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This dataset provides results for the following: (1) metals concentrations in soils surrounding breeding song bird nest sites; (2) metals concentrations in invertebrates (earthworm and grub composites) collected near nest sites; (3) metals concentrations and delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) activity in avian blood samples; and (4) metals concentrations, indicators of oxidative stress and DNA damage, and histopathology in liver and/or kidney tissues collected from breeding song birds.
This dataset documents locations of and water temperature recorded by Hobo Water Temp Pro series loggers (Onset Computer Corp., Bourne, MA) deployed by the USGS Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project at up to 24 locations in the Lower Missouri River (from the Gavins Point Dam near Yankton, South Dakota to its confluence with the Mississippi River near St. Louis, Missouri) and 13 selected tributaries (James River, Big Sioux River, Little Sioux River, Platte River (in Nebraska), Nishnabotna River, Nodaway River, Platte River (in Missouri), Kansas River, Grand River, Chariton River, Lamine River, Osage River, and Gasconade River) since 2005. Data document the site name, spatial location, temporal extent of water temperature...
Vegetative buffer strips have been demonstrated to effectively reduce loads of sediment, nutrients, and herbicides in surface runoff, but their effectiveness for reducing veterinary antibiotic loads in runoff has not been well documented. Surface runoff simulation where performed to determine the effectiveness of Vegetative buffer strips vegetation and width on surface runoff loads of the veterinary antibiotics sulfamethazine and lincomycin. The three datasets in this release document 1. physical and chemical soil properties for soil located on experimental vegetated buffer strip plots prior to surface runoff simulations; 2. Rainfall simulator performance data and antecedent soil water content data for all vegetated...
This data release includes sampling location identification and timing data as well as plant and insect pollinator taxonomic information in Conservation Reserve Program fields. Sampling took place during July and August of 2019. Fields were located on private land managed for the U.S.Department of Agriculture Conservation Reserve Program in eastern central Iowa, U.S.A.
These datasets describe channel adjustments over a 60-year period to dams in the Missouri National Recreational River (MNRR), South Dakota and Nebraska. Datasets include a channel geometry analysis from cross-sections, banklines digitized and interpreted to predict future bank erosion sites from aerial photography, and models of floodplain inundation over a range of discharges. There are two MNRR segments, a 39-mile segment downstream from Fort Randall Dam, and a 59-mile segment downstream from Gavins Point Dam. Similar datasets were analyzed for each MNRR segment using similar methods.
This project contains data and supporting files from hydrodynamic and particle tracking models of the Missouri River at Searcys Bend developed in conjunction with an experimental dye release at the study site on March 5, 2021. The main objectives of this effort were to develop a hydrodynamic model using topographic and flow data collected in the field for subsequent use in a particle tracking model to simulate dye dispersion during the experiment.
This dataset includes measurements of flow, turbulence, and bathymetry generated from multibeam bathymetry for a short reach of the Missouri River at Searcys Bend (SB) near Huntsdale, Missouri. Flow and turbulence were characterized using a Signature 1000 mounted on an anchored moving boat and an Aquadopp mounted on a tripod near the bed. Repeat bathymetric measurements were made in small patches to characterize bedform movement during velocimetric instrument deployment. The mean daily discharge at the U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow gaging station 06909000 fifteen miles upstream at Boonville, Missouri on September 16, 2021 was 1,291 cubic meters per second.
Macrhybopsis reproduction and propagule traits were studied in the laboratory using two temperature regimes and three hormone treatments and which methods produced the most spawns. Only sicklefin chub (M. meeki) spawned successfully although sturgeon chub (M. gelida) released unfertilized eggs. All temperature and hormone treatments produced M. meeki spawns, but two treatments had similar success rates at 44 and 43%, consisting of a constant daily temperature with no hormone added, or daily temperature fluctuations with hormone added to the water. Spawns consisted of multiple successful demersal circular swimming spawning embraces interspersed with circular swims without embraces. The most spawns observed for one...
These data are comprised of measurements of elements (e.g., uranium, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium, lead, etc.) in Pinyon Plain Mine containment pond samples collected in calendar year 2020.
These data are comprised of measurements of aluminum, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, arsenic, selenium, molybdenum, silver, cadmium, thallium, lead, bismuth, thorium, uranium, and mercury in soil, vegetation, and small rodents. Gross alpha activity, gross beta activity, and radionuclide activities (isotopic U, isotopic Th) are also presented for vegetation and soil. Radioactivities for small rodents were previously presented at The data also include histopathological analysis of liver tissues collected from small rodents. Samples were collected at the Kanab North Mine and Canyon Mine (post-mining, pre-reclamation) in the Grand Canyon watershed.
These data are comprised of measurements of elements (e.g., uranium, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium, lead, etc.), major anions (chloride, nitrite+nitrate as nitrogen, sulfate, etc.), organic carbon, and general water quality characteristics in Pinyon Plain Mine containment pond water, invertebrate, vegetation and sediment samples, collected in calendar year 2022.
Lack of reproduction has been hypothesized to be a factor in the decline of the pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) through much of its range. Spawning habitat and behavior have only recently been documented on the Lower Missouri River, which comprises over 1,300 river kilometers of undammed river. This data consists of habitat measurements for ten pallid sturgeon spawning events from 2008-2013 that occurred in discrete reaches dispersed over hundreds of kilometers on the Lower Missouri River.
These data are comprised of measurements of elements (e.g., uranium, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium, lead, etc.), major anions (chloride, nitrite+nitrate as nitrogen, sulfate, etc.), dissolved organic carbon, and general water quality characteristics in Canyon Mine containment pond water, sediment, vegetaiton and invertebrate samples collected in calendar year 2017.
This project includes field data and data supporting models of the Missouri River at Sheepnose (SN) bend, near Lexington, Missouri. Field datasets include a topobathymetric digital elevation model (DEM) for a 10-km reach of the Missouri River, repeat surveys of channel bathymetry from 2019-2021, water surface elevation profiles, velocity data collected with acoustic Dopper current profiler (ADCP). Channel topography was generated from data collected by USGS staff from the Columbia Environmental Research Center during multibeam sonar surveys of the channel bed using a multibeam echosounder and high-resolution Global Navigation Satellite Systems for positioning. Field data was used to generate and validate both 2-dimensional...
The risks to wildlife and humans from uranium (U) mining to the Grand Canyon watershed are largely unknown. In addition to U, other co-occurring ore constituents contribute to risks to biological receptors depending on their toxicological profiles. This data was collected to characterize the pre-mining concentrations of total arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), nickel (Ni), selenium (Se), thallium (Tl), U, and zinc (Zn); radiation levels; and histopathologies in biota (vegetation, invertebrates, amphibians, birds, and mammals) at the Canyon Mine.
This data set includes tables providing location, environmental, vegetation, soils, and carbon sampling data collected in 2015 and 2016 at vegetation sampling units on restored areas and other habitats at sites in northeast Indiana, USA. "Sample_units.txt" provides location, environmental, soil physical and chemical properties for each sample location. "Subplot_ground_flora.txt" provides subplot estimates of cover for each ground flora species in each each subplot; "Plot_ground_flora.txt" provides plot-level estimates of cover for each ground flora species in each plot. "Woody_stems.txt" provides diameter at breast height measurements and height estimates for woody species with measurable diameters at 1.4 m. "Downed_wood_less_than_3_in_diameter.txt"...
The data contain yearly modeled estimates of Pacific salmon escapement (in annual metric tons of wet mass) from 1976 to 2015 across four regions of western North America. A second data file contains modeled estimates of contaminant or nutrient concentrations in Pacific Salmon. The modeled estimates were derived from Bayesian generalized linear models (contaminant or nutrient concentrations) or from Bayesian generalized additive models (Salmon Escapement).
The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources and Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency conducted observations onboard commercial fishing vessels. During these observations total lengths were collected from a subset of that capture which we have used to develop a length-based stock assessment of invasive carp. The first dataset represent harvest from the invasive carp harvest program in Kentucky and Tennessee from 2009-2021 only in Lake Barkley and Kentucky Lake where the majority of harvest occurs. The second data are length data from a subset of those fish harvested in 2018-2021. The last dataset are the results from a survey delivered to fishers participating in the invasive carp harvest program in Kentucky...
Containment ponds at uranium mines in the Grand Canyon region have been suspected to pose an attractive nuisance to local wildlife in this arid landscape. To determine the presence of bird species at uranium mine openings, we surveyed the bird community in the area surrounding the mines repeatedly within one year and summarized species occurrence. We observed 35 species of birds directly using the uranium mine containment ponds including species of conservation concern, Pinyon Jay Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus and Brewer’s Sparrow Spizella breweri.

map background search result map search result map Reproductive strategy, spawning induction, spawning temperatures and early life history of captive sicklefin chub Macrhybopsis meeki-Data Organochlorine chemicals in northern cardinal eggs from suburban Washington, DC USA Breccia pipe uranium mine bird survey data, Grand Canyon region, 2014-2015 Chemical analyses and histopathology of small rodents, vegetation, and soil collected from the Kanab North breccia pipe uranium mine in the Grand Canyon watershed NE Indiana bottomland restoration vegetation, soils and carbon data, 2015 and 2016 Chemistry data for assessment of the containment pond at Canyon Mine, Arizona 2017 Pallid Sturgeon Spawning Habitat in the Lower Missouri River Chemistry data for assessment of the containment pond at Pinyon Plain Mine, 2020 Channel geometry, banklines and floodplain inundation over a range of discharges in two segments of the Missouri National Recreational River, South Dakota and Nebraska, 1955-2018 Field data and models of the Missouri River at Sheepnose Bend, near Lexington, Missouri, 2019-2021 Flow, turbulence, and bathymetric measurements of the Missouri River at Searcys Bend, near Huntsdale, Missouri September 16, 2021 Veterinary antibiotic residues in surface runoff flowing through vegetative buffer strip plots located at the University of Missouri Bradford Research and Extension Center (Columbia, MO) in September 2020 Supporting files for particle tracking simulations of the May 5, 2021 dye release experiment on the Missouri River at Searcys Bend, near Columbia, Missouri Plant and insect pollinator diversity data from Conservation Reserve Program fields across an agricultural gradient in eastern Iowa Breeding songbird tissue analysis and metal concentrations in tissues, soil and invertebrates collected near nesting sites within the Southeast Missouri Lead Mining District, 2016-19 Modeled Pacific salmon escapement biomass and nutrient and contaminant concentrations across western North America, 1976-2015 Water temperature in the Lower Missouri River and selected tributaries Invasive carp harvest data and surveys of commercial fishers in support of stock assessment and abundance models, Kentucky Lake and Lake Barkley, 2009-2021 Chemistry data for assessment of the containment pond at Pinyon Plain Mine, 2022 Veterinary antibiotic residues in surface runoff flowing through vegetative buffer strip plots located at the University of Missouri Bradford Research and Extension Center (Columbia, MO) in September 2020 Chemistry data for assessment of the containment pond at Canyon Mine, Arizona 2017 Chemistry data for assessment of the containment pond at Pinyon Plain Mine, 2020 Chemistry data for assessment of the containment pond at Pinyon Plain Mine, 2022 Flow, turbulence, and bathymetric measurements of the Missouri River at Searcys Bend, near Huntsdale, Missouri September 16, 2021 Field data and models of the Missouri River at Sheepnose Bend, near Lexington, Missouri, 2019-2021 Supporting files for particle tracking simulations of the May 5, 2021 dye release experiment on the Missouri River at Searcys Bend, near Columbia, Missouri NE Indiana bottomland restoration vegetation, soils and carbon data, 2015 and 2016 Breccia pipe uranium mine bird survey data, Grand Canyon region, 2014-2015 Organochlorine chemicals in northern cardinal eggs from suburban Washington, DC USA Invasive carp harvest data and surveys of commercial fishers in support of stock assessment and abundance models, Kentucky Lake and Lake Barkley, 2009-2021 Chemical analyses and histopathology of small rodents, vegetation, and soil collected from the Kanab North breccia pipe uranium mine in the Grand Canyon watershed Channel geometry, banklines and floodplain inundation over a range of discharges in two segments of the Missouri National Recreational River, South Dakota and Nebraska, 1955-2018 Breeding songbird tissue analysis and metal concentrations in tissues, soil and invertebrates collected near nesting sites within the Southeast Missouri Lead Mining District, 2016-19 Plant and insect pollinator diversity data from Conservation Reserve Program fields across an agricultural gradient in eastern Iowa Pallid Sturgeon Spawning Habitat in the Lower Missouri River Water temperature in the Lower Missouri River and selected tributaries Modeled Pacific salmon escapement biomass and nutrient and contaminant concentrations across western North America, 1976-2015