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Fishes of the Upper Colorado River Basin have one of the highest levels of endemism in the United States. The range and abundance of these fish has declined over the last century and continues to decline as a result of legacy impacts from past management practices, current water management, interactions with non-natives, and other impacts. Seven of these fish are considered imperiled by the American Fisheries Society and four are listed as endangered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. We applied a complementarity-based approach to develop priority ranks (0 – 1; low to high) for catchments in the Upper Colorado River Basin. We used methods and a framework that we had previously developed for the Lower Colorado...
This ArcGIS Map Package contains information on brook trout occupancy in the southern portion of the brook trout range (PA and south). Fish sample data from a number of state and federal agencies/organizations were used to define patches for brook trout as groups of occupied contiguous catchment polygons from the National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 1 (NHDPlusV1) catchment GIS layer. After defining patches, NHDPlusV1 catchments were assigned occupancy codes. Then state and federal agencies reviewed patches and codes to verify data accuracy. A similar effort is currently being conducted by the Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture to develop occupancy data for the remainder of the brook trout range including states...
Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership (ACFHP) is currently working on a project with the University of Maryland Eastern Shore through a grant from the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council to study the relationship between black sea bass abundance and habitat characteristics in the Mid-Atlantic Bight. Data are being collected on black sea bass abundance, stomach contents, and position in the food web, as well as characteristics of the habitats black sea bass are associated with: bottom type, whether a reef is natural or artificial, and the plants, animals, and algae attached to each habitat. This work will lead to a better understand of the importance of habitat and prey community structure on black sea bass...
Biomass-based energy and fuels are receiving attention because they are considered carbon neutral; i.e. the amount Of CO2 released during combustion of this biomass is nearly the same as that taken up by the plants during their growth. Bio-oil is a dark viscous liquid consisting of hydrocarbons. These are produced by fast pyrolysis of biomass. "As-is" biomass material has a low energy density (MJ m(-3)), hence, the cost of transporting this energy is high. Bio-oil has a high energy density as compared to "as-is" biomass material, consequently it helps in reducing the cost of energy transport. This study compares the life cycle assessment of transportation of bio-oil by pipeline with that by truck. The scope of the...
This shapefile contains cumulative fish habitat condition index (HCI) scores as well as specific disturbance indices for local and network catchments of Southeast Alaska. Catchments were created in support of Jared Ross's Master’s thesis. The source datasets compiled and attributed to spatial units were identified as being: (1) meaningful for assessing fluvial fish habitat; (2) consistent across the entire study area in the way that they were assembled; (3) broadly representative of conditions in the past 10 years, and (4) of sufficient spatial resolution that they could be used to make valid comparisons among local catchment units. Citations: Ross, J.A. Influences of timber management and natural landscape factors...
The Assessment of Existing Information was completed in 2009 with the primary purpose of informing and enabling conservation planning for ACFHP. It includes three components – (1) a representative bibliographic and assessment database, (2) a GIS spatial framework, and (3) a summary document with a description of methods, analyses of results, and recommendations for future work. The results supported the development of priorities for ACFHP’s conservation efforts within its boundaries.
Assessment of urban energy use may proceed by a number of methods. Here we derive an energy account from local statistics, and compare them with an input output (IO) analysis as applied to Melbourne, Australia. These approaches highlight different aspects of urban energy use and comparable outputs are presented together to assess consistency, to identify complementarities and discuss the insight each approach brings to understanding urban energy. The IO method captures the direct and embodied primary energy requirements of local household expenditure (235.8 GJ/capita/year) while the regional assessment more directly accounts for local production activity (258.1 GJ/capita/year). The parity of these results is unexpected...
The Regional Estuary Assessment for the northern Gulf of Mexico represents an effort to develop, test, and implement a new assessment methodology for marine habitats that improves the analytical basis for identifying impacts to estuary fish habitats. Building from work completed for the National Estuary Assessment, this approach includes: 1) information on fish and shellfish presence/absence from over 70,000 sampling events collected over two decades, to better relate fish habitat condition to natural and anthropogenic variables; 2) data on natural factors, to better incorporate information on the natural susceptibility of individual estuaries; and 3) regional datasets not available on a nationally-consistent basis....
This geodatabase contains information on brook trout occupancy in the southern portion of the brook trout range (PA and south). Fish sample data from a number of state and federal agencies/organizations were used to define patches for brook trout as groups of occupied contiguous catchment polygons from the National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 1 (NHDPlusV1) catchment GIS layer. After defining patches, NHDPlusV1 catchments were assigned occupancy codes. Then state and federal agencies reviewed patches and codes to verify data accuracy. A similar effort is currently being conducted by the Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture to develop occupancy data for the remainder of the brook trout range including states of...
This spatial data layer provides an indirect estimate of emergent, scrub-shrub and forested tidal wetland losses for 55 non-lagoonal estuaries spanning the contiguous United States West Coast. Losses are defined as those areas that were tidal wetlands prior to European settlement, but are no longer tidal wetlands today. Losses were estimated by comparing the National Wetland Inventory‘s mapping of current tidal wetlands to the Pacific Marine and Estuarine Fish Habitat Partnership (PMEP)’s West Coast Estuary Extent mapping. The estuary extent layer represents the likely historical extent of tidal wetlands, so areas not identified as current tidal wetlands in the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) are considered...
Conservation rank data for each drainage catchments in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Some smaller catchments were not ranked. Catchments are the drainage area (local watersheds) for each individual stream segment within the 1:100,000 scale National Hydrography Plus Version 1 (NHDPlusV1) dataset. The NHDplus catchments have been ranked (valued) based on the representation of native fish species given the threats to their persistence (i.e., non-native fish species, land use, and habitat fragmentation). The ranking process placed importance on areas with several native species as well as areas important to individual species with restricted distributions and so is not simply a species “hot spot” assessment. Catchments...
This conservation assessment of the U.S. Rio Grande Watershed identifies target areas for the implementation of habitat-related projects and priority areas, stream segments, and watersheds to improve ecological condition, restore natural processes, and prevent the decline of intact and healthy systems. Through systematic conservation planning, this assessment addresses multi-species and multi-jurisdictional concerns; work that complements and extends analogous conservation assessments completed for much of the Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative’s (DLCC) extent. In doing so, it provides a flexible working model into which priority taxa and habitats can be easily incorporated in the future.
Conclusions: Results offer support for the use of land cover as an indicator of biotic integrity estimated by both vegetation and bird communities. Strong, significant predictions of IBI scores in plant and bird communities were achieved using land cover data from every spatial extent. Plant-based IBI scores were best predicted using data from 100 m buffers and bird-based IBI scores were best predicted using data extracted from 500 m buffers. Road density and measures of the proportion of disturbed land were consistent predictors of IBI score, suggesting their universal importance to plant and bird communities. Thresholds/Learnings: Road effects on bird communities were most pronounced at the 500m spatial extent....
This CSV file contains landscape factors representing anthropogenic disturbances to stream habitats summarized within local and network stream catchments of Southeast Alaska. The source datasets compiled and attributed to spatial units were identified as being: (1) meaningful for assessing fluvial fish habitat; (2) consistent across the entire study area in the way that they were assembled; (3) broadly representative of conditions in the past 10 years, and (4) of sufficient spatial resolution that they could be used to make valid comparisons among local catchment units. Variables summarized at the catchment scale include measures of anthropogenic land uses, population density, roads, dams, mines, culverts, 303d...
This item contains two datasets of SARP Conservation Opportunity Areas (COAs) as determined by the SARP Steering Committee and SARP Coastal Committee. To determine inland COAs, each Member State within the Steering Committee has selected 5 inland HUC 8 basins to be designated as SARP COAs. In addition, the SARP Coastal Committee has designated Coastal COAs.
Conservation priority ranks and threat metrics for each drainage catchment in the Lower Colorado River Basin. Catchments are the drainage area (local watersheds) for each individual stream segment within the 1:100,000 scale National Hydrography Plus Version 1 (NHDPlusV1) dataset. Catchments are assigned conservation priority ranks (C_ConsVal) between 0 - 1 with 1 being the highest priority.

    map background search result map search result map Brook Trout Occupancy Modeling in 2012 for the Southern Portion of Their Range (PA and South) The accuracy of land cover-based wetland assessments is influenced by landscape extent. Brook Trout Occupancy Modeling in 2012 for the Southern Portion of Their Range (PA and south): ArcGIS Map Package Upper Colorado River Basin Catchment Conservation Ranks 2015 Regional Estuary Assessment for the Northern Gulf of Mexico National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP) 2015 Cumulative Habitat Condition Scores and Disturbance Indices Linked to Catchments of Southeast Alaska National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP) 2015 Anthropogenic Disturbance Data for Southeast Alaska With Link to the Modified NHD with Catchments v1.1 Final report: Conservation Assessment and Mapping Products for Rio Grande Fishes Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership Assessment of Existing Information Bibliography Hab in the MAB: Characterizing Black Sea Bass Habitat in the Mid-Atlantic Bight Indirect Assessment of West Coast USA Tidal Wetland Loss SARP Conservation Opportunity Areas (COAs) Lower Colorado River Basin Catchment Conservation Ranks Hab in the MAB: Characterizing Black Sea Bass Habitat in the Mid-Atlantic Bight The accuracy of land cover-based wetland assessments is influenced by landscape extent. Upper Colorado River Basin Catchment Conservation Ranks Brook Trout Occupancy Modeling in 2012 for the Southern Portion of Their Range (PA and South) Brook Trout Occupancy Modeling in 2012 for the Southern Portion of Their Range (PA and south): ArcGIS Map Package Lower Colorado River Basin Catchment Conservation Ranks National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP) 2015 Anthropogenic Disturbance Data for Southeast Alaska With Link to the Modified NHD with Catchments v1.1 2015 Regional Estuary Assessment for the Northern Gulf of Mexico National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP) 2015 Cumulative Habitat Condition Scores and Disturbance Indices Linked to Catchments of Southeast Alaska Indirect Assessment of West Coast USA Tidal Wetland Loss Final report: Conservation Assessment and Mapping Products for Rio Grande Fishes SARP Conservation Opportunity Areas (COAs) Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership Assessment of Existing Information Bibliography