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This categorical CWD raster was developed from a project-wide CWD raster. For each of the five fracture zones, the CWD raster was partitioned into zone-specific, 10 equal-area class map, ranging from low CWD to high CWD.
These data represent stream temperature observation locations for a portion of a larger study area known as the Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GNLCC) These data were collected and processed as part of the NorWeST stream temperature project thermograph locations and the attendant temperature observations were used as the baseline data for the NorWeST stream temperature modeling project. As a result, modeled temperatures will be most reliable in areas with the greatest density of thermographs. These data reside in ESRI shapefile format, ArcGIS version 9.3. The point shapefile extents correspond to...
These data represent modeled stream temperatures for a portion of a larger dataset known as the Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GNLCC) ( This metadata record is a combined description for two spatial data feature types, vector lines and points, which cover the same geographic area. The line features are derived from NHDPlus ( (USEPA and USGS, 2010) stream lines and the point data represent 1 km intervals along the NHDPlus stream network. Both datasets contain identical modeled stream temperature attributes. These modeled stream temperatures were generated as part of the U.S. Forest Service NorWeST stream temperature...
We have completed an array of high-resolution simulations of present and future climate over Western North America (WNA) and Eastern North America (ENA) by dynamically downscaling global climate simulations using a regional climate model, RegCM3. The simulations are intended to provide long time series of internally consistent surface and atmospheric variables for use in climate-related research. In addition to providing high-resolution weather and climate data for the past, present, and future, we have developed an integrated data flow and methodology for processing, summarizing, viewing, and delivering the climate datasets to a wide range of potential users. Our simulations were run over 50- and 15-kilometer model...
Climate grids for the extent of the GNLCC study area saved as asciis with a 2km resolution. These grids are saved in in the Albers Equal Area Conic projection. Summer is defined as months 7-9, while winter is defined as months 1-3. All grids with the exception of cmi.asc, dd5.asc, & growingsl.asc were produced in the program ClimateWNA, which downscales PRISM climate grids using a digital elevation model. Mean annual precipitation (mm) - aprec.asc Annual Climate moisture index (cm/year) - cmi.asc Degree-days > 5°C - dd5.asc Growing season length - growingsl.asc Isothermality (°C) - isotherm.asc Mean annual temperature (°C) - mat.asc Maximum temperature warmest month (°C) - maxtw.asc Minimum temperature coldest...
This layer represents 5-year relative counts of wildlife carcasses collected by Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) maintenance personnel or U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Grizzly Bear Recovery Team personnel on or adjacent to on-system (major) routes from 2008 to 2012. To obtain relative counts, the 5-year total counts per mile, which included all wildlife species observed, were divided by the maximum observed calue (98) to give a relative 0-1 risk score. Total counts, which include all wildlife species observed, along with carnivore counts, which include only black bears, grizzly bears, mountain lions, and wolves, are provided. Counts were derived by identifying the nearest mile marker to each carcass point...
Delineates outbreaks of the two focal species referred to as Mountain Pine Bettle Covers the CCE and 50km into the surrounding area from 2000 to 2015. This layer is a compilation from multiple sources, Bruce spanworm polygons were removed from Alberta data. This dataset was developed by the Crown Managers Partnership, as part of a transboundary collaborative management initiative for the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem, based on commonly identified management priorities that are relevant at the landscape scale. The CMP is collaborative group of land managers, scientists, and stakeholder in the CCE. For more information on the CMP and its collaborators, programs, and projects please visit:
This GIS dataset is part of a suite of wildlife habitat connectivity data produced by the Washington Wildlife Habitat Connectivity Working Group (WHCWG). The WHCWG is a voluntary public-private partnership between state and federal agencies, universities, tribes, and non-governmental organizations. The WHCWG is co-led by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and the Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT). This dataset quantifies current wildlife habitat connectivity patterns for the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Available WHCWG raster data include model base layers, resistance, habitat, cost-weighted distance, and landscape integrity. Grid cell size is 90 m...
The Heart of the Rockies Initiative focuses its efforts on a region from southern Alberta and British Columbia to western Wyoming - the Central Rockies of North America. Within our working region are three distinct planning regions. The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) is the southernmost area and surrounds Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, including parts of Wyoming, Idaho and Montana. The High Divide straddles the continental divide in Idaho and Montana. The Crown of the Continent caps the northern region, encompassing parts of Idaho, Montana, and British Columbia and Alberta, Canada.
These case study sites are detailed in the report accompanying this data layer. The case studies are intended to serve as examples of how some of the opportunities for diverse stakeholders to engage in the process of mitigating road impacts on wildlife that are described in the report might be applied on the ground, as well as other considerations that come into play in selecting sites for possible mitigation and designing mitigation solutions for those sites. Through these case studies, we illustrate potential opportunities for mitigation and partner engagement for each of the four alternative priority sets identified in this study.Wildlife carcasses recorded by Montana Department of Transportation, Idaho Department...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service, Shapefile; Tags: AADT, AADT, Carnivores, Carnivores, Connectivity, All tags...
This layer represents the roads for the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem. The data are a compilation from multiple sources. Credits: Agriculture (U.S.D.A.) Forest Service Region 1 National Forests, Department of Administration - Montana Transportation Framework, Government of Alberta - Sustainable Resource Development (SRD), Foothills Research Insitute and the Digital Road Atlas (DRA) of British Colombia. This dataset was compiled through efforts of Alberta Sustainable Resource Development regional staff as well as the Foothills Research Institute.
This layer shows aspin defoliators (large aspen torix and forest tent caterpillars) damage in the Crown of the Continent and a 50km buffer. Delineates outbreaks of the two focal species referred to as aspen defoliators (large aspen torix and forest tent caterpillar). Covers the CCE and 50km into the surrounding area from 2000 to 2007. This layer is a compilation from multiple sources, Bruce spanworm polygons were removed from Alberta data, focal species were extracted from USDA data.This dataset was developed by the Crown Managers Partnership, as part of a transboundary collaborative management initiative for the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem, based on commonly identified management priorities that are relevant...
This layer represents historic fire perimeters within 50km of the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem (CCE) from 2014 to 2015 within only Alberta and British Columbia. This dataset was developed by the Crown Managers Partnership, as part of a transboundary collaborative management initiative for the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem, based on commonly identified management priorities that are relevant at the landscape scale. The CMP is collaborative group of land managers, scientists, and stakeholder in the CCE. For more information on the CMP and its collaborators, programs, and projects please visit: This dataset was first published in May 2016. Note: There was not any public data available...
This layer represents historic fire perimeters within 50km of the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem (CCE) from 1931 to 2013. This dataset was developed by the Crown Managers Partnership, as part of a transboundary collaborative management initiative for the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem, based on commonly identified management priorities that are relevant at the landscape scale. The CMP is collaborative group of land managers, scientists, and stakeholder in the CCE. For more information on the CMP and its collaborators, programs, and projects please visit: This dataset was first published in May 2016.Note: There was not any publically comparable data available for the fire cause for...
The crown (canopy) closure map was derived from three main sources. The entirety of the Montana portion was obtained from the USGS National Land Cover Database (NLCD) 2001 tree canopy layer. The mountainous portions of Alberta and BC were acquired from the Foothills Model Forest Grizzly Bear Project (FMFGBP). The areas of BC and Alberta not covered by the FMFGBP were modeled by extending the FMFGBP model with Landsat images from 2001 as well as a terrain model. The Crown Closure model was then clipped to forested areas. The Crown Managers Partnership 2001 land cover map was used to define forested areas. More details available in the data documentation.
This GIS dataset is part of a suite of wildlife habitat connectivity data produced by the Washington Wildlife Habitat Connectivity Working Group (WHCWG). The WHCWG is a voluntary public-private partnership between state and federal agencies, universities, tribes, and non-governmental organizations. The WHCWG is co-led by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and the Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT). This dataset quantifies current wildlife habitat connectivity patterns for the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Available WHCWG raster data include model base layers, resistance, habitat, cost-weighted distance, and landscape integrity. Grid cell size is 90 m...
To provide information on what areas have a groupings of dead (red) pine trees which indicate a high likelyhood of green attack mountain pine beetle trees. This data is used to help focus ground survey work and is not 100% accurate. The current beetle year (August 15 to August 15) Mountain Pine Beetle aerial survey red tree locations. This data is used to help focus ground survey work and is not 100% accurate.

map background search result map search result map Washington Connectivity:  Western rattlesnake Geodatabase Washington Connectivity:  Tiger salamander Geodatabase CCE Synthesized Watershed Data CCE Mountain Pine Beetle NorWeST Predicted Stream Temp Lines Upper Snake Bear NorWeST Observed Temp Points Upper Snake Bear Great northern landscape conservation cooperative climate grids Road-Killed Wildlife Carcass Frequency by Mile of Montana On-System Routes in the U.S. Northern Rockies (2008-2012) Case Study Sites for Prioritizing Mitigation of Road Impacts on Western Governors' Association Wildlife Corridors CCE Synthesized Roads Data Fire History in the Crown of the Continent Fires of the Crown of the Continent within Alberta and British Columbia (2014-2015) Aspin Defoliators Disturbance in the Crown of the Continent 50km Buffer (2000-2007) Mountain Pine Beetle in the Crown of the Continent (2000-2015) Cost-weighted distance (CWD) categorical raster, Highway 97 Central Heart of the Rockies Planning Areas Shapefile Mtn Caribou/ Grizzly/ Big Horn Sheep (Wild Links Spatial Priorities 2015 6.) Historic Lynx Movement (Wild Links Spatial Priorities 2015 10.) Fires of the Crown of the Continent within Alberta and British Columbia (2014-2015) Aspin Defoliators Disturbance in the Crown of the Continent 50km Buffer (2000-2007) Great northern landscape conservation cooperative climate grids CCE Mountain Pine Beetle CCE Synthesized Roads Data Mountain Pine Beetle in the Crown of the Continent (2000-2015) Fire History in the Crown of the Continent CCE Synthesized Watershed Data Road-Killed Wildlife Carcass Frequency by Mile of Montana On-System Routes in the U.S. Northern Rockies (2008-2012) Case Study Sites for Prioritizing Mitigation of Road Impacts on Western Governors' Association Wildlife Corridors NorWeST Observed Temp Points Upper Snake Bear Mtn Caribou/ Grizzly/ Big Horn Sheep (Wild Links Spatial Priorities 2015 6.) Historic Lynx Movement (Wild Links Spatial Priorities 2015 10.) Cost-weighted distance (CWD) categorical raster, Highway 97 Central NorWeST Predicted Stream Temp Lines Upper Snake Bear Washington Connectivity:  Western rattlesnake Geodatabase Washington Connectivity:  Tiger salamander Geodatabase Heart of the Rockies Planning Areas Shapefile