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As part of the State Wildlife Grant Fund, states are required to submit State Wildlife Plans (SWAPs) every 10 years detailing threats to habitats and species and conservation plans. However, incorporating climate change in SWAPs is voluntary, and capacity/expertise limitations at state agencies have resulted in varied and often only partial consideration of climate change impacts. In response, the MW CASC will conduct literature reviews to assess climate stressors and impacts to habitats and key species and to identify relevant adaptation actions for 13 different Level 2/3 EPA Ecoregions contained within the MW CASC area states. This work will provide a foundation for future habitat vulnerability assessments. ...
River valley boundary extents were generated for select large river floodplains of the Upper Midwest, United States. These polygons were delineated using a method that incorporated interpolating a water surface elevation that completely over-topped water-control structures within the valley such as levees, flood walls, and roadways. The intersection of this derived water surface and land elevation at the outermost edge of the floodplain was used to delineate the approximate extent of the river valley boundary. We used best professional judgment to approximate this water surface elevation.
Data include lengths, observations on piscivory, and hatch dates for age-0 largemouth bass in Wisconsin lakes with predicted total length (TL) if the fish would have hatched 7 days earlier or 7 days later.
Virtually all species are experiencing the effects of modern climate change. Climate-induced extinction rates are accelerating, and up to one-sixth of species are predicted to go extinct by the end of this century. Given the unprecedented rate of modern climate change, species will be increasingly unable to shift in lockstep with emerging climate spaces, and as a result, phenotypic variation (e.g., body size, coat color, morphology) is a critical pathway by which species can adapt. Ecologists have documented remarkable examples of phenotypic plasticity in nature (changes in an organism's behavior, morphology, and physiology in response to a unique environment), but when the degree of plasticity can no longer match...
Future climate conditions in the Upper Mississippi River Basin are projected to include many more extreme precipitation events. These intense periods of rain can lead to flooding of the Mississippi River itself, as well the small streams and rivers that feed it. This flooding presents a challenge for local communities, farmers, small businesses, river users, and the ecosystems and wildlife in the area. To reduce the damage done by these extreme rainfall events, ‘natural solutions’ are often helpful. This might include preserving forests and grasslands to absorb rainwater before it arrives at streams or restoring wetlands to slow and clean runoff water. For river and natural resource managers to adapt to future climate...
The Midwest has experienced some of the costliest flooding events in U.S. history, including many billions of dollars during the past decade alone. The Midwest’s susceptibility to flooding has been exacerbated by a long-term increase in total precipitation and extreme rainfalls, with the 2010s being the region’s wettest decade on record Climate models strongly indicate that these recent trends will continue, such that the warming Midwest will experience wetter winters and springs, shortened snow seasons, and extreme year-round precipitation in the future. Despite this high level of confidence in climate trends, there is limited knowledge of how these will translate to flood likelihood and the associated societal...
This data release contains the two intermediary variables (processed lake temperature prediction feather files and bioenergetic metrics CSV), model code in R script used to produce the outputs, and bioenergetics model prediction feather files for a set of fish bioenergetics models under current and future temperature conditions at 337 large lakes.
The Midwest CASC consortium’s vision is to advance climate adaptation science and practice across all components of the climate adaptation cycle by pursuing region-specific, collaborative, synthesis projects that build on past work, provide new resources and tools, and catalyze adaptation capacity across the Midwest. The Midwest CASC consortium pursues synthesis research projects that address emerging topics in climate adaptation with potential for national-scale replicability and benefits. Each synthesis project is based at a Midwest CASC consortium institution, and is guided by a collaborative working group of three or more consortium members and a postdoctoral research scholar. Projects must address USGS priorities...
Direct and indirect ecological effects of the widely used insecticide bifenthrin on stream ecosystems are largely unknown. To investigate such effects, a manipulative experiment was conducted in stream mesocosms that were colonized by aquatic insect communities and exposed to bifenthrin-contaminated sediment; implications for natural streams were interpreted through comparison of mesocosm results to a survey of 100 Midwestern streams, USA. In the mesocosm experiment, direct effects of bifenthrin exposure included reduced larval macroinvertebrate abundance, richness, and biomass at concentrations (EC50s ranged 197.6 – 233.5 ng bifenthrin/ g organic carbon) previously thought safe for aquatic life. Indirect effects...
Species are adapted to particular environmental conditions, but are threatened as climate change shifts habitat conditions. One way species can respond is by moving to new suitable locations, known as climate-driven range shifts. But some species can move more easily and/or more quickly than others, and some landscapes are more difficult to cross. In the upper Midwest, the movement potential of many species is reduced by broad expanses of row-crop agriculture, roads and other types of development that fragment the remaining habitat. It is important to sustain and improve connectivity across landscapes so they can continue to support biodiversity and ecosystem services like water filtration, carbon storage, pollinator...
Land use was quantified within a 4-km radius around 36 apiaries in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota over two years, 2015-16 and 2016-17. The area (hectares) of Ag (corn, soy, small grains), Grass (pasture, grassland, fallow land, wildflowers, shrub land, and hay land), Wetlands (herbaceous and woody), and Bee crops (alfalfa, canola, sunflower) were quantified around each apiary in each year. Within each apiary, the average change in frames of adult bees among all colonies from June to September was calculated. Additionally, the average September Varroa mite infestation rate, the average adult population size during almond pollination, the count of colonies exhibiting queen events in September, and the count...
Species Status Assessments provide vital information to US Fish and Wildlife for improving considerations for climate change impacts. In the constrained timeline of species listing decisions, it is not always feasible to conduct lengthy quantitative analyses so there is a need for better resources to provide input for rapid decision-making. In this project, the team will work with species status assessment teams to address direct and indirect effects of climate change on priority species chosen through conversations with US Fish and Wildlife regional offices. This project aims to provide an overview of the direct and indirect effects of climate change on species life cycle, survival, species interactions, and habitat...
Cold-water fish species such as trout and salmon are highly valued components of many stream ecosystems in Michigan and the Great Lakes region and are sensitive to rising stream temperatures. For example, the timing of spawning and development rates of these species are affected by stream temperature from late fall through spring. Historically, stream temperature modeling has focused on air temperature and solar radiation as the main drivers of stream temperature, while streams that are fed by groundwater are often viewed as being less affected by climate warming. However, as the climate continues to warm, groundwater temperatures could also rise, thereby contributing to warming stream temperatures and reducing...
Many amphibian species are highly susceptible to changes in precipitation timing and volume because of their reliance on intermittently flooded surface water pools, which are primarily filled through snowmelt and precipitation runoff. ​With increasing evapotranspiration (i.e. transfer of water from land to the atmosphere) due to climate change, the timing and availability of water in key amphibian reproductive habitats will likely be altered. This project will assess the future risk to amphibian populations in the Midwest, identifying present and future richness hotspots and those wetland species and populations most at risk of habitat loss due to climate change. The research team will model landscape level changes...
The focus of the first Midwest Urban Conservation Workshop was to understand the challenges stakeholders are facing, define the needs for collaboration and best management practices, establish a platform for conversation focusing on learning from each other and creating an opportunity for collaboration on new initiatives through a collective impact. The workshop was framed around the idea of making a collective impact, as what happens upstream directly affects what happens downstream. Over 40 participants included scientists, urban planners, and state, federal, private and nonprofit organizations with interests in creating a network of professionals interested in the value of our waterways. We envision a world where...
Total Nitrogen (TN) rloadest models were developed to compute TN flux at School Branch at three USGS monitoring stations: School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg, Indiana (03353415); School Branch at CR750N at Brownsburg, Indiana (03353420); and School Branch at Noble Drive at Brownsburg, Indiana (03353430). Frequently, TN models developed in rloadest regress discrete TN concentrations against concurrent daily mean streamflow values. However, due to the flashy nature of streamflows on School Branch, the developed TN models regressed discrete TN concentrations against the closest unit-value (15-minute) streamflows. Once TN flux models were calibrated, unit-value streamflows were used to estimate average TN...
Manoomin, or wild rice, is an essential, sacred species for Native people throughout the Upper Great Lakes region, who have relied on the plant for food and ceremony for hundreds of years. Manoomin is also important to non-Native people, who also harvest it and benefit from the wildlife sustained by it. Manoomin is an indicator of ecosystem health—if manoomin is healthy so is the surrounding ecosystem. Unfortunately, this aquatic grass has declined across much of its range due to multiple human-caused stressors, including changes to water levels in the lakes and streams in which manoomin grows. Climate change will further disrupt water levels, most directly through changes in precipitation, but also through climate-driven...
Moose are an economically and culturally important species in Minnesota. Like many species, however, moose are experiencing reductions in distribution and abundance across the Midwest as a result of climate change and habitat loss. Moose populations have declined by 60% since 2006, in part because of thermal heat stress in warming summers and increased frequency of contact with white-tailed deer that transmit fatal parasites. Forest managers are looking for actionable strategies to improve moose habitat in the near-term while also planning for future forest conditions in a warming climate. To address this need, this project brings together researchers and managers to examine how climate adaptive forest management...
Global concern of an “insect apocalypse” is fueling demand for large-scale, long-term studies of insect population dynamics. Butterflies associated with open habitat, like prairies and grasslands, have long been identified as species of concern in the Midwest. The iconic monarch butterfly, which serves as a flagship for both migration and insect conservation, is one such species of conservation concern and is currently under consideration for federal listing under the Endangered Species Act. Recent analyses suggest that common, widespread species may also be declining. Yet robust evidence for general declines is patchy and the causes are difficult to discern. Understanding the relative importance of climate, land...
Climate change is making coldwater stream fish and their habitats more vulnerable than ever. In the Midwest, warming stream temperatures threaten recreational fishing for brook trout in their native range around the Great Lakes. To ensure that brook trout populations will persist into the future, it is crucial to focus management on areas where brook trout populations are most resilient, and to conduct landscape-level management to increase their resiliency. Resilient coldwater streams have thermal refugia areas where stream temperatures stay colder thanks to influxes of cold water from other water sources, such as groundwater. Existing methods to identify these thermal refugia have relied on either thermal gauges,...

map background search result map search result map Midwest Urban Conservation Workshop April 2014 Characteristics of Spikes Delivered to Mesocosms Spatio-temporally decoupled land use influences honey bee health and pollination service delivery dataset Data and rloadest models for daily total nitrogen load for the School Branch Watershed, Hendricks County, Indiana - water years 2016-2018 Can Climate Change Mitigation Through Forest Management Save the Moose in Minnesota? Impacts of Climate Change on Vegetation, Ecohydrology, and Management of Manoomin (Wild Rice) Watersheds Evaluating the Role of Climate on Midwestern Butterfly Trajectories, Monarch Declines, and the Broader “Insect Apocalypse” River Valley Boundaries Generated for Select Large Rivers of the Upper Midwest, United States Workshop: Natural Solutions to Ecological and Economic Problems Caused by Extreme Precipitation Events in the Upper Mississippi River Basin Identifying Thermal Refugia for Brook Trout Climate Adaptation in Coldwater Streams The Combined Effects of Seasonal Climate and Extreme Precipitation on Flood Hazard in the Midwest Mapping Effects of Wetland Change on Amphibians in the Upper Midwest Characterizing Climate Change Impacts on Species Ecology to Support Species Status Assessments State Wildlife Action Planning in the Midwest Prioritizing Sites for Habitat Restoration to Enhance Connectivity in the Upper Midwest Groundwater and Stream Temperature Modeling to Assess the Effect of Warming Temperatures on Coldwater Fish Synthesis Research to Address Emerging Topics in Climate Adaptation Bioenergetics Models of Freshwater Precids and Centrarchids in 337 lakes Under Predicted Future Climate Conditions Across the Midwest from 2000-2100 Lengths, hatch dates, and piscivory for age-0 largemouth bass in Wisconsin lakes The Role of Phenotypic Plasticity in the Adaptive Capacity of Midwestern Fish and Wildlife Groundwater and Stream Temperature Modeling to Assess the Effect of Warming Temperatures on Coldwater Fish Spatio-temporally decoupled land use influences honey bee health and pollination service delivery dataset Lengths, hatch dates, and piscivory for age-0 largemouth bass in Wisconsin lakes Can Climate Change Mitigation Through Forest Management Save the Moose in Minnesota? Prioritizing Sites for Habitat Restoration to Enhance Connectivity in the Upper Midwest Identifying Thermal Refugia for Brook Trout Climate Adaptation in Coldwater Streams Impacts of Climate Change on Vegetation, Ecohydrology, and Management of Manoomin (Wild Rice) Watersheds Mapping Effects of Wetland Change on Amphibians in the Upper Midwest Characteristics of Spikes Delivered to Mesocosms Workshop: Natural Solutions to Ecological and Economic Problems Caused by Extreme Precipitation Events in the Upper Mississippi River Basin The Combined Effects of Seasonal Climate and Extreme Precipitation on Flood Hazard in the Midwest State Wildlife Action Planning in the Midwest Synthesis Research to Address Emerging Topics in Climate Adaptation The Role of Phenotypic Plasticity in the Adaptive Capacity of Midwestern Fish and Wildlife Evaluating the Role of Climate on Midwestern Butterfly Trajectories, Monarch Declines, and the Broader “Insect Apocalypse” Bioenergetics Models of Freshwater Precids and Centrarchids in 337 lakes Under Predicted Future Climate Conditions Across the Midwest from 2000-2100 Midwest Urban Conservation Workshop April 2014 River Valley Boundaries Generated for Select Large Rivers of the Upper Midwest, United States Characterizing Climate Change Impacts on Species Ecology to Support Species Status Assessments