation priorities and strategies, identifying priority areas for conservation actions, evaluating and ranking conservation projects, and evaluating spatial and ecological relations between proposed habitat projects and WLCI priorities. In FY2014, we helped the Coordination Team complete the WLCI Conservation Action Plan and BLM’s annual report, and we provided maps and other materials to assist with ranking...
Categories: Data,
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service,
ScienceBase Project;
Tags: Baseline Synthesis,
Science Project
The NRP had its beginnings in the late 1950's. Since that time, the program has grown to encompass a broad spectrum of scientific investigations. The sciences of hydrology, mathematics, chemistry, physics, ecology, biology, geology, and engineering are used to gain a fundamental understanding of the processes that affect the availability, movement, and quality of the Nation's water resources. Results of NRP's long-term research investigations often lead to the development of new concepts, techniques, and approaches that are applicable not only to the solution of current water problems, but also to future issues that may affect the Nation's water resources. Basic tools of hydrology that have been developed by the...
Categories: Project;
Types: ScienceBase Project;
Tags: Acid Mine Drainage,
Aquatic Habitat,
Arid Land Hydrology,
Carbon Cycle,
Contaminant Reactions and Transport,
This project would increase diversity of forbs and invertebrates in riparian and transitional riparian/upland areas through mowing and seeding of native forb species. A tractor powered mower with a seeder would be used to create an enhanced vegetative mosaic within riparian or transitional riparian areas lacking in vegetative species and structural diversity. A contractor would provide a tractor or seeder for distribution of native seed. This project would focus on improving habitat for a diversity of species, particularly sage grouse and other BLM sensitive avian species such as the Brewer's sparrow and sage thrasher, which rely on riparian habitats for critical brood rearing requirements in the Sand Hills ACEC...
Categories: Project;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service,
ScienceBase Project;
Tags: Habitat,
avian species,
brewer's sparrow,
habitat conservation project,
native plant species,
This project will provide for deer crossing the Baggs highway (789) to reduce vehicle collisions. Construction of 3-4 miles of deer proof fence to funnel a portion of a migrating deer herd to existing culvert under HWY 789 to reduce deer vehicle collissions. Installation of 6 cattleguards in current access points to prevent deer access through fences at these points. Further, the project would cover several years and work toward providing safe wildlife passage. Industry and WDOT are being approached to partner with the WGFD on this project. Providing deer crossings of HWY 789 will reduce the incidences of vehicle and deer collisions, reducing deer mortality and damage to vehicles. The project would be done in a...
Categories: Project;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service,
ScienceBase Project;
Tags: DemoAtomFeed,
habitat conservation project,
mule deer,
This publication provides the most complete information available on the status of rare vertebrate species and vascular plant species in Wyoming. It updates and replaces previous lists (Fertig and Beauvais 1999, Fertig and Heidel 2002), and documents 473 plants and 125 vertebrates of conservation and management concern in Wyoming. For each species, a summary of factors used in weighing species’ status including distribution, abundance, trends, and intrinsic vulnerability, is also provided. Interest in rare species has increased substantially over the past 40 years, and currently there is broad support for the conservation of rare plants and animals in North America. Natural resource managers, policy makers, and...
Categories: Project;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service,
ScienceBase Project;
Tags: Habitat
Prescribed burns to restore aspen habitat on one of the most important elk calving areas for Afton herd and important for aspen-dependent species, transition and winter range for elk, mule deer, and moose east of Alpine, transition and winter range for mule deer and elk of crucial winter range just east of Smoot, and sagebrush, aspen, meadow, and willow habitat on transition range for mule deer and elk 30 miles up the Greys River. In addition, determine 1) locations and distribution of aspen stands on the district that are in need of treatment and 2) prioritize stands relative to level of risk, this information to be used in formulating an aspen treatment schedule. (This assessment would be consistent with methodology...
Categories: Project;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service,
ScienceBase Project;
Tags: Greys River District,
habitat conservation project,
Approximately 298 acres of seasonal shallow water wetland habitat will be established or enhanced for water birds and waterfowl by constructing and repairing low level dikes and installing 6 water control structures. In addition, permanent water wetlands will be constructed enhance the wetland complex.
Categories: Project;
Types: ScienceBase Project;
Tags: Habitat,
avian species,
habitat conservation project,
migratory birds,
Project Synopsis: the Ferris Mountain project area consists of mainly timbered slopes, interspersed with upland areas dominated by sagebrush, grass, and mountain shrub communities. Timber stands within the project unit consist of Douglas fir, subalpine fir, spruce, lodgepole pine, limber pine, and aspen, in addition to scattered locations of Rocky Mountain juniper. Long-term suppression of wildfires has promoted the encroachment of conifers into shrublands, aspen stands, and drainages supporting aspen, waterbirch and willows, to the point where many of these communities are non-functional. Decadence and disease is commonly observed in terms of mistletoe, blister rust, and bleeding rust, and pine beetles have...
Categories: Project;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service,
ScienceBase Project;
Tags: Habitat,
habitat conservation project,
prescribed burn,
We will develop a set of linked models to help predict the effects of climate change on rivers and endangered species. These will include watershed- and reach-scale models to predict streamflow, water temperatures, and other fish habitat metrics under various climatic scenarios for the reaches used by species listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), plus a combined bioenergetics and life-cycle model (to be done by the U.S. Geological Survey [USGS]) to assess the impact of these factors on fish growth, reproduction, and survival. We propose to test the model framework at a site on the Methow River, Washington, to explore additional opportunities for collaboration and model development.
Categories: Project;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service,
ScienceBase Project;
Tags: Habitat,
climate change,
endangered species,
fish habitat,
food web,
The Muddy Creek watershed, part of the Upper Colorado River watershed, is a semi-arid catchment in a sagebrush steppe ecosystem. A synoptic watershed assessment was conducted in 2010 to identify areas within the watershed that are more susceptible to mobilization of trace elements that occur in soils forming on marine shale. Samples of soil, stream sediment, and water were collected and assayed for major elements and a suite of trace elements. Formation waters discharged from two wells within the watershed were sampled in 2011 to evaluate their potential contribution of organic carbon, nitrogen (N) species, and trace elements to surface waters. In FY2012, analyses of the soil, rock, and water samples collected...
Limits on the time and financial resources available for monitoring efforts, coupled with the complexities of natural resources and stakeholders, are challenges in resource monitoring. To help address these and related challenges, the USGS Monitoring Team (MT) has linked conceptual monitoring specialists with habitat and wildlife biologists to inform and develop creative, scientifically defensible approaches for monitoring the status and trends of populations and habitats across the WLCI region. This collaboration has led to spatially balanced monitoring designs that will make it possible to interpret conditions across the WLCI region and a mechanism for integrating species’ distributions and population responses...
Categories: Data,
Types: ScienceBase Project;
Tags: Science,
Targeted Monitoring and Research
Regional-scale studies, such as those being conducted for the WLCI, are well suited for the use of remote-sensing techniques. Derivative products from remote-sensing instruments, such as Landsat, have been used successfully for decades in studies of geology, vegetation, environmental change, and many other types of scientific research. The continuous coverage of Landsat data since 1972 makes it possible to establish baseline conditions in areas affected by renewable and nonrenewable energy development. In this study, various Landsat datasets are being used to map current and pre-development conditions in the WLCI study area for a selected set of scientific interests. Landsat scenes have been mosaicked to produce...
In the WLCI region, the quality and condition of sagebrush steppe is a concern given the extent of rangewide land-use change, habitat conversion, and rapid energy development in sagebrush systems. Three migratory songbird species are considered near-obligates of sagebrush shrublands: Brewer’s and sagebrush sparrows and sage thrasher, all of which are designated Species of Great Conservation Need in Wyoming (Wyoming Game and Fish Department, 2010) and nest in Green River Basin. In collaboration with the WGFD, we initiated this multiphase project to address the WLCI management need to identify the condition and distribution of sagebrush songbird habitats and key drivers of change in those habitats. In Phase I (2008...
Muddy Creek, a tributary to the Little Snake River, is a semi-arid catchment that drains about 1,200 mi2 in south-central Wyoming. The drainage basin is characterized as a sagebrush steppe ecosystem. The area is undergoing energy exploration and development, including conventional natural gas wells and coalbed natural gas wells. Geologic formations that underlie the drainage basin include soluble marine shales, which are a natural source of dissolved solids (for example, sodium, chloride, and sulfate) and Se. As a result, the water quality of Muddy Creek is naturally high in dissolved constituents, including Se. The WDEQ has listed chloride and Se as impairments to aquatic life for Muddy Creek. Dissolved solids...
The Muddy Creek watershed has been identified as having a high conservation value for Wyoming's fish species, big game crucial winter range and parturition areas, myriad neotropical migrant birds, abundant sage-grouse, and occupied habitat for the only population of Columbian sharp-tail grouse in Wyoming. Objectives of this project are to 1) Construct or maintain 4 vegetation exclosure projects, 2) Plant riparian vegetation, 3) improvement projects, monitoring of the area would be conducted to document the success of management efforts and identify areas where improvement is needed. Implementation of this project will benefit a diversity of fish and wildlife resources within an important ecosystem including...
Categories: Project;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service,
ScienceBase Project;
Tags: Habitat,
Youth Conservation Corps,
avian species,
The Platte Valley watershed area between Seminoe Reservoir and the Wyoming/Colorado state line provides important seasonal habitat for a variety of wildlife species including five big game species (mule deer, antelope, elk, bighorn sheep and moose), as well as identified core areas for greater sage grouse, and historic sage grouse ranges outside of core areas. Habitat conditions throughout the watershed center on proper multiple use management, including domestic livestock and wildlife, so that the standards for rangeland health on both uplands and riparian areas are met. The area was reviewed for conformance with the Wyoming Standards and Guidelines for Healthy Rangelands in 2004 and 2005. While the majority...
Categories: Project;
Types: ScienceBase Project;
Tags: Habitat,
habitat conservation project,
sage grouse,
Project Synopsis: BLM Kemmerer Field Office (KFO) proposes to construct riparian exclosures within the “Sage” sage-grouse core area as designated by the Wyoming Governor’s Executive Order (EO 2011-5). During late summer, fall and early winter of 2011 the BLM mapped and inventoried approximately 190 reservoirs and 50 springs/seeps in the Ruby Priority Project area. After compiling 2011 data, the BLM identified several springs/seeps as priorities for protection/enhancement. The springs/seeps are repeatedly grazed to the extent that hummocks are forming or have already formed. Once hummocks form or start to form, the immediate threat is a high soil compaction which could result in a lower water table, the spring/seep...
Categories: Data,
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
ScienceBase Project,
Tags: Habitat,
habitat conservation project,
sage grouse
Categories: Project;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service,
ScienceBase Project;
Tags: Habitat
Restore and enhance wetland habitat for spring through fall habitat for trumpeter swans and other wetland dependent avian species.
Categories: Project;
Types: ScienceBase Project;
Tags: Habitat,
avian species,
habitat conservation project,
migratory birds,
trumpeter swan
Project involves analyzing datasets using two measures: Spatial similarity of the distributed precipitation and temperature fields of the study datasets Implications on hydrologic modeling We will then provide guidance on the choice of datasets for statistical downscaling of GCM outputs used in different types of scale-dependent planning assessments. We will evaluate these differences from a hydrological standpoint at specific Reclamation basins: Animas at Durango, Colorado; Snake at Heise, Idaho; Sacramento at Redding, California; Salt at Chrysotile, Arizona; Yellowstone River at Billings, Montana; and Colorado River at Lees Ferry Utah and Arizona. The analysis will indicate whether the choice of forcing a...
Categories: Project;
Types: Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
OGC WMS Service,
ScienceBase Project;
Tags: Global Climate Model (GCM),
climate change,