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This project developed a soil vulnerability index and map indicating where forest cover will be most affected by climate change. Using this map, researchers developed a greater understanding of potential changes in soil moisture and temperature regimes under future climate conditions. They then evaluated how this information could be used to improve vegetation models across the landscape. They compared the results of different modeling approaches to the soil vulnerability map, synthesized the state of knowledge and uncertainty, and introduced management implications for action.
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2011, AK, AK, AK, AK, All tags...
The Tongass National Forest has identified resources that are important to stakeholders and vulnerable to climate-related stressors. Cooperators will review an action plan and convene a workshop to be held in Southeast Alaska in 2016. The workshop will foster collaboration between scientists, managers, and stakeholders. Workshop goals include: sharing information about climate-related stressors and effects on NPLCC Priority Resources in the Tongass National Forest; developing strategic priorities for improving understanding, reducing risks, and increasing adaptive capacity and resilience; coordinating support for increasing knowledge and informing resource managers
The Alaska Coastal Rainforest Center (ACRC) held a symposium titled “Coastal Temperate Rainforests: Integrating Science, Resource Management, and Communities” on April 17‐19, 2012, in Juneau, Alaska. The three day event included an all‐day field trip to Berner’s Bay (north of Juneau), an international plenary, three concurrent sessions, two lunch‐time keynote speakers, an evening open public reception, an evening science social, and an evening banquet.The list of speakers may be found in the attached program, or at To highlight a few of the keynotes speakers, Dr. Peter Kareiva (The Nature Conservancy) spoke at the opening public reception and the banquet, Dr. Kirk Johnson (Denver Museum of...
Twelve expert focus groups convened for comprehensive, cross-disciplinary discussions on climate change effects and adaptation strategies in marine/coastal and freshwater ecosystems across the North Pacific LCC landscape. Challenges and science or tool gaps were also discussed.
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2011, AK, AK, AK, AK, All tags...
The primary objective of the research is to develop a rule-based decision support system to predict the relative vulnerability of nearshore species to climate change. The approach is designed to be applicable to fishes and invertebrates with limited data by predicting risk from readily avialable data, including species’ biogeographic distributions and natural history attributes. By evaluating multiple species and climate stressors, the approach allows an assessment of climate vulnerability across habitat types and the impact of specific climate alterations as well as their cumulative impact. A website with a rule-based application for rockfish and crabs is availalble at
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2011, AK-0, AK-1, Academics & scientific researchers, Applications and Tools, All tags...
This project will utilize traditional ecological knowledge to establish traditional gathering practices. Interviews will be conducted with traditional gatherers (a.k.a. subsistence) over the last two generations to get baseline data. The project will have a direct focus on the four (4) federally recognized Tribes on Prince of Wales Island (Craig, Hydaburg, Kasaan and Klawock).
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2012, AK-0, AK-1, Academics & scientific researchers, Alaska, All tags...
A conservation and restoration priorities tool was developed that provides online access to regional information including: climate change projections, watershed condition, freshwater and terrestrial species, forest ecosystem information and invasive species information.
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2011, AK, AK, AK, AK, All tags...
Research on coastal change in Cook Inlet and South East Alaska has increased rapidly in recent years, making it challenging to track existing projects, understand their cumulative insights, gauge remaining research gaps, and prioritize future work. The project proposed here will identify existing coastal change research in Cook Inlet and Southeast Alaska, and synthesize each projects focus, approach, and findings. The resulting report will document the research landscape for communities facing change, decision-makers navigating change, researchers pursuing projects, as well as funding agencies trying to prioritize where to allocate resources. This project will help the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative...
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 2015, AK-0, AK-00, Academics & scientific researchers, Academics & scientific researchers, All tags...
The primary objective of the research is to develop a rule-based decision support system to predict the relative vulnerability of nearshore species to climate change. The approach is designed to be applicable to fishes and invertebrates with limited data by predicting risk from readily avialable data, including species’ biogeographic distributions and natural history attributes. By evaluating multiple species and climate stressors, the approach allows an assessment of climate vulnerability acorss habitat types and the impact of specific climate alterations as well as their cumulative impact. A website with a rule-based application for rockfish and crabs is availalble at
Research on coastal change in Cook Inlet and South East Alaska has increased rapidly in recent years, making it challenging to track existing projects, understand their cumulative insights, gauge remaining research gaps, and prioritize future work. The project proposed here will identify existing coastal change research in Cook Inlet and Southeast Alaska, and synthesize each projects focus, approach, and findings. The resulting report will document the research landscape for communities facing change, decision-makers navigating change, researchers pursuing projects, as well as funding agencies trying to prioritize where to allocate resources. This project will help the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative...
The North Pacific Forest Landscape Corridor and Connectivity Project utilized a landscape connectivity simulator (UNICOR) and a genetic simulation program (CDPOP) to model the functional (dispersal and genetic) connectivity in the North Pacific Landscape. The outputs from these programs indicated areas with high potential for landscape and genetic isolation and low probability of dispersal and colonization. In addition, this project was designed to provide spatially-explicit predictions of current and potential future patterns of fragmentation, prioritization of keystone corridors for protection and enhancement, and identification of places that may require habitat restoration or assisted migration to maintain viability....
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service, Shapefile; Tags: 2011, AK, AK, AK, AK, All tags...
The Province of British Columbia, Ministry of Forests, Lands, & Natural Resource Operations, in partnership with Simon Fraser University and the Alaska Coastal Rainforest Center, led a third workshop to develop cross-boundary geospatial and climate data sets in support of regional conservation applications across NPLCC international boundaries. The workshop will provide opportunities for communicating and discussing priorities for the exchange, development and unification of geospatial and climate datasets.
Categories: Data, Project; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: AK-0, Academics & scientific researchers, Alaska, B.C. North Cascades, B.C. North Cascades, All tags...

map background search result map search result map North Pacific Forest Landscape Corridor and Connectivity Project: Assessing Landscape and Species Vulnerability Predicting the vulnerability of nearshore species and habitats to climate change effects Moving from Impacts to Action: Expert Focus Groups for Climate Change Impacts in Coastal/Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. A Conservation Priorities Tool for the North Pacific LCC Pacific Northwest Forest Soils:  Creating a Soil Vulnerability Index to Identify Drought Sensitive Areas Determine if climate change can affect the gathering calendar and natural resources of Kasaan Village and nearby Tribes on Prince of Wales Island NPLCC Traditional Knowledge Proposal - Engaging SE Alaska Tribes on TEK, though Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of AK Cross Boundary Data Integration III- Landcover Data Climate Change in the Tongass National Forest Fostering Strategic Collaboration and Informing Sustainable Management of Priority Resources Current Coastal Change Research and Priority Information Needs in Western Alaska Data Integration Workshop in Support of the Coastal Temperate Rainforest of Southeast Alaska and British Columbia Geospatial and climatic data layers for coastal and temperate rainforest biome Final NPLCC Project Report - NPLCC Cross-Border Final Report & Appendices 2014 Data Integration Workshop in Support of the Coastal Temperate Rainforest of Southeast Alaska and British Columbia Final Report Final Report: Current Coastal Change Research/Management Projects and Priority Information Needs in from Cook Inlet through Southeastern Alaska Coastal Temperate Rainforest Symposium CBRAT - Coastal Biodiversity Risk Analysis Tool Website Climate Science Research and Tools Synthesis A Conservation Priorities Tool for the North Pacific LCC - Input Data Coastal Temperate Rainforest Symposium Final Report Current Coastal Change Research and Priority Information Needs in Western Alaska Final Report: Current Coastal Change Research/Management Projects and Priority Information Needs in from Cook Inlet through Southeastern Alaska NPLCC Traditional Knowledge Proposal - Engaging SE Alaska Tribes on TEK, though Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of AK Coastal Temperate Rainforest Symposium Coastal Temperate Rainforest Symposium Final Report Determine if climate change can affect the gathering calendar and natural resources of Kasaan Village and nearby Tribes on Prince of Wales Island Geospatial and climatic data layers for coastal and temperate rainforest biome Final NPLCC Project Report - NPLCC Cross-Border Final Report & Appendices 2014 Data Integration Workshop in Support of the Coastal Temperate Rainforest of Southeast Alaska and British Columbia Final Report Predicting the vulnerability of nearshore species and habitats to climate change effects Moving from Impacts to Action: Expert Focus Groups for Climate Change Impacts in Coastal/Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. A Conservation Priorities Tool for the North Pacific LCC Cross Boundary Data Integration III- Landcover Data Data Integration Workshop in Support of the Coastal Temperate Rainforest of Southeast Alaska and British Columbia Climate Science Research and Tools Synthesis Climate Change in the Tongass National Forest Fostering Strategic Collaboration and Informing Sustainable Management of Priority Resources Pacific Northwest Forest Soils:  Creating a Soil Vulnerability Index to Identify Drought Sensitive Areas A Conservation Priorities Tool for the North Pacific LCC - Input Data North Pacific Forest Landscape Corridor and Connectivity Project: Assessing Landscape and Species Vulnerability CBRAT - Coastal Biodiversity Risk Analysis Tool Website