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This data release compiles the electron microprobe spot analyses of U, Th, and Pb concentrations in uraninite (U oxide) particles, and corresponding calculated age determinations, measured in samples of ore from two uranium-copper breccia pipe ore bodies, the Canyon (Pinyon Plain) and Hack II deposits. The U-rich samples that were analyzed typify the deposits hosted by solution-collapse breccia pipes in the Grand Canyon region of northwestern Arizona. Applying procedures outlined by Bowles (1990), the U, Pb, and Th measurements from each spot analysis were used to calculate a model age for the formation of each uraninite particle. The U, Pb, and Th analyses and calculated age determinations are provided as additional...
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release provides whole rock major, minor, and trace element geochemical data from the fluorine-rich Mount Emmons-Redwell porphyry molybdenum (Climax-type) deposit (Mt. Emmons-Redwell deposit), located approximately 5.6 km (3.5 mi) northwest of Crested Butte, Colorado. The Mt. Emmons-Redwell deposit partly underlies Redwell Basin on the northwest flank of Mount Emmons in the west-central region of the Colorado Mineral Belt. Mineralization of the Mt. Emmons-Redwell deposit occurs at depth as vein, veinlet, stockwork, and fracture-hosted Climax-type mineralization [308 Mt at 0.32% Mo (Galey, 1978; Guarnera and Anderson, 2007)], and is associated with the Mt. Emmons igneous complex....
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Climax-type deposit,
Colorado Mineral Belt,
Crested Butte,
This data release includes 40Ar/39Ar intercalibration data from the U.S. Geological Survey for neutron fluence monitors HD-B1 (Heidelberg biotite) and FCs (Fish Canyon sanidine). Potassium-bearing mineral grains were analyzed by argon geochronology at the U.S. Geological Survey Argon Geochronology Laboratory in Denver, Colorado. These data provide intercalibration information between the two fluence monitors.
This data release is a re-release of an airborne geophysical survey carried out for the United States Geological Survey (USGS) by Spectra Exploration Geoscience Corp., from November 2000 to February 2001. The purpose of this survey was to acquire high-resolution, high-sensitivity aeromagnetic data over an area in northeast and north-central North Dakota and assess the area for anomalies and magnetic features pertaining to the local geology. To achieve this purpose, the survey area was systematically traversed by an aircraft carrying geophysical instruments along parallel flight lines (traverses) spaced 0.25 miles (400 meters) apart in an east-west alignment. Tie lines were flown normal to the traverses spaced at...
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: <1GB,
Cavalier County,
Earth Mapping Resources Initiative,
Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science CenterGGGSC,
These data are sulfur isotope determinations (34S/32S ratios) for sulfur-bearing minerals collected from epithermal veins in the Lowland mining district, Montana, USA and from metasedimentary rocks that host the Black Angel zinc-lead-silver deposit, Greenland. The samples were collected by cooperators as parts of larger ore genesis studies. The determinations were performed between February 2019 and March 2021 on 35 samples of pyrite, sphalerite, galena, and chalcopyrite from Lowland vein occurrences and 5 samples of anhydrite from Black Angel host rocks.
Categories: Data;
Tags: <1GB,
Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center,
Jefferson County,
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