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Dataset contains contours at 10-foot intervals of the San Antonio Reservoir, California, based on the bathymetric survey conducted in April of 2018. Files are provided as geospatial shapefiles and CAD (.dwg file extension) files.
The Pima County Information Technology Department is pleased to introduce PimaMaps, Pima County's next generation web mapping system that will eventually replace the current MapGuide system. The Main MapGuide Map, will remain available for a substantial amount of time while PimaMaps is fully implemented. While MapGuide has been a very reliable web mapping system for many years, it is no longer supported by Autodesk. PimaMaps is based on new technology, provides a more robust and modern interface comparable to Google and Bing, and offers a richer set of functionality beyond what is available with MapGuide. This version of PimaMaps has the following functionality and enhancements that are not available with MapGuide:...
El Espacio Digital Geográfico (ESDIG) de la SEMARNAT, muestra en mapas información sobre las características ambientales y sociales del país en temas como vegetación, uso del suelo, cuerpos de agua, suelos, clima, población, entre otros, así como de los resultados de programas ambientales y sociales dedicados al aprovechamiento, conservación y recuperación de los ecosistemas naturales de México. Los mapas desplegados son extraídos de la base de datos geográfica del SNIARN. La información contenida en ésta base ha sido generada por diferentes áreas de la Semarnat, sus órganos desconcentrados y descentralizados, así como también por el INEGI y diversas dependencias del Gobierno Federal.
Water scarcity is a growing concern in Texas, where surface water is derived almost entirely from rainfall. Changes in air temperature and precipitation patterns associated with global climate change are anticipated to regionally affect the quality and quantity of inland surface waters and consequently their suitability as habitat for freshwater life. In addition to directly affecting resident organisms and populations, these changes in physicochemical traits of aquatic habitats may favor the establishment of harmful invasive species. As conflicts over the use of water resources grow in intensity, this information will become important for fish and wildlife managers to anticipate impacts of climate change on trust...
Web Soil Survey (WSS) provides soil data and information produced by the National Cooperative Soil Survey. It is operated by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and provides access to the largest natural resource information system in the world. NRCS has soil maps and data available online for more than 95 percent of the nation’s counties and anticipates having 100 percent in the near future. The site is updated and maintained online as the single authoritative source of soil survey information. Soil surveys can be used for general farm, local, and wider area planning. Onsite investigation is needed in some cases, such as soil quality assessments and certain conservation and engineering applications....
Pima County makes extensive use of Geographical Information System (GIS) technology for making maps. For the Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan, this was an important technology for assembling the extensive existing data, both digital and non-digital, identifying critical gaps in the data and potential remedies, and providing a means for analyzing the information on biological and physical resources over the six million acre study area. SDCP Mapguide was created to display many of the natural resource GIS data layers, but Mapguide is being replaced with PimaMaps. You can use either to make your own overlays on aerial photos, line maps, or USGS topography. Customize your online map while panning and zooming on the...
Our mission is to develop and maintain a cost-effective, central information source and inventory of the locations, biology, and status of all threatened, endangered, rare, and at-risk plants and animals in Nevada. We use the best available biological data to continually evaluate conservation priorities for over 700 native animals, plants, and vegetation types, focusing on those that are at greatest risk of extinction or serious decline. As a non-regulatory, independent resource for scientifically objective data, environmental review, and technical assistance and expertise, we support the needs of diverse planning, conservation management, research, education, and economic development activities in Nevada. The...
Actualmente, el tema del agua reviste gran importancia por su escasez, degradación y riesgo que representan las avenidas de ríos, deslaves e inundaciones ocasionadas por lluvias intensas, además de considerarse un asunto estratégico para las políticas de los gobiernos. En este sentido y dada la necesidad de proveer información vectorial a mayor detalle como apoyo a lo mencionado, el INEGI generó la Red Hidrográfica escala 1:50 000 la cual modela el drenaje superficial de una cuenca hidrográfica, así como esta aplicación que permite a los usuarios consultar y analizar dicha información.
In response to concerns about rangeland fragmentation associated with exurban development, ranching families, agency representatives, and conservation groups have organized to address management concerns through the Malpai Borderlands Group (see: This group promotes large acreage conservation easements throughout the region as means to promote rangeland connectivity. Shrub encroachment and long-term loss of grass productivity are primary natural resource concerns. Fire, which is facilitated in areas free of exurban development, is a key conservation practice. Additional practices include mechanical brush management, prescribed grazing, and erosion control structures. The conservation...
CE-QUAL-W2, a mechanistic, two-dimensional model of hydrodynamics and water quality (Portland State University, 2021), was developed and calibrated for J. Percy Priest Reservoir, Tennessee, a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) reservoir on the Stones River, southeast of Nashville, Tennessee. The J. Percy Priest CE-QUAL-W2 model was simulated and calibrated using USACE data collected from January 2012 through May 2019. Constituent loads were developed for the model using the LOAD ESTimator (LOADEST; U.S. Geological Survey, 2016) and were based on water-quality data collected by the USACE from January 2005 through May 2019. The calibrated model will be used by the Tennessee Department of Environmental Conservation...
The elemental concentration over time of sediments from four trenches from the Aztec drinking water reservoir #1 was measured. The source of water to the reservoir is the Animas River, which has historical mining sites in the watershed. In order to evaluate the geochemical record in the sediments, several types of data were collected. Bulk chemical analysis of sediments with depth in the reservoir as well as X-ray fluorescence measurements provide information about the sediment total chemistry. Batch experiments where sediments are reacted with different reagents provide information about the mobility of major and trace elements from the sediments into the reservoir water or environment. Sediment field descriptions...
Para su comodidad el servicio incorpora las capas de información en los siguientes grupos: Grupo Descripción Ortofotos Ortofotos escala 1:20 000 y 1:10 000 Detalles.. Ver en Mapa Digital Datos de relieve Hipsográfico con resolución de 30m por pixel Detalles.. Ver en Mapa Digital T1M Información topográfica escala 1 : 1 000 000 Detalles.. Ver en Mapa Digital MGE Límites Estatales y Municipales a nivel Nacional Detalles.. Límite estatal / internacional Límite municipal Colonias Área verde urbana Servicios Localidad urbana Localidad rural Principales calles Ver en Mapa Digital RNG Nombres geográficos...
Introduction Welcome to version 6.0 of the GIS Inventory System which is maintained by the National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) as a tool for the entire GIS Community. Its primary purpose is to track data availability and the status of geographic information system (GIS) implementation in state and local governments to aid the planning and building of statewide spatial data infrastructures (SSDI). The Random Access Metadata for Online Nationwide Assessment (RAMONA) database is a critical component of the GIS Inventory. RAMONA moves its FGDC-compliant metadata (CSDGM Standard) for each data layer to a web folder and a Catalog Service for the Web (CSW) that can be harvested by Federal programs...
Esta aplicación fue diseñada en la Subgerencia de Información Geográfica del Agua(SIGA). El objetivo, de esta herramienta de cartografía interactiva, es ofrecer a los usuarios una plataforma de visualización y de consulta de información geoespacial la cual le brinde al usuario un entorno especializado en la visualización de elementos geográficos que le sirvan de apoyo en la determinación de monto por pago de derechos.
The National Map Viewer and Download Platform allows visualization and download of our most current topographic base map data and products for free. Managed by the USGS National Geospatial Program (NGP), users can access data from all eight primary data themes of The National Map, and products, such as US Topo, Historical Topographic Maps, and Map Indices. The viewer platform was initially extended upon the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency's (NGA) Palanterra x3 viewer. Beta applications are in development to replace functionality of older viewer technology and include: Bulk Download Client, Download Manager, topoView, Bulk Point Query, and Mobile Download Client. Additional applications may be added in the...
ANTECEDENTES La Ley de Aguas Nacionales, que entró en vigor el 2 de diciembre de 1992, refuerza el marco institucional para la administración del recurso y consolida a la Comisión Nacional del Agua (CONAGUA) como autoridad federal única en materia de cantidad y calidad del recurso hidráulico nacional, superficial y subterráneo. Dentro de este Marco Institucional es que en 1992 se propone el desarrollo de un Sistema de Información Geográfica del Agua (SIGA) que se constituyera en una herramienta que permitiera integrar, consultar, analizar y desplegar la información georreferenciada para que las unidades de la CONAGUA realizaran con mayor eficiencia las labores de planeación y administración del agua. OBJETIVOS...
The National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) High Resolution flowlines were used as a base to provide additional information on the connectivity of the stream network for the hydrographic basins in and around Montana. In addition to the attributes that are published as part of the NHD data, two fields were added to the attribute table to associate streams that do not have a Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) name with the GNIS name and NHD reachcode of the nearest downstream named flowline. The National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) is a feature-based database that interconnects and uniquely identifies the stream segments or reaches that make up the nation's surface water drainage system. NHD data were originally...
Funded by Arizona Game & Fish Department, our team of conservation biologists and GIS Analysts at Northern Arizona University are creating detailed linkage designs for 16 priority areas highlighted in the Wildlife Linkages Assesment. These plans identify and map multi-species corridors that will best maintain wildlife movement between wildland blocks, as well as highlight specific planning and road mitigation measures required to maintain connectivity in these corridors. Note: The linkage design reports are in compressed PDF format for faster download. Unfortunately, the compression occasionally makes small text on maps within the report difficult to read. If you would like a high-resolution PDF or PNG copy of any...
Mapa Digital de México es un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG), desarrollado por el INEGI, que integra información de los elementos naturales y culturales que conforman el entorno geográfico del país y permite relacionarlos con información estadística. Se ofrece en dos modalidades, que buscan atender distintas necesidades de los usuarios: Mapa Digital de México en línea. Facilita la consulta de 168 capas de información sobre cartografía urbana (carreteras, localidades e infraestructura en general) y recursos naturales (ríos, lagos, montañas, vegetación, etc.) de nuestro territorio, y permite búsquedas rápidas. Mapa Digital de México para escritorio. Es una versión más amplia y desarrollada para instalarse...

map background search result map search result map Modeling and Projecting the Influence of Climate Change on Texas Surface Waters and their Aquatic Biotic Communities The National Map Viewer and Download Platform Malpai Borderlands Portal Servicio Web de información geográfica SIATL: Simulador de Flujos de Agua  de Cuencas Hidrográficas Mapa Digital de Mexico Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan MapGuide Map PimaMaps Arizona Missing Linkages Web Soil Survey Nevada Natural Heritage Program Texas Parks & Wildlife GIS Data Downloads Espacio Digital Geográfico (ESDIG) The GIS Inventory Sistema de Información Geográfica de Acuíferos y Cuencas (SIGACU@) CONAGUA Sistema de Información Geográfica del Agua (SIGA) National Hydrography Dataset High Resolution flowlines with name of the nearest downstream named feature for unnamed streams in and around Montana San Antonio Reservoir, California, 10-ft contours, NAVD88, (2018) Sediment Chemistry and Physical Properties from Sediments in the Aztec Drinking Water Reservoir #1 CE-QUAL-W2 water-quality model and supporting LOADEST models for J. Percy Priest Reservoir, Tennessee San Antonio Reservoir, California, 10-ft contours, NAVD88, (2018) CE-QUAL-W2 water-quality model and supporting LOADEST models for J. Percy Priest Reservoir, Tennessee Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan MapGuide Map PimaMaps Arizona Missing Linkages Nevada Natural Heritage Program Modeling and Projecting the Influence of Climate Change on Texas Surface Waters and their Aquatic Biotic Communities National Hydrography Dataset High Resolution flowlines with name of the nearest downstream named feature for unnamed streams in and around Montana Texas Parks & Wildlife GIS Data Downloads SIATL: Simulador de Flujos de Agua  de Cuencas Hidrográficas Mapa Digital de Mexico Espacio Digital Geográfico (ESDIG) Sistema de Información Geográfica de Acuíferos y Cuencas (SIGACU@) CONAGUA Sistema de Información Geográfica del Agua (SIGA) Servicio Web de información geográfica The National Map Viewer and Download Platform Web Soil Survey The GIS Inventory