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Synopsis: This study evaluates whether previous observations of a higher percentage of parasitism and parasitoid diversity in a complex agricultural landscape, relative to a simple landscape, represent a general phenomenon. Rates of parasitism and parasitoid diversity of the armyworm (Pseudaletia unipuncta) were assessed in three replicate (Onondaga, Ingham, and Benton) regions in southern Michigan. Within each region, a simple landscape (primarily cropland) and a complex landscape (cropland intermixed with mid and late successional noncrop habitats) were identified through analysis of aerial photographs. In each landscape, three maize fields were selected, and second to fourth instar P. unipuncta were released...
Conclusions: In fragmented watersheds, macrohabitat attributes measured at the patch scale were far more effective in predicting trout translocation success than measurements taken at the landscape scale Thresholds/Learnings: As a course filter indicator of cutthroat trout translocation success, the study found that translocations have a greater than 50% chance of fruitful establishment in watersheds >14.7km2 in area. Synopsis: This study aimed to identify stream-scale and basin-scale macrohabitat attributes limiting successful translocation and persistence of native cutthroat trout populations in fragmented landscapes along the Rio Grande. The study developed models of habitat attributes measured at two scales...
Synopsis: Using multi-scale seasonal models, this study explored how broad scale landscape context and local resource heterogeneity influenced local resource selection among threatened forest-dwelling woodland caribou in southern Quebec. Caribou consistently avoided roads, however researchers identified thresholds in road proximity effects. The threshold distance at which caribou avoid roads is 1.25 km for active roads and 0.75 km from derelict roads. Open lichen woodlands were an important cover type for caribou during winter and spring, whereas deciduous forests, wetlands, and even young disturbed stands became important during calving and summer. Landscape cover type and amount explained more variation in habitat...
Synopsis: In an attempt to better characterize the influence of human settlement patterns on wolf distribution, this paper examined how radio-collared gray wolves responded to different road types and human presence at the boundaries of Kenai National Wildlife Refuge in south-central Alaska. Wolves tended to avoid oilfield access roads that were open to the public, but were attracted to gated pipeline access roads and secondary gravel roads with limited human use. The low use access and secondary roads likely provided an easy travel corridor for wolves. Prior to intensive trapping and hunting from 1978-1979, wolves demonstrated little territorial adjustment in response to a heavily used highway. However, only after...
Synopsis: This study analyzed the effects of vegetation change on hydrological fluctuations in the Columbia River basin over the last century using two land cover scenarios. The first scenario was a reconstruction of historical land cover vegetation, c. 1900. The second scenario was more recent land cover as estimated from remote sensing data for 1990. The results show that, hydrologically, the most important vegetation-related change has been a general tendency towards decreased vegetation maturity in the forested areas of the basin. This general trend represents a balance between the effects of logging and fire suppression. In those areas where forest maturity has been reduced as a result of logging, wintertime...
In March 1988 the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program requested that scopes of work be developed for three problems: sedimentation, navigation effects, and water level fluctuations. After consultations with two prominent plant ecologists, Dr. John Barko, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Environmental Laboratory, and Dr. John Titus, Southern University of New York, a scope of work was prepared outlining a study to determine concentrations of suspended solids limiting aquatic plant growth on the Upper Mississippi River. All work tasks were then prioritized by the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program's Problem Solving Work Group. This scope of work was recommended for funding, however, the timeframe for initiation of...
The Healthy Beaches for People and Fish project was completed by Friends of the San Juans in partnership with Coastal Geologic Services, Salish Sea Biological and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife in 2014. Project approach and work was guided by a technical advisory group, which included representatives from The University of Washington, United States Geological Survey, Puget Sound Partnership, Skagit River Systems Cooperative, Samish Indian Nation, San Juan County Public Works, San Juan County Salmon Recovery Lead Entity, The Tulalip Tribes, Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve and the Washington State Departments of Ecology, Natural Resources and Fish and Wildlife. The project contained...
Conclusions: Habitat changes resulting from timber harvest have altered the predator–prey balance leading to asymmetric predation affecting the survivial rates of endangered mountain caribou Thresholds/Learnings: As young forest stands increase in proportion to old forests, caribou population densities and survival rates decline as they become increasingly vulnerable to predation and extripation. Synopsis: Timber harvesting in areas of Mountain Caribou habitat have created landscapes of early seral forests. Such habitat changes have altered the predator–prey balance resulting in asymmetric predation in which predators are maintained by alternative prey (i.e. apparent competition). This study estimates survival...
Conclusions: Caribou subpopulation persistence and landscape occupancy depends highly on the degree of forest cover, cover type, and distance from human presence. Thresholds/Learnings: Synopsis: This study evaluates factors influencing the persistence and landscape occupancy of caribou subpopulations in southern British Columbia. Data from 235 radio-collared caribou across 13 subpopulations were used to derive a landscape occupancy index. The index was analyzed against 33 landscape variables including, land cover, terrain, climate, and human influence. At the metapopulation level, the persistence of subpopulations correlated with the extent of wet climate conditions and the distribution of old forests and alpine...
Conclusions: Report presents a framework for assessing the condition of Southern Alberta’s natural assets and their ability to provide ecosystem goods and services. Measurable indicators of ecosystem services, including broad and fine scale landscape indicators, were also distilled from a literature review. Thresholds/Learnings: Wetland cover should be maintained at >15% for watersheds with high potential for phosphorus loading & eutrophication. Impervious cover should be maintained at or below 25% in heavily urbanizing watersheds. Synopsis: This report develops a framework for assessing the condition of Southern Alberta’s natural assets and their resulting ability to provide ecosystem goods and services. The...
Synopsis: Reviews information on grassland bird habitat requirements including a focus on the importance of grassland cover, size of contiguous patches, and other landscape factors. Some species require large blocks of unbroken grassland habitat for nesting. In general, where large blocks of undisturbed grassland occur, grassland birds are able to fulfill most of their requirements during the nesting season. For many bird species, these habitats provide winter and migration cover as well. The more grassland available in an area, particularly in large unbroken blocks, the greater the number of area-sensitive grassland birds the area is able to support. Pastures and crop fields also often provide attractive cover...
Floods have become increasingly prominent in recent decades causing devastating effects on lives and livelihoods worldwide. Efficient tools to assess the drivers of floods, such as increasing urbanization, could help to minimize flood hazards. Urbanization increases the design peak flow (maximum potential surface water flow from a precipitation event with an average probability of occurring once in a specific recurrence interval), which is a key information needed for designing stormwater management infrastructures such as culverts and storm sewers. A web-based application was developed to explore the potential changes (1985 to 2020) in design peak flow of urban areas across the conterminous United States driven...
Synopsis: This study investigates the relationships of landscape disturbance, altered prey resources, and rattlesnake populations in the Upper Snake River Plain of southeastern. Researchers used radio telemetry to track rattlesnakes while concurrently conducting habitat sampling and small mammal trapping in areas used by snakes and in random locations. Disturbed areas (by grazing and/or burning) were characterized by lower biological crust cover, shrub cover, shrub height, and shrub dispersion, as well as higher grass and bare soil cover. Disturbed areas were also characterized by lower proportions of small animal biomass, abundance, and large prey species (such as chipmunks), while the proportions Conclusions:...
Conclusions: Elevation, slope and the percentages of bogs and fens in a landscape influence the degree to which mid-boreal lakes are sensitive to acidic deposition orignating from nearby mining operations. Thresholds/Learnings: Synopsis: This study evaluates the acid sensitivity of lakes in Saskatchewan within ~300km of Fort McMurray. The study area is downwind of atmospheric emissions sources from regional oil sands mining operations and there is concern that the lakes may be threatened by acidification. A helicopter sampling program was implemented in late September 2007 and 2008 to measure 16 chemical variables (e.g., Ca, Mg, Na, pH) and 15 environmental variables (e.g., latitude, elevation, slope, percent bog,...
Synopsis: Recensuses of 54 Wisconsin prairie remnants showed that 8 to 60 percent of the original plant species were lost from individual remnants over a 32- to 52-year period. The pattern of species loss was consistent with the proposed effects of fire suppression caused by landscape fragmentation. Short, small-seeded, or nitrogen-fixing plants showed the heaviest losses, as did species growing in the wettest, most productive environments. The interruption of landscape-scale processes (such as wildfire) by fragmentation is an often overlooked mechanism that may be eroding biodiversity in many habitats around the world. Conclusions: Fragmentation may interrupt landscape-scale processes, such as fire, that are key...
Urban development alters stormflow characteristics and is associated with increasing flood risks. The long-term evaluation of stormflow characteristics that exacerbate floods, such as peak stormflow and time-to-peak stormflow at varying levels of urbanization across different hydroclimates, is limited. This study investigated the long-term (1980s to 2010s) effects of increasing urbanization on key stormflow characteristics using observed 15 min streamflow data across six broad hydroclimate representative urban watersheds in the conterminous United States. The results indicate upward trends in peak stormflow and downward trends in time-to-peak stormflow at four out of six watersheds. The watershed in the Great Plains...
Synopsis: Agricultural intensification and expansion are major present and future causes of global ecosystem disruption. Natural and semi-natural reserve areas in agroecosystems are thought to be important for preservation of essential ecosystem services such as pollination, but data about land use patterns and pollinator abundance are lacking. We assessed wild bee populations in canola fields in an agriculturally intense area where virtually all land was either tilled agricultural fields or semi-natural grazed pasturelands, with the expectation that mosaics of land use types may better support ecosystem services than homogenous crop areas. Fields were chosen in two categories, five with little or no pastureland...
Synopsis: Windbreaks are a major component of successful agricultural landscapes. At the farm scale, they help control erosion and blowing snow, improve animal health and survival under winter conditions, reduce energy consumption of the farmstead, and enhance habitat diversity. At a landscape scale, they provide habitat for various types of wildlife and have the potential to contribute significant benefits to the carbon balance equation, thereby easing the economic burdens associated with climate change. The effectiveness of a windbreak is determined partially by its external structure including its height, length, orientation, continuity, width, and cross-sectional shape and partially by its internal structure...
Conclusions: Caribou demonstrated patterns of avoidance near linear features such as pipelines, roads, and other oil field structures. Females demonstrated heightened avoidance, especially during calving seasons. Thresholds/Learnings: Synopsis: This study documented the behavioural reactions of caribou to oil development in the circumpolar regions of the northern hemisphere. Researchers observed patterns of avoidance near linear features such as pipelines, roads, and other oil field structures. Female caribou, especially those accompanied by calves avoided these areas in particular. Male caribou were more apt to occupy areas influenced by oil field structures and activity. In summary, the patterns oil field development...
Synopsis: Synthesizes information on a range of tools for reducing the footprint of human use, with an intended focus on public lands and associated natural resources. Implementation considerations and links to other resources are provided. Many tools are related either directly or indirectly to landscape patterns. For example, the section on “Disturbance Standards, Limits, or Thresholds” provides guidance and case study examples of pattern-based threshold establishment and implementation considerations in Alberta, California, and Australia. Many other Integrated Land Management tools outlined also relate directly or indirectly to landscape patterns and techniques for their management. Selected examples under the...

map background search result map search result map Chemical characteristics and acid sensitivity of boreal headwater lakes in northwest Saskatchewan. Caribou in the Changing North Factors influencing the dispersion and fragmentation of endangered mountain caribou populations Changes in landscape composition influence the decline of a threatened woodland caribou population Minimum habitat requirements for establishing translocated cutthroat trout populations. Ecosystem Goods and Services Southern Alberta Assessment of Natural Asset Condition Effects of land cover change on streamflow in the interior Columbia River Basin (USA and Canada). Assessing the influence of resource co-variates at multiple spatial scales: an application to forest-dwelling caribou faced with intensive human activity. Grassland Birds Gray wolf response to refuge boundaries and roads in Alaska. Linking landscape disturbance to the population ecology of Great Basin rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus lutosus) in the Upper Snake River Plain Integrated Land Management Tools Compendium Does agricultural landscape structure affect parasistism and parasitoid diversity? Can pastureland increase wild bee abundance in agriculturally intense areas? Ecological determinants of species loss in remnant prairies. Windbreaks in North American Agricultural Systems Feasibility study:  Impacts of turbidity on growth and production of submersed plants Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment for San Juan County, Washington A Web-Based Application for Exploring Potential Changes in Design Peak Flow of US Urban Areas Driven by Land Cover Change Land Cover Change Effects on Stormflow Characteristics across Broad Hydroclimate Representative Urban Watersheds in the United States Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment for San Juan County, Washington Assessing the influence of resource co-variates at multiple spatial scales: an application to forest-dwelling caribou faced with intensive human activity. Does agricultural landscape structure affect parasistism and parasitoid diversity? Minimum habitat requirements for establishing translocated cutthroat trout populations. Gray wolf response to refuge boundaries and roads in Alaska. Chemical characteristics and acid sensitivity of boreal headwater lakes in northwest Saskatchewan. Ecological determinants of species loss in remnant prairies. Factors influencing the dispersion and fragmentation of endangered mountain caribou populations Changes in landscape composition influence the decline of a threatened woodland caribou population Ecosystem Goods and Services Southern Alberta Assessment of Natural Asset Condition Linking landscape disturbance to the population ecology of Great Basin rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus lutosus) in the Upper Snake River Plain Integrated Land Management Tools Compendium Feasibility study:  Impacts of turbidity on growth and production of submersed plants Effects of land cover change on streamflow in the interior Columbia River Basin (USA and Canada). Caribou in the Changing North Grassland Birds Windbreaks in North American Agricultural Systems A Web-Based Application for Exploring Potential Changes in Design Peak Flow of US Urban Areas Driven by Land Cover Change Land Cover Change Effects on Stormflow Characteristics across Broad Hydroclimate Representative Urban Watersheds in the United States