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A plague (Yersinia pestis) epizootic spread through Gunnison's prairie dogs (Cynomys gunnisoni), and possibly other rodent species, in the Moreno Valley in north-central New Mexico between winter 1984-1985 and autumn 1987. We observed the progress of the epizootic and subsequent population recovery at four prairie dog towns within the valley during this period. At two towns (Midlake and Val Verde) the prairie dogs were marked prior to the epizootic. At two additional towns (Vega and South Entrance) prairie dogs were marked following the epizootic. In 1988, a second epizootic occurred at Vega. One hundred thirty-nine serum samples were collected from prairie dogs and other rodents and 1,750 fleas were collected from...
Flea abundance and body condition data for black-tailed prairie dogs on sites treated and not treated with “FipBit” fipronil pellets. We sampled prairie dogs at Conata Basin, Buffalo Gap National Grassland, and Badlands National Park, South Dakota, USA. We sampled fleas from live-trapped prairie dogs during June–October 2018, May–October 2019, and July-August 2020. Prairie dogs were sampled before and after FipBit treatments. We anesthetized each prairie dog with isoflurane and combed it thoroughly for 30 seconds to dislodge fleas, which fell into a plastic bin. Fleas were counted and allowed to recover from anesthesia and placed back on prairie dogs, to minimize any removal effect. We weighed prairie dogs with...
Human plague risks (Yersinia pestis infection) are greatest when epizootics cause high mortality among this bacterium's natural rodent hosts. Therefore, health departments in plague-endemic areas commonly establish animal-based surveillance programs to monitor Y. pestis infection among plague hosts and vectors. The primary objectives of our study were to determine whether passive animal-based plague surveillance samples collected in Colorado from 1991 to 2005 were sampled from high human plague risk areas and whether these samples provided information useful for predicting human plague case locations. By comparing locations of plague-positive animal samples with a previously constructed GIS-based plague risk model,...
Data on the degree and duration of deltamethrin flea control on prairie dog colonies, with 3 prairie dog species at 6 sites across 3 US states. Fleas were combed (COMB) from live-trapped prairie dogs or swabbed (SWAB) from prairie dog burrows on non-treated (Non) sites and nearby sites treated with deltamethrin dust for flea control (Dusted). Each line of data is from an individual prairie dog or burrow. The first set of data, Shortterm BACI, includes data from before-after-control-impact (BACI) experiments comparing the abundance of fleas on prairie dogs at paired non-treated and treated sites in 2 time intervals: before treatments (Before) and 2 to 65 days after treatments (After). The second set of data, Moderate...
Data were collected to investigate effects of deltamethrin and fipronil on ectoparasites from black-tailed prairie dogs in South Dakota, USA. In late-July 2018, we treated 3 sites with 0.05% deltamethrin dust and 5 sites with host-fed 0.005% fipronil grain. Three non-treated sites functioned as experimental baselines. We collected ectoparasites before treatments (June-July 2018) and after treatments (August-October 2018, June-July 2019). We combed ectoparasites from live-trapped, anesthetized prairie dogs. Trapping on treated and non-treated sites occurred simultaneously or nearly simultaneously in each year. Detected ectoparasites were counted and placed back on the prairie dogs from which they were collected to...
Of the 3 major factors (habitat loss, poisoning, and disease) that limit abundance of prairie dogs today, sylvatic plague caused by Yersinia pestis is the I factor that is beyond human control. Plague epizootics frequently kill > 99% of prairie dogs in infected colonies. Although epizootics of sylvatic plague occur throughout most of the range of prairie dogs in the United States and are well described, long-term maintenance of plague in enzootic rodent species is not well documented or understood. We review dynamics of plague in white-tailed (Cynomys leucurus), Gunnison's (C gunnisoni), and black-tailed (C ludovicianus) prairie dogs, and their rodent and flea associates. We use epidemiologic concepts to support...
Data on annual population change for prairie dogs in Montana and Utah, USA, 2000-2005. Prairie dog species included black-tailed prairie dogs (PDs) (BTPD, Cynomys ludovicianus) in north-central Montana, white-tailed PDs (WTPD, Cynomys leucurus) in eastern Utah, and Utah PDs (UPD, Cynomys parvidens) in southwestern Utah. Field research was completed by the U.S. Geological Survey, Fort Collins Science Center, and colleagues. Data were collected on paired plots. Each pair included a plot treated annually with deltamethrin dust for flea control and plague mitigation and a plot left untreated as baselines. Paired plots had similar ecological features on the same (split) or nearby (separate) colonies. One plot within...
In 2013, a large blinded, paired placebo-controlled field trial for the prairie dog oral sylvatic plague vaccine started in the Western US. On 17 paired plots, vaccine and placebo plots, small rodents were trapped annually for 3-5 consecutive nights (when weather allowed) and high elevation Utah plots where plague was active were more frequently trapped in 2014 and 2015. In the dataset the prevalence of flea infestation was recorded for the first annual summer sampling, it was summarized for all small rodent species caught and deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus). Infestations were either for all flea species collected or for Aetheca wagneri only (our most abundant flea species). We used this data to assess if plague...
Data on factors that affect the grooming behaviors of black-tailed prairie dogs in Phillips County, Montana, 2006. Each line of data presents information for a focal observation of a single black-tailed prairie dog. The data includes information on the date of each observation, the approximate coordinates of sites, the time of each observation, indexed wind speed, indexed temperature, the presence or absence of deltamethrin dust (pulicide) treatment, the amount of time a human spent observing the prairie dog, the proportion of time spent scratching by the prairie dog, the proportion of time spent oral autogrooming by the prairie dog, the proportion of time spent allogrooming by the prairie dog, and the overall proportion...
Data on prairie dog densities, flea abundance on prairie dogs, and plague epizootics in Montana and Utah, USA, 2003-2005. Prairie dog species (PDspecies in the data file) included black-tailed prairie dogs (PDs) (BTPD, Cynomys ludovicianus) in north-central Montana, white-tailed PDs (WTPD, Cynomys leucurus) in eastern Utah, and Utah PDs (UPD, Cynomys parvidens) in southwestern Utah. Field research was completed by the U.S. Geological Survey, Fort Collins Science Center, and colleagues. We used summertime visual counts as an index to PD densities (Pddensity in the data file). For each plot, we counted PDs using binoculars and/or spotting scopes from a single location outside the plot that gave the best view of the...
Data on flea parasitism and annual re-encounters of Utah prairie dogs at 5 colonies on the Awapa Plateau, Utah, USA, June-August 2013-2016. Utah prairie dogs were live-trapped and sampled on 5 colonies along an elevation gradient from 2,645 m to 2,873 m. Upon first capture each year, we anesthetized each prairie dog and fleas on its body and combed the prairie dog as thoroughly as possible for 30 s to collect fleas. We recorded the age (juvenile/adult), sex, and mass (nearest 5 g) of each prairie dog and marked its ears and body with metal tags and passive integrated transponders, respectively, for permanent identification. We indexed each prairie dog's body condition as the ratio between its weight and hind-foot...
Data on the efficacy of deltamethrin flea control with small rodents on prairie dog colonies in Montana and Utah, 2001-2004. Data were collected on 12 colonies of 3 prairie dog (PD) species at 5 sites in Montana and Utah. PD species included black-tailed PDs (Cynomys ludovicianus, BTPDs), Utah PDs (C. parvidens, UPDs), and white-tailed PDs (C. leucurus, WTPDs). Sample sizes from 6 small rodents (Species in the data file) were sufficient for analysis: deer mice, grasshopper mice, Ord’s kangaroo rats, hispid pocket mice, dark kangaroo mice, and sagebrush voles. Efficacy of deltamethrin was assessed by combing fleas from live-trapped, anesthetized rodents on paired dusted and non-dusted plots (binary variable for DeltamethrinDust...
Diagnosis of sylvatic plague in a captive black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) was based on gross and microscopic lesions, fluorescent antibody tests, culture of Yersinia pestis, and immunohistochemistry. Gross lesions consisted of acute hemorrhage and necrosis associated with cervical and mesenteric lymph nodes, subcutaneous hemorrhages, and pulmonary edema. Acute edema, hemorrhage, and necrosis with numerous bacteria in blood vessels and sinusoids characterized microscopic lesions. Occurrence of fatal plague in a black-footed ferret potentially has significant implications for recovery of this endangered species due to the widespread distribution of plague in prairie dog colonies throughout historic black-footed...
Data on the occurrence of plague epizootics in colonies of black-tailed prairie dogs, Pawnee National Grassland, Colorado 1982-2005. Data are derived from annual prairie dog surveys conducted by staff of the Pawnee National Grassland, U.S. Forest Service. The data includes information on the year of sampling, colony identification, UTM coordinates of colony centroids, weather (precipitation and temperature), colony area, soil moisture-holding capacity, connectivity among colonies, and the occurrence of plague epizootics. Data provided by M.F. Antolin and L.T. Savage, Colorado State University, supported by the National Science Foundation (DEB-9616044, DEB-0217631, DEB-0823405, EF-0327052), the U.S. Forest Service,...
Data on the efficacy of 5 pulicides as tools for suppressing fleas on black-tailed prairie dogs in Buffalo Gap National Grassland, South Dakota, 2015-2017. Fleas were collected from live-trapped prairie dogs on non-treated (CONTROL) sites and nearby sites treated with pulicides for flea control. Data are from 3 prairie dog colonies (South Exclosure, Cutbank, and Big Foot). We tested the following pulicides: Alpine ALPINE dust (0.25% dinotefuran wih 95% diatomaceous earth), Dusta-cide MALATHION dust (6% malathion), Sevin SEVIN dust (5% carbaryl), Tri-Die TRIDIE dust (1% pyrethrum with 40% amorphous silica and 10% piperonyl butoxide), and FIPRONIL grain (0.005% fipronil). Two sets of data are presented, each with...

    map background search result map search result map Plague in a black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) Dynamics of plague in a Gunnison's prairie dog colony complex from New Mexico Colorado Animal-Based Plague Surveillance Systems: Relationships between Targeted Animal Species and Prediction Efficacy of Areas at Risk for Humans Occurrence of plague epizootics in colonies of black-tailed prairie dogs, Pawnee National Grassland, Colorado, 1982-2005 Grooming behaviors of black-tailed prairie dogs in Phillips County, Montana, 2006 Data on the Efficacy of Five Pulicides as Tools for Suppressing Fleas on Black-tailed Prairie Dogs, South Dakota, 2015-2017 Data on the Degree and Duration of Deltamethrin Flea Control on Prairie Dog Colonies in Montana, South Dakota, and Utah, USA Data on Flea Parasitism and Annual Re-encounters of Utah Prairie Dogs at 5 colonies on the Awapa Plateau, Utah, USA, 2013-2016 Data on the effects of deltamethrin and fipronil on black-tailed prairie dog ectoparasites, South Dakota, USA, 2018–2019 Data on the efficacy of deltamethrin flea control with small rodents on prairie dog colonies in Montana and Utah, 2001-2004 Data on prairie dog densities, flea abundance, and plague epizootics in Montana and Utah, USA Flea abundance and body condition data for black-tailed prairie dogs on sites treated and not treated with “FipBit” fipronil pellets, South Dakota, 2018-2020 Data on finite population change for 3 species of prairie dogs in Montana and Utah, USA, 2000-2005 Grooming behaviors of black-tailed prairie dogs in Phillips County, Montana, 2006 Dynamics of plague in a Gunnison's prairie dog colony complex from New Mexico Data on the effects of deltamethrin and fipronil on black-tailed prairie dog ectoparasites, South Dakota, USA, 2018–2019 Flea abundance and body condition data for black-tailed prairie dogs on sites treated and not treated with “FipBit” fipronil pellets, South Dakota, 2018-2020 Data on the Efficacy of Five Pulicides as Tools for Suppressing Fleas on Black-tailed Prairie Dogs, South Dakota, 2015-2017 Occurrence of plague epizootics in colonies of black-tailed prairie dogs, Pawnee National Grassland, Colorado, 1982-2005 Data on Flea Parasitism and Annual Re-encounters of Utah Prairie Dogs at 5 colonies on the Awapa Plateau, Utah, USA, 2013-2016 Colorado Animal-Based Plague Surveillance Systems: Relationships between Targeted Animal Species and Prediction Efficacy of Areas at Risk for Humans Data on the Degree and Duration of Deltamethrin Flea Control on Prairie Dog Colonies in Montana, South Dakota, and Utah, USA Data on the efficacy of deltamethrin flea control with small rodents on prairie dog colonies in Montana and Utah, 2001-2004 Data on prairie dog densities, flea abundance, and plague epizootics in Montana and Utah, USA Data on finite population change for 3 species of prairie dogs in Montana and Utah, USA, 2000-2005