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Wildfires and housing development have increased since the 1990s, presenting unique challenges for fire management. However, it is unclear how the relative influences of housing growth and changing wildfire occurrence have contributed to risk to homes. We fit a random forest using weather, land cover, topography, and past fire history to predict burn probabilities and uncertainty intervals. Then, we estimated risk at 1-km resolution and monthly intervals from 1990 through 2019 by combining predicted burn probabilities with housing density across the Southern Rocky Mountains. We used 3 scenarios to evaluate how housing growth and changes in burn probability influenced risk individually and combined (observed, 1990...
Yellow sweetclover (Melilotus officinalis; YSC), an invasive biennial legume, bloomed throughout the Northern Great Plains (NGP) following greater-than-average precipitation during 2018-2019. YSC can increase nitrogen (N) levels and potentially cause broad changes in the composition of native plant species communities. There is little knowledge of the drivers behind its spatiotemporal variability, including conditions causing significant widespread blooms across western South Dakota (SD). We aimed to develop a generalized prediction model to map the relative abundance of YSC in suitable habitats across rangelands of western SD for the recent sweet clover year 2019. The following research questions were asked: 1....
Burn probability (BP) models involve the simulation of multiple individual wildfires across a landscape to obtain estimates of fire likelihood at any given location based on ignition source, local terrain, fuels and weather. We used FlamMap software to generate BP for 10,000 simulated fires under the three ignition scenarios: human ignition scenario (HIS), lightning ignition scenario (LIS) and random ignition scenario (RIS) for 13 sky island mountain ranges in Arizona. The zipped folder contains 42 BP models in geotiff format. The naming convention for each tiff is: mountain_range_name + scenario type (human, lightning, or random) + bp.
The winter rainy season of 2016-2017 brought abundant rainfall to the state of California, including the San Francisco Bay region. Thousands of shallow landslides were triggered as a result of saturated soils and intense rainfall from strong winter storms in January and February 2017. The highest concentration of landslides from these storms occurred in the eastern part of the bay region, where landslides in the hills east of the Cities of Richmond, Berkeley, Oakland, Hayward, and Fremont, and elsewhere in the region, damaged homes, displaced a major electrical transmission-line tower, and blocked several heavily traveled state highway routes. The data presented here support our published map titled, "Landslides...
This dataset provides an additional "Grazing Potential" land use class to the previously published U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water-Quality Program (NAWQA) Wall-to-Wall Anthropogenic Land-use Trends (NWALT) product (Falcone, 2015, USGS Data Series 948). As with the NWALT, the dataset consists of five national 60-m land use grids, for the years 1974, 1982, 1992, 2002, 2012. The only change to the dataset is, for every year, some pixels which are class 50 "Low-use" in the NWALT, are reclassified to a new class 46 "Grazing Potential Expanded". The purpose of the re-classification is to identify areas which are likely to have had at least some grazing activity based on agreement of historical land cover/use...
This data set contains county-level estimates of nitrogen and phosphorus from fertilizer, for both farm and nonfarm uses, for the conterminous United States, for 1987 through 2012. State-level farm and nonfarm nitrogen and phosphorus were derived from the Association of American Plant Food Control Officials (AAPFCO) commercial fertilizer sales data. State estimates were then allocated to the county-level using fertilizer expenditure from the Census of Agriculture as county weights for farm fertilizer, and effective population density as county weights for nonfarm fertilizer. Data computations for 2007 - 2012 estimates are results of methods applied directly from Gronberg and Spahr, 2012. Data for 1987 - 2006 are...
FGDC Metadata templates for 5 product areas during 2019 have been created to programmatically generate metadata for the products that are produced daily or weekly on the FireDanger production system. Fire Danger products are broken into 5 product areas (Fire Potential Index, Large Fire Probability, Predictive Service Area (provisional), Relative Greenness (weekly), and NDVI Greenness (weekly)). Metadata files are provided for each raster in the 2019 product areas. A folder is also available containing the 5 metadata templates that were used to generate content for each product area. For more details on the FireDanger production system see
In cooperation with the South Carolina Department of Transportation, the U.S. Geological Survey calculated four land cover basin characteristics rasters from the National Land Cover Database (NLCD) 2019 as part of updating the South Carolina StreamStats application. These datasets are raster representations of impervious surface, developed, forested, and storage land cover attributes within the South Carolina StreamStats study area, and will be served in the South Carolina StreamStats application ( to describe delineated watersheds. The StreamStats application provides access to spatial analytical tools that are useful for water-resources planning and management, and for engineering...
Coastal zones are popular recreational areas that substantially contribute to social welfare. Managers can use information about specific environmental features that people appreciate, and how these might change under different management scenarios, to spatially target actions to areas of high current or potential value. We explored how snorkelers’ experience would be affected by separate and combined land and marine management actions in West Maui, HawaiÊ»i, using a Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) and a spatially explicit ecosystem services model. The BBN simulates recreational attractiveness by combining snorkelers’ preferences for coastal features with experts’ opinions on ecological dynamics, snorkeler behavior,...
Observations of irrigated agricultural land within the Sacramento Valley Groundwater Basin in Arizona. Crops were verified in situ once in 2020 on July 16th; based on digitized field boundaries. Field boundaries were digitized from U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Imagery Program images dated 2019 and supplemented with Landsat and Sentinel2 imagery collections accessed via the U.S. Geological Survey LandLook Viewer ( and Sentinel Hub, Sentinel Playground ( Satellite images were also used to identify the length of the growing season and crop condition. Water withdrawals were calculated using the modified Blaney-Criddle...
Evaluation of historical water use in the Upper Rio Grande Basin (URGB) using Landsat-derived actual evapotranspiration (ETa) from 1986 to 2015 is presented here as a first of its kind study applying satellite observations for quantifying long term, basin-wide crop consumptive use at a large basin. The rich archive of Landsat imagery combined with the Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEBop) model was used to estimate and map ETa across the basin and over irrigated fields for historical characterization of water use dynamics. Monthly ETa estimates were evaluated using six eddy covariance (EC) flux towers showing strong correspondence (R2 > 0.80), with reasonable error rates (root mean square error...
Spatially-referenced data used in the study "Rust, A.J., Saxe, S., McCray, J., Rhoades, C.C., Hogue, T.S., 2019. Evaluating the factors responsible for post-fire water quality response in forests of the western USA. Int. J. Wildland Fire.": Wildfires commonly increase nutrient, carbon, sediment, and metal inputs to streams yet the factors responsible for the type, magnitude and duration of water quality effects are poorly understood. Prior work by the current authors found increased nitrogen, phosphorus and cation exports were common the first 5 post-fire years from a synthesis of 159 wildfires across the western United States. In the current study, an analysis is undertaken to determine factors that best explain...
Management and disturbances have significant effects on grassland forage production. When using satellite remote sensing to monitor climate impacts such as drought stress on annual forage production, minimizing these effects provides a clearer climate signal in the productivity data. The use of an ecosystem performance approach for assessment of seasonal and interannual climate impacts on forage production in semi-arid grasslands proved to be a successful method in a case study covering the Nebraska Sandhills. In this study we developed a time series (2000-2018) of the Expected Ecosystem Performance (EEP), which serves as a proxy for annual forage production after accounting for non-climatic influences, while minimizing...
Global wind energy has expanded 5-fold since 2010 and is predicted to expand another 8–10-fold over the next 30 years. Wakes generated by wind turbines can alter downwind microclimates and potentially downwind vegetation. However, the design of past studies has made it difficult to isolate the impact of wake effects on vegetation from land cover change. We used hourly wind data to model wake and non-wake zones around 17 wind facilities across the U.S. and compared remotely-sensed vegetation greenness in wake and non-wake zones before and after construction. We located sampling sites only in the dominant vegetation type and in areas that were not disturbed before or after construction. We found evidence for wake...
Light-absorbing particles in atmospheric dust deposited on snow cover (dust-on-snow, DOS) diminish albedo and accelerate the timing and rate of snow melt. Identification of these particles and their effects are relevant to snow-radiation modeling and water-resource management. Laboratory-measured reflectance of DOS samples from the San Juan Mountains (USA) were compared with DOS mass loading, particle sizes, iron mineralogy, carbonaceous matter type and content, and chemical compositions. Samples were collected each spring for water years 2011-2016, when individual dust layers had merged into one (all layers merged) at the snow surface. Average reflectance values of the six samples were 0.2153 (sd, 0.0331) across...
This imagery dataset consists of 3-meter resolution, lidar-derived imagery of the Cumberland 30 x 60 minute quadrangle in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Maryland. The source data used to construct this imagery consists of 1-meter lidar-derived digital elevation models (DEMs). The lidar source data were compiled from different acquisitions published between 2019 and 2023. The data were processed using geographic information systems (GIS) software. The data is projected in WGS 1984. This representation illustrates the terrain as a hillshade with contrast adjusted to highlight local relief according to a topographic position index (TPI) calculation.
Why Rangelands: The Central Valley of California, the surrounding foothills and the interior Coast Range include over 18 million acres of grassland. Most of this land is privately owned and managed for livestock production. Because grasslands are found in some of California’s fastest-growing counties, they are severely threatened by land conversion and development. In addition climate change stresses grasslands by potentially changing water availability and species distributions.Maintaining a ranching landscape can greatly support biodiversity conservation in the California Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) region. In addition ranches generate multiple ecosystem services—defined as human benefits provided...
Categories: Data, Project; Tags: 2011, 2012, 2013, Applications and Tools, CA, All tags...
This data release includes winter cover crop field sampling data (2006-2021) collected from Maryland farms, along with two seasons of Maryland cost-share program field enrollment data (2019-20 and 2020-21) and associated satellite-derived vegetation index values, supporting the remote sensing analysis of winter cover crop environmental performance on fields receiving incentive payments. Files include: 1. CoverCropFieldData.csv - containing springtime field sampling data collected from 2006 to 2021 at the USDA ARS Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, Maryland, and from working farms on the Delmarva Peninsula, Maryland. 2. Maryland_20192020EnrollmentData.csv - containing winter cover crop cost-share...
The Louisiana State Legislature created the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) in order to conserve, restore, create and enhance Louisiana's coastal wetlands. The wetland restoration plans developed pursuant to these acts specifically require an evaluation of the effectiveness of each coastal wetlands restoration project in achieving long-term solutions to arresting coastal wetlands loss. This data set includes mosaicked aerial photographs for the GIWW (Gulf Intracoastal Waterway) to Clovelly Hydrologic Restoration (BA-02) project for 2018. This data is used as a basemap land-water classification. It also serves as a visual tool for project managers to help them identify any obvious...
Watershed pairing is an approach used to assess effects of restoration on a landscape by comparing conditions across a treatment watershed and a control watershed, and then quantifying the differences. When the watersheds are statistically paired, the control watershed can serve as a baseline of conditions compared to the treatment watershed. We apply a watershed pairing analysis across a series of five watersheds within a research ranch in Baja California Sur, Mexico. We use a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) to develop the watershed boundaries. We then collected a series of structural and biophysical traits to characterize the watersheds. Finally, we applied a hierarchical clustering analysis to identify the paired...

map background search result map search result map Mapping enhanced grazing potential based on the NAWQA Wall-to-wall Anthropogenic Land-use Trends (NWALT) product, 1974-2012 County-Level Estimates of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Commercial Fertilizer for the Conterminous United States, 1987-2012 Supporting data for "Evaluating the Factors Responsible for Post-Fire Water Quality Response in Forests of the Western USA" Data for Dust deposited on snow cover in the San Juan Mountains, Colorado, 2011-2016: Compositional variability bearing on snow-melt effects Fire Danger Products for the Conterminous United States during 2019 Data release for Linking land and sea through an ecological-economic model of coral reef recreation Mapped polygons of landslides triggered by the 2016-2017 storm season, eastern San Francisco Bay region, California Time series of expected livestock forage biomass in the semi-arid grasslands of the western U.S. (2000-2018) Burn probability models calibrated using past human and lightning ignition patterns in the Madrean Sky Islands, Arizona Wind turbine wakes can impact down-wind vegetation greenness Changes in wildfire occurrence and risk to homes from 1990 through 2019 in the Southern Rocky Mountains, USA (data release) Estimated crop irrigation water use withdrawals in Sacramento Valley Groundwater Basin, Arizona for 2020 Remote sensing and field data supporting the analysis of Maryland winter cover crop performance, 2019-2021 Biophysical drivers for predicting the distribution and abundance of invasive yellow sweet clover in the Northern Great Plains Land Cover Basin Characteristics Rasters from NLCD 2019 for South Carolina StreamStats Enhanced Terrain Imagery of the Cumberland 30 x 60 Minute Quadrangle from Lidar-Derived Elevation Models at 3-Meter Resolution GIWW (Gulf Intracoastal Waterway) to Clovelly Hydrologic Restoration (BA-02): 2018 land-water classification Data for Dust deposited on snow cover in the San Juan Mountains, Colorado, 2011-2016: Compositional variability bearing on snow-melt effects Data release for Linking land and sea through an ecological-economic model of coral reef recreation GIWW (Gulf Intracoastal Waterway) to Clovelly Hydrologic Restoration (BA-02): 2018 land-water classification Mapped polygons of landslides triggered by the 2016-2017 storm season, eastern San Francisco Bay region, California Enhanced Terrain Imagery of the Cumberland 30 x 60 Minute Quadrangle from Lidar-Derived Elevation Models at 3-Meter Resolution Remote sensing and field data supporting the analysis of Maryland winter cover crop performance, 2019-2021 Burn probability models calibrated using past human and lightning ignition patterns in the Madrean Sky Islands, Arizona Biophysical drivers for predicting the distribution and abundance of invasive yellow sweet clover in the Northern Great Plains Land Cover Basin Characteristics Rasters from NLCD 2019 for South Carolina StreamStats Changes in wildfire occurrence and risk to homes from 1990 through 2019 in the Southern Rocky Mountains, USA (data release) Supporting data for "Evaluating the Factors Responsible for Post-Fire Water Quality Response in Forests of the Western USA" Wind turbine wakes can impact down-wind vegetation greenness Time series of expected livestock forage biomass in the semi-arid grasslands of the western U.S. (2000-2018) Fire Danger Products for the Conterminous United States during 2019 County-Level Estimates of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Commercial Fertilizer for the Conterminous United States, 1987-2012 Mapping enhanced grazing potential based on the NAWQA Wall-to-wall Anthropogenic Land-use Trends (NWALT) product, 1974-2012