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These data are estimates of den emergence date, den site departure dates, and duration at den sites as well as post-emergence observations for female polar bears sampled in the southern Beaufort Sea subpopulation 1985-2016 and the Chukchi Sea subpopulation 2008-2017. The data were used to better understand the importance of time spent at the den site post-emergence. Emergence dates and departure dates were determined using collar temperature sensor data.
This dataset includes measures collected on polar bears captured in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas, 1981-2017 by the U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Data collected include body length, body mass, axillary girth, skull width and tail lengths. Bears were also aged as described in the methods. For some bears, an adipose tissue sample was collected and percent lipid content was measured, percent body fat was measured via bioelectrical impedance analysis, and/or recent feeding behavior was assessed via gut palpitation or blood urea and creatinine levels, all of which are further described in the methods.
Remote camera stations were set up in Lassen Volcanic National Park from August to October 2017 and June to September 2018 to document occurrence of mesocarnivores and other wildlife. 126 cameras were set up at 32 primary sampling units (clusters of two to four cameras) throughout the park. Random locations for primary sampling units were chosen using a 3-km sampling grid over the park area. The dataset contains all species observed within the study time-frame, the date and time of observation and the number of individuals detected as well as identification for individual locations, cameras and images. Of the three target species of conservation concern (Pacific fisher (Pekania pennanti), Pacific marten (Martes...
During a multi-year demographic study of Agassiz’s desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) at the Desert Tortoise Research Natural Area (Natural Area), in the western Mojave Desert, USA, we recorded evidence of evidence of mesocarnivores that commonly prey on desert tortoises on a 7.77 square-kilometer study area. The study area included land inside and outside the fenced boundary of the Natural Area. We recorded locations, condition and recency of sign, and type of sign present at burrows, dens, and den complexes used by desert kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis), coyotes (Canis latrans), American badgers (Taxidea taxus), and bobcats (Lynx rufus). We also recorded scat piles by species using them, amount, and relative ages...
This layer represents 5-year relative counts of wildlife carcasses collected by Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) maintenance personnel or U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Grizzly Bear Recovery Team personnel on or adjacent to on-system (major) routes from 2008 to 2012. To obtain relative counts, the 5-year total counts per mile, which included all wildlife species observed, were divided by the maximum observed calue (98) to give a relative 0-1 risk score. Total counts, which include all wildlife species observed, along with carnivore counts, which include only black bears, grizzly bears, mountain lions, and wolves, are provided. Counts were derived by identifying the nearest mile marker to each carcass point...
This data package contains digital images, survey location logs and a summary tabulation from carcass survey conducted at walrus haulouts in Alaska. A summary of image collection times is provided as a tabular file. The images are considered sensitive. They are archived at the U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center (a USGS Trusted Digital Repository). At this time, only this metadata record describing the data, an image inventory table, and a satellite (GNSS) log are publicly accessible.
These case study sites are detailed in the report accompanying this data layer. The case studies are intended to serve as examples of how some of the opportunities for diverse stakeholders to engage in the process of mitigating road impacts on wildlife that are described in the report might be applied on the ground, as well as other considerations that come into play in selecting sites for possible mitigation and designing mitigation solutions for those sites. Through these case studies, we illustrate potential opportunities for mitigation and partner engagement for each of the four alternative priority sets identified in this study.Wildlife carcasses recorded by Montana Department of Transportation, Idaho Department...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service, Shapefile; Tags: AADT, AADT, Carnivores, Carnivores, Connectivity, All tags...
This data release has been SUPERSEDED. No data are provided here. The geospatial outlines and herd size estimates of Chukchi Sea autumn walrus haulouts, interpreted from Satellite imagery, have been combined into a single updated U.S. Geological Survey data release: This data release contains maps, geospatial files, and a table of the satellite imagery types with the dates when they were collected and examined to interpret the presence of, and area occupied by, walruses at terrestrial haulouts. Estimates of the land area occupied by walruses are provided based on interpretation by experienced image reviewers. The images are from a variety of Earth observing satellite imagery sources...
These data are estimates of den emergence date, den site departure dates, and duration at den sites as well as post-emergence observations for female polar bears sampled in the southern Beaufort Sea subpopulation 1985-2016 and the Chukchi Sea subpopulation 2008-2017. The data were used to better understand the importance of time spent at the den site post-emergence. Emergence dates and departure dates were determined using collar temperature sensor data.
This data package contains 362 digital photos of a walrus haulout location at Cape Greig, on the Alaska Peninsula summer 2023 (2023-05-09 23:01:08 UTC through 2023-11-16 21:01:14 UTC). Photos were taken up to three times daily from a remotely operated camera located on a bluff above the haulout. The camera station was installed in the early spring 2023, prior to arrival of walruses at the site. Images are transferred via satellite link. Version History: First release: June 2023 Revised: January 2024 (ver. 2.0)
These data are comprised of two tables, one table containing wolverine (Gulo gulo) sample and genetic information for 20 microsatellite loci (Gg10-1, Gg25, Gg37-2, Gg42-1, Gg192-1, Gg443, Gg452, Gg454, Gg465, Gg471, Gg473, Gg-3-1, Gg-4, Gg-7-1, Ggu_216-1, Lut604, Ma-3-1, Mvis075, Tt-1, and Tt-4) and genetic sex determination results from North America and one Russian wolverine. All samples were obtained from collections at the University of Alaska Museum of the North or the University of New Mexico’s Museum of Southwestern Biology. The second table provides complete primer information for the genetic markers since several were redesigned from their originally-published sequences for this study.
These were data collected from polar bears from the southern Beaufort Sea during the spring between 2004 and 2016. Data include individual bear identification, age and sex class, capture date, capture year, open water season lengths, melt season length, and diet composition (expressed as a percentage of prey species). These data were used to determine whether polar bear diets have recently changed or remained stable over time.
Remote camera stations were set up in Crater Lake National Park from June to October 2016 to document occurrence of mesocarnivores and other wildlife. 124 cameras were set up at 31 primary sampling units (clusters of 4 cameras) throughout the park. Random locations for primary sampling units were chosen using a 3-km sampling grid over the park area. The dataset contains all species observed within the study time-frame, the date and time of observation and the number of individuals detected as well as identification for individual locations, cameras and images. Of the three target species of conservation concern (Pacific fisher (Pekania pennanti), Pacific marten (Martes caurina), Sierra Nevada red fox (Vulpes vulpes...
This model is based on how house cats utilize wildlands near human habituation. These predators can have detrimental effects on wildlife populations (Alterio et al. 1998). We based our model on the data collected by Odell and Knight (2001) that investigated habitat utilization of these predators with regard to distance from housing and on the probability for a homeowner to possess a house cat. We buffered the populated areas distance layer in ARC/INFO using a probability function [P = 0.216 - 0.96 * Distance (km)] where any cell with distance less than 0.18km received a probability between 0.216 to 0. All distances greater than or equal to 0.18km from populated areas were assigned a probability of 0. The resulting...
This dataset is one table with results of tests to determine exposure of Chukchi Sea polar bears to a suite of pathogens. Results are serological tests for antibodies and tests of fecal samples for presence of parasites. Serologic assays were conducted for Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, Francisella tularensis, Coxiella burnetii, Leptospira spp., Brucella canis, Brucella abortus/suis, and canine distemper virus. Parasitology analyses were conducted for presence of Giardia cysts and Cryptospiridium oocysts in fecal samples. Polar bears were sampled on sea ice in the Chukchi Sea between mid-March and early May 1987-1994 and 2008-2017. The dataset includes relevant information about the bears that were captured...
This dataset is one table with data collected and derived from polar bears sampled in Alaska's southern Beaufort Sea during 1983-2018. Collected data includes demographic and morphometric information. Derived data includes blood-based analyte values determined from whole blood and serum samples. Serum samples were analyzed on an Abaxis VS2 Biochemistry Analyzer and whole blood samples were analyzed on an Abaxis HM5 Diagnostic Analyzer. VS2 analysis quantified values of 13 biochemistry analytes for the period 1983-2016. Complete blood count (CBC) analyte values were quantified from the HM5 analysis for the period 2005-2018. These data were used to (i) generate reference ranges of serum biochemistry analyte values...
These data are in three folders of Keyhole Markup Language (KML) geospatial polygons representing the outlines of walrus herds apparent in satellite imagery. Each KML file contains one or more geospatial polygons of walrus herd outlines created by one observer who visually interpreted the images. The attribute values from all KML files are collected in a CSV table included with this data package. Additional walrus satellite image-derived Chukchi Sea walrus haulout outlines are available in another USGS data release (Fischbach and Douglas 2022;
Remote camera stations were set up in Oregon Caves National Monument and Preserve from February through April 2017 to document occurrence of mesocarnivores and other wildlife. Fifteen cameras were set up at four primary sampling units (clusters of three to four cameras) throughout the park. Random locations for primary sampling units were chosen using a 3-km sampling grid over the park area. The dataset contains all species observed within the study time-frame, the date and time of observation and the number of individuals detected as well as identification for individual locations, cameras and images. Of the three target species of conservation concern (Pacific fisher (Pekania pennanti), Pacific marten (Martes...
This dataset contains avian survey observations across four tidal marsh areas around San Francisco Bay. Multiple surveys were conducted around both high and low tides during the winter of 2010/11. Each survey alternated between scan and focals. During scans, all observable birds were counted. During focals, the behavior of a single, randomly selected bird was observed. Water level data was collected concurrently at each site and is provided with the avian survey data. These data support the following publication: Thorne, K.M., Spragens, K.A., Buffington, K.J., Rosencranz, J.A. and Takekawa, J., 2019. Flooding regimes increase avian predation on wildlife prey in tidal marsh ecosystems. Ecology and evolution, 9(3),...

map background search result map search result map Road-Killed Wildlife Carcass Frequency by Mile of Montana On-System Routes in the U.S. Northern Rockies (2008-2012) Case Study Sites for Prioritizing Mitigation of Road Impacts on Western Governors' Association Wildlife Corridors Probability of Synanthropic Feral House Cat Presence in the Western United States Mapping Data of Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) Maternal Den Habitat, Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska Mesocarnivore Survey of Crater Lake National Park, Klamath Network, 2016 San Francisco Bay Tidal Marsh Avian Predator Surveys, 2010 Mesocarnivore Survey of Lassen Volcanic National Park, Klamath Network, 2017-2018 (ver. 2.0, April 2022) Measurement Data of Polar Bears Captured in the Chukchi and Southern Beaufort Seas, 1981-2017 Mesocarnivore Survey of Oregon Caves National Monument and Preserve, Klamath Network, 2017 (ver. 2.1, July 2022) Evidence of Mammalian Carnivores at the Desert Tortoise Research Natural Area, Western Mojave Desert, USA, between 1989 and 2012. Walrus Haulout Outlines Apparent from Satellite Imagery Near Point Lay Alaska, Autumn 2018-2020 Genetic Data from Wolverine (Gulo gulo) of North America Pacific Walrus Coastal Haulout Images from Remote Camera Stations Southern Beaufort Sea Polar Bear Blood Based Analyte Data, 1983-2018 Diet Estimates of Southern Beaufort Sea Polar Bears, 2004-2016 Pathogen Exposure Data for Chukchi Sea Polar Bears 1988-1994 and 2008-2017 Estimated Post-Emergence Period for Denning Polar Bears of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas Estimated Post-Emergence Period for Denning Polar Bears of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas Pacific Walrus Coastal Haulout Images from Carcass Surveys SUPERSEDED: Pacific Walrus Coastal Haulout Occurrences Interpreted from Satellite Imagery, 2023 Pacific Walrus Coastal Haulout Images from Remote Camera Stations Walrus Haulout Outlines Apparent from Satellite Imagery Near Point Lay Alaska, Autumn 2018-2020 Mesocarnivore Survey of Oregon Caves National Monument and Preserve, Klamath Network, 2017 (ver. 2.1, July 2022) Evidence of Mammalian Carnivores at the Desert Tortoise Research Natural Area, Western Mojave Desert, USA, between 1989 and 2012. Mesocarnivore Survey of Lassen Volcanic National Park, Klamath Network, 2017-2018 (ver. 2.0, April 2022) Mesocarnivore Survey of Crater Lake National Park, Klamath Network, 2016 San Francisco Bay Tidal Marsh Avian Predator Surveys, 2010 Pacific Walrus Coastal Haulout Images from Carcass Surveys Mapping Data of Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) Maternal Den Habitat, Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska SUPERSEDED: Pacific Walrus Coastal Haulout Occurrences Interpreted from Satellite Imagery, 2023 Road-Killed Wildlife Carcass Frequency by Mile of Montana On-System Routes in the U.S. Northern Rockies (2008-2012) Case Study Sites for Prioritizing Mitigation of Road Impacts on Western Governors' Association Wildlife Corridors Southern Beaufort Sea Polar Bear Blood Based Analyte Data, 1983-2018 Diet Estimates of Southern Beaufort Sea Polar Bears, 2004-2016 Probability of Synanthropic Feral House Cat Presence in the Western United States Genetic Data from Wolverine (Gulo gulo) of North America Pathogen Exposure Data for Chukchi Sea Polar Bears 1988-1994 and 2008-2017 Measurement Data of Polar Bears Captured in the Chukchi and Southern Beaufort Seas, 1981-2017 Estimated Post-Emergence Period for Denning Polar Bears of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas Estimated Post-Emergence Period for Denning Polar Bears of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas