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The RCMAP (Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection) dataset quantifies the percent cover of rangeland components across western North America using Landsat imagery from 1985-2023. The RCMAP product suite consists of ten fractional components: annual herbaceous, bare ground, herbaceous, litter, non-sagebrush shrub, perennial herbaceous, sagebrush, shrub, tree, and shrub height in addition to the temporal trends of each component. Several enhancements were made to the RCMAP process relative to prior generations. First, high-resolution training was revised using an improved neural-net classifier and modelling approach. These data serve as foundation to the RCMAP approach. The training database was...
Tags: AB, AZ, Alberta, Arizona, Arizona Plateau, All tags...
BLM’s Resource Management Plans (RMPs) form the basis for every action and approved use on the public lands. The BLM prepares RMPs for areas of public lands, called planning areas, which tend to have similar resource characteristics. Planning emphasizes a collaborative environment in which local, state, and tribal governments, the public, user groups, and industry work with the BLM to identify appropriate multiple uses of the public lands. Plans are periodically revised as changing conditions and resource demands require. RMPs are used by managers and the public to accomplish the following: Allocate resources and determine appropriate multiple uses for the public lands; Develop a strategy to manage and protect...
FY2017There is an increasing concern and need for the conservation of springsnails and other endemic mollusks and for conservation of the unique spring and springbrook habitats on which they depend (Hershler et al 2014; Abele 2011). Nationwide, several of these species have been listed as endangered or threatened under provisions of the ESA; others are candidates for federal listing or are undergoing review by USFWS for possible future listing actions. These species can be particularly susceptible to localized threats and specific knowledge necessary for effective site-based conservation is often limited or lacking.Springsnail are particularly susceptible to extinction because the entire population of any single...
A meteorological station equipped with a rain gauge, atmospheric pressure sensor, temperature and relative humidity sensor, soil moisture sensor, and an anemometer (measuring wind speed, gust speed, and direction) was deployed at Grand Falls dune field, Arizona. This dataset has been collecting data every 15 minutes since December 15, 2020 with the goal to provide context for ripple and dune migration at an active dune field site.
The dataset provides an estimate of 2018 herbaceous annual percent cover predicted on May 1st with an emphasis on annual grasses. The pixel values range from 0 to100 with an overall mean value of 8.32 and a standard deviation of +/-11.93. The model's test mean error rate (n = 1670), based on nine different randomizations, equals 4.9% with a standard deviation of +/- 0.15. This dataset was generated by integrating ground-truth measurements of annual herbaceous percent cover with 250-m spatial resolution eMODIS NDVI satellite derived data and geophysical variables into regression-tree software. The geographic coverage includes the Great Basin, the Snake River Plain, the state of Wyoming, and contiguous areas. We applied...
Arthropods living in the canopies of two woody shrub species (a sub-shrub (Gutierrezia sarothrae) and a large shrub (Prosopis glandulosa)) and perennial grasses plus associated herbaceous species, were sampled on 18, 0.5 hectare plots in a Chihuahuan Desert grassland for five consecutive years. Mesquite shrubs were removed from nine plots, six plots were grazed by yearling cattle in August and six plots were grazed in February for the last 3 years of the 5 year study. Arthropod species richness ranged between 154 and 353 on grasses, from 120 to 266 on G. sarothrae, and from 69 to 116 on P. glandulosa. There was a significant relationship between the number of families of insects on grass and G. sarothrae and growing...
1 We introduce a hydraulic soil-plant model with water uptake from two soil layers; one a pulse-dominated shallow soil layer, the other a deeper soil layer with continuous, but generally less than saturated soil moisture. Water uptake is linked to photosynthetic carbon assimilation through a photosynthesis model for C3 plants. 2 A genetic algorithm is used to identify character suites that maximize photosynthetic carbon gain for plants that experience a particular soil moisture pattern. The character suites include allocation fraction to stem, leaves and shallow root, stem capacitance and stem water storage capacity, maximal leaf conductance and sensitivity of leaf conductance to plant water potential, and a critical...
This map shows the current and near-term status of aquatic ecosystems, in addition to the input datasets used for the analysis and distribution modeling that were involved in producing these status datasets. These data are provided by Bureau of Land Management (BLM) "as is" and may contain errors or omissions. The User assumes the entire risk associated with its use of these data and bears all responsibility in determining whether these data are fit for the User's intended use. These data may not have the accuracy, resolution, completeness, timeliness, or other characteristics appropriate for applications that potential users of the data may contemplate. The User is encouraged to carefully consider the content of...
This map shows the current and near-term status of aquatic ecosystems, in addition to the input datasets used for the analysis and distribution modeling that were involved in producing these status datasets. These data are provided by Bureau of Land Management (BLM) "as is" and may contain errors or omissions. The User assumes the entire risk associated with its use of these data and bears all responsibility in determining whether these data are fit for the User's intended use. These data may not have the accuracy, resolution, completeness, timeliness, or other characteristics appropriate for applications that potential users of the data may contemplate. The User is encouraged to carefully consider the content of...
The RCMAP (Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection) dataset quantifies the percent cover of rangeland components across western North America using Landsat imagery from 1985-2023. The RCMAP product suite consists of ten fractional components: annual herbaceous, bare ground, herbaceous, litter, non-sagebrush shrub, perennial herbaceous, sagebrush, shrub, tree, and shrub height in addition to the temporal trends of each component. Several enhancements were made to the RCMAP process relative to prior generations. First, high-resolution training was revised using an improved neural-net classifier and modelling approach. These data serve as foundation to the RCMAP approach. The training database was...
Tags: AB, AZ, Alberta, Arizona, Arizona Plateau, All tags...
The RCMAP (Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection) dataset quantifies the percent cover of rangeland components across western North America using Landsat imagery from 1985-2023. The RCMAP product suite consists of ten fractional components: annual herbaceous, bare ground, herbaceous, litter, non-sagebrush shrub, perennial herbaceous, sagebrush, shrub, tree, and shrub height in addition to the temporal trends of each component. Several enhancements were made to the RCMAP process relative to prior generations. First, high-resolution training was revised using an improved neural-net classifier and modelling approach. These data serve as foundation to the RCMAP approach. The training database was...
Tags: AB, AZ, Alberta, Arizona, Arizona Plateau, All tags...
The RCMAP (Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection) dataset quantifies the percent cover of rangeland components across the western U.S. using Landsat imagery from 1985-2020. The RCMAP product suite consists of eight fractional components: annual herbaceous, bare ground, herbaceous, litter, non-sagebrush shrub, perennial herbaceous, sagebrush, shrub and rule-based error maps including the temporal trends of each component. Several enhancements were made to the RCMAP process relative to prior generations. We used an updated version of the 2016 base training data, with a more aggressive forest mask and reduced shrub and sagebrush cover bias in pinyon-juniper woodlands. We pooled training data in areas...
Tags: AZ, Arizona, Arizona Plateau, Black Hills, Blue Mountains, All tags...
The RCMAP (Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection) dataset quantifies the percent cover of rangeland components across the western U.S. using Landsat imagery from 1985-2021. The RCMAP product suite consists of nine fractional components: annual herbaceous, bare ground, herbaceous, litter, non-sagebrush shrub, perennial herbaceous, sagebrush, shrub, and tree, in addition to the temporal trends of each component. Several enhancements were made to the RCMAP process relative to prior generations. First, we have trained time-series predictions directly from 331 high-resolution sites collected from 2013-2018 from Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) instead of using the 2016 “base” map as an intermediary....
Tags: AZ, Arizona, Arizona Plateau, Black Hills, Blue Mountains, All tags...
The RCMAP (Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection) dataset quantifies the percent cover of rangeland components across the western U.S. using Landsat imagery from 1985-2021. The RCMAP product suite consists of nine fractional components: annual herbaceous, bare ground, herbaceous, litter, non-sagebrush shrub, perennial herbaceous, sagebrush, shrub, and tree, in addition to the temporal trends of each component. Several enhancements were made to the RCMAP process relative to prior generations. First, we have trained time-series predictions directly from 331 high-resolution sites collected from 2013-2018 from Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) instead of using the 2016 “base” map as an intermediary....
Tags: AZ, Arizona, Arizona Plateau, Black Hills, Blue Mountains, All tags...
The RCMAP (Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection) dataset quantifies the percent cover of rangeland components across the western U.S. using Landsat imagery from 1985-2021. The RCMAP product suite consists of nine fractional components: annual herbaceous, bare ground, herbaceous, litter, non-sagebrush shrub, perennial herbaceous, sagebrush, shrub, and tree, in addition to the temporal trends of each component. Several enhancements were made to the RCMAP process relative to prior generations. First, we have trained time-series predictions directly from 331 high-resolution sites collected from 2013-2018 from Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) instead of using the 2016 “base” map as an intermediary....
Tags: AZ, Arizona, Arizona Plateau, Black Hills, Blue Mountains, All tags...
FY2013“The loss of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt.) on sites disturbed by fire has motivated many restoration seeding and planting efforts. However, the resulting sagebrush establishment is often lower than desired, especially in dry areas. Sagebrush establishment may be increased by addressing factors such as seed source and condition or management of the plant community. The research team assessed initial establishment of seeded sagebrush and four populations of small outplants (from different geographies, climates, and cytotypes) and small sagebrush outplants in an early seral community where mowing, herbicide, and seeding of other native plants had been experimentally applied. No emergence of seeded...
Changing climate conditions have been identified as a major threat to the sustainability and availability of water resources in the Southwestern U.S. Long-term decreases in precipitation can lead to reductions in regional groundwater levels and loss of groundwater storage in aquifers for some communities. Reduced precipitation can also lead to lower water levels in streams and losses in the vegetation that grows alongside riverbanks. The goal of this project was to identify how hydrologic systems in the Southwest might respond to changes in climate and the degree to which this response is dependent on the characteristics of the hydrologic system. To do this, researchers developed a tool that simulates how quickly...

map background search result map search result map Improving Groundwater Supply Forecasting in the Southwestern U.S. U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Land Use Planning ADMMR Photo Archive file: Centroid Consolidated Mine 22-56 ADMMR Photo Archive file: Centroid Consolidated Mine 22-58 Restoring Big Sagebrush Development of a Regional Springsnail Conservation Strategy USGS 1:24000-scale Quadrangle for Desert, NM 1948 Early Estimates of Herbaceous Annual Cover in the Sagebrush Ecosystem (May 1, 2018) BLM REA MBR 2010 Terrestrial Ecosystems Status - Inter-Mountain Basins Mixed Salt Desert Scrub BLM REA MBR 2010 Terrestrial Ecosystems Status - North American Warm Desert Bedrock Cliff Outcrop Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection (RCMAP) Fractional Component Time-Series Across the Western U.S. 1985-2020 - Bare Ground Meteorological data at Grand Falls dune field, Arizona, collected from December 2020 to April 2021 Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection (RCMAP) Bare Ground Fractional Component Time-Series Across the Western U.S. 1985-2021 Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection (RCMAP) Herbaceous Fractional Component Time-Series Across the Western U.S. 1985-2021 Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection (RCMAP) Shrub Fractional Component Time-Series Across the Western U.S. 1985-2021 Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection (RCMAP) Bare Ground Fractional Component Time-Series Across Western North America from 1985-2023 Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection (RCMAP) Litter Fractional Component Time-Series Across Western North America from 1985-2023 Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection (RCMAP) Shrub Height Fractional Component Time-Series Across Western North America from 1985-2023 Meteorological data at Grand Falls dune field, Arizona, collected from December 2020 to April 2021 ADMMR Photo Archive file: Centroid Consolidated Mine 22-56 ADMMR Photo Archive file: Centroid Consolidated Mine 22-58 Restoring Big Sagebrush USGS 1:24000-scale Quadrangle for Desert, NM 1948 Improving Groundwater Supply Forecasting in the Southwestern U.S. BLM REA MBR 2010 Terrestrial Ecosystems Status - Inter-Mountain Basins Mixed Salt Desert Scrub BLM REA MBR 2010 Terrestrial Ecosystems Status - North American Warm Desert Bedrock Cliff Outcrop Development of a Regional Springsnail Conservation Strategy Early Estimates of Herbaceous Annual Cover in the Sagebrush Ecosystem (May 1, 2018) Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection (RCMAP) Bare Ground Fractional Component Time-Series Across Western North America from 1985-2023 Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection (RCMAP) Litter Fractional Component Time-Series Across Western North America from 1985-2023 Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection (RCMAP) Shrub Height Fractional Component Time-Series Across Western North America from 1985-2023 Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection (RCMAP) Bare Ground Fractional Component Time-Series Across the Western U.S. 1985-2021 Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection (RCMAP) Herbaceous Fractional Component Time-Series Across the Western U.S. 1985-2021 Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection (RCMAP) Shrub Fractional Component Time-Series Across the Western U.S. 1985-2021 Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection (RCMAP) Fractional Component Time-Series Across the Western U.S. 1985-2020 - Bare Ground U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Land Use Planning