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In advance of design, permitting, and construction of a pipeline to deliver North Slope natural gas to out-of-state customers and Alaska communities, the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) has acquired lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) data along proposed pipeline routes, nearby areas of infrastructure, and regions where significant geologic hazards have been identified. Lidar data will serve multiple purposes, but have primarily been collected to (1) evaluate active faulting, slope instability, thaw settlement, erosion, and other engineering constraints along proposed pipeline routes, and (2) provide a base layer for the state-federal GIS database that will be used to evaluate permit applications...
As part of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) effort to make final recommendations of federal land parcels to be considered for selection by the State of Alaska according to provisions of the Statehood Act, a decision was made to identify and evaluate potential access corridors. Corridor maps were compiled for a total of 78 quadrangles throughout Alaska. This map suite shows relevant geologic information at a scale of 1:250,000 for 10-mile-wide corridors straddling centerlines for proposed access routes throughout Alaska. The maps are based on geologic data compiled from existing, published mapping. Each compiled corridor geology map was used to derive maps of potential construction materials, data quality,...
Tags: Alaska, State Of, Ambler River Quadrangle, Anchorage Quadrangle, Aufeis, Avalanche, All tags...
Mineral-resources geologists from the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) carried out a helicopter-supported geological and geochemical resource assessment project in the Gulkana, Healy, Mount Hayes, and Talkeetna Mountains quadrangles from July 29 through August 16, 2013. The objectives of this assessment were to improve the publicly-available geological, geophysical, and geochemical data in the area of known occurrences in the Mount Hayes Quadrangle, and to extend this coverage and any gained insight westward into the less-explored extension of the Wrangellia terrane. This program of stream-sediment, pan-concentrate, and rock sampling was conducted as part of the State's Strategic Minerals...
Mineral Resources Section personnel from the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) carried out a geologic field survey, including mapping and sampling, in the eastern part of the Bonnifield mining district in the Fairbanks A-1 and A-2 and the Healy D-1 and D-2 quadrangles, Alaska, from June 16 through July 18, 2008. The fieldwork provides basic information critical to building an understanding of Alaska's geology and is part of an integrated program of airborne geophysical surveys followed by geologic mapping. Specifically, this work provides geologic context for geophysical surveys conducted in 2006. Interpretation and synthesis of this data has been presented in professional and trade meetings....
In advance of design, permitting, and construction of a pipeline to deliver North Slope natural gas to out-of-state customers and Alaska communities, the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) has acquired lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) data along proposed pipeline routes, nearby areas of infrastructure, and regions where significant geologic hazards have been identified. Lidar data will serve multiple purposes, but have primarily been collected to (1) evaluate active faulting, slope instability, thaw settlement, erosion, and other engineering constraints along proposed pipeline routes, and (2) provide a base layer for the state-federal GIS database that will be used to evaluate permit applications...
In advance of design, permitting, and construction of a pipeline to deliver North Slope natural gas to out-of-state customers and Alaska communities, the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) has acquired lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) data along proposed pipeline routes, nearby areas of infrastructure, and regions where significant geologic hazards have been identified. Lidar data will serve multiple purposes, but have primarily been collected to (1) evaluate active faulting, slope instability, thaw settlement, erosion, and other engineering constraints along proposed pipeline routes, and (2) provide a base layer for the state-federal GIS database that will be used to evaluate permit applications...
The State of Alaska's Strategic and Critical Minerals (SCM) Assessment project, a State-funded Capital Improvement Project (CIP), is designed to evaluate Alaska's statewide potential for SCM resources. The SCM Assessment is being implemented by the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS), and involves obtaining new airborne-geophysical, geological, and geochemical data. For the geochemical part of the SCM Assessment, thousands of historical geochemical samples from DGGS, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and U.S. Bureau of Mines archives are being reanalyzed by DGGS using modern, quantitative, geochemical-analytical methods. The objective is to update the statewide geochemical database to more clearly...
In advance of design, permitting, and construction of a pipeline to deliver North Slope natural gas to out-of-state customers and Alaska communities, the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) has acquired lidar (light detection and ranging) data along proposed pipeline routes, nearby areas of infrastructure, and regions where significant geologic hazards have been identified. Lidar data will serve multiple purposes, but have primarily been collected to (1) evaluate active faulting, slope instability, thaw settlement, erosion, and other engineering constraints along proposed pipeline routes, and (2) provide a base layer for the state-federal GIS database that will be used to evaluate permit applications...
This map is the result of field investigations by DGGS in 1997 and 1998. This geologic map and report supersede the previously released Public Data File 99-24B, Preliminary interpretive bedrock geologic map of the Healy A-6 Quadrangle, southcentral Alaska. The current map has been updated to include mapping of areas adjacent to the Healy A-6 Quadrangle, newly interpreted bedrock units based on newly acquired analytical, paleontologic, and Ar40/Ar39 data. Ages for the rock units were modified. Field investigations were part of a two-year mapping program to provide geologic ground truth for airborne geophysical surveys flown by DGGS in the Chulitna region of southcentral Alaska during 1996.
In advance of design, permitting, and construction of a pipeline to deliver North Slope natural gas to out-of-state customers and Alaska communities, the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) has acquired lidar (light detection and ranging) data along proposed pipeline routes, nearby areas of infrastructure, and regions where significant geologic hazards have been identified. Lidar data will serve multiple purposes, but have primarily been collected to (1) evaluate active faulting, slope instability, thaw settlement, erosion, and other engineering constraints along proposed pipeline routes, and (2) provide a base layer for the state-federal GIS database that will be used to evaluate permit applications...
In advance of design, permitting, and construction of a pipeline to deliver North Slope natural gas to out-of-state customers and Alaska communities, the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) has acquired lidar (light detection and ranging) data along proposed pipeline routes, nearby areas of infrastructure, and regions where significant geologic hazards have been identified. Lidar data will serve multiple purposes, but have primarily been collected to (1) evaluate active faulting, slope instability, thaw settlement, erosion, and other engineering constraints along proposed pipeline routes, and (2) provide a base layer for the state-federal GIS database that will be used to evaluate permit applications...
In advance of design, permitting, and construction of a pipeline to deliver North Slope natural gas to out-of-state customers and Alaska communities, the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) has acquired lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) data along proposed pipeline routes, nearby areas of infrastructure, and regions where significant geologic hazards have been identified. Lidar data will serve multiple purposes, but have primarily been collected to (1) evaluate active faulting, slope instability, thaw settlement, erosion, and other engineering constraints along proposed pipeline routes, and (2) provide a base layer for the state-federal GIS database that will be used to evaluate permit applications...
The Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) uses an informal set of names for about 140 'volcanoes.' Some names refer to large, complex volcanic centers, while others indicate only a specific cone. This publication expands the list of 140 named volcanoes to include all volcanic vents where magma has reached the surface over the past 2.6 million years. This database of all known (published, or unpublished with permission) Quaternary volcanic vents was developed to better describe the nature and character of Quaternary volcanism in Alaska and specifically to aid in the discussion of spatial and temporal patterns of Alaska volcanism. This list is a preliminary starting point, and we hope that it is updated and expanded by...
Tags: Adak Quadrangle, Alaska Peninsula, Aleutian Islands, Amukta Quadrangle, Atka Quadrangle, All tags...
Mineral-resources personnel from the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys carried out a geological field survey, including mapping and sampling in the eastern part of the Bonnifield mining district in the Fairbanks A-1, A-2, Healy D-1 and D-2 quadrangles, Alaska from June 16 to July 18, 2008. The fieldwork provides basic information critical to building an understanding of Alaska geology and is part of an integrated program of airborne geophysical surveys followed by geological mapping. During 2008, 242 rock samples were collected for geochemical trace-element analysis, 106 rock samples were collected for whole rock (major- and minor-oxide and petrogenetically important trace element) analyses, and...
In advance of design, permitting, and construction of a pipeline to deliver North Slope natural gas to out-of-state customers and Alaska communities, the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) has acquired LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data along proposed pipeline routes, nearby areas of infrastructure, and regions where significant geologic hazards have been identified. LiDAR data will serve multiple purposes, but have primarily been collected to (1) evaluate active faulting, slope instability, thaw settlement, erosion, and other engineering constraints along proposed pipeline routes, and (2) provide a base layer for the state-federal GIS database that will be used to evaluate permit applications...
The State of Alaska's Strategic and Critical Minerals (SCM) Assessment project, a State-funded Capital Improvement Project (CIP), is designed to evaluate Alaska's statewide potential for SCM resources. The SCM Assessment is being implemented by the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS), and involves obtaining new airborne-geophysical, geological, and geochemical data. For the geochemical part of the SCM Assessment, thousands of historical geochemical samples from DGGS, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and U.S. Bureau of Mines archives are being reanalyzed by DGGS using modern, quantitative, geochemical-analytical methods. The objective is to update the statewide geochemical database to more clearly...
In advance of design, permitting, and construction of a pipeline to deliver North Slope natural gas to out-of-state customers and Alaska communities, the Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) has acquired lidar (light detection and ranging) data along proposed pipeline routes, nearby areas of infrastructure, and regions where significant geologic hazards have been identified. Lidar data will serve multiple purposes, but have primarily been collected to (1) evaluate active faulting, slope instability, thaw settlement, erosion, and other engineering constraints along proposed pipeline routes, and (2) provide a base layer for the state-federal GIS database that will be used to evaluate permit applications...
This map is the result of field investigations by DGGS in 1997 and 1998. This geologic map and report supersede the previously released Public Data File 99-24B, Preliminary interpretive bedrock geologic map of the Healy A-6 Quadrangle, southcentral Alaska. The current map has been updated to include mapping of areas adjacent to the Healy A-6 Quadrangle, newly interpreted bedrock units based on newly acquired analytical, paleontologic, and Ar40/Ar39 data. Ages for the rock units were modified. Field investigations were part of a two-year mapping program to provide geologic ground truth for airborne geophysical surveys flown by DGGS in the Chulitna region of southcentral Alaska during 1996.
This map is the result of field investigations by DGGS in 1997 and 1998. This geologic map and report supersede the previously released Public Data File 99-24C, Preliminary surficial-geologic map of the Healy A-6 Quadrangle, southcentral Alaska. The current map has been updated to include mapping of areas adjacent to the Healy A-6 Quadrangle. Field investigations were part of a two-year mapping program to provide geologic ground truth for airborne geophysical surveys flown by DGGS in the Chulitna region of southcentral Alaska during 1996.

map background search result map search result map Survey of geology, geologic materials, and geologic hazards in proposed access corridors in selected quadrangles, Alaska Preliminary database of Quaternary vents in Alaska Preliminary bedrock geologic map data for the eastern Bonnifield mining district, Fairbanks and Healy quadrangles, Alaska Geochemical, major-oxide, minor-oxide, trace-element and carbon data from rocks collected in 2008 in the eastern Bonnifield mining district, Fairbanks and Healy quadrangles, Alaska 40AR/39AR Ages from the East Bonnifield geologic map area, Fairbanks A-1, Fairbanks A-2, Healy D-1, and Healy D-2 quadrangles, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Healy Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Healy Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Healy Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Healy Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Healy Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Healy Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Healy Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Healy Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Healy Quadrangle, Alaska Major-oxide, minor-oxide, and trace-element geochemical data from rocks and stream sediments in the Wrangellia mineral assessment area, Gulkana, Healy, Mount Hayes, and Talkeetna Mountains quadrangles, Alaska Reanalysis of historical U.S. Geological Survey sediment samples for geochemical data from the western part of the Wrangellia terrane, Anchorage, Gulkana, Healy, Mt. Hayes, Nabesna, and Talkeetna Mountains quadrangles, Alaska Geochemical reanalysis of historical U.S. Geological Survey sediment samples from the northeastern Alaska Range, Healy, Mount Hayes, Nabesna, and Tanacross quadrangles, Alaska Bedrock geologic map of the Chulitna region, southcentral Alaska Geologic map of the Chulitna region, southcentral Alaska Surficial-geologic map of the Chulitna region, southcentral Alaska Preliminary bedrock geologic map data for the eastern Bonnifield mining district, Fairbanks and Healy quadrangles, Alaska Bedrock geologic map of the Chulitna region, southcentral Alaska Geologic map of the Chulitna region, southcentral Alaska Surficial-geologic map of the Chulitna region, southcentral Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Healy Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Healy Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Healy Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Healy Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Healy Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Healy Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Healy Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Healy Quadrangle, Alaska High-resolution lidar data for infrastructure corridors, Healy Quadrangle, Alaska Geochemical reanalysis of historical U.S. Geological Survey sediment samples from the northeastern Alaska Range, Healy, Mount Hayes, Nabesna, and Tanacross quadrangles, Alaska Reanalysis of historical U.S. Geological Survey sediment samples for geochemical data from the western part of the Wrangellia terrane, Anchorage, Gulkana, Healy, Mt. Hayes, Nabesna, and Talkeetna Mountains quadrangles, Alaska Major-oxide, minor-oxide, and trace-element geochemical data from rocks and stream sediments in the Wrangellia mineral assessment area, Gulkana, Healy, Mount Hayes, and Talkeetna Mountains quadrangles, Alaska Survey of geology, geologic materials, and geologic hazards in proposed access corridors in selected quadrangles, Alaska Preliminary database of Quaternary vents in Alaska