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Data describe a designed environmental DNA (eDNA) survey for the detection of longnose darter (Percina nasuta) in field collected water samples. Parameters described include the limit of detection and limit of quantification of the assay; a list of freshwater fish species tissue samples that were used to test specificity of the assay; and field collected water samples that were tested to detect the presence of longnose darter DNA. Samples were collected from sites on the St. Francis river, Missouri in 2018.
This database contains literature citations and associated summaries pertaining to livestock grazing effects on amphibians and their habitats, with an emphasis on the Oregon spotted frog (Rana pretiosa) and other listed/sensitive wetland-breeding amphibians in the western United States. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list, nor did we perform a systematic meta-analysis; rather, literature records were included based on topical relevance. *HINT: If you are looking for the database SEARCH TOOL, scroll down to 'Attached Files' and download 'Annotated_bibliography_with_search_tool.accdb.' Open the database file to enter the search form.* This data release supersedes Rowe, J.C., Pearl, C.A., Adams, M.J., and McCreary,...
We determined their critical thermal maximum (CTMax) of four species of Eleutherodactylus frogs (E. wightmanae, E. brittoni, E. antillensis, E. coqui) to understand their response to warming temperatures. Data consist of capture history, body condition, and temperature at which the frog exhibited spasms and erratic behavior, which may impair predator avoidance. Our results underscored the potential vulnerability of Eleutherodactylus species exhibiting lower CTMax to the forecasted warming of tropical zones (e.g., E. wightmanae, E. brittoni).
These data were compiled here to fit various versions of Bayesian population models and compare their performance, primarily the time required to make inferences using different softwares and versions of code. The humpback chub data were collected by US Geological Survey and US Fish and Wildlife service in the Colorado and Little Colorado Rivers from April 2009 to October 2017. Adult fish were captured using hoop nets and electro-fishing, measured for total length and given individual marks using passive integrated transponders that were scanned when fish were recaptured. The other three datasets were collected by US Forest Service. Owl data for the N-occupancy model was collected between 1990 and 2015. Owl data...
Density estimates of four mammal species in the upper subalpine and alpine zones of the Sierra Nevada range, 2008 - 2012. The estimates were derived from variable distance data collected 3-4 per year along each of 21 transects (10 km in length). The transects were randomly selected from a pool of 53 potential routes. Nine transects were sampled in 2008, 12 were sampled in 2009, 19 were sampled in 2010, 21 were sampled in 2011, and 17 were sampled in 2012. All counts were done in July and August each year. Replicate samples within a given year were done within 2-8 days of each other. All counts were done by single observers. The spreadsheet has six worksheets, including three with density estimates for each species...
Concern over the decline of grassland birds has spurred efforts to increase understanding of grassland bird-habitat relationships. Previous studies have suggested that black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) provide important habitat for shortgrass prairie avifauna, such as mountain plover (Charadrius montanus) and western burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea), although such studies are lacking in Colorado (USA). We used methods to estimate occupancy (psi) of mountain plover and burrowing owl on prairie dog colonies and other shortgrass prairie habitats in eastern Colorado. Mountain plover occupancy was higher on prairie dog colonies (psi = 0.50, 95% CI = 0.36-0.64) than on grassland (psi = 0.07,...
The AMMonitor community is a collaboration of remote wildlife monitoring projects whose media data (audio, photos, and video and their metadata) comprise a repository for use in (1) ongoing adaptive management and research of wildlife, and (2) the development of new predictive models, via machine learning, for the automated identification of target species from media. Each collaborating project uses the AMMonitor R package and database structure for pooling data under a unifying framework that meets high quality standards for rich metadata. Each project exists as a child-item of this ScienceBase community, containing metadata about the project itself. These project items contain media folders as children, which...
Desert spring wetlands host many endemic species that require aquatic habitat and are isolated by the surrounding xeric terrestrial habitat. The Dixie Valley Toad (Anaxyrus williamsi) is a recently described anuran species endemic to desert spring wetlands in the Dixie Valley, Churchill County, Nevada, USA. Given this species was only recently recognized as distinct from Anaxyrus boreas, little is known about its ecology and habitat requirements. These data represent the results of surveys for Dixie Valley Toads conducted from April 2018 to May 2021 in Churchill County, Nevada, USA and associated covariates from surveys and study sites. The potential wetland habitat for the Dixie Valley Toad was divided into 20...
The grizzly bear distribution boundary represents the estimated geographic extent of occupied range of the Yellowstone grizzly bear population for the period 2004-2018. The distribution boundary was delineated to provide reliable estimations of grizzly bear occupancy throughout time and for use as a monitoring tool in grizzly bear management and conservation. The boundary was delineated by the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team (IGBST) using an interpolation method based on grizzly bear telemetry and GPS locations as well as verified observations and signs of grizzly bears inside the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem during 2004 to 2018.
The grizzly bear distribution boundary represents the estimated geographic extent of occupied range of the Yellowstone grizzly bear population for the period 1980-1989. The distribution boundary was delineated to provide reliable estimations of grizzly bear occupancy throughout time and for use as a monitoring tool in grizzly bear management and conservation. The boundary was delineated by the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team (IGBST) using an interpolation method based on grizzly bear telemetry and GPS locations as well as verified observations and signs of grizzly bears inside the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem during 1980 to1989.
The grizzly bear distribution boundary represents the estimated geographic extent of occupied range of the Yellowstone grizzly bear population for the period 2008-2022. The distribution boundary was delineated to provide reliable estimations of grizzly bear occupancy throughout time and for use as a monitoring tool in grizzly bear management and conservation.The boundary was delineated by the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team (IGBST) using an interpolation method based on grizzly bear VHF telemetry and GPS locations as well as verified observations and signs of grizzly bears inside the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem during 2008 to 2022.
This dataset contains detection-nondetection data for territorial pairs of Golden Eagles at survey sites randomly selected from a grid of equal-sized (13.9 km2) hexagonal sample cells overlaid across the region of interest in Coastal Southern California during 2016 and 2017. We partitioned surveys within seasons based on approximate transition dates for stages in the breeding cycle of golden eagles in the study region: courtship (15 Dec-28 Feb), incubation (1 Mar-30 Apr), nestling (1 May-15 Jun), and the fledging-dependency period (16 June-Jul 30), totaling 4 possible sampling periods per year. This dataset also describes the proportion of land-cover types from four general categories (urban, open grassland, scrub...
Density estimates of four mammal species in the upper subalpine and alpine zones of the Sierra Nevada range, 2008 - 2012. The estimates were derived from variable distance data collected 3-4 times per year at point count stations randomly located along line transects. There were 21 transects (10 km in length) that had been randomly selected from a pool of 53 potential routes, with 10 point count stations along each transect (minimum of 200 m spacing between stations). 45 stations were sampled in 2008 (5 stations on each of 9 transects), 60 stations were sampled in 2009 (5 stations on each of 12 transects),190 stations were sampled in 2010 (10 stations on each of 19 transects), 210 stations were sampled in 2011 (10...
Data presented are results of surveys for California Gnatcatchers and vegetation sampling conducted in 2015 and 2016 to address two inter-related questions: (1) How have gnatcatchers and their habitat recovered in areas burned by wildfires in 2003, 2007, and 2014?, and (2) What is the current regional occupancy of gnatcatchers throughout their southern California range? Data for the post-fire study were collected in 2015 and 2016, while the regional occupancy survey was conducted in 2016. In 2015, Gnatcatcher occupancy as a function of fire history was derived from 324 points in the following fire categories: 2003-2006 (106 points), 2007-2010 (111 points), and 2011-2014 (107 points). In 2016, points representing...
Amphibians living in agricultural areas encounter many challenges. Two factors affecting individuals in these landscapes are habitat loss and pesticides. This thesis focuses on amphibians using agricultural wetlands in Iowa, where row crops such as corn and soybeans dominate the landscape. The goal of my first study was to determine the influences of site characteristics on amphibian presence and success. I used occupancy analysis to estimate proportion of area occupied by four species as a function of eight covariates hypothesized to affect occupancy: fish abundance, salamander abundance, invertebrate density, vegetative cover, wetland area, water atrazine concentration, surrounding crop land use, and overall wetland...
From 2013-16 we deployed 3 motion-sensing cameras paired with hair (DNA)-snaring devices within each of 263 24-square kilometer primary sampling units distributed systematically across the Olympic Peninsula in northwestern Washington. The data set contains detection histories of fishers during each of 3 14-day sampling intervals at each hexagon. The data set also includes detectability and environmental covariates measured at the detection stations and within a 1,262-m buffer inscribed around the detection stations in each hexagon. Reported covariates include the sampling year, Julian date of sampling visit, proportion of 14-day sampling intervals that bait was functional, landscape composition within buffer regions,...
These data describe the maximum water depth in each studied coastal dune drainage in each study year. Water depth is used as a proxy for hydroperiod, and is a good indicator of the relative persistence of surface water among sites that can be collected in a single visit.
These data indicate whether a premetamorphic or any life stage of each amphibian species (sierran treefrog Pseudacris sierra, California red-legged frog Rana draytonii, and rough-skinned newt Taricha granulosa) was detected in a survey. These data, combined with the survey data, are necessary for modeling occupancy while accounting for imperfect detection. Surveys for which no detections occurred do not appear in this file, but are in the survey data file (Survey_Data_for_Occupancy_of_Amphibians_in_Northern_California_Coastal_Dune_Drainages_2014_2016).
Data presented are results of surveys for California gnatcatchers and vegetation sampling conducted in 2015, 2016, and 2020 to address two inter-related questions: (1) How have gnatcatchers and their habitat recovered in areas burned by wildfires in 2003, 2007, and 2014?, and (2) What is the current regional occupancy of gnatcatchers throughout their southern California range? Data for the post-fire study were collected in 2015, 2016, and 2020, while the regional occupancy survey was conducted in 2016, and 2020. In 2015, gnatcatcher occupancy as a function of fire history was derived from 324 points in the following fire categories: 2003-2006 (106 points), 2007-2010 (111 points), and 2011-2014 (107 points). In 2016,...
This project has two goals: Goal 1: The goal of this project is to conduct a statistically rigorous study of occupancy to determine the post-fire recovery of gnatcatchers and coastal sage scrub vegetation with the goal of informing management before, during, and after fire. Goal 2: The goal of this project is to conduct rangewide surveys to determine California Gnatcatcher occupancy at a regional scale. Because California Gnatcatchers will be managed through management of coastal sage scrub rather than through species-specific actions, it is necessary to determine the current status of gnatcatchers on protected lands in southern California to understand how gnatcatcher occupancy is related to coastal sage scrub...

map background search result map search result map Distribution of the Yellowstone Grizzly Bear (1980-1989) Amphibian Occupancy and Effects of Habitat Use on Pesticide Exposure in Iowa Wetlands Distribution of the Yellowstone Grizzly Bear (2004 - 2018) Fisher (Pekania pennanti) detections and analysis covariates from Washington's Olympic Peninsula, 2013-2016 Marginalizing Bayesian population models - data for examples in the Grand Canyon region, southeastern Arizona, western Oregon USA - 1990-2015 Local demographic rates and CTMax values of four Eleutherodactylus frogs in Puerto Rico, 2017-2019 Longnose darter (Percina nasuta) eDNA survey results from the St. Francis River, Missouri 2018 Rangewide Occupancy and Post-Fire Recovery of California Gnatcatchers in Southern California, 2020 Detection/non-detection data on territorial pairs of golden eagles in coastal southern California, 2016-2017 USGS Occupancy Surveys for Dixie Valley Toads, Anaxyrus williamsi, in Churchill County, Nevada from April 2018 to May 2021 Rangewide Occupancy and Post-Fire Recovery of California Gnatcatchers in Southern California (ver 2.0, March 2023) Rangewide Occupancy and Post-Fire Recovery of California Gnatcatchers in Southern California, 2015-2016 Occupied Range of the Yellowstone Grizzly Bear 2008-2022 USGS Occupancy Surveys for Dixie Valley Toads, Anaxyrus williamsi, in Churchill County, Nevada from April 2018 to May 2021 Longnose darter (Percina nasuta) eDNA survey results from the St. Francis River, Missouri 2018 Amphibian Occupancy and Effects of Habitat Use on Pesticide Exposure in Iowa Wetlands Detection/non-detection data on territorial pairs of golden eagles in coastal southern California, 2016-2017 Fisher (Pekania pennanti) detections and analysis covariates from Washington's Olympic Peninsula, 2013-2016 Distribution of the Yellowstone Grizzly Bear (1980-1989) Rangewide Occupancy and Post-Fire Recovery of California Gnatcatchers in Southern California (ver 2.0, March 2023) Rangewide Occupancy and Post-Fire Recovery of California Gnatcatchers in Southern California, 2020 Rangewide Occupancy and Post-Fire Recovery of California Gnatcatchers in Southern California, 2015-2016 Distribution of the Yellowstone Grizzly Bear (2004 - 2018) Occupied Range of the Yellowstone Grizzly Bear 2008-2022 Marginalizing Bayesian population models - data for examples in the Grand Canyon region, southeastern Arizona, western Oregon USA - 1990-2015