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This dataset represents ease of access to bottomland areas for vegetation treatments. Access may be by road, 4x4 near road, hike in by field crews or requiring overnight camping or raft access. Access is considered for each side of the river separately.
This data set shows the extent of the Colorado River Conservation Planning project bottomland area as delineated by topography and vegetation, The bottomland area is subdivided into 1 km polygons measured from the upstream project boundary. Reach breaks were determined by large topographic shifts and/or tributary junctions by John Dohrenwend. Please see the project report for more details.
This dataset consists of the boundary extent used to evaluate regolith thickness, bedrock altitude, depth to water, potentiometric-surface altitude, and saturated thickness for the shallow groundwater system in the Lower Gunnison River Basin, in Delta, Montrose, Ouray, and Gunnison Counties, Colorado. The U.S. Geological Survey prepared this dataset in cooperation with the Colorado Water Conservation Board.
This is a model showing general habitat diversity, including both the structural and cover type diversity. See Open File Report, Rasmussen and Shafroth, Colorado River Conservation Planning for geoprocessing details.
This dataset represents the relative average amount of non-woody cover within 2 ha) of bottomland along the Colorado River from the Colorado state line (San Juan and Grand Counties, Utah) to the southern Canyonlands NP boundary, as of September 2010. Traditional image interpretation cues were used to develop the polygons, such as shape, size, pattern, tone, texture, color, and shadow, from high resolution, true color, aerial imagery (0.3m resolution), acquired for the project. Additional, public available aerial photos (NAIP, 2011) were used to cross-reference cover classes. As with any digital layer, this layer is a representation of what is actually occurring on the ground. Errors are inherent in any interpretation...
This dataset represents the variety (unique structural classes: water, bare, herbaceous, short shrubs, medium shrubs, short trees, tall trees) within 1 ha of bottomland areas. Traditional image interpretation cues were used to develop the polygons, such as shape, size, pattern, tone, texture, color, and shadow, from high resolution, true color, aerial imagery (0.3m resolution), acquired for the project. Additional, public available aerial photos (NAIP, 2011) were used to cross-reference cover classes. As with any digital layer, this layer is a representation of what is actually occurring on the ground. Errors are inherent in any interpretation of ground qualities. Due to the "snapshot" nature of the aerial photos,...
This map shows the channel boundary (2011) of the Colorado River mainstem between the Utah Colorado border and the upper pool of Lake Powell, Utah (146 miles). The channel boundary was mapped from public available NAIP imagery flown on June 28, 2011, when the river flow was 886 m3/s at the Cisco gage. The channel is subdivided into channel types: fast water (main channel, secondary channel), and still water types (backwater, isolated pool and tributary channel).
Statistical analyses and maps representing mean, high, and low water-level conditions in the surface water and groundwater of Miami-Dade County were made by the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Miami-Dade County Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources, to help inform decisions necessary for urban planning and development. Sixteen maps were created that show contours of (1) the mean of daily water levels at each site during October and May for the 2000-2009 water years; (2) the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles of the daily water levels at each site during October and May and for all months during 2000-2009; and (3) the differences between mean October and May water levels, as well as the differences...
This dataset contains base-flow recession time constant (tau) contours that are interpreted from tau values calculated at streamgages in the Niobrara National Scenic River study area. The contours were created by interpolating the calculated tau values using geostatistical kriging methods. Kriging is a geostatistical method that can be used to determine optimal weights for measurements at sampled locations (streamgages) for the estimation of values at unsampled locations (ungaged sites). The kriged tau map could be used (1) as the basis for identifying areas with different hydrologic responsiveness, and (2) in the development of regional low-flow regression equations. The Geostatistical Analyst tools in ArcGIS Pro...
This data release includes a polygon shapefile of grid cells attributed with values representing the simulated base-flow, evapotranspiration, and groundwater-storage depletions as a percentage of hypothetical well pumpage for the 2011-2060 time period. Depletions were simulated by the Phase-Three Elkhorn-Loup Model (ELM), constructed using MODFLOW-NWT (Niswonger and others, 2011). Each polygon represents one model grid cell, with pumping specified from either layer one or layer two of the model. All values are estimates and approximations. The phase three ELM simulated the High Plains aquifer in north-central Nebraska from predevelopment (pre-1895) through 2060 (Flynn and Stanton, 2018). The simulation was calibrated...
Water chemistry data from: Young, H.W., Parliman, D.J. and Mariner, R.H., 1988. Chemical and hydrologic data for selected thermal-water wells and nonthermal springs in the Boise Area, southwesten Idaho: US Geological Survey Open-File Report 88-471, 35p., Water chemistry data was digitized for 29 samples. Reported attributes include: Type, Collection date, Reported location, State, County, Latitude, Longitude, Location resolution, Location error, Well depth, Temperature, pH, Boron (B), Calcium (Ca), Chloride (Cl), Fluoride (F), Alkalinity as bicarbonate (HCO3), Potassium (K), Lithium (Li), Magnesium (Mg), Total nitrogen (N total), Sodium (Na), Total phosphorus (P total),...
The U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Grand River Dam Authority completed a high-resolution multibeam bathymetric survey to compute a new capacity and surface-area table. The capacity and surface-area tables describe the relation between the elevation of the water surface and the volume of water that can be impounded at each given water-surface elevation. The capacity and surface area of Grand Lake O’ the Cherokees were computed from a Triangular Irregular Network (TIN) surface created in Global Mapper Version 21.0.1. The TIN surface was created from three datasets: (1) a multibeam bathymetric survey of Grand Lake O’ the Cherokees in 2019 (Hunter and others 2020), (2) a 2017 USGS bathymetric survey...
A sensitivity analysis of groundwater-recharge estimates from a water-budget model was completed for the islands of Oahu and Maui, Hawaii (Johnson and others, 2023). Results of the sensitivity analysis were used to quantify the relative importance of selected model parameters to recharge estimates for three moisture zones (dry, mesic, and wet) on Oahu and Maui. This shapefile contains the boundaries of the moisture zones and boundaries of the model subareas that were used in the model simulations for Oahu. The shapefile attribute information includes the names of the land-cover types assigned to model subareas and the mean annual recharge values determined for the model subareas for the baseline scenario of the...
This dataset consists of point gravity station data for 95 stations in the middle Carson River basin as published on figure 7 in the U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5055. The points have values of the complete Bouguer anomaly and observed gravity. In addition, 641 selected gravity stations from the U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 42 titled "Gravity data of Nevada" used in this study are included for reference and users are advised to reference that publication for information on those data. Reference cited Ponce, D.A., 1997, Gravity data of Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 42, 27 p.,
This dataset consists of polyline estimates of the thickness of basin-fill sediments at 200-foot contour intervals for the middle Carson River basin as published on figure 9 in the U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5055. The estimates were made using gravity data collected at 736 stations in the middle Carson River basin reduced to a residual complete Bouguer anomaly. A relation between residual gravity and depth to bedrock was developed from descriptions on drillers logs of 25 wells that encountered bedrock.
This data collection consists of a synthetic stream network and associated catchments developed as the foundation for a Spatially Referenced Regressions on Watershed Attributes (SPARROW) dissolved-solids source and transport model for the Upper Colorado River Basin (UCRB). The SPARROW model requires a hydrologically connected representation of a stream network through which loads are transported from an upstream reach to the next reach downstream (Schwarz and others, 2006; Moore and others, 2004). Each stream reach or segment within this synthetic stream network has an associated local drainage area or catchment used to calculate catchment characteristics that may have an effect on loads being modeled. The synthetic...
This dataset consists of points representing selected well site locations and water-level measurements used by Lopes and Allander (2009) to develop autumn 2006 groundwater-level altitude contours for Smith and Mason Valleys, and the lower Walker River basin, Nevada. Since the publication of Lopes and Allander (2009), the positional coordinates and land-surface altitudes at selected well sites used to develop autumn 2006 groundwater-level contours in that report were updated as part of a 2022 U.S. Geological Survey study (Davies and Naranjo, 2022).
This dataset consists of a polyline representing a groundwater divide for spring 1972, Smith Valley, Nevada digitized from plate 2 of the 1976 publication: Rush, F.E.,and Schroer, C.V., 1976, Geohydrology of Smith Valley, Nevada with special reference to the water-use period 1953-72: Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Water Resources Bulletin 43, 43p.
This data set consists of polylines representing groundwater-level altitude contours, 1982, for middle Humboldt River basin, north-central Nevada as published on plate 2, figure 3 in the U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4209 titled "Hydrogeologic framework and ground-water levels, 1982 and 1996, middle Humboldt River basin, north-central Nevada," 1999. A subset of the contours were published as part of a larger data set representing water-table contours for Nevada (Buto and others, 2006). The remaining contours have been added to complete this data set. References Cited Buto, S.G., Evetts, D.M., Smith-Sager, S., 2006, Water-table contours of Nevada, accessed May 16, 2018 at URL
From May 2017 to November 2019, the U.S. Geological Survey conducted bathymetric surveys of New York City's East of Hudson Reservoirs. Bathymetry data were collected at Kirk Lake during June 2017. Depth data were collected primarily with a multibeam echosounder. Quality assurance points were measured with a single-beam echosounder. Water surface elevations were established using real-time kinematic (RTK) and static global navigation satellite system (GNSS) surveys and submersible pressure transducers. Measured sound velocity profiles were used to correct echosounder depth measurements for thermal stratification. Digital elevation models were created by combining the measured bathymetry data with lidar elevation...

map background search result map search result map Map 03 Conservation Planning for the Colorado River in Utah - Stillness of water for Bat Watering Model Conservation Planning for the Colorado River in Utah - General Diversity Model Output Data for Colorado River in Utah Conservation Planning for the Colorado River in Utah - Diversity of All Structural Types for General Diversity Model Conservation Planning for the Colorado River in Utah - Open Areas for Open Land Species Model Conservation Planning for the Colorado River in Utah - Access to the Site for Relative Cost of Restoration Model Upper Colorado River Basin SPARROW model catchments and synthetic stream network - 2017 Boundary extent for datasets of regolith thickness, bedrock altitude, depth to water, potentiometric-surface altitude, and saturated thickness for the shallow groundwater system in the Lower Gunnison River Basin, Colorado Conservation Planning for the Colorado River in Utah - Bottomland Boundary of the Colorado River Divided at Homogeneous River Reaches Percentage of Hypothetical Well Pumpage Causing Depletions to Simulated Base Flow, Evapotranspiration, and Groundwater Storage in the Elkhorn and Loup River Basins, 2011 through 2060 Groundwater-level altitude contours, 1982, middle Humboldt River basin, north-central Nevada (U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4209) Data release of Bathymetric Map, Surface Area, and Capacity of Grand Lake O' the Cherokees, Northeastern Oklahoma, 2019 Gravity station data, middle Carson River basin, Nevada (from U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5055, figure 7) Estimated thickness of unconsolidated basin-fill sediments, middle Carson River basin, Nevada (from U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5055, figure 9) Geospatial bathymetry datasets for Kirk Lake, New York, 2017 Base-flow recession time constant (tau) contours in the Niobrara National Scenic River in Nebraska, 2016-18 Selected well sites used to develop water-table altitude contours in Smith Valley, Mason Valley, and Lower Walker River Basin, Nevada, Autumn 2006 Groundwater divide line, spring 1972, Smith Valley, Nevada Water chemistry; Boise, Idaho; 1988: Young et al., 1988 Model subareas and moisture zones used in a sensitivity analysis of a water-budget model completed in 2022 for the island of Oahu, Hawaii Geospatial bathymetry datasets for Kirk Lake, New York, 2017 Groundwater divide line, spring 1972, Smith Valley, Nevada Estimated thickness of unconsolidated basin-fill sediments, middle Carson River basin, Nevada (from U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5055, figure 9) Model subareas and moisture zones used in a sensitivity analysis of a water-budget model completed in 2022 for the island of Oahu, Hawaii Data release of Bathymetric Map, Surface Area, and Capacity of Grand Lake O' the Cherokees, Northeastern Oklahoma, 2019 Map 03 Boundary extent for datasets of regolith thickness, bedrock altitude, depth to water, potentiometric-surface altitude, and saturated thickness for the shallow groundwater system in the Lower Gunnison River Basin, Colorado Gravity station data, middle Carson River basin, Nevada (from U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5055, figure 7) Selected well sites used to develop water-table altitude contours in Smith Valley, Mason Valley, and Lower Walker River Basin, Nevada, Autumn 2006 Base-flow recession time constant (tau) contours in the Niobrara National Scenic River in Nebraska, 2016-18 Conservation Planning for the Colorado River in Utah - Stillness of water for Bat Watering Model Conservation Planning for the Colorado River in Utah - Open Areas for Open Land Species Model Conservation Planning for the Colorado River in Utah - General Diversity Model Output Data for Colorado River in Utah Conservation Planning for the Colorado River in Utah - Diversity of All Structural Types for General Diversity Model Conservation Planning for the Colorado River in Utah - Access to the Site for Relative Cost of Restoration Model Conservation Planning for the Colorado River in Utah - Bottomland Boundary of the Colorado River Divided at Homogeneous River Reaches Groundwater-level altitude contours, 1982, middle Humboldt River basin, north-central Nevada (U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4209) Percentage of Hypothetical Well Pumpage Causing Depletions to Simulated Base Flow, Evapotranspiration, and Groundwater Storage in the Elkhorn and Loup River Basins, 2011 through 2060 Upper Colorado River Basin SPARROW model catchments and synthetic stream network - 2017