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The Chattanooga Shale is relatively thin and generally continuous across the state, making it an important geologic horizon. In Tennessee, the Chattanooga Shale crops out along the escarpment between the Central Basin and the surrounding Highland Rim, in several river valleys and in folded areas outside the basin, and crops out around the Wells Creek, Howell, and Flynn Creek impact structures (Conant and Swanson, 1961). The Devonian-Mississippian-aged Chattanooga Shale is often abbreviated as "MDc.” Data related to the thickness, depth from land surface, and elevation of the unit are useful for resource exploration. Information from 1,615 oil well and surface data points were used to produce the structure map on...
This digital data release contains previously published contours on the tops of the Mowry Shale, Morrison Formation, and Minnelusa Formation. The maps are from a series of U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies (MF) showing computer-generated structure contours, isopachs, and cross sections of selected formations in the Powder River basin, Wyoming and Montana (Crysdale 1990, 1991a, 1991b). The maps were constructed from information stored in a U.S. Geological Survey Evolution of Sedimentary Basins data base. This data base contains picks of geologic formation and (or) unit tops and bases determined from electric resistivity and gamma-ray logs of 8,592 wells penetrating Tertiary and older rocks in the...
This database portrays the surface and shallow subsurface geology of the greater Charleston, S.C. region east of 80°30′ west and south of 33°15′ north. The region covers the entirety of Charleston County and portions of Berkeley, Colleton, Dorchester, and Georgetown Counties. Units locally exposed at the surface range in age from middle Eocene to Holocene, but most of the area is covered by Quaternary interglacial deposits. These are, from oldest to youngest, the Okefenokee, Waccamaw(?), Penholoway, Ladson, Ten Mile Hill, and Wando Formations and the Silver Bluff beds. Two cross sections (not included in the database), one running southeast from Harleyville to the coastline on James Island and the other running...
Tags: Adam Run fault, Ashepoo River, Ashley Formation, Ashley River, Ashley River fault, All tags...
The Upper Colorado River Basin has a drainage area of about 113,500 square miles in western Colorado, eastern Utah, southwestern Wyoming, northeastern Arizona, and northwestern New Mexico. In the 1980’s and 1990’s, the Upper Colorado River Basin was a study area under of the U.S. Geological Survey's Regional Aquifer-System Analysis (RASA) program (Sun and Johnston, 1994; Sun and Weeks, 1991). The objectives of the RASA program for the Upper Colorado River Basin were to provide regional assessments of major aquifer systems by providing quantitative assessments of the occurrence, movement, and availability of water stored in rock formations that underlie the basin/watershed. These assessments included: (1) the classification...
This digital data release presents multiple previously published elements of the structural configuration of the Black Hills regional subsurface. The original data within this geodatabase is sourced from multiple U.S. Geological Survey Open File Reports into the hydrology of the Black Hills, stored on the USGS Water Mission Area NSDI Node (Driscoll, 1992; Strobel et al., 1999; Williamson et al., 2000). Data include mapped surface exposures of faults and fold hinges, the location and depth of 1025 formation tops of the Madison Group, Minnelusa Formation, and Minnekahta Formation from water well scout tickets, isopach contours of the Madison Group and Minnelusa Formation, and structure contour maps of the top of the...
This dataset captures in digital form the results of previously published U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Water Mission Area studies related to water resource assessment of Cenozoic strata and unconsolidated deposits within the Mississippi Embayment and the Gulf Coastal Plain of the south-central United States. The data are from reports published from the late 1980s to the mid-1990s by the Gulf Coast Regional Aquifer-System Analysis (RASA) studies and in 2008 by the Mississippi Embayment Regional Aquifer Study (MERAS). These studies, and the data presented here, describe the geologic and hydrogeologic units of the Mississippi embayment, Texas coastal uplands, and the coastal lowlands aquifer systems, south-central...
Tags: 3D, Alabama, Arkansas, Cane River Formation, Carrizo Sand, All tags...
The lower Paleogene Wilcox Group crops out around the northern edge of the Gulf of Mexico Basin and is a major coal-bearing unit and a primary oil and gas producer in the lower Paleogene section of the Gulf Coast region. The outcrop distribution of the Wilcox Group and other coal-bearing strata of the Gulf Coast region was compiled as part of a U.S. Geological Survey National Coal Assessment (Warwick and others, 1997). A structure contour map of the top of the Wilcox Group was constructed as part of a U.S. Geological Survey Petroleum Systems and Geologic Assessment of Oil and Gas of the northern Gulf of Mexico coastal region (Warwick, 2017). This surface, mainly constructed using data from oil and gas wells, depicts...
This digital data release contains spatial datasets of bedrock geology, volcanic ash bed locations, test hole locations, bedrock outcrops, and structure contours of the top of bedrock and the base of the Ogallala Group from a previously published map (Souders, 2000). The GeologicMap feature dataset contains separate feature classes for the Ogallala Group map unit (ContactsAndFaults and MapUnitPolys) and the underlying pre-Ogallala bedrock map units (ContactsAndFaults_Bedrock and MapUnitPolys_Bedrock). The VolcanicAshBedPoints feature class contains the locations of volcanic ash beds within the Ogallala Group. The contours depicting the elevation of the top of bedrock (top of Ogallala Group where present and top...
Note: this data release has been deprecated. Please see new data release here: This dataset captures in digital form the results of previously published U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Water Mission Area studies related to water resource assessment of Cenozoic strata and unconsolidated deposits within the Mississippi Embayment and the Gulf Coastal Plain of the south-central United States. The data are from reports published from the late 1980s to the mid-1990s by the Gulf Coast Regional Aquifer-System Analysis (RASA) studies and in 2008 by the Mississippi Embayment Regional Aquifer Study (MERAS). These studies, and the data presented here, describe the geologic and hydrogeologic...
Tags: 3D, Alabama, Arkansas, Cane River Formation, Carrizo Sand, All tags...
This digital dataset release of the La Junta, Colorado and Kansas quadrangle is composed of previously published elevation contours, structure contours on the limits of the Morrison, Dakota, and Purgatorie Formations, and geologic formational data. The digitizing of this map is to provide a more accessible dataset to be available for public usage. The original dataset was part of an eight-part series of maps in Colorado and Kansas, this map modified in part by reconnaissance by G.R. Scott in 1968. The entirety of this dataset includes both spatial and non-spatial data held in a singular, GeMS compliant geodatabase. This geodatabase includes a geologic map, geologic map feature class holding contact and fault lines,...
Categories: Data; Types: ArcGIS REST Map Service, ArcGIS Service Definition, Downloadable, Map Service; Tags: Big Basin Formation, Colorado, Cretaceous, Dakota Sandstone, Dockum Group, All tags...
Post-Eocene (predominantly Pliocene) continental sedimentary rocks of the Sacramento Valley, CA are up to 1,200 m thick beneath the valley. These rocks contain most of the fresh ground water in the valley, forming a key component of the total water budget for the valley. A 1974 study by the U.S. Geological Survey was an early attempt to develop detailed knowledge of the subsurface geology of the Sacramento Valley. The study delineated the configuration of the base post-Eocene continental sedimentary rocks of the Sacramento Valley and mapped the thickness of those deposits. This digital dataset contains spatial datasets corresponding to the contoured base and thickness of the post-Eocene continental sedimentary rocks...
The Wells Creek Dolomite is the lowest unit of the Stones River Group. The Wells Creek consists of cherty limestone that underlies the Murfreesboro Limestone of the Stones River Group of Middle Ordovician age, and directly overlies the Knox Group of early Ordovician and late Cambrian age. The unit ranges in thickness from less than 1.52 meters (5 feet) in the eastern part of the Central Basin to approximately 54.86 meters (180 feet) in Stewart County. The depth of the Wells Creek generally ranges from 121.92 to 457.2 meters (from 400 to 1500 feet) below land surface (Smith, 1959). The Wells Creek Dolomite does not yield water but it can be easily recognized when drilling wells and it overlies the Knox Group, a deep...
The top of the Upper Cretaceous Dakota Sandstone is present in the subsurface throughout the Uinta and Piceance basins of UT and CO and is easily recognized in the subsurface from geophysical well logs. This digital data release captures in digital form the results of two previously published contoured subsurface maps that were constructed on the top of Dakota Sandstone datum; one of the studies also included a map constructed on the top of the overlying Mancos Shale. A structure contour map of the top of the Dakota Sandstone was constructed as part of a U.S. Geological Survey Petroleum Systems and Geologic Assessment of Oil and Gas in the Uinta-Piceance Province, Utah and Colorado (Roberts, 2003). This surface,...
The San Juan basin is a significant physical and structural element in the southeastern part of the Colorado Plateau physiographic province. The San Juan basin is in New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, and Utah and has an area of about 21,600 square miles. The basin is about 140 miles wide and about 200 miles long. In the 1980’s and 1990’s, the U.S. Geological Survey's Evolution of Sedimentary Basins—San Juan basin study produced several reports on aspects of the stratigraphy and sedimentology of the basin. A report of the stratigraphy, structure, and paleogeography of Pennsylvanian and Permian rocks included 18 plates of contoured elevation and thickness data for various units (Huffman and Condon, 1993). This digital...
The Knox Dolomite is currently recognized as the Knox Group. The Mascot Dolomite, the upper unit of the Knox Group, is dolomite and dolomitic limestone of Lower-Ordovician-age that occurs in the subsurface of most of Tennessee. This data release will focus on Middle Tennessee, where the only outcrop of the Knox Group is in the Wells Creek basin in Stewart and Houston counties (Bradley, 1986; Wilson and Stearns, 1968). The top of the Knox Dolomite is an erosional surface that is useful as a structural datum because of the importance of the Knox Group for oil and gas resources, zinc mineralization, and domestic drinking water supplies. Since the upper approximately 30 meters of the Knox Group is paleokarst, groundwater...
This map shows the subcrop pattern of the Mesozoic rock units present at the top Mesozoic unconformity (also commonly referred to as the base Tertiary unconformity) in Cook Inlet basin, Alaska. The subcrop is projected onto the top Mesozoic unconformity depth surface of Cook Inlet basin, Alaska, published by Shellenbaum and others (2010). Publicly available geologic and geophysical data from multiple sources were collected, interpreted, and integrated into the subcrop map. Formation picks at the top Mesozoic unconformity were determined for 109 wells. Mesozoic horizons from two regional marine two-dimensional (2-D) seismic datasets (approximately 3,300 miles) were interpreted. Eight map units were established for...
Tags: Anchorage, Anchorage Quadrangle, Bedrock Geologic Map, Bedrock Geology, Bibliography, All tags...
This digital data release contains geospatial geologic and paleontological data of the 1° x2 °, 1:250,000 Limon quadrangle covering eastern Colorado and western Kansas. The dataset is a digital reproduction of previously published U.S. Geological Survey field mapping which illustrates the spatial configuration of primarily Quaternary surficial units overlying upper Miocene, Oligocene, Paleocene, and Upper Cretaceous bedrock (Sharps, 1980). This quadrangle contains numerous outcrop of the Ogallala Formation, which is a prolific freshwater aquifer throughout the broader great plains. A structure contour map of the top of the Dakota Sandstone are included, which was constructed using selected oil and gas well logs...

map background search result map search result map Top Mesozoic unconformity subcrop map, Cook Inlet basin, Alaska Digital subsurface data from USGS Evolution of Sedimentary Basin studies of the San Juan basin and adjacent areas, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico Digital subsurface data of Mesozoic rocks in the Upper Colorado River Basin in Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico from USGS Regional Aquifer System Analysis Structure contours on top of the Rollins Sandstone Member, southern Piceance Basin (psstrcg) Structure contours on top of the Pictured Cliffs Sandstone, San Juan Basin, NM and CO (sjbstrcg) Structure contours on top of the Trout Creek Sandstone, Yampa coal field, CO (yamstrcg) Database for the Surficial Geologic Map of the Charleston Region, Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton, Dorchester, and Georgetown Counties, South Carolina Digital subsurface data from previously published contoured maps of the top of the Dakota Sandstone, Uinta and Piceance basins, Utah and Colorado Data Release - Digital subsurface data from previously published contoured maps of the tops of the Mowry Shale, Morrison Formation, and Minnelusa Formation, Powder River basin, Wyoming and Montana Digital subsurface data from previously published contour map of the top of the Wilcox Group, northern Gulf of Mexico coastal region Digital subsurface data from previously published maps of the base and thickness of post-Eocene continental deposits in the Sacramento Valley, California Digital Database of the Previously Published Geologic and Structure Contour Map of the La Junta Quadrangle, Colorado and Kansas Digital database of the previously published Geologic map of the Limon quadrangle, Colorado and Kansas Digital database of the previously published Geologic maps and cross sections showing configurations of bedrock surfaces, Broken Bow 1° x 2° quadrangle, east-central Nebraska Digital subsurface database of previously published well tops, structural features, and contour maps of the Inyan Kara Group, Minnekahta Formation, Minnelusa Formation, Madison Group, and Deadwood Formation, Black Hills region, South Dakota and Wyoming Digital data from previous USGS hydrogeologic studies of the Gulf Coast region, south-central United States Surface and subsurface geologic data from previous USGS studies of the Gulf Coast region, south-central United States Chattanooga Shale: geospatial geologic structural datasets in Tennessee Wells Creek Dolomite: geospatial geologic structural datasets in Tennessee Knox Group: geospatial geologic structural datasets in Middle Tennessee Structure contours on top of the Trout Creek Sandstone, Yampa coal field, CO (yamstrcg) Database for the Surficial Geologic Map of the Charleston Region, Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton, Dorchester, and Georgetown Counties, South Carolina Digital database of the previously published Geologic maps and cross sections showing configurations of bedrock surfaces, Broken Bow 1° x 2° quadrangle, east-central Nebraska Structure contours on top of the Rollins Sandstone Member, southern Piceance Basin (psstrcg) Digital subsurface database of previously published well tops, structural features, and contour maps of the Inyan Kara Group, Minnekahta Formation, Minnelusa Formation, Madison Group, and Deadwood Formation, Black Hills region, South Dakota and Wyoming Structure contours on top of the Pictured Cliffs Sandstone, San Juan Basin, NM and CO (sjbstrcg) Digital database of the previously published Geologic map of the Limon quadrangle, Colorado and Kansas Digital Database of the Previously Published Geologic and Structure Contour Map of the La Junta Quadrangle, Colorado and Kansas Digital subsurface data from previously published maps of the base and thickness of post-Eocene continental deposits in the Sacramento Valley, California Knox Group: geospatial geologic structural datasets in Middle Tennessee Wells Creek Dolomite: geospatial geologic structural datasets in Tennessee Chattanooga Shale: geospatial geologic structural datasets in Tennessee Digital subsurface data from USGS Evolution of Sedimentary Basin studies of the San Juan basin and adjacent areas, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico Data Release - Digital subsurface data from previously published contoured maps of the tops of the Mowry Shale, Morrison Formation, and Minnelusa Formation, Powder River basin, Wyoming and Montana Top Mesozoic unconformity subcrop map, Cook Inlet basin, Alaska Digital subsurface data from previously published contoured maps of the top of the Dakota Sandstone, Uinta and Piceance basins, Utah and Colorado Digital subsurface data of Mesozoic rocks in the Upper Colorado River Basin in Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico from USGS Regional Aquifer System Analysis Digital data from previous USGS hydrogeologic studies of the Gulf Coast region, south-central United States Surface and subsurface geologic data from previous USGS studies of the Gulf Coast region, south-central United States Digital subsurface data from previously published contour map of the top of the Wilcox Group, northern Gulf of Mexico coastal region