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These data include geochemical analyses of rock, mine waste, and water samples collected from the Balkhab copper deposit, Sar-e Pol Province, Afghanistan in 2020.
This volume's release consists of 64642 media files captured by autonomous wildlife monitoring devices under the project, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. The attached files listed below include several CSV files that provide information about the data release. The file, "media.csv" provides the metadata about the media, such as filename and date/time of capture. The actual media files are housed within folders under the volume's "child items" as compressed files. A critical CSV file is "dictionary.csv", which describes each CSV file, including field names, data types, descriptions, and the relationship of each field to fields other CSV files. Some of the media files may have been "tagged" or "annotated"...
The catastrophic, explosive eruption of Mount St. Helens, Washington, on May 18, 1980, is the most well-known eruption of the volcano. Less well known is the May 18th eruption marked the beginning of a period of eruptive activity that lasted through 1986. From October 1980 through October 1986, a series of 17 dome-building episodes added millions of cubic meters of lava to the crater floor. Most of the growth occurred when magma extruded onto the surface of the dome, forming short (650 to 1,300 feet), thick (65 to 130 feet) lava flows. This data release is a 1-meter resolution digital elevation model (DEM) and a corresponding hillshade raster derived from a previously unpublished 1:2,000 scale topographic contour...
This volume's release consists of 143321 media files captured by autonomous wildlife monitoring devices under the project, Massachusetts Wildlife Monitoring Project. The attached files listed below include several CSV files that provide information about the data release. The file, "media.csv" provides the metadata about the media, such as filename and date/time of capture. The actual media files are housed within folders under the volume's "child items" as compressed files. A critical CSV file is "dictionary.csv", which describes each CSV file, including field names, data types, descriptions, and the relationship of each field to fields in other CSV files. Some of the media files may have been "tagged" or "annotated"...
Categories: Data; Tags: Aix sponsa, Alces americanus americanus, Bonasa umbellus, Buteo jamaicensis, Buteo platypterus, All tags...
Physical and chemical data were collected to characterize water-quality conditions in the Sakonnet River, a tidal strait located on the east side of Narragansett Bay in Rhode Island, from April 28 to November 11, 2018 and from June 19 to November 26, 2019. Specifically, the 2018 information in this data release includes: vertical profiles of water quality from 16 to 18 locations and data collected from three surface spatial surveys (moving boat surveys) designed to characterize near-surface water-quality conditions in the river. Temperature, pH, specific conductance, salinity, dissolved oxygen concentration and saturation, turbidity, and chlorophyll a data were collected with calibrated water-quality sensors. Water-quality...
Invasion of exotic annual grasses (EAG) and increased wildfire have led to an emphasis on managing rangeland plant communities for resistance to invasion and resilience to disturbances. In sagebrush steppe and similar rangelands, perennial bunchgrasses and particularly their roots are hypothesized to be primary contributors to the resistance and resilience. We asked how bunchgrass root abundance relates to annual grass invasion and aboveground indicators of bunchgrass vigor that are more readily measured, such as plant height. We used a standardized USDA protocol for root measurement in 445 excavations made in 2016-2018 across a topographically and ecologically varied region of sagebrush steppe burned in the 2015...
Hurricane Maria caused widespread landsliding throughout Puerto Rico during September 2017. Previous detailed landslide inventories following the hurricane include Bessette-Kirton et al. (2017, 2019). Here we continue that work with an in-depth look at a portion of northwest Naranjito, which is a municipality in the northeastern part of the main island. To study a characteristic sample of landslides in Naranjito, we mapped all visible individual landslides in an approximately triangular area 2.3 km wide by 1.9 km long. The boundary of our mapping was defined by previous studies (Bessette-Kirton et al., 2019). We used aerial imagery collected between 9-15 October 2017 (Quantum Spatial, Inc., 2017) to map landslide...
Selected evapotranspiration data were collected from 7/5/2011 to 1/1/2017 at the Amargosa Desert Research Site (ADRS, in support of ongoing research to improve the understanding of hydrologic and contaminant-transport processes in arid environments. The data presented in this data release includes 30-minute and daily evapotranspiration and associated energy-balance fluxes, precipitation, soil water content, air and soil temperature, wind speed and direction, humidity, and photosynthetically active radiation. Data methods follow those described in Moreo and others (2017). This is the third in a series of three releases of evapotranspiration data, which has been measured continuously...
This data release describes micrometeorological and soil-moisture data collected from January 1, 2017 through May 31, 2019 at the Amargosa Desert Research Site adjacent to a low-level radio­active waste and hazardous chemical waste facility near Beatty, Nevada. Micrometeorological data include precipitation, solar radiation, air temperature, relative humidity, saturated and ambient vapor pressure, wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, and soil-water content. Soil-moisture data include periodic measurements of volumetric water-content at four experimental sites that represent vegetated native soil, devegetated native soil, and two simulated waste disposal trenches—maximum measurement depths range from 5.25...
Anaerobic microcosm experiments were conducted in April-May 2018 with PFAS-contaminated soil from a U.S. Army installation (Fort Drum, New York) and simulated groundwater. All microcosms, except for a live sediment control, were amended with perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS), perfluorooctanoate (PFOA), and 6:2 fluorotelomer sulfonate (6:2 FtS). Replicate treatments were prepared with and without bioaugmentation with the WBC-2 dehalogenating culture and with and without addition of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and trichloroethylene). Two additional treatments were prepared containing granular activated carbon. All microcosms were prepared in duplicate and sacrificed for sampling....
A new 30 meter resolution polygon data layer of the islands of the United States, with associated attributes describing key physical and conservation geography characteristics. Islands were grouped into a three-tiered hierarchy of island provinces (12), island regions (28), and individual islands (a total of 19,023 islands were extracted). Islands were classified as estuarine vs non-estuarine, and nearshore vs. offshore.
A three-dimensional geologic map was created by assembling eight geologic cross sections derived from geologic mapping, potential field geophysics, and petroleum well logs. The central feature of the map is the San Andreas Fault, with many other prominent structural features depicted that express the regional transpressional tectonic setting. The subsurface interpretation was based on existing two-dimensional geologic mapping and modified by new geologic mapping by USGS geologists between 2005-2014. Existing gravitational anomaly and magnetic anomaly maps helped guide subsurface interpretations. The result is a three-dimensional model that depicts the geologic units, faults, and folds of the region in a model that...
The USGS and Newmont Mining Corp. surveyed 51 cross sections to determine hydraulic characteristics throughout 12 model reaches. The accuracy of the surveyed cross sections is believed to be +/- 0.5 ft. Field surveys included measuring the channel cross section up to the approximate altitude of the highest flood and includes auxiliary channels. Surveyed cross sections generally were at representative locations about every 3 miles along the Humboldt River channel. In areas where long overbank sections occurred, supplemental altitudes were determined from topographic maps in order to extend surveyed parts of cross sections so that each section represented the full width of the floodplain. In this dataset there is...
This USGS data release represents supplemental tabular data for an annual groundwater discharge by evapotranspiration (ET) from areas of spring-fed riparian vegetation, Stump Spring and Hiko Springs, Clark County, Nevada, 2016-18. The raw ET dataset contained multiple data gaps that were simulated and gap-filled with the water-level model utility in SeriesSEE, a USGS developed Microsoft Excel® addin. Continuous time-series data, including net radiation, sensible-heat flux, latent-heat flux, and ground-heat flux, from before and after the data gap(s) were used to simulate turbulent fluxes with multivariate regressions and the gramma transform, used for latent heat gaps after precipitation events. ET data were gap...
This volume's release consists of 281258 media files captured by autonomous wildlife monitoring devices under the project, SiMPL Wildlife Magnet Project. The attached files listed below include several CSV files that provide information about the data release. The file, "media.csv" provides the metadata about the media, such as filename and date/time of capture. The actual media files are housed within folders under the volume's "child items" as compressed files. A critical CSV file is "dictionary.csv", which describes each CSV file, including field names, data types, descriptions, and the relationship of each field to fields other CSV files. Some of the media files may have been "tagged" or "annotated" by either...
Categories: Data; Tags: Aegolius acadicus, Alces americanus americanus, Canis latrans, Canis lupus, Catharus guttatus, All tags...
This volume's release consists of 325099 media files captured by autonomous wildlife monitoring devices under the project, USDA White Mountain National Forest. The attached files listed below include several CSV files that provide information about the data release. The file, "media.csv" provides the metadata about the media, such as filename and date/time of capture. The actual media files are housed within folders under the volume's "child items" as compressed files. A critical CSV file is "dictionary.csv", which describes each CSV file, including field names, data types, descriptions, and the relationship of each field to fields in other CSV files. Some of the media files may have been "tagged" or "annotated"...
Categories: Data; Tags: Alces americanus americanus, Bonasa umbellus, Camera Trap, Canis latrans, Canis lupus, All tags...
Connectivity describes how well a landscape facilitates or impedes the movement of animals. Maximizing connectivity is a common management goal, especially for large mammals like moose (Alces americanus americanus) that occupy large home ranges and have the capacity to move long distances. Moose in the northeastern US (encompassing the states of Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine, Connecticut, and Rhode Island) represent a management priority and are expected to decline due to the near-term impacts of climate change and landscape development that will alter the distribution of habitats across the region. Large-scale maps of moose connectivity are unavailable but would provide an important resource for...
Modeled projections for deep decarbonization require large amounts of solar energy, which may compete with other land uses such as agriculture, urbanization, and conservation of natural lands. Existing capacity expansion models do not integrate land use land cover change (LULC) dynamics into projections. We explored the interaction between projected LULC and solar photovoltaic (PV) deployment by integrating projections of LULC with a model that can project future deployment of solar PV with high spatial resolution for the conterminous United States. We used four scenarios of LULC projections from 2010 to 2050 and two electricity grid scenarios to model future PV deployment and compare those results against a baseline...
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife is a project within the AMMonitor community, which features projects that monitor wildlife and ecosystems with remotely deployed monitoring devices. Devices that capture media typically include trail cameras (photos, video) and/or autonomous recording units (audio). As with all AMMonitor projects, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife utilizes an AMMonitor SQLite database to track wildlife monitoring data in a standardized format, permitting cross-project collaboration. The monitoring data are released to the public in "volumes". Releases include the raw media files and their metadata, including the date, time, and location of media capture. Additional...

map background search result map search result map Selected Evapotranspiration Data, Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nye County, Nevada, 7/5/2011-1/1/2017 River Channel Cross-Sections, Middle Humboldt River, North-Central Nevada Abundance, cover, and root measurements of perennial bunchgrasses in the Owyhee Mountains, USA Micrometeorological and Soil-Moisture Data at the Amargosa Desert Research Site in Nye County near Beatty, Nevada, January 1, 2017 to May 31, 2019 Supplemental Evapotranspiration Gap-filled Datasets from Stump Spring and Hiko Springs, Clark County, southern Nevada, 2016-18 Physical and Chemical Data to Characterize Water-Quality Conditions in the Sakonnet River, Rhode Island, 2018-2019 Map data from landslides triggered by Hurricane Maria in a section of Naranjito, Puerto Rico Number of adult wolves and pups each year studied near Eureka, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada, 1987-2006 Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and volatile organic compounds measured in laboratory microcosm experiments with soil from Fort Drum, New York Pre-mining environmental baseline characterization of the Balkhab copper deposit: 2020 field season Digital elevation model of the lava dome in the crater of Mount St. Helens, November 12, 1986 Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Volume 1 (2022 - 2023) Integrating land use land cover change into future scenarios of electricity systems - Data Release SiMPL Wildlife Magnet Project Data Release Volume 1 (2019 - 2023) USDA White Mountain National Forest Volume 1 (2014 - 2024) Mapping landscape connectivity for moose across the northeastern United States Massachusetts Wildlife Monitoring Project (2022 - 2024) Digital Data for a Three-Dimensional Geologic Map of the San Andreas Fault Zone Between Gold Hill and Pinnacles National Park, California Digital elevation model of the lava dome in the crater of Mount St. Helens, November 12, 1986 Map data from landslides triggered by Hurricane Maria in a section of Naranjito, Puerto Rico Number of adult wolves and pups each year studied near Eureka, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada, 1987-2006 Micrometeorological and Soil-Moisture Data at the Amargosa Desert Research Site in Nye County near Beatty, Nevada, January 1, 2017 to May 31, 2019 Physical and Chemical Data to Characterize Water-Quality Conditions in the Sakonnet River, Rhode Island, 2018-2019 Pre-mining environmental baseline characterization of the Balkhab copper deposit: 2020 field season Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and volatile organic compounds measured in laboratory microcosm experiments with soil from Fort Drum, New York Abundance, cover, and root measurements of perennial bunchgrasses in the Owyhee Mountains, USA SiMPL Wildlife Magnet Project Data Release Volume 1 (2019 - 2023) River Channel Cross-Sections, Middle Humboldt River, North-Central Nevada Massachusetts Wildlife Monitoring Project (2022 - 2024) Supplemental Evapotranspiration Gap-filled Datasets from Stump Spring and Hiko Springs, Clark County, southern Nevada, 2016-18 Digital Data for a Three-Dimensional Geologic Map of the San Andreas Fault Zone Between Gold Hill and Pinnacles National Park, California USDA White Mountain National Forest Volume 1 (2014 - 2024) Selected Evapotranspiration Data, Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nye County, Nevada, 7/5/2011-1/1/2017 Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Volume 1 (2022 - 2023) Mapping landscape connectivity for moose across the northeastern United States Integrating land use land cover change into future scenarios of electricity systems - Data Release