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The SRLCC provided funds to the states of Arizona and New Mexico to support development of the states Crucial Habitat Assessment Tools (CHATs) which provide a decision support system to better incorporate wildlife values, sensitive animals and plants, and important ecosystem features into land use decision-making to reduce conflicts and surprises.Several states have released wildlife mapping tools that are the foundation for displaying crucial wildlife and corridor information. The state and regional CHATs are non-regulatory, and give project planners and the general public access to credible scientific data on a broad scale for use in project analysis, siting and planning. This includes large-scale development...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: AZ-01, AZ-02, AZ-03, AZ-04, AZ-05, All tags...
This project will create a targeted and easily understandable guide to tools that support landscape-level planning in the face of climate change for NPLCC partners. The guide will build on previous NPLCC research on decision support needs with an emphasis on tools currently in use in the region. A survey of NPLCC partners will discover who is currently using or planning to use tools in the region, tools they are using, how well these tools are meeting their needs, and regional and outside experts engaged in tool use. Additional tools research will provide information on tools not currently in use in the region that could also provide needed functionality.
Aging infrastructure is creating a pressing national need to align priorities between civil engineering and other interests. Restoring ecological connectivity of river networks that are fragmented by dams and road crossings has become a prominent objective for environmental managers across the country. A mature decision-support framework and newly available data on the condition of dams throughout the Lake Michigan basin offer unique opportunities to test for potential cost-efficiency gains from sharing the costs of removing decrepit dams between environmental and engineering organizations. At sites where these interests align, genuine win-win scenarios could advance both ecological connectivity and infrastructure...
The Quartz Valley Indian Reservation will partner with tribes, federal agencies and higher education institutions in the Klamath Basin on a tribal youth intern program for the summer of 2014. This program will build on current efforts to integrate western science and TEK for climate change planning and adaptation in the Klamath Basin.
The Quartz Valley Indian Reservation will partner with tribes, federal agencies and higher education institutions in the Klamath Basin on a tribal youth intern program for the summer of 2014. This program will build on current efforts to integrate western science and TEK for climate change planning and adaptation in the Klamath Basin.
The Western Governors’ Association (WGA) sponsored an assessment of crucial habitats which will be used for the evaluation of landscape-scale energy, land use, and transportation projects throughout the western United States. The main product of the WGA’s assessment is an easily accessible online system of maps displaying crucial habitats and corridors known as the Crucial Habitat Assessment Tool (CHAT; habitats were based on factors such as species of concern, species of economic and recreational importance, special ecological systems and habitat types, habitat corridors, native species richness, and ecological integrity (i.e., unfragmented habitats). All of these factors are...
Climate grids for the extent of the GNLCC study area saved as asciis with a 2km resolution. These grids are saved in in the Albers Equal Area Conic projection. Summer is defined as months 7-9, while winter is defined as months 1-3. All grids with the exception of cmi.asc, dd5.asc, & growingsl.asc were produced in the program ClimateWNA, which downscales PRISM climate grids using a digital elevation model. Mean annual precipitation (mm) - aprec.asc Annual Climate moisture index (cm/year) - cmi.asc Degree-days > 5°C - dd5.asc Growing season length - growingsl.asc Isothermality (°C) - isotherm.asc Mean annual temperature (°C) - mat.asc Maximum temperature warmest month (°C) - maxtw.asc Minimum temperature coldest...
Note: this data release is currently being revised and is temporarily unavailable. The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) is a nation of more than thirty low-lying atolls and islands, most of which are inhabited, dispersed across an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) over 770,000 square miles in the tropical central North Pacific Ocean. Monitoring environmental conditions for potential drought risk is challenging in such a dispersed Island nation, and current drought hazard products provide generalities regarding conditions on a broad geographic scale. A team of USGS scientists and managers of natural resources and natural hazards in the RMI used IMERG (Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM) satellite estimates...
National-scale geologic, geophysical, and mineral resource raster and vector data covering the United States, Canada, and Australia are provided in this data release. The data were compiled as part of the tri-national Critical Minerals Mapping Initiative (CMMI). The CMMI, established in 2019, is an international science collaboration between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Geoscience Australia (GA), and the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC). One aspect of the CMMI is to use national- to global-scale earth science data to map where critical mineral prospectivity may exist using advanced machine learning approaches (Kelley, 2020). The geoscience information presented in this report include the training and evidential...
Categories: Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: ARDS, Alaska, Alaska Mineral Resource Data, Australia, Canada, All tags...
Overview Land and resource managers in the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative (NPLCC) currently lack conservation planning tools that can directly feed into the planning, design, delivery, and monitoring of ecosystems across all levels of biodiversity from genes to ecosystems. The North Pacific Forest Landscape Corridor and Connectivity Project utilized a landscape connectivity simulator (UNICOR) and a genetic simulation program (CDPOP) to model the functional (dispersal and genetic) connectivity in the North Pacific Landscape. The outputs from these programs indicated areas with high potential for landscape and genetic isolation and low probability of dispersal and colonization. In addition, this...
The purpose of this Agreement is to provide financial assistance to the National Wildlife Refuge Association in support of collaborative work between them and the Bear River Refuge to further the goals and accomplish objectives of the Bear River Watershed Conservation Area, and to work with the Friends of Bear River Refuge to establish an endowment fund for conservation education in the watershed. The proposed Bear River Watershed Conservation Area (BRWCA) project would work with private landowners to conserve the natural resources and working landscapes of the area by acquiring conservation easements from willing sellers, the project would help maintain important habitat for a variety of fish, mammals, and migratory...
The Shivwits Band of the Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah (PITU) has recognized the need to identify and assess the potential impacts of landscape-level stressors, such as climate change and drought, on tribal and ancestral lands and resources, such as water resources and culturally significant species and the habitats and ecosystems that support them. With funding from the Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperative, the Shivwits hired Barbara Dugelby1 of Round River Conservation Studies to conduct the assessment and prepare this report. The results of this report and the assessment will be integrated into the overall landscape level assessment of SRLCC priorities. This report presents a summary of the findings...
The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD) recognizes the need for a strong data foundation to inform science-based decisions for fisheries management at a watershed level. In preparation for a shift towards comprehensive watershed-scale planning, AGFD is developing a fisheries data management system with an initial focus on compiling and formatting several hundred thousand fish survey and stocking records. Fish data will be integrated within a Geographic Information System (GIS) by georeferencing observations to an existing national spatial framework (National Hydrography Dataset), which will allow for broader transferability to watersheds shared with neighboring states, creating a seamless layer not limited by...
Live tree species basal area from 2000 - 2009 for loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), longleaf pine (Pinus palustris), shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata), and slash pine (Pinus elliottii) clipped to the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks LCC geography.Data were derived from the USFS live tree species basal area of the contiguious United States (2000-2009) Wilson, Barry T.; Lister, Andrew J.; Riemann, Rachel I.; Griffith, Douglas M. 2013. Live tree species basal area of the contiguous United States (2000-2009). Newtown Square, PA: USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station. Abstract from html metadata for USFS live tree species basal area of the contiguious United States (2000-2009). This data product contains raster maps...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, GeoTIFF, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service, Raster; Tags: BIOSPHERE, BIOSPHERE, Basal Area, Conservation planning, Data, All tags...
Sea level rise projections produced by the University of Florida Geoplan Center. These projections measure sea level rise in meter increments up until 6 meters, the predicted sea level rise measure if both Greenland and the West Antarctic ice sheet melt.
We will translate existing modeled hydroclimatic data into metrics used for water crossing design and replacement. WDFW permits (Hydraulic Code Rules, Chapter 220-110 WAC) and provides technical guidance for construction of hundreds of fish passable culverts, a number which is expected to rise dramatically in response to a 2013 federal court injunction directing the state to repair thousands of culverts that inhibit salmon migration. Current WDFW design guidance does not account for changes in hydrology resulting from climate change. This project will support the development of designs that maintain desired performance (e.g. connectivity benefits to aquatic organisms) throughout water crossings expected life.This...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2014, Academics & scientific researchers, Anadromous fish, Applications and Tools, Climate Change, All tags...
The Cascadia Parner Forum fosters a network of natural resource practitioners working with the NPLCC and GNLCC to guild the adaptive capacity of the landscape and species living within it. This project supported three complementary transboundary climate adaptation and habitat connectivity activities in the Cascadia region: 1) Transboundary Climate Analysis by the Washington Wildlife Habitat Connectivity Working Group, 2) WildLinks workshop, and 3) Cascadia Partner Forum.
This data product contains estimates of habitat quality and connectivity for mountain lion, mule deer, desert bighorn sheep, and black bear, and combined estimates of high habitat and connectivity areas for all species. The analysis area was a 236,000 square kilometers that encompassed the Navajo Nation, which includes portions of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. The estimates of habitat quality were created with spatially explicit habitat variables and either an expert-based linear combination process (for mountain lion and mule deer) or a generalized linear mixed model-based estimation that used radio-collar telemetry data (for desert bighorn sheep, black bear, and pronghorn; collected between 2005-2011). Habitat...
In August 2017, the U.S. Geological Survey acquired high-resolution P- and S-wave seismic data near six Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN) recording stations in southern California: CI.OLI Olinda; CI.SRN Serrano; CI.MUR Murrieta; CI.LCG La Cienega; CI.RUS Rush; and CI.STC Santa Clara (Figure 1). These strong-motion recording stations are located inside Southern California Edison electrical substations, critical infrastructures that provide essential services to millions of customers. The primary goals of the seismic survey were to understand the potential for amplified ground shaking and to evaluate lateral variability in shear-wave velocity at these sites. We deployed up to 88 geophones at 2-m or 4-m...
In the drier, mid- and low-elevation portions of the Southern Rockies LCC, Fremont cottonwood represents the only native vegetation of tall stature, and cottonwood-dominated woodlands provide critical habitat for a large array of neotropical migratory birds and other animals. These woodlands likely dominated alluvial reaches of all streams where a snowmelt-driven spring flood was the major factor driving geomorphic and vegetation dynamics. These woodlands were also among the first habitats to undergo transformation as the regions land and water resources were developed.The PI coauthored a paper (Andersen et al. 2007) on assessing the amount of native Fremont cottonwood forest remaining on floodplains in 26 subbasins...

map background search result map search result map Bear River Watershed Conservation Area: Conserving Wildlife Habitat on Working Landscapes Support to Western States Crucial Habitat Assessment Tools A GIS-Based Evaluation of Fremont Cottonwood Stand Dynamics in the SRLCC A Landscape Approach for Fisheries Database Compilation and Predictive Modeling (Not listed in the LCC Science Catalog due to Desert LCC co-funding and catalog administering) Great northern landscape conservation cooperative climate grids An Applied Case Study to Integrate Climate Change into Design and Permitting of Water Crossing Structures North Pacific Forest Landscape Corridor and Connectivity Project: Assessing Landscape and Species Vulnerability - Final Report Wildlinks 2013: A Workshop of the Cascadia Partner Forum Summary Report Incorporating ecological integrity into the Western Governors’ assessment of aquatic crucial habitats in Washington and Oregon Live Pine Tree Species Basal Area (2000 -2009) in the GCPO LCC (Loblolly, Longleaf, Shortleaf, Slash) NPLCC Guide to Planning Tools SRLCC_2011_Fleishman_NavajoNationConnectivity_Data Final Report: Cultural Adaptation Through Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Climate Change Climate change and Tribal Ecological Knowledge Summer Internship Presentation Florida Sea Level Rise Projections in Meters Shivwits Paiute Cultural Values and Important Natural Resources at Risk from Landscape Level Stressors Optimization at the infrastructure-connectivity nexus: boosting cost-efficiency of restoration using dam condition data for Lake Michigan High-resolution seismic data acquired at six Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN) recording stations in 2017 National-Scale Geophysical, Geologic, and Mineral Resource Data and Grids for the United States, Canada, and Australia: Data in Support of the Tri-National Critical Minerals Mapping Initiative Monthly Satellite-Estimated Precipitation Reports for the Republic of the Marshall Islands (ver. 2.0, February 2024) (Under Revision) An Applied Case Study to Integrate Climate Change into Design and Permitting of Water Crossing Structures High-resolution seismic data acquired at six Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN) recording stations in 2017 Bear River Watershed Conservation Area: Conserving Wildlife Habitat on Working Landscapes North Pacific Forest Landscape Corridor and Connectivity Project: Assessing Landscape and Species Vulnerability - Final Report NPLCC Guide to Planning Tools SRLCC_2011_Fleishman_NavajoNationConnectivity_Data Final Report: Cultural Adaptation Through Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Climate Change Climate change and Tribal Ecological Knowledge Summer Internship Presentation Optimization at the infrastructure-connectivity nexus: boosting cost-efficiency of restoration using dam condition data for Lake Michigan Great northern landscape conservation cooperative climate grids Wildlinks 2013: A Workshop of the Cascadia Partner Forum Summary Report A Landscape Approach for Fisheries Database Compilation and Predictive Modeling (Not listed in the LCC Science Catalog due to Desert LCC co-funding and catalog administering) A GIS-Based Evaluation of Fremont Cottonwood Stand Dynamics in the SRLCC Monthly Satellite-Estimated Precipitation Reports for the Republic of the Marshall Islands (ver. 2.0, February 2024) (Under Revision) Florida Sea Level Rise Projections in Meters Shivwits Paiute Cultural Values and Important Natural Resources at Risk from Landscape Level Stressors Support to Western States Crucial Habitat Assessment Tools Live Pine Tree Species Basal Area (2000 -2009) in the GCPO LCC (Loblolly, Longleaf, Shortleaf, Slash) Incorporating ecological integrity into the Western Governors’ assessment of aquatic crucial habitats in Washington and Oregon National-Scale Geophysical, Geologic, and Mineral Resource Data and Grids for the United States, Canada, and Australia: Data in Support of the Tri-National Critical Minerals Mapping Initiative