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The data contained in child items of this page were developed to support the Species Status Assessments conducted by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and conservation planning for State, Federal, and non-government researchers, managers, landowners, and other partners for five focal herpetofauna species: gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus), southern hognose snake (Heterodon simus), Florida pine snake (Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus), gopher frog (Lithobates capito), and striped newt (Notophthalmus perstriatus). These data were developed by the USGS Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit at the University of Georgia in collaboration with other partners. The three child items contain the following data: (1)...
These data represent trapping effort and captures of deer mice at Point Reyes National Seashore, Marin County, California. Deer mice were captured and marked with ear tags to allow identification of individuals. The location of captures can be used in a spatially explicit capture recapture model to estimate density of mice and how mouse density varies by site and habitat type.
The data herein are geochemical (from X-Ray fluorescence spectrometry), grain size (percent clay, silt, sand), lithological (loss on ignition data), bathymetric, reconstructed IVT, and radioactive isotopes (14-C, 210-Pb, 226-Ra, and 137-Cs). These data were collected from sediments from Leonard Lake, Mendocino County, California, USA starting in 2014. Together, these data provide evidence for a record of extreme precipitation going back three millennia, showing regional pluvial and drought cycles.
This data release contains three 10-meter resolution GeoTIFFs representing 10-meter (35-foot), 30-meter (100-foot) and 90-meter (300-foot) riparian buffer zones along shorelines, rivers, streams, and other lotic (flowing) water features. The layers are binary, where the value of each cell represents the presence or absence of the buffer zone. In addition, the data release contains shapefile layers that document the extent of corrections that were made to the data to address errors in the stream network (see processing steps section for more details). The methodology combines various fine-scale input layers, including a 1:24k stream network and Chesapeake Bay 1-meter resolution Land Use/Land Cover to approximate...
This dataset contains all the layers associated with U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Restoration Assessment (GLCWRA) initiative for the Saginaw Bay Restoration Assessment (SBRA) which aims to identify and rank coastal areas with the greatest potential for wetland habitat restoration. Each layer has a unique contribution to the identification of restorable wetlands. The 7 parameters (Parameter 0: Mask, Parameter 1: Hydroperiod, Parameter 2: Wetland Soils, Parameter 3: Flowlines, Parameter 4: Conservation and Recreation Lands, Parameter 5: Impervious Surfaces, and Parameter 6: Land Use) and Index Composite directly correlate to areas that are recommended for restoration. The dikes, degree...
Proppants used during hydraulic fracturing of oil and gas wells are manufactured to maximize petroleum yield by controlling the size, shape, density, and strength of the proppant material. The most common types of proppants are mined silica sand and manufactured ceramics, some of which are further modified with organic resin coatings to improve performance. Much of the work on the environmental and human health effects of proppant releases into the environment has focused on occupational silicosis, with little attention given to the potential effects from the organic coatings on these materials. This oversight is especially relevant in the context of dumping of unwanted proppant on the land surface, which has been...
This dataset represents 505 campsites along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon with associated debris flow probabilities calculated for approximately a 100-year period (Griffiths and others, 2004) and geomorphic attributes mapped by the U.S. Geological Survey, Southwest Biological Science Center, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center (GCMRC) (Hadley and others, 2018). The campsite polygons were developed as part of a master campsite database that was a collaborative effort to maintain between the National Park Service in Grand Canyon National Park and the GCMRC. Debris flow probabilities have been added as an attribute from ungauged tributary watersheds published in 2004 (Griffiths and others, 2004). Area...
Fragmentation and loss of natural habitat have important consequences for wild populations and can negatively affect long-term viability and resilience to environmental change. Salt marsh obligate species, such as those that occupy the San Francisco Bay Estuary in western North America, occupy already impaired habitats as result of human development and modifications and are highly susceptible to increased habitat loss and fragmentation due to global climate change. We examined the genetic variation of the California Ridgway’s rail ( Rallus obsoletus obsoletus), a state and federally endangered species that occurs within the fragmented salt marsh of the San Francisco Bay Estuary. We genotyped 107 rails across 11...
The Climate Adaptation Science Centers (CASCs) partner with natural and cultural resource managers, tribes and indigenous communities, and university researchers to provide science that helps fish, wildlife, ecosystems, and the communities they support adapt to climate change. The CASCs provide managers and stakeholders with information and decision-making tools to respond to the effects of climate change. While each CASC works to address specific research priorities within their respective region, CASCs also collaborate across boundaries to address issues within shared ecosystems, watersheds, and landscapes. These shapefiles represent the 9 CASC regions and the national CASC that comprise the CASC network, highlighting...
This dataset is part of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Restoration Assessment (GLCWRA) initiative. These data represent the flowline network in the Upper Peninsula Restoration Assessment (UPRA). It is attributed with the number of disconnections (e.g., road crossings) between the reach and Lake Ontario. The more road crossings on a flowline the more disconnected that area is from the lake and the less suitable it will be for restoration. These data help identify the condition of hydrologic separation between potential restoration areas and Lake Ontario. Low numbers represent fewer disconnections, such as culverts, between the reach and the water body requiring no flow network modification...
The Chesapeake Bay Land Use and Land Cover Database (LULC) facilitates characterization of the landscape and land change for and between discrete time periods. The database was developed by the University of Vermont’s Spatial Analysis Laboratory in cooperation with Chesapeake Conservancy (CC) and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) as part of a 6-year Cooperative Agreement between Chesapeake Conservancy and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and a separate Interagency Agreement between the USGS and EPA to provide geospatial support to the Chesapeake Bay Program Office. The database contains one-meter 13-class Land Cover (LC) and 54-class Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) for all counties within or adjacent to the...
In Hawai‘i and other oceanic islands with few native land mammals, black rats (Rattus rattus) are among the most damaging invasive vertebrate species to native forest bird populations and habitats, due to their arboreal behavior and generalist foraging habitats and habitat use. We evaluated the nesting response of Hawai‘i ‘Elepaio (Chasiempis sandwichensis; Monarchidae), a generalist insectivore, to the removal of black rats using rodenticide in a before-after-control-impact study in high and low, mesic montane habitat recovering from long-term damage from introduced ungulates and weeds. We monitored nesting and rat activity during 2015–2016 before applying diphacinone bait in 2017 to remove rats from two 700 x...
We apply a research approach that can inform riparian restoration planning by developing products that show recent trends in vegetation conditions identifying areas potentially more at risk for degradation and the associated relationship between riparian vegetation dynamics and climate conditions. The vegetation is characterized using a series of remote sensing vegetation indices developing using satellite imagery, including the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Tasseled Cap (TC) Transformation metrics of brightness, greenness, and wetness. Each of these remote sensing vegetation indices provides a unique characterization of the vegetation properties. For example, NDVI provides a general overview...
Data consist of presence / absence records of planktic foraminifer species from 5 core samples at 3 localities in southeast Florida. Samples are placed in biostratigraphic zones and ages are estimated from calibrated first and last appearances of select taxa.
The spatial data results of USGS surveys for Least Bell's Vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus, LBVI) along the Tijuana River and San Diego River in 2020 to determine abundance and distribution of vireos to facilitate population trend analyses and collect information on dispersal and site fidelity of banded vireos as part of long-term demographic studies at multiple sites.
The U.S. Inland Creel and Angler Survey Catalog (CreelCat) contains data compiled from 14,729 creel and angler surveys conducted by state natural resource management agencies (including Washington DC and Puerto Rico) in inland waters across the United States. Data are contained in eight .csv files which contain information about survey characteristics (Survey_Data.csv), angler effort (AngEffort_Data.csv), catch and harvest (FishDataCompiled.csv), angler demographics (Demographic_Data.csv), angler preferences (AngPrefDataCompiled.csv), taxonomic classifications (Taxa_Data.csv), issues with catch and harvest (Fish_Attribution_Issues.csv), and issues with angler preference (AngPref_Attribution_Issues.csv), as well...
We developed a LiDAR-based habitat model for the threatened Marbled Murrelet (MAMU) in the Siuslaw National Forest, Oregon, using a two-step approach. First, we tested the applicability of the LiDAR-based model developed for the Coos Bay District of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to the Siuslaw N.F. In the second step, we tested alternative habitat models developed with forest structural data and Murrelet survey data from the Siuslaw N.F. We compared the performance of each model to provide forest managers with the best predictive tool to guide habitat management for the Marbled Murrelet. This shapefile contains the probability of Marbled Murrelet occupancy values of each model for vegetation polygons defined...
This dataset represents 763 tributary canyons and/or watersheds adjacent to the Colorado River in Grand Canyon with associated debris flow probabilities from 2004. Also, these data include tributary canyon and/or watersheds to Glen Canyon and several smaller watersheds in Grand Canyon where debris flow data is currently unavailable. Historic probabilities of debris flow occurrence were estimated by modeling the known frequency distribution with drainage basin parameters observed to control the process by which debris flows initiate and travel to the river. Observations from 1984 through 2003 provide a 20-year record of all debris flows that reached the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, and repeat photography provides...
In January 2018, a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) team collected short cores and surface samples from four islands in Florida Bay, Everglades National Park, south Florida (Wingard et al. 2019). The 2018 samples were collected approximately five months after the passage of Hurricane Irma on September 10, 2017, as a category 4 storm. The four islands had also been cored in 2014. The goal of the long-term study of these four islands is to examine the impacts of climate and sea level on island formation and resilience, and to provide insights into the stability of the south Florida coastline. The passage of Hurricane Irma provided an opportunity to sample sediments deposited by the storm surge. The particle size analysis...
This dataset consists of annual raster maps of ecosystem carbon stocks, land use and land cover classes, and transition probabilities for the State of California during historical (1985-2020) and projected future (2021-2100) time periods. Data are simulation model output from the The Land Use and Carbon Simulator (LUCAS; Sleeter et al. 2022) run under different climate and land management scenarios. LUCAS model simulations were conducted on an annual timestep at 1-km spatial resolution with 40 Monte Carlo realizations per simulation. For the projected future time period, the model was run under all combinations of four climate scenarios, two urbanization scenarios, and two vegetation management scenarios. The climate...

map background search result map search result map A Century of Landscape Disturbance and Urbanization of the San Francisco Bay Region affects the Present-day Genetic Diversity of the California Ridgway’s Rail (Rallus obsoletus obsoletus) Maps of the USGS Climate Adaptation Science Centers (May 2024) Estimated Probabilities from Lidar Models for Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) Occupancy in Forest Vegetation Stands in the Siuslaw National Forest, Oregon Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Elepaio nest monitoring and black rat mark recapture data 2015-2017 Range-wide habitat suitability maps for at-risk species in the longleaf system Distribution and Breeding Status of Least Bell’s Vireo Along the San Diego and Tijuana Rivers in San Diego County, California (2020) Chesapeake Bay Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) Database 2022 Edition Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Restoration Assessment (GLCWRA) Upper Peninsula, U.S.: Degree Flowlines Database of Trends in Vegetation Properties and Climate Adaptation Variables on the San Carlos Apache Reservation and Upper Gila River Watershed (1935-2021) Chemistry data from leachates of hydraulic fracturing proppants collected from southeastern New Mexico, 2018-2019 Chesapeake Bay Watershed 1:24k 10, 30 and 90-meter Riparian Buffer Zones Saginaw Bay Restoration Assessment Composite Model Captures and Trapping Effort for Deer Mice (Peromyscus sonoriensis) at Point Reyes National Seashore, California, USA from 2021 to 2022 Geochemical, grain size, lithological, bathymetric, reconstructed integrated vapor transport, and age model data for Leonard Lake, Mendocino County Occurrences of Pliocene Planktic foraminifers in core samples from SE Florida Geomorphic attributes of campsites adjacent to the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, AZ Debris flow probabilities of ungaged tributaries to the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, AZ The U.S. Inland Creel and Angler Survey Catalog (CreelCat): A Database and Interactive Tool for Inland Fisheries Management and Research Historical and projected future land change and ecosystem carbon stocks for California Particle size distribution data from Florida Bay, Everglades National Park, Florida - 2024 analyses of samples collected following Hurricane Irma (2017) Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Elepaio nest monitoring and black rat mark recapture data 2015-2017 Particle size distribution data from Florida Bay, Everglades National Park, Florida - 2024 analyses of samples collected following Hurricane Irma (2017) Captures and Trapping Effort for Deer Mice (Peromyscus sonoriensis) at Point Reyes National Seashore, California, USA from 2021 to 2022 Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Restoration Assessment (GLCWRA) Upper Peninsula, U.S.: Degree Flowlines Distribution and Breeding Status of Least Bell’s Vireo Along the San Diego and Tijuana Rivers in San Diego County, California (2020) Estimated Probabilities from Lidar Models for Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) Occupancy in Forest Vegetation Stands in the Siuslaw National Forest, Oregon Saginaw Bay Restoration Assessment Composite Model Geomorphic attributes of campsites adjacent to the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, AZ Geochemical, grain size, lithological, bathymetric, reconstructed integrated vapor transport, and age model data for Leonard Lake, Mendocino County Debris flow probabilities of ungaged tributaries to the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, AZ Database of Trends in Vegetation Properties and Climate Adaptation Variables on the San Carlos Apache Reservation and Upper Gila River Watershed (1935-2021) Chemistry data from leachates of hydraulic fracturing proppants collected from southeastern New Mexico, 2018-2019 Chesapeake Bay Watershed 1:24k 10, 30 and 90-meter Riparian Buffer Zones Occurrences of Pliocene Planktic foraminifers in core samples from SE Florida Chesapeake Bay Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) Database 2022 Edition Historical and projected future land change and ecosystem carbon stocks for California Range-wide habitat suitability maps for at-risk species in the longleaf system The U.S. Inland Creel and Angler Survey Catalog (CreelCat): A Database and Interactive Tool for Inland Fisheries Management and Research Maps of the USGS Climate Adaptation Science Centers (May 2024)