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The glacial aquifer system of the United States encompasses all or parts of 25 states and is the most widely used supply of drinking water in the Nation (Maupin and Barber, 2005; Maupin and Arnold, 2010). A series of seven raster data sets were derived from a database of water-well drillers' records that was compiled in partial fulfillment of the goals of the U.S. Geological Survey’s Groundwater Availability and Use assessment program (U.S. Geological Survey, 2002). They contain hydrogeologic information for areas of the U.S. that are north of the southern limit of Pleistocene glaciation, including the total thickness of glacial deposits, thickness of coarse-grained sediment within the glacial deposits, specific-capacity...
Historic image LS_0661 is part of the 'UVA lantern slides' collection; the topic area is 'Groundwater'. Location is unknown (none). The image has the following description: 'LS. Horses .' The image was scanned from a lantern slide as part of the USGS NGGDPP deliverable for 2017-2018. The physical location is 900 Natural Resources Dr., Ste 400, Charlottesville, VA 22903. Library. The author is unknown. The image is dated unknown.
This dataset consists of the boundary extent used to evaluate regolith thickness, bedrock altitude, depth to water, potentiometric-surface altitude, and saturated thickness for the shallow groundwater system in the Lower Gunnison River Basin, in Delta, Montrose, Ouray, and Gunnison Counties, Colorado. The U.S. Geological Survey prepared this dataset in cooperation with the Colorado Water Conservation Board.
A two-dimensional finite element model was used to simulate the groundwater recovery process under various surface mining situations. The simulation results were used to predict the rate at which soil settlement takes place. It was found that the groundwater recovery process is very fast immediately after mine closure and cessation of dewatering programmes; a significant part of mine land settlement can be measured at such times. This paper presents a method for deriving the relationship between the re-establishment of the natural groundwater regime to its equilibrium position as existed prior to the commencement of mining operations and mine spoil settlement.
Summary A detailed local-scale monitoring network was used to assess CFC distribution in an unconfined sand aquifer in southwestern Ontario where the zone of 1–5-year-old groundwater was known with certainty because of prior use of a bromide tracer. Groundwater ⩽5 years old was confined to an aerobic zone at ⩽5 m depth and had CFC concentrations consistent with modern atmospheric mixing ratios at recharge temperatures of 7–11 °C, as was observed in the 3-m thick vadose zone at the site. At depths below 6 m, the groundwater became progressively more reducing, however, with a denitrifying horizon at 6–7 m depth, and a Mn and Fe reducing zone below 7 m depth. In the anaerobic zone, 3H/3He ratios indicated that groundwater-age...
We examined the chemical reactions influencing dissolved concentrations, speciation, and transport of naturally occurring arsenic (As) in a shallow, sand and gravel aquifer with distinct geochemical zones resulting from land disposal of dilute sewage effluent. The principal geochemical zones were: (1) the uncontaminated zone above the sewage plume [350 µM dissolved oxygen (DO), pH 5.9]; (2) the suboxic zone (5 µM DO, pH 6.2, elevated concentrations of sewage-derived phosphate and nitrate); and (3) the anoxic zone [dissolved iron(II) 100–300 µM, pH 6.5–6.9, elevated concentrations of sewage-derived phosphate]. Sediments are comprised of greater than 90% quartz but the surfaces of quartz and other mineral grains are...
This study proposes the use of several problems of unstable steady state convection with variable fluid density in a porous layer of infinite horizontal extent as two-dimensional (2-D) test cases for density-dependent groundwater flow and solute transport simulators. Unlike existing density-dependent model benchmarks, these problems have well-defined stability criteria that are determined analytically. These analytical stability indicators can be compared with numerical model results to test the ability of a code to accurately simulate buoyancy driven flow and diffusion. The basic analytical solution is for a horizontally infinite fluid-filled porous layer in which fluid density decreases with depth. The proposed...
Groundwater is a key driver of riparian condition on dryland rivers but is in high demand for municipal, industrial, and agricultural uses. Approaches are needed to guide decisions that balance human water needs while conserving riparian ecosystems. We developed a space-for-time substitution model that links groundwater change scenarios implemented within a Decision Support System (DSS) with proportions of floodplain vegetation types and abundances of breeding and migratory birds along the upper San Pedro River, AZ, USA. We investigated nine scenarios ranging from groundwater depletion to recharge. In groundwater decline scenarios, relative proportions of tall-canopied obligate phreatophytes (Populus/Salix, cottonwood/willow)...
The glacial aquifer system of the United States encompasses all or parts of 25 states and is the most widely used supply of drinking water in the Nation (Maupin and Barber, 2005; Maupin and Arnold, 2010). A series of seven raster data sets were derived from a database of water-well drillers' records that was compiled in partial fulfillment of the goals of the U.S. Geological Survey’s Groundwater Availability and Use assessment program (U.S. Geological Survey, 2002). They contain hydrogeologic information for areas of the U.S. that are north of the southern limit of Pleistocene glaciation, including the total thickness of glacial deposits, thickness of coarse-grained sediment within the glacial deposits, specific-capacity...
This data set includes results for hormone and pharmaceutical compounds analyzed in environmental and quality-control samples collected by the USGS National Water-Quality Assessment Project during 2013 through 2015 for a study of groundwater resources used for drinking-water supply across the United States. Hormone and pharmaceutical results are provided for environmental samples collected at 1,120 wells or springs; selected ancillary data, such as principal aquifer, well depth, and land-use information also are provided for the sampled sites. The types of quality-control samples included in this data set are blanks, matrix spikes, and replicates collected at field sites or field offices. Included in this data...
Water-quality data for groundwater samples collected from 4,824 sites between 1991 through 2018, and ancillary data and information on sampled wells and principal aquifers, were used to assess the occurrence and distribution of strontium in U.S. groundwater from 32 principal aquifers. This data release includes one tab-delimited text file detailing these data. Table: Chemical data from the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Information System and ancillary data considered for assessment of strontium concentration in U.S. groundwater.
A Soil-Water-Balance (SWB) model was developed to estimate annual recharge and evapotranspiration (ET) for Fauquier County, Virginia, for the period 1996 through 2015. The model was developed as part of a study to assess groundwater availability in the fractured-rock aquifers underlying Fauquier County. The model is documented in the associated report, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Scientific Investigations Report 2019-5056. The model was calibrated by comparing annual base-flow estimates from the hydrograph separation technique PART to annual recharge estimates from the SWB model for available years of streamflow record at two sites (01643700 and 01656000) within the model area. Selected SWB model parameters were...
This dataset is a file of contour lines representing the estimated altitude of the water table in western Sarpy County. This dataset was developed as part of a cooperative study between the Papillion-Missouri River Natural Resources District (PMRNRD) and USGS which began in 2017. The goal of this study was to develop a hydrogeologic visualization model of western Sarpy County using GeoScene3D. In 2016, the PMRNRD contracted airborne electromagnetic surveys (AEM) of the area to be completed to better understand the stratigraphy and hydrogeology of the western Sarpy County area. The PMRNRD determined that they wanted to incorporate the AEM data into a visualization tool that would allow PMRNRD staff to easily interact...
Using publicly available data for Albany and Schenectady counties, New York, a series of geospatial overlays were created at 1:24,000 scale to examine the bedrock geology, groundwater table, soils, and surficial geology. Bedrock and surficial geology were refined using extant bedrock maps, well and borehole data from water- and gas-wells, soil data, and lidar data. Groundwater data were collected from New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and U.S. Geological Survey water-well databases to estimate the groundwater table. Soil data were used to examine soil thickness over bedrock and infiltration. An inventory of closed depressions was created using reconditioned lidar-derived bare-earth digital...
Using publicly available data for Erie and Niagara counties, New York, a series of geospatial overlays were created at 1:24,000 scale to examine the bedrock geology, groundwater table, soils, and surficial geology. Bedrock and surficial geology were refined using extant bedrock maps, well and borehole data from water- and gas-wells, soil data, and lidar data. Groundwater data were collected from New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and U.S. Geological Survey water-well databases to estimate the groundwater table. Soil data were used to examine soil thickness over bedrock and infiltration. An inventory of closed depressions was created using reconditioned lidar-derived bare-earth digital elevation...
A three-dimensional groundwater flow model using MODFLOW-NWT was developed to evaluate historical and potential stream capture in the lower Humboldt River Basin, Nevada. The Humboldt River Basin is the only river basin that is contained entirely within the state of Nevada. The effect of groundwater pumping on the Humboldt River is not well understood. Tools are needed to determine stream capture and manage groundwater pumping in the Humboldt River Basin. Previous work has demonstrated that the river’s surface-water resource is sensitive to groundwater withdrawals, which have steadily increased since the 1950s for agriculture, municipal, and mining uses. A numerical groundwater flow model was developed for the purpose...
The High Plains aquifer extends from approximately 32 to 44 degrees north latitude and 96 degrees 30 minutes to 106 degrees west longitude. The aquifer underlies about 175,000 square miles in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming. This digital dataset consists of a raster of water-level changes for the High Plains aquifer, predevelopment (about 1950) to 2019. It was created using water-level measurements from 2,741 wells measured in both the predevelopment period (about 1950) and in 2019, the latest available static water level measured in 2015 to 2018 from 71 wells in New Mexico and using other published information on water-level change in areas with few water-level...
This data release pertains to a seepage investigation and dye tracing study conducted in the Big Creek watershed of Newton County, Arkansas. The seepage dataset includes geospatial files of discharge measurement points and zero-flow observations along with vector lines delineating losing and gaining stream reaches. The dye tracing dataset consists of geospatial files of monitoring sites, dye injection location, and dye flow paths. Hydrologic systems in karst environments have a high degree of interconnectivity between surface water and groundwater systems. Because of this interconnectivity, activities which occur on the surface in karst environments have a direct impact on the water quality and quantity of karst...
Groundwater from the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer (MRVA) is a vital resource for agriculture and drinking-water supplies in the central United States. Water availability can be limited in some areas of the aquifer by high concentrations of trace elements, including manganese and arsenic. Boosted regression trees, a type of ensemble-tree machine-learning method, were used to predict manganese concentration and the probability of arsenic concentration exceeding a 10 µg/L threshold throughout the MRVA. Explanatory variables for the BRT models included attributes associated with well location and construction, surficial variables (such as hydrologic position and recharge), variables extracted from a MODFLOW-2005...
Concentrations of inorganic constituents, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), tritium, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and pharmaceuticals were measured in groundwater samples collected from 254 wells in 2019 and 2020. Concentrations of inorganic constituents, DOC, VOCs, and pharmaceuticals were measured at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Quality Laboratory in Lakewood, Colorado. Concentrations of tritium were measured at the USGS Tritium Laboratory in Menlo Park, California. Concentrations of PFAS were measured at SGS Laboratory in Orlando, Florida. In addition, several geospatial parameters were determined, including: percentages of selected land uses...

map background search result map search result map Total Thickness of Glacial Deposits Texture-Based Estimated Equivalent Transmissivity of the Glacial Deposits Boundary extent for datasets of regolith thickness, bedrock altitude, depth to water, potentiometric-surface altitude, and saturated thickness for the shallow groundwater system in the Lower Gunnison River Basin, Colorado Soil-Water-Balance (SWB) model data sets for Fauquier County, Virginia, 1996 - 2015 Environmental and Quality-Control Data Collected by the USGS National Water-Quality Assessment Project for Hormones and Pharmaceuticals in Groundwater Used as a Source of Drinking Water Across the United States, 2013-15 Data for the occurrence and distribution of strontium in U.S. groundwater Machine-learning model predictions and rasters of arsenic and manganese in groundwater in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer Geospatial datasets to assess karst aquifer systems in Albany and Schenectady counties, New York Seepage investigation and dye tracing to characterize base flow stream behavior in Big Creek watershed, Newton County, Arkansas Geochemical and Geospatial Data for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Groundwater Used as a Source of Drinking Water in the Eastern United States Geospatial datasets to assess karst aquifer systems in Erie and Niagara counties, New York Interpolated groundwater-levels, western Sarpy County, eastern Nebraska F01_hpwicpd19t_Raster dataset of mapped water-level changes in the High Plains aquifer, predevelopment (about 1950) to 2019 MODFLOW-NWT Model Used to Evaluate Stream Capture Related to Groundwater Pumping, Lower Humboldt River Basin, Nevada (ver. 1.1, March 2024) Interpolated groundwater-levels, western Sarpy County, eastern Nebraska Geospatial datasets to assess karst aquifer systems in Albany and Schenectady counties, New York Geospatial datasets to assess karst aquifer systems in Erie and Niagara counties, New York MODFLOW-NWT Model Used to Evaluate Stream Capture Related to Groundwater Pumping, Lower Humboldt River Basin, Nevada (ver. 1.1, March 2024) Boundary extent for datasets of regolith thickness, bedrock altitude, depth to water, potentiometric-surface altitude, and saturated thickness for the shallow groundwater system in the Lower Gunnison River Basin, Colorado Soil-Water-Balance (SWB) model data sets for Fauquier County, Virginia, 1996 - 2015 Machine-learning model predictions and rasters of arsenic and manganese in groundwater in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer F01_hpwicpd19t_Raster dataset of mapped water-level changes in the High Plains aquifer, predevelopment (about 1950) to 2019 Geochemical and Geospatial Data for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Groundwater Used as a Source of Drinking Water in the Eastern United States Total Thickness of Glacial Deposits Texture-Based Estimated Equivalent Transmissivity of the Glacial Deposits Environmental and Quality-Control Data Collected by the USGS National Water-Quality Assessment Project for Hormones and Pharmaceuticals in Groundwater Used as a Source of Drinking Water Across the United States, 2013-15 Data for the occurrence and distribution of strontium in U.S. groundwater