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Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) of the Kaibab Plateau in Arizona had a population estimate of 10,200 individuals in 2019. The herd is relatively isolated; limited in range to the east, south, and west sides by the Grand Canyon. Annually the Kaibab herd migrates an average of 27 mi (43 km) between summer and winter range. Winter range is along the west, east, and northern extents of the plateau; consisting of pinyon-juniper woodlands mixed with sagebrush, cliffrose, bitterbrush, and various grasses. Some of the Kaibab herd winters in Utah, sharing winter range with Utah’s Paunsaugunt Plateau herd. During migration mule deer pass through mid-elevation transitional range containing Gambel oak, pinyon pine, and Utah...
The San Francisco Peaks mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) herd makes one of Arizona’s most extraordinary annual migrations between Flagstaff, AZ and the Grand Canyon. The migration begins on summer range in GMU 7, where an estimated 5,300 mule deer reside. Their summer habitat contains alpine, subalpine, and ponderosa pine forests mixed with open grasslands and meadows. Beginning in October, a portion of the herd migrates north to GMU 9 to winter range along the South Rim containing pinyon-juniper, ponderosa pines, sagebrush, and cliffrose habitat. Through funding from Secretarial Order 3362, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) began a GPS collar study beginning in June of 2019. A total of 46 mule deer have...
The mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) of the Pueblo of Santa Ana herds are primarily non-migratory, with two distinct winter ranges separated by U.S. Route 550. The winter ranges consist primarily of Chihuahuan semi‐desert grassland, dominated by black grama (Bouteloua eriopoda), galleta (Pleuraphis jamesii), mesa dropseed (Sporobolus flexuosus), and fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens), with higher elevation sections consisting of pinyon-juniper woodland and juniper savannah. There was no movement between the two winter ranges, with only individuals from the winter range northeast of US 550 crossing the highway west of the Jemez Canyon Reservoir. Two individuals from the winter range northeast of US 550 migrated...
The Sheldon-Hart Mountain pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) herd is part of a large interstate metapopulation distributed across northwest Nevada, southeast Oregon, and portions of northeast California. Some animals travel up to 100 miles between summer and winter ranges and traverse multiple federal land jurisdictions, including the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, Hart Mountain National Wildlife Refuge, and surrounding Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands. The herd can be characterized as conditionally or partially migratory with approximately 65% of collared animals exhibiting migratory tendencies. Major summer ranges include portions of the Hart Mountain Wildlife Refuge, Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, and...
The South of Interstate 40 (I-40) pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) herd make one of Arizona’s most remarkable migrations. This herd resides primarily in GMU 8, which had a population estimate of 450 individuals in 2019. Unlike traditional summer-winter range dynamics, this pronghorn herd relies on a complex of several important seasonal ranges connected by narrow corridors. Migration between ranges appear to be driven by winter conditions, thus, the timing of the movements is highly variable. The herd has high fidelity to these corridors, which elevates the importance of research and management efforts to conserve them. During the summer, these pronghorn inhabit large grasslands in and around Garland Prairie. During...
Elk (Cervus elpahus canadensis) within the southern section of the Bighorn Mountains display altitudinal migration. In the spring, most individuals migrate from the western foothills up into the mountains, and in the fall, they head back down to lower elevations (fig. 68). In the southern section where the range curves west, the herd migrates up the northern foothills in the spring and back down in the fall. Additionally, a few individuals will summer on the eastern foothills along the Crazy Woman drainage. These individuals migrate west up the slopes in the spring and back down in the fall. The herd, which numbers around 4,000, primarily winters along the western foothills of the southern Bighorn Mountains just...
South of Interstate 40 mule deer reside in Game Management Units (GMU) 8 and 6B in Arizona. The herd summers in high-elevation open meadows and ponderosa pine habitat southwest of Flagstaff, Arizona. In late October, the herd migrates west to lower elevation pinyon-juniper and shrub habitats near the junction of Interstate 40 and U.S. Highway 89. With funding support by the U.S. Department of the Interior (USDI) through Secretarial Order 3362, research on this herd’s migration began in February 2020. Additional GPS collars were deployed in January 2022 with support from the U.S. Forest Service, Mule Deer Foundation, and other partners. Primary threats to the herd’s migration involve high volume roads including Interstate...
The Siskiyou mule deer herd migrates from winter ranges primarily north and east of Mount Shasta (i.e., Day Bench, Lake Shastina, Montague, Mount Dome, Mount Hebron, Sheep-Mahogany Mountain, Tionesta, and Wild Horse Mountain) to sprawling summer ranges scattered between the Mount Shasta Wilderness in the west and the Burnt Lava Flow Geological Area in the east. A small percentage of the herd are residents, residing largely within winter ranges across the central and northeast areas of the herd’s annual distribution. The total population size of the Siskiyou herd is unknown, but adult deer densities averaged 6.01 deer per km2 on summer ranges in 2017 and 5.16 deer per km2 on winter ranges in 2019 (Wittmer and others,...
Mule deer within the Jackson segment of the Sublette herd winter mainly in the valley and south-facing slopes of the buttes. These geologic features are characteristic of the Jackson Hole area near Jackson, Wyoming. Winter ranges in the Jackson valley are a mixture of national forest public land as well as private urban and exurban land. The lower elevation, south-facing hillslopes are typified by stands of Juniperus scopulorum (Rocky Mountain juniper) or mixed mountain shrub communities of Artemisia tridentata (mountain big sagebrush), Artemisia tripartite (three-tip sagebrush), Purshia tridentata (antelope bitterbrush), Amelanchier alnifolia (Saskatoon serviceberry), Symphoricarpos albus (common snowberry), chokecherry,...
This data release contains time series and plots summarizing mean monthly temperature and total monthly precipitation, runoff, and streamflow from the U.S. Geological Survey Monthly Water Balance Model at 115 National Wildlife Refuges within the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Mountain-Prairie Region (CO, KS, MT, NE, ND, SD, UT, and WY). The four variables are derived from two sets of statistically-downscaled general circulation models from 1951 through 2099. The three variables were summarized for comparison across four 19-year periods: historic (1951-1969), baseline (1981-1999), 2050 (2041-2059), and 2080 (2071-2089). For each refuge, mean monthly plots, seasonal box plots, and annual envelope plots were produced...
This data release contains time series and plots summarizing mean monthly temperature and total monthly precipitation, and runoff from the U.S. Geological Survey Monthly Water Balance Model at 115 National Wildlife Refuges within the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Mountain-Prairie Region (CO, KS, MT, NE, ND, SD, UT, and WY). The three variables are derived from two sets of statistically-downscaled general circulation models from 1951 through 2099. The three variables were summarized for comparison across four 19-year periods: historic (1951-1969), baseline (1981-1999), 2050 (2041-2059), and 2080 (2071-2089). For each refuge, mean monthly plots, seasonal box plots, and annual envelope plots were produced for each...
Map containing historical census data from 1900 - 2000 throughout the western United States at the county level. Data includes total population, population density, and percent population change by decade for each county. Population data was obtained from the US Census Bureau and joined to 1:2,000,000 scale National Atlas counties shapefile.
This dataset includes hourly stream temperature data for 139 temperature logger sites throughout the Lahontan Basin Region of Northern Nevada and Eastern California. Data loggers were part a study beginning in 2017, with data available through 2019 for most locations. The spatial data layer contains site locations, geographic information, data summaries, mean August stream temperatures, and modeled NorWeST stream temperatures. The Wet-Dry delineation file contains daily flow status estimates derived from stream temperature data for each site. The Site Visit file contains the date and time of the site visit along with associated information on site flow conditions, water depths, logger conditions, and stream logger...
Publicly accessible open spaces provide valuable opportunities for people to exercise, play, socialize, and build community. People are more likely to use public open spaces that are close (ideally within walking distance) to their homes. To assess the spatial distribution of access to open space for recreation in the southeastern United States, we constructed an index of open space access based on the size of the largest publicly accessible open space within 10 miles of each point on the landscape, using three distance categories to represent whether people can reach the open spaces by walking (within 0.5 mile), via a short drive (within 3 miles), or via a longer drive (within 10 miles). Using the open space access...
One of the largest hydraulic mines (1.6 km2) is located in California’s Sierra Nevada within the Humbug Creek watershed and Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park (MDSHP). MDSHP’s denuded and dissected landscape is composed of weathered Eocene auriferous sediments susceptible to chronic rill and gully erosion whereas block failures and debris flows occur in more cohesive terrain. This data release includes a 2014 digital elevation model (DEM), a study area boundary, and a geomorphic map. The 2014 DEM was derived from an available aerial LiDAR dataset collected in 2014 by the California Department of Conservation. The geomorphic map was derived for the study area from using a multi-scale spatial analysis. A topographic...
This digital dataset consists of monthly climate data from the Basin Characterization Model v8 (BCMv8) for the updated Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM2) for water years 1922 to 2019. The BCMv8 data are available in a separate data release titled "The Basin Characterization Model - A regional water balance software package (BCMv8) data release and model archive for hydrologic California, water years 1896-2020". The data were modified by: (1) extracting the data from the data source for the relevant model domain and times, and (2) rescaling the 270-meter BCMv8 grid to the small watersheds that contribute boundary flow to the CVHM2 model for the hydrologic variables recharge and runoff. The three data pieces...
Data presented are results of surveys in 2021 for San Diego Cactus Wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus) in southern San Diego County. Surveys were conducted at 378 plots. Plots were surveyed twice in 2021 and the number, age (adult or juvenile), banding status (color banded or not), and breeding status (paired, unpaired, or unknown) of all wrens recorded. Habitat covariate data were collected including amount of dead and stressed cactus in the plot, percent cover of bare ground, and the dominant and percent cover of invasive species.
Data presented are results of surveys in 2021 for Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus) in San Diego County, California. Surveys were conducted at the 2016-19 nest monitoring locations (Cleveland National Forest, Rey River Ranch, and Vista Irrigation District) and at Lake Henshaw along the Upper San Luis Rey River. Surveys were conducted along multiple sections of the river where permission to access properties could be obtained. Locations were surveyed using a standardized protocol three to four times between 15 May and 31 July. The number, age (adult or juvenile), sex, banding status (color banded or not, and if so, color combination), and breeding status (paired, undetermined, or transient)...
These data represent trapping effort and captures of deer mice at Point Reyes National Seashore, Marin County, California. Deer mice were captured and marked with ear tags to allow identification of individuals. The location of captures can be used in a spatially explicit capture recapture model to estimate density of mice and how mouse density varies by site and habitat type.

map background search result map search result map Human Population in the Western United States (1900 - 2000) Study Area Boundary Malakoff DIggins State Historic Park, California Raven study site locations in the Great Basin, derived from survey locations 2007 - 2016 Conservation Priorities for Open Space Recreation Access in the Southeast United States, by Census Block Group (2018) Stream Temperature in the Lahontan Basin of Nevada and California, 2017-2019 Migration Routes of Elk in South Bighorn Herd in Wyoming Migration Corridors of Mule Deer in the Kaibab Herd in Arizona Migration Corridors of Mule Deer in the San Francisco Peaks Herd in Arizona Winter Ranges of Mule Deer in the Pueblo of Santa Ana Herd in New Mexico Annual Ranges of Pronghorn in the South of Interstate 40 Herd in Arizona Migration corridors of the Sheldon-Hart Mountain Interstate Pronghorn Herd in Northwestern Nevada and Southeastern Oregon Central Valley Hydrologic Model version 2 (CVHM2): Small Watershed Climate Data (Recharge, Runoff) Surveys and Monitoring of Coastal Cactus Wren in Southern San Diego County, 2021 Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus) Surveys in San Diego County, California, 2021 Arizona Mule Deer South of I 40 Stopovers California Mule Deer Siskiyou Routes Wyoming Mule Deer Jackson Routes Hydroclimate Projections for Select U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Properties - Mountain-Prairie Region, 1951-2099 Hydroclimate Projections for Select U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Properties - Mountain-Prairie Region, 1951-2099 - Kansas Captures and Trapping Effort for Deer Mice (Peromyscus sonoriensis) at Point Reyes National Seashore, California, USA from 2021 to 2022 Study Area Boundary Malakoff DIggins State Historic Park, California Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus) Surveys in San Diego County, California, 2021 Surveys and Monitoring of Coastal Cactus Wren in Southern San Diego County, 2021 Captures and Trapping Effort for Deer Mice (Peromyscus sonoriensis) at Point Reyes National Seashore, California, USA from 2021 to 2022 Wyoming Mule Deer Jackson Routes Arizona Mule Deer South of I 40 Stopovers Winter Ranges of Mule Deer in the Pueblo of Santa Ana Herd in New Mexico Migration Corridors of Mule Deer in the Kaibab Herd in Arizona Annual Ranges of Pronghorn in the South of Interstate 40 Herd in Arizona Migration Corridors of Mule Deer in the San Francisco Peaks Herd in Arizona Migration Routes of Elk in South Bighorn Herd in Wyoming California Mule Deer Siskiyou Routes Migration corridors of the Sheldon-Hart Mountain Interstate Pronghorn Herd in Northwestern Nevada and Southeastern Oregon Stream Temperature in the Lahontan Basin of Nevada and California, 2017-2019 Hydroclimate Projections for Select U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Properties - Mountain-Prairie Region, 1951-2099 - Kansas Central Valley Hydrologic Model version 2 (CVHM2): Small Watershed Climate Data (Recharge, Runoff) Raven study site locations in the Great Basin, derived from survey locations 2007 - 2016 Hydroclimate Projections for Select U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Properties - Mountain-Prairie Region, 1951-2099 Conservation Priorities for Open Space Recreation Access in the Southeast United States, by Census Block Group (2018) Human Population in the Western United States (1900 - 2000)