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Habitat valuation methods are most often developed and used to prioritize candidate lands for conservation. In this study the intent of habitat valuation was to inform was to inform the decision-making process for remediation of chemical contaminants on specific lands or surface water bodies. Methods were developed to summarize dimensions of habitat value for six representative aquatic and terrestrial contaminated sites at the East Tennessee Technology Park (ETTP) on the US Department of Energy Oak Ridge Reservation in Oak Ridge, TN, USA. Several general valuation metrics were developed for three broad categories; site use by groups of organisms, site rarity, and use value added from spatial context. Examples of...
This EnviroAtlas web service supports research and online mapping activities related to EnviroAtlas ( The Clean and Plentiful Water category in this web service includes layers illustrating the ecosystems and natural resources that filter and regulate water, the need or demand for clean and plentiful water, the impacts associated with water quality, and factors that place stress on water quality and supply. EnviroAtlas allows the user to interact with a web-based, easy-to-use, mapping application to view and analyze multiple ecosystem services for the conterminous United States. Additional descriptive information about each attribute in this web service is located within each web...
Types: Citation; Tags: 12-digit HUCs, Agriculture, Air, Alabama, Alaska, All tags...
This EnviroAtlas web service supports research and online mapping activities related to EnviroAtlas ( The Food, Fuel, and Materials category in this web service includes layers illustrating the ecosystems and natural resources that provide or support the production of food, fuel, or other materials, the need or demand for these items, the impacts associated with their presence and accessibility, and factors that place stress on the natural environment's capability to provide these benefits. EnviroAtlas allows the user to interact with a web-based, easy-to-use, mapping application to view and analyze multiple ecosystem services for the conterminous United States. Additional descriptive...
Types: Citation; Tags: 12-digit HUCs, Agriculture, Air, Alabama, Alaska, All tags...
The Sediment-Contaminant Database for the Upper Mississippi River System contains information from a total of 3950 analyzed sediment samples, including 2697 from the Mississippi River, 440 from the Illinois River, and 813 from tributaries. These samples were collected during 1974 through 2000, with 262 samples from the 1970s, 2168 from the 1980s, 1518 from the 1990s, and 2 from the year 2000. The database contains data on metals, metalloids, nutrients, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, industrial compounds, sterols, petroleum-related compounds, and polychlorinated biphenyls in three types of samples: bed sediment (86.6% of the samples), sediment trap (1.8%), and pore water...
This EnviroAtlas web service supports research and online mapping activities related to EnviroAtlas ( The Biodiversity Conservation category in this web service includes layers illustrating the ecosystems and natural resources that support biodiversity, the need or demand for conservation, the impacts associated with biodiversity and conservation, and factors that place stress on the natural environment's capability to maintain biodiversity. EnviroAtlas allows the user to interact with a web-based, easy-to-use, mapping application to view and analyze multiple ecosystem services for the conterminous United States. Additional descriptive information about each attribute in this web...
Types: Citation; Tags: 12-digit HUCs, Agriculture, Air, Alabama, Alaska, All tags...
ICIS-NPDES is an information management system maintained by the Office of Compliance to track permit compliance and enforcement status of facilities regulated by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) under the Clean Water Act (CWA). ICIS-NPDES is designed to support the NPDES program at the state, regional, and national levels.Active facilities are those currently in operation. Major/federally-reportable are facilities for which states must submit compliance and enforcement data to EPA. Under the Clean Water Act, a major facility is any NPDES facility or activity classified as such by the regional administrator, or in the case of approved state programs, the regional administrator in conjunction...
We investigated whether foraging habitat, sex, or fidelity to a foraging area effected blood mercury concentrations in western gulls (Larus occidentalis) from three colonies on the west coast of the United States. Dataset includes total mercury concentrations in western gulls from three colony locations and associated foraging habitat of individual gulls. These data support the following publication: Clatterbuck, C.A., Lewison, R.L., Orben, R.A., Ackerman, J.T., Torres, L.G., Suryan, R.M., Warzybok, P., Jahncke, J. and Shaffer, S.A., 2021. Foraging in marine habitats increases mercury concentrations in a generalist seabird. Chemosphere, p.130470.

    map background search result map search result map Sediment-Contaminant Database for the Upper Mississippi River System and Selected Tributaries (version 2) EnviroAtlas - Biodiversity Conservation Metrics for Conterminous United States EnviroAtlas - Clean and Plentiful Water Metrics for the Conterminous United States EnviroAtlas - Food, Fuel, and Materials Metrics for Conterminous United States BLM REA COP 2014 UT COP NPDES Pts ICIS Facilities BLM REA SNK 2010 Current Significant Contaminated Footprint Change Agent BLM REA SNK 2010 Current Contaminated Footprint Change Agent Mercury concentrations in western gulls along the west coast, USA, 2015-2017 BLM REA SNK 2010 Current Significant Contaminated Footprint Change Agent Mercury concentrations in western gulls along the west coast, USA, 2015-2017 BLM REA COP 2014 UT COP NPDES Pts ICIS Facilities BLM REA SNK 2010 Current Contaminated Footprint Change Agent Sediment-Contaminant Database for the Upper Mississippi River System and Selected Tributaries (version 2) EnviroAtlas - Biodiversity Conservation Metrics for Conterminous United States EnviroAtlas - Clean and Plentiful Water Metrics for the Conterminous United States EnviroAtlas - Food, Fuel, and Materials Metrics for Conterminous United States