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This data release compiles the electron microprobe spot analyses of U, Th, and Pb concentrations in uraninite (U oxide) particles, and corresponding calculated age determinations, measured in samples of ore from two uranium-copper breccia pipe ore bodies, the Canyon (Pinyon Plain) and Hack II deposits. The U-rich samples that were analyzed typify the deposits hosted by solution-collapse breccia pipes in the Grand Canyon region of northwestern Arizona. Applying procedures outlined by Bowles (1990), the U, Pb, and Th measurements from each spot analysis were used to calculate a model age for the formation of each uraninite particle. The U, Pb, and Th analyses and calculated age determinations are provided as additional...
The table contains oxide and cation compositions of olivine grains from drill core of the Duluth Complex, Minnesota. The oxides were determined by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and are reported in weight percent (wt%). The cations were calculated based on the oxide compositions and are reported in mole percent (mol%). Olivine is a magnesium iron orthosilicate mineral with the formula (Mg2+, Fe2+)2SiO4. Olivine forms a solid solution series with magnesium (Mg) at one end and iron (Fe) at the other. Forsterite (Mg2SiO4) is the magnesium endmember and fayalite (Fe2SiO4) is the iron endmember. Minor elements can substitute into the crystal structure, such as manganese (Mn) and nickel (Ni). To better understand...
Corescan© Hyperspectral Core Imager Mark III (HCI-III) system data were acquired for hand samples, and subsequent billets made from the hand samples, collected during the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 2014, 2015, and 2016 field seasons in the Nabesna area of the eastern Alaska Range. This area contains exposed porphyry deposits and hand samples were collected throughout the region in support of the HyMap imaging spectrometer survey ( (Kokaly and others, 2017a). The HCI-III system consists of three different components. The first is an imaging spectrometer which collects reflectance data with a spatial resolution of approximately 500 nanometers (nm) for 514 spectral channels covering...
The Critical Minerals in Archived Mine Samples Database (CMDB) contains chemistry and geologic information for historic ore and ore-related rock samples from mineral deposits in the United States. In addition, the database contains samples from archetypal deposits from 27 other countries in North America, South America, Asia, Africa and Europe. Samples were obtained from archived ore collections under the U.S. Geological Survey's project titled "Quick Assessment of Rare and Critical Metals in Ore Deposits: A National Assessment" (2008 to 2013) in an effort to begin an assessment of the Nations' previously mined ore deposits for critical minerals. Mineralized and altered rock samples were provided by the Colorado...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Alaska, Argentina, Arizona, Arkansas, Australia, All tags...
Ar/Ar data are reported from minerals and rocks that were collected as part of a mineral resource investigation of the Tonopah, Divide, and Goldfield districts in Nevada. Data are reported from 92 samples and associated standards from eight separate neutron irradiations in the Denver USGS TRIGA reactor, including separated mineral grains and whole rocks. Data were collected by infrared laser heating of irradiated samples, either incremental heating or fusion, and analysis by multi-collector mass spectrometry. The reported data have been corrected for blanks, radioactive decay, and interfering nucleogenic reactions associated with sample irradiation.
This data release accompanies the Data Series report 'Compilation of new and previously published geochemical and modal data for Mesoproterozoic igneous rocks of the St. Francois Mountains, southeast Missouri’ ( The compilation includes recently acquired as well as previously published geochemical and modal petrographic data for igneous rocks in the St. Francois Mountains, southeast Missouri, and supports an ongoing effort to understand the regional geology and ore deposits of the Mesoproterozoic basement rocks of southeast Missouri, USA. This data release includes geochemical data that are (1) newly acquired by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and (2) compiled from numerous sources...
This dataset is a collection of geochemical data on samples from the Stibnite-Yellow Pine district of Idaho. The datasets include: whole rock geochemistry; lead, strontium and neodymium isotope chemistry of sulfides and whole rock samples by isotope dilution-thermal-mass spectrometry (ID-TIMS); in situ sulfur isotope chemistry of sulfides by laser ablation-multi collector-inductively coupled-mass spectrometry (LA-MC-ICP-MS); electron microprobe (EMP) images, cathodoluminescence (CL) images and spectra, along with EMP and laser ablation-inductively coupled-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) trace element analysis of sulfides and quartz; and fluid inclusion microthermometry and raman. Samples were collected from the surface...
The Ironwood Iron-Formation, part of the Gogebic Iron Range in Wisconsin, is a Paleoproterozoic Superior-type banded iron formation (BIF) with substantial iron resource potential. The development of a Mesoproterozoic contact metamorphic aureole related to the emplacement of the Mellen Intrusive Complex resulted in the production of a variety of silicate minerals in the western portion of the Ironwood Iron-Formation, including amphibole, pyroxene, and olivine. The presence of amphibole minerals, some of which occur in a fibrous habit, has complicated development of this resource due to potential human health impacts. This data release provides information related to amphibole and other minerals in order that commercial,...
The Grand Canyon geologic field photograph collection contains 1,211 geotagged photographs collected during 43 years of geologic mapping from 1967 to 2010. The photographs document some key geologic features, structures, and rock unit relations that were used to compile nine geologic maps of the Grand Canyon region published at 1:100,000 scale, and many more maps published at 1:24,000 scale. Metadata for each photograph include description, date captured, coordinates, and a keyword system that places each photograph in one or more of the following categories: arches and windows, breccia pipes and collapse structures, faults and folds, igneous rocks, landslides and rockfalls, metamorphic rocks, sedimentary rocks,...
The polygon (vector) feature class represents locatable mineral resource assessment tracts (tracts of land) associated with the Department of the Interior (DOI) Sagebrush Focal Areas (SFAs) in Montana, Wyoming and Utah, central Idaho, and the Oregon-Nevada-Idaho border area. The mineral-resources tracts are geographic areas that were assessed by the USGS and were determined to be geologically favorable for a deposit type of interest to a depth of 1 kilometer. Qualitative assessment methods outlined by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) were used to develop tract boundaries and to assign a level of mineral-resource potential and certainty to each tract. The general process included (1) identifying possible mineral...
This data release provides descriptions of more than 60 mineral regions, mines, and mineral deposits within the United States and its territories that are reported to contain enrichments of cobalt (Co). To focus the scope of this data release, we report only mined deposits and exploration prospects with past production, or resource and reserve estimates of 1,000 metric tons or more of cobalt. Cobalt has diverse uses because of its properties, which include ferromagnetism, hardness, wear-resistance, low conductivity, and high melting point. The primary uses for cobalt are in rechargeable battery electrodes, and in superalloys used to make gas turbine engines. In 2017, the United States had a net import reliance...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, Map Service; Tags: Alaska, BLM, Bureau of Land Management, California, GGGSC, All tags...
This data release is a compilation of a literature search of published core X-ray diffraction (XRD) data for the Permian Basin Barnett and Woodford Shales, and includes data from: the Reliance Triple Crown 1 (RTC 1) well of Pecos County, Texas; Fasken Fee BM SWD 1 well of Andrews County, Texas; the M G Nevill well of Culberson County, Texas; the Mesquite 1 well of Hamilton County, Texas; the Fasken Fee BK 1514 well of Ector County, Texas; and Ross Draw Unit 5 well of Eddy County, New Mexico. The compiled data help advance the understanding of the stratigraphy, mineralogy, geomechanical properties, and depositional environment of these continuous hydrocarbon reservoirs in both the Midland Basin and Delaware Basin....
This data release contains elemental concentration data from the reanalysis of 13,930 archived stream-sediment sample and associated stream sediment reference material and 968 archived rock samples and associated rock reference material. All archived material was from samples that were collected in Alaska. Samples were retrieved from the USGS Mineral Program's sample archive in Denver, CO. Sample processing consisted of splitting the appropriate aliquot for the requested analyses. Sample splitting was performed in the USGS Mineral Program's sample prep facilities. 13,800 samples were analyzed using a multi-element analytical method involving decomposition of the sample by sodium peroxide and elemental analysis by...
Categories: Data; Tags: Alaska, Alaska Range, Aleutian Islands, Aleutian Range, Alexander Archipelago, All tags...
The dataset consists of geochemical and isotopic data from fine-grained sediments and glendonite crystals collected at Carter Creek on the North Slope of Alaska. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) values in the measured section were found to range between 0.5 and 3.5%, with a shift towards lower values in the uppermost 5 m of the section. Stable isotopes (13C) in organic matter were relatively stable throughout the section, ranging between -25.5 and -26, with a slight 0.3 per mil positive shift within this range approximately 57 m from the base of the section. Glendonites themselves were analyzed for δ13Ccarb and δ18Ocarb, with δ18O values relatively consistent between -0.22 and +1.28, and a much wider range of δ13C values...
This data release includes geochemical, x-ray diffraction mineralogical, and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) data on rocks, soils, and sediments collected near the Orange Hill and Bond Creek porphyry copper deposits, Nabesna quadrangle, Alaska. Geochemical analyses were completed by a laboratory under contract with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Electron microprobe and x-ray diffraction mineralogical analyses were completed by personnel of the Central Region Minerals Program in Denver, Colorado. The samples were collected and analyzed during 2014 to 2016, selected to help characterize the distribution and composition of mineralized and unmineralized geologic materials in this remote part of the eastern Alaska...
Categories: Data; Types: Citation, Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Alaska, Alaska Range, Alder Gulch, Bond Creek, Chathenda Creek, All tags...
Twenty-five ore and gangue mineral separates from the Miocene-age Goldfield and Tonopah epithermal Au-Ag deposits in southwestern Nevada were analyzed to determine the helium, neon, and argon (He, Ne, and Ar) isotopic compositions contained in fluid inclusions. Four mineral separates from the Butte Main Stage vein deposit and two from the Bingham pyrite-enargite vein deposits were also analyzed. Fifteen separates are from hand samples collected from underground mine workings and the remaining 16 are from mine tailings piles and pits excavated within the past 100 years. The separates consist dominantly of pyrite, enargite, and quartz, with lesser amounts of sphalerite, galena, potassium feldspar, bismuthinite, marcasite,...
Categories: Data; Tags: 3He/4He, Ar, Bingham Copper Mine, Bingham pyrite-enargite vein deposit, Butte Main Stage vein deposit, All tags...
In situ geochemical data were obtained for pyrite crystals and native gold from two distinct vein sets in the Grass Valley gold district, California. Samples of the N-S veins were collected underground at the Empire Mine State Historic Park and samples of the E-W veins were collected from drill core provided by the Idaho-Maryland Mining Corporation in 2008. These geochemical data were analyzed to better understand paragenesis of quartz veins in orogenic gold deposits. Data includes electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) chemistry and LA-ICP-MS sulfur isotope values for pyrite crystals, and EPMA geochemistry of native gold grains found within...
This dataset is a compilation of samples collected from draining mine adits, including water and mineral precipitates, from several mines in California and Colorado. The Golinsky, Copper Bluff, and Afterthought Mines (located in northern California) and the Gold King mine (located in southern Colorado) have historically operated to recover metals including copper, lead, zinc, gold, silver and other resources (Albers and Robertson, 1961; USGS, 2005; USEPA, 2015). Data reported include field parameters, water chemistry, solid phase mineralogy and solid phase chemistry. Water samples collected from the four mine sites in 2019 were analyzed for unfiltered and filtered (0.1-0.45 micrometer) major and trace elements and...
Mineral predominance data were a derivative product from the Corescan© reflectance data. Corescan Hyperspectral Core Imager Mark III (HCI-III) system data were acquired for hand samples, and subsequent billets made from the hand samples, collected during the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 2014, 2015, and 2016 field seasons in the Nabesna area of the eastern Alaska Range. This area contains exposed porphyry deposits and hand samples were collected throughout the region in support of the HyMap imaging spectrometer survey ( (Kokaly and others, 2017a). The HCI-III system consists of three different components. The first is an imaging spectrometer which collects reflectance data with a...

map background search result map search result map Locatable Mineral Assessment Tracts for the U.S. Geological Survey Sagebrush Mineral-Resource Assessment Project Fluid Inclusion Noble Gas Data from Goldfield and Tonopah Epithermal Au-Ag Deposits Oxide and Cation Compositions of Olivine Grains from Drill Core in the Duluth Complex, Minnesota Whole rock, soil, sediment, x-ray diffraction, and electron microprobe analyses of samples from the Orange Hill-Bond Creek area, Nabesna Quadrangle, Alaska LaserProfiler MineralPredominance 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the Tonopah, Divide, and Goldfield districts, Nevada Geologic and Related Photographs of the Grand Canyon Region (1967–2010) Geochemical and Modal Data for Mesoproterozoic Igneous Rocks of the St. Francois Mountains, Southeast Missouri Cobalt Deposits in the United States In situ geochemical data related to the gold-quartz veins of Grass Valley, California, 2014-2015 Trace element chemistry of sulfides and quartz, in situ sulfur isotope values of sulfides, cathodoluminescence of quartz, fluid inclusion microthermometry and raman, and radiogenic isotope and whole rock geochemistry from the Stibnite-Yellow Pine district, Idaho 2016-2022 Global Geochemical Database for Critical Minerals in Archived Mine Samples U-Pb age determinations of uraninite by electron microprobe analyses of ore samples from two solution-collapse breccia pipe uranium deposits, Grand Canyon region, northwest Arizona, USA Aqueous and solid phase geochemistry of water and mineral precipitates from draining adits in California and Colorado Geochemical and isotopic data from glendonites and surrounding sediment, Carter Creek, North Slope Alaska Core XRD data compilation for the Barnett and Woodford Shales of the Permian Basin, compiled from literature Selected Whole-Rock and Sediment Geochemistry Reanalysis Data Additions to the Alaska Geochemical DataBase (AGDB) from Archived Samples, Alaska In situ geochemical data related to the gold-quartz veins of Grass Valley, California, 2014-2015 Trace element chemistry of sulfides and quartz, in situ sulfur isotope values of sulfides, cathodoluminescence of quartz, fluid inclusion microthermometry and raman, and radiogenic isotope and whole rock geochemistry from the Stibnite-Yellow Pine district, Idaho 2016-2022 U-Pb age determinations of uraninite by electron microprobe analyses of ore samples from two solution-collapse breccia pipe uranium deposits, Grand Canyon region, northwest Arizona, USA Geochemical and isotopic data from glendonites and surrounding sediment, Carter Creek, North Slope Alaska Oxide and Cation Compositions of Olivine Grains from Drill Core in the Duluth Complex, Minnesota Geochemical and Modal Data for Mesoproterozoic Igneous Rocks of the St. Francois Mountains, Southeast Missouri Core XRD data compilation for the Barnett and Woodford Shales of the Permian Basin, compiled from literature Aqueous and solid phase geochemistry of water and mineral precipitates from draining adits in California and Colorado Fluid Inclusion Noble Gas Data from Goldfield and Tonopah Epithermal Au-Ag Deposits Locatable Mineral Assessment Tracts for the U.S. Geological Survey Sagebrush Mineral-Resource Assessment Project Selected Whole-Rock and Sediment Geochemistry Reanalysis Data Additions to the Alaska Geochemical DataBase (AGDB) from Archived Samples, Alaska Cobalt Deposits in the United States Global Geochemical Database for Critical Minerals in Archived Mine Samples