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This part of the Data Release contains the raster representation of the water-level altitude and water-level change maps developed every 5 years from 1980-2015 for the upper Rio Grande Focus Area Study. The input point data used to generate the water-level altitude maps can be found in the "Groundwater level measurement data used to develop water-level altitude maps in the upper Rio Grande Alluvial Basins" child item of this data release. These digital data accompany Houston, N.A., Thomas, J.V., Foster, L.K., Pedraza, D.E., and Welborn, T.L., 2020, Hydrogeologic framework, groundwater-level altitudes, groundwater-level changes, and groundwater-storage changes in selected alluvial basins of the upper Rio Grande...
Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Abiquiu Reservoir, Ahumada, Alamosa, Alamosa County, Alamosa Creek, All tags...
Consumptive use (CU) of water is an important factor for determining water availability and groundwater storage. Many regional stakeholders and water-supply managers in the Upper Rio Grande Basin have indicated CU is of primary concern in their water-management strategies, yet CU data is sparse for this area. This polygon feature class, which represents irrigated acres for 2015, is a geospatial component of the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Census Upper Rio Grande Basin (URGB) focus area study's effort to improve quantification of CU in parts of New Mexico, west Texas, and northern Chihuahua. These digital data accompany Ivahnenko, T.I., Flickinger, A.K., Galanter, A.E., Douglas-Mankin, K.R., Pedraza, D.E.,...
Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Abiquiu Reservoir, Ahumada, Alamosa, Alamosa County, Alamosa Creek, All tags...
Alluvial basin boundaries in the Upper Rio Grande Basin (URGB) were a needed dataset for the groundwater component of the URGB Focus Area Study (FAS). A literature and data search revealed not all of the alluvial fill basins existed in a digital format that could be imported and used in a Geographic Information System (GIS). Available resources such as georeferenced report figures, digital elevation models (DEMs), principal aquifer dataset, surficial geology, and structural features, such as faults, were used to aid in defining the alluvial basin boundaries. An Esri ArcGIS geodatabase was created to house the final digitized dataset of the following alluvial basins: San Luis, Espanola, Socorro, La Jencia, San Marcial,...
Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Abiquiu Reservoir, Ahumada, Alamosa, Alamosa, Alamosa County, All tags...
This part of the data release contains the water-level measurement data compiled and synthesized from various sources. This collection includes two tables that contain all the water-level measurements that were considered to develop the water-level altitude maps (Input_VisGWDB), and a table of median water-level data that were used to develop the water-level altitude maps (MedianWaterLevelData). These digital data accompany Houston, N.A., Thomas, J.V., Foster, L.K., Pedraza, D.E., and Welborn, T.L., 2020, Hydrogeologic framework, groundwater-level Altitudes, groundwater-level changes, and groundwater-storage changes in selected alluvial basins of the upper Rio Grande Focus Area Study, Colorado, New Mexico, and...
Categories: Data; Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Abiquiu Reservoir, Ahumada, Alamosa, Alamosa County, Alamosa Creek, All tags...
Understanding how changing climatic conditions affect streamflow volume and timing is critical for effective water management. In the Rio Grande Basin of the southwest U.S., decreasing snowpack, increasing minimum temperatures, and decreasing streamflow have been observed in recent decades, but the effects of hydroclimatic changes on baseflow, or groundwater discharge to streams, have not been investigated. The dataset created in this data release was used to help support a study to determine how trends in precipitation, snowpack accumulation, and snowmelt rate relate to streamflow, baseflow, and the hydrologic partitioning of baseflow and runoff at 12 sites in the Upper Rio Grande Basin (URGB) during 1980 to 2015....
Categories: Data; Tags: Abiquiu Reservoir, Alamosa, Alamosa County, Albuquerque, Archuleta County, All tags...
This Data Release contains various types of hydrologic and geologic data from the Upper Rio Grande Focus Area Study from 1921-2017, including groundwater-level measurement data compiled and synthesized from various sources, water-level altitude and water-level change maps developed from the water-level measurement data every 5 years from 1980-2015, and the horizontal extent of 13 alluvial basins in the Upper Rio Grande Basin
Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: Abiquiu Reservoir, Ahumada, Alamosa, Alamosa County, Alamosa Creek, All tags...

    map background search result map search result map Hydrogeologic, geologic, and water-level data for the groundwater component of the upper Rio Grande Focus Area Study, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas, United States and Chihuahua, Mexico 2017 Alluvial basin boundary data associated with the hydrogeologic, geologic, and water-level data for the groundwater component of the upper Rio Grande Focus Area Study, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas, United States and Chihuahua, Mexico 2017 USGS 1:24000-scale Quadrangle for Heron Reservoir, NM 1983 USGS 1:24000-scale Quadrangle for Heron Reservoir, NM 1983 2015 Irrigated acres feature class for the Upper Rio Grande Basin, New Mexico and Texas, United States and Chihuahua, Mexico Baseflow estimation and hydroclimatic data input details for the Upper Rio Grande, 1980 to 2015 Groundwater-level altitude and groundwater-level change maps developed for the groundwater component of the upper Rio Grande Focus Area Study Groundwater-level measurement data used to develop water-level altitude maps in the upper Rio Grande alluvial basins USGS 1:24000-scale Quadrangle for Heron Reservoir, NM 1983 USGS 1:24000-scale Quadrangle for Heron Reservoir, NM 1983 Baseflow estimation and hydroclimatic data input details for the Upper Rio Grande, 1980 to 2015 Hydrogeologic, geologic, and water-level data for the groundwater component of the upper Rio Grande Focus Area Study, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas, United States and Chihuahua, Mexico 2017 Groundwater-level altitude and groundwater-level change maps developed for the groundwater component of the upper Rio Grande Focus Area Study Alluvial basin boundary data associated with the hydrogeologic, geologic, and water-level data for the groundwater component of the upper Rio Grande Focus Area Study, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas, United States and Chihuahua, Mexico 2017 Groundwater-level measurement data used to develop water-level altitude maps in the upper Rio Grande alluvial basins 2015 Irrigated acres feature class for the Upper Rio Grande Basin, New Mexico and Texas, United States and Chihuahua, Mexico