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Potamodromous migrations, those that occur entirely in fresh waters, are made by a variety of minnows (Family Cyprinidae) in, and between, freshwater habitats around the world. These migrations most commonly are undertaken for purposes of breeding, feeding, or occupying specific habitats or refugia. There is a growing body of evidence that potamodromous migrations are undertaken by a number of cyprinids native to larger streams and rivers of the Great Plains region of central USA. Cross et al. (1985) observed that populations of Arkansas River shiner disappeared from large tributaries to the Arkansas River, in Kansas, as a result of dam construction and water withdrawal. They speculated that populations in these...
Biodiversity in stream networks is threatened globally by interactions between habitat fragmentation and altered hydrologic regimes. In the Great Plains of North America, stream networks are fragmented by 19,000 anthropogenic barriers, and flow regimes are altered by surface water retention and groundwater extraction. We documented the distribution of anthropogenic barriers and dry stream segments in five basins covering the central Great Plains to assess effects of broad-scale environmental change on stream fish community structure and distribution of reproductive guilds. We used an information theoretic approach to rank competing models in which fragmentation, discharge magnitude, and percentage of time streams...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2012, CATFISHES/MINNOWS, CO-01, CO-02, CO-03, All tags...
The range-wide plan (RWP) has been developed in response to concerns about lesser prairie-chicken (LPC) habitat threats which may be impacting LPC populations, and the proposed listing under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Along with the existing conservation efforts already being implemented, as described in the RWP, the supporting WAFWA Conservation Agreement (WCA) represents another mechanism to implement conservation to benefit LPC. The WCP represents an opportunity to enroll participants who agree to avoid, minimize and mitigate actions which may be detrimental to LPC. Landowners may enroll properties to be managed for the benefit of LPC. Properties may generate credits for mitigation. When complete avoidance...
The Red River Stakeholder Engagement project’s primary objective was to uncover areas of concern for stakeholders who live, work, and play along the Red River Basin. It examined the complexity of the cultural-geographic landscape across the Red River Basin. By focusing on both the geographic and the cultural, we gain a better understanding of how individuals, communities, and organizations interact with the basin and with one another, how they are currently experiencing changes, and what they perceive a changing climate means for them. This cultural-geographic approach recognizes that stakeholders’ concerns, priorities, and actions likely vary across space-and also vary in their cultural significance. For example,...
Sea level rise caused by climate change is an ongoing phenomenon and a concern both locally and worldwide. Low-lying coastal areas are particularly at risk to flooding and inundation, affecting a large proportion of the human population concentrated in these areas as well as natural communities-particularly animal species that depend on these habitats as a key component of their life cycle. While more local, state, and federal governments have become concerned with the potential effects that predicted sea levels will have on their communities and coastal landscapes, more information is needed on the potential effects that changes in sea level will have on coastal habitats and species.
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2012, 2013, 2014, ANIMALS/VERTEBRATES, ANIMALS/VERTEBRATES, All tags...
This project evaluates the effects of global climate change and sea level rise on estuarine intertidal habitat in the San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Flyway migratory waterbirds that rely on this habitat. Phase 2 of this project is a continuation of work to evaluate the effects of global climate change and sea level rise (SLR) on intertidal shoals in the San Francisco Bay Estuary and the migratory waterbirds that rely on this critically important resource in the Pacific Flyway. The primary objectives are to: 1) use downscaled global climate change models to translate SLR and climate scenarios into habitat quantity predictions through Delft3D and Dflow-FM (unstructured grid) geomorphic modeling; 2) model the response...
We are providing geospatial data layers of climate, fire, biome and predicted species distributions for download at our project website. Links to presentations, data descriptions and zip files containing data layers can be found here. Over the next few months, we will continue to upload webinars and new training tutorials that demonstrate the application of these datasets to new questions and species. Climate and environmental data can readily be used to generate new models for additional species or other applications to describe habitats and future conditions within New Mexico. Initial fire model output is available as raster images and tabulated values that can be used in analyses of wildfire risk or hazardous...
There are few resources that provide managers cross-scale information for planning climate adaptation strategies for species and taxa at risk. Appropriate allocation of resources requires an understanding of mechanisms influencing a species’ risk to global change. Dr. Griffis-Kyle will produce a manuscript for peer-reviewed publication and create content for web pages that can be included on the Desert LCC website that provide modules on amphibian climate adaptation strategies. This work is associated with addressing Desert LCC Critical Management Question 4: Physiological Stress of Climate Change and follows a webinar that Dr. Griffis-Kyle presented for the Desert LCC’s CMQ 4 team, titled “Climate and Desert Amphibian...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2014, AZ-01, AZ-02, AZ-03, AZ-04, All tags...
The Desert LCC identified the need for a Protected Areas spatial database that showed land ownership, management designations and conservation status for lands in the United States and Mexico. However, the existing Protected Areas database was found to be particularly prone to boundary and database errors that affected its potential use. This USGS project will develop a single, seamless, error-free Protected Areas dataset for the full geographic scope of the Desert LCC. This will involve acquiring numerous spatial layers from Federal, State, and NGO organizations which are responsible for administering and/or managing areas that have a designated protected status. Protected Area will be categorized as defined by...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2012, AZ-01, AZ-02, AZ-03, AZ-04, All tags...
Executive Summary: Evolution of policies that guide operation of individual reservoir systems begins with a relative flurry of activity associated with building of dams. Over perhaps a ten year period, operations are proposed in anticipation of construction, implemented when a dam is complete, and then modified as the effects, capabilities, and limitations of the project become better understood. After these initial adjustments, the policy process slowly begins to simmer. Operational changes are the driven by short-term influences that are largely episodic (e.g. droughts and floods) and long-term influences (e.g. social and economic factors) that affect operations more gradually.
Accurate estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) is essential for assessments of water balance and hydrologic responses to forest restoration treatments in uplands adjacent to the Desert LCC. As part of the Four Forests Restoration Initiative, a new paired watershed study is being planned to assess the hydrologic effects of mechanically thinning and restoring a more frequent fire regime to the ponderosa pine forests of Arizona. Water and energy balances will be measured and modeled in these paired watersheds to help inform and better plan for the hydrologic responses of future forest restoration actions. Researchers at Northern Arizona University have collected six years of eddy covariance measurements of ET in the...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2012, ATMOSPHERE, ATMOSPHERE, ATMOSPHERIC WATER VAPOR, ATMOSPHERIC WATER VAPOR, All tags...
Cottonwood forests are in decline becasue of losses from land use conversion and reduced regeneration from river regulation. Projecting lon-term implications of current trends and policies, or alterations of these, will help to identify the importance and scale of restoration activities needed to offset losses. This project developed a landscape dynamic model to project future (eig. 25, 50, 100 year) trends in cottonwood forst area and age distribution for four remnant floodplain reches on the Missouri River, based on recent rates (or alternative scenarios) of land use change, cottonwood recruitment, and succession. For two reaches, these changes are used to project the effects onabundances of selected songbird...
Land transformations occurring from energy development and agrarian use have altered the natural connectivity of fish communities inhabiting prairie waterways. The nation’s prairie waterways are obstructed by thousands of barriers that include road culverts, irrigation diversions, and dams. Connectivity is essential for the long term viability of aquatic species. One of the most promising adaptive management strategies for addressing impacts to aquatic systems by climate change and other landscape stressors is increasing connectivity. The purpose of this research is to characterize swimming abilities of three northern plains fish species; the sauger, the longnose dace, and the fathead minnow. The results of the...
A combination of citizen science inventories and expert assessments will be used to collect critical baseline information on known spring and seep resources using the Spring Ecosystem Inventory and Assessment Protocols and adapting them as needed for the unique arid Sky Island ecosystems. The assessment will collect information on channel morphology, riparian and wetland vegetation, water quality, aquatic macroinvertebrates, and wildlife. This information will be combined with historic data from cooperating agencies (Pima County, Santa Cruz County, USFS, NPA, USGS, USFWS, BLM, and AGFD) in a regional, on-line database to provide a landscape level context for managing resources, which was previously unavailable due...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2011, AZ-02, AZ-03, Arizona, Arizona, All tags...
Habitat loss is one of the key factors contributing to loss of wildlife, but ultimately it comes down to decisions made at he private landowner. Economin pressures from comodity prices probably heavily wieght in decisions. However, understanding how a private landowner responds to economic incentives and pressures may identify strategies to reduce habitat loss in the plains and prairie pothole region. Also, farmers & ranchers generally have more thn an econominc interest in their lands with strong social and cultura ties. The aging trend inteh agricultrual industry is another factor contributing to decisions about land, foten with farm/rances being split among surviving relatives who may not continue to...
The importance of riparian ecosystems in semiarid and arid regions has generated interest in understanding processes that drive the distribution and abundance of dominant riparian plants. Changes in streamflow patterns downstream of dams have profoundly affected riparian vegetation composition and structure. For example, in the southwestern United States, flow regulation has contributed to the replacement of many riparian forests historically dominated by the native Populus fremontii (Fremont Cottonwood) and Salix gooddingii (Goodding’s Willow) by the exotic species Tamarix spp. (Salt Cedar). The proposed project will help guide reservoir release decision making to enhance downstream recruitment of native cottonwood...
In response to the threats of land use and changing environmental conditions, the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) and the Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (NEAFWA) coordinated a team of partners from 13 states, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, nongovernmental organizations, and universities, who worked for more than a year to develop a regional conservation design that provides a foundation for unified conservation action from Maine to Virginia. Drawing on the data and models generated by projects supported over the years by the North Atlantic LCC, and building on smaller-scale conservation designs in the region, Nature’s Network is an overarching design that represents...
This project is being closely coordinated with a companion project funded by the North Atlantic LCC.In 2011, intense and sustained rain from Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee washed out roads throughout mountains of New York and New England as culverts running under those roads were not designed to handle such enormous volumes of water. Additional flooding from Hurricane Sandy, which lashed the Northeast coast and adjacent inland areas in October 2012, caused additional damage. The widespread effects of these massive storms underscore the need for a regional science-based approach to prioritize and increase the resiliency of roads to floods.Improving the resiliency of roads has multiple benefits beyond protecting...
The project objectives are as follows: To map out current and future levels of habitat connectivity in the South Atlantic region, from the standpoint of multiple groups of terrestrial wildlife species; 2. To prioritize key corridors and linkage areas based on their relative importance and centrality within the overall habitat network and their relative influence on the viability of target wildlife populations; 3. To publish data layers representing the outcomes from the first two objectives, in such a way as to significantly improve conservation decision-making across the South Atlantic LCC region
This project seeks to develop a tool that strategically identifies priority areas for land protection. This is a pilot study to assess the extent of taxa that contain adequate genetic sampling within the south Atlantic ecoregion for characterization of intraspecific genetic variation. We seek to use genetic data from multiple taxa coupled with GIS data to provide a genetic landscape from which geographic patterns of intraspecific genetic diversity will be inferred. Joint analyses of the resulting genetic landscapes will be used to identify geographic areas where multiple species show atypical patterns of interpopulation divergence or intrapopulation diversity (i.e., a hotspot of high biological value). We will then...

map background search result map search result map Range-wide Lesser Prairie-Chicken Management Plan Development Migration of Arkansas River Shiner and other Broadcast Spawning Fishes in the Canadian River, New Mexico-Texas Maintaining migratory pathways of imperiled Large River and Small Stream Fishes in the Face of Climate Change and Energy Development Springs and Seeps Inventory, Assessment, and Management Planning Project Assessing Evapotranspiration Rate Changes for Proposed Restoration of the Forested Uplands of the DLCC Development of Protected Areas Digital Spatial Data for the Desert LCC Managing water and riparian habitats on the Bill Williams River with scientific benefit for other desert river systems Employing the Conservation Design Approach on Sea-Level Rise Impacts on Coastal Avian Habitats along the Central Texas Coast Conservation Priorities for Great Plains Fish Communities Based on Riverscape Connectivity and Genetic Integrity of Populations Climate Adaptation Strategies for Desert Amphibians Paper and Web Modules Identifying and prioritizing key habitat connectivity areas for the South Atlantic region Identifying priority areas for land protection in the South Atlantic: a landscape genetics pilot study Red River Basin Stakeholder Engagement Human dimensions of habitat loss in the Plains and Prairie Potholes Region Nature's Network: A Regional Conservation Design for the Northeast Resources: Managing water and riparian habitats on the Bill Williams River with scientific benefit for other desert river systems Maps and Data: Vulnerability of Riparian Obligate Species in the Rio Grande to the Interactive Effects of Fire, Hydrological Variation and Climate Change Projecting Long-Term Landscape Change Along the Missouri River: Implications for Cottonwood Forests and Songbird Populations Managing water and riparian habitats on the Bill Williams River with scientific benefit for other desert river systems Resources: Managing water and riparian habitats on the Bill Williams River with scientific benefit for other desert river systems Employing the Conservation Design Approach on Sea-Level Rise Impacts on Coastal Avian Habitats along the Central Texas Coast Springs and Seeps Inventory, Assessment, and Management Planning Project Maps and Data: Vulnerability of Riparian Obligate Species in the Rio Grande to the Interactive Effects of Fire, Hydrological Variation and Climate Change Assessing Evapotranspiration Rate Changes for Proposed Restoration of the Forested Uplands of the DLCC Range-wide Lesser Prairie-Chicken Management Plan Development Red River Basin Stakeholder Engagement Migration of Arkansas River Shiner and other Broadcast Spawning Fishes in the Canadian River, New Mexico-Texas Conservation Priorities for Great Plains Fish Communities Based on Riverscape Connectivity and Genetic Integrity of Populations Identifying and prioritizing key habitat connectivity areas for the South Atlantic region Identifying priority areas for land protection in the South Atlantic: a landscape genetics pilot study Maintaining migratory pathways of imperiled Large River and Small Stream Fishes in the Face of Climate Change and Energy Development Human dimensions of habitat loss in the Plains and Prairie Potholes Region Projecting Long-Term Landscape Change Along the Missouri River: Implications for Cottonwood Forests and Songbird Populations Nature's Network: A Regional Conservation Design for the Northeast Development of Protected Areas Digital Spatial Data for the Desert LCC Climate Adaptation Strategies for Desert Amphibians Paper and Web Modules