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"NewEngland_pkflows.PRT" is a text file that contains results of flood-frequency analysis of annual peak flows from 186 selected streamflow gaging stations (streamgages) operated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in the New England region (Maine, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, New Hampshire, and Vermont). Only streamgages in the region that were also in the USGS "GAGES II" database ( were considered for use in the study. The file was generated by combining PeakFQ output (.PRT) files created using version 7.0 of USGS software PeakFQ (; Veilleux and others, 2014) to conduct flood-frequency...
In large river ecosystems, the timing, extent, duration and frequency of floodplain inundation greatly affect the quality of fish and wildlife habitat and the supply of important ecosystem goods and services. Seasonal high flows provide connectivity from the river to the floodplain, and seasonal inundation of the floodplain governs ecosystem structure and function. River regulation and other forms of hydrologic alteration have altered the connectivity of many rivers with their adjacent floodplain – impacting the function of wetlands on the floodplain and in turn, impacting the mainstem river function. Conservation and management of remaining floodplain resources can be improved through a better understanding of...
This dataset features inundated areas at discharges from 15,000 cfs to 100,000 cfs. The spatial extent for floodplain inundation modeling in the lower Trinity River was from Romayor, Texas, to approximately Moss Bluff, Texas. River sections were modeled using steady flow conditions. For the upper section, discharge and stage were both available for the two gages (Romayor USGS 08066500 and Liberty USGS 08067000). For the lower section, the Moss Bluff gage (USGS 08067100) is tidally-influenced, so gage height didn’t correspond to upstream changes in discharge. To model river stage specific inundation for the upper section, discharge for each Landsat 8 overpass date was entered as the upstream condition and the corresponding...
This dataset features suitable habitat at discharges from 15,000 cfs to 100,000 cfs. The spatial extent for floodplain inundation modeling in the lower Trinity River was from Romayor, Texas, to approximately Moss Bluff, Texas. River sections were modeled using steady flow conditions. For the upper section, discharge and stage were both available for the two gages (Romayor USGS 08066500 and Liberty USGS 08067000). For the lower section, the Moss Bluff gage (USGS 08067100) is tidally-influenced, so gage height didn’t correspond to upstream changes in discharge. Depth rasters were exported from HEC-RAS 5.0.0. Since the lower section had large over- and underestimates, depth values were sampled along the intersection...
1. The growth of riparian trees in semi-arid regions is influenced by stream flow regime, but the relative importance of base flow and seasonal floods on growth has not been explored. I examined abiotic influences on the growth of Platanus wrightii in four stream reaches in Arizona. All reaches had a bimodal pattern of discharge, but only two had continuous flow throughout the growing season. 2. In two reaches of Sycamore Creek without perennial flow, a large percentage of the annual variation in radial growth rate of P. wrightii was explained by annual and growing season flow rate. Growth was related to these same variables in a perennial reach of Sycamore Creek, but trees maintained higher growth during drought...
This data release contains annual peak-flow data and PeakFQ output files for 186 selected streamflow gaging stations (streamgages) operated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in the New England region (Maine, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, New Hampshire, and Vermont). The annual peak-flow data were obtained from the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS) database ( and contain annual peak flows ending in water year 2011. The annual peak flows were used in version 7.0 of USGS software PeakFQ (; Veilleux and others, 2014; Flynn and others, 2006) to conduct flood-frequency analyses using the Expected Moments...
Dataset is a model archive containing all relevant files to create regression models that are discussed in the report: Koltun, G.F., 2019, Flood-frequency estimates for Ohio streamgages based on data through water year 2015 and techniques for estimating flood-frequency characteristics of rural, unregulated Ohio streams: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2019-5018. WREG R source code, regression results and associated output files are also included in the archive.
"NewEngland_pkflows.txt" contains annual peak-flow data for 186 selected streamflow gaging stations (streamgages) operated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in the New England region (Maine, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, New Hampshire, and Vermont). Only streamgages in the region that were also in the USGS "GAGES II" database ( were considered for use in the study. The annual peak-flow data were obtained from the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS) database ( and contain annual peak flows ending in water year 2011. The annual peak flows were used in version 7.0 of...
This model archive contains R source code for the Weighted-Multiple Linear Regression Program (WREG), input files, and associated output files needed to recreate regression models that are discussed in the associated report, U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2023-5079 ( More information and instructions for running the model archive are included in the README.txt file. Information regarding the WREG program can be found at:
The dataset includes flood-frequency data and related files for 211 streamgages operated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in Louisiana and parts of the surrounding states of Arkansas, Mississippi, and Texas as well as assembled explanatory variables (physical, climatic, and land-use characteristics of the basins). The data in this release were used in generalized least-squares (GLS ) regression analyses (Stedinger and Tasker, 1985) to generate equations used to predict annual exceedance probabilities (AEPs) at ungaged locations on streams in the study area (Ensminger and others, 2021). Flood-frequency analyses were conducted using annual peak-flow data from the 1877-2016 water years to estimate streamflows...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) recently completed a report documenting methods for peak-flow frequency analysis following implementation of the Bulletin 17C guidelines ( The methods provide estimates of peak-flow quantiles for 50-, 20-, 10-, 4-, 2-, 1-, 0.5-, and 0.2-percent annual exceedance probabilities (AEPs) for selected streamgages operated by the USGS and Environment Canada. In association with the report, this data release presents peak-flow frequency analyses for 148 streamgages (127 stations in Maine, 16 in New Hampshire, and 5 in New Brunswick, Canada). Included are 148 individual ".PRT" text files that contain results of the flood-frequency analyses of annual peak flows...
Current estimates of the magnitude and frequency of floods at gaged and ungaged stream sites are critical for assessing flood risk, delineating flood zones, designing hydraulic structures, and managing flood plains. The Connecticut Department of Transportation collaborated with U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in a study to improve the flood-frequency estimates in Connecticut and develop regional regression equations for estimating annual exceedance probability discharges at ungaged sites in Connecticut. The results of the study are found in Scientific Investigations Report ( This companion data release consists of data compiled and used for the flood-frequency analysis of annual...
This dataset features suitable habitat connected to the main channel (based on floodplain inundation) within managed areas at discharges from 15,000 cfs to 100,000 cfs. The spatial extent for floodplain inundation modeling in the lower Trinity River was from Romayor, Texas, to approximately Moss Bluff, Texas. River sections were modeled using steady flow conditions. For the upper section, discharge and stage were both available for the two gages (Romayor USGS 08066500 and Liberty USGS 08067000). For the lower section, the Moss Bluff gage (USGS 08067100) is tidally-influenced, so gage height didn’t correspond to upstream changes in discharge. Depth rasters were exported from HEC-RAS 5.0.0. Since the lower section...
Heavy rainfall occurred across Pennsylvania on September 1 and 2, 2021, as a result of the remnants of Hurricane Ida. Much of eastern and southcentral Pennsylvania received five to ten inches of rain and most of the rainfall occurred in a little more than six hours. Widespread substantial flooding occurred in the area, particularly impacted was the city of Philadelphia and surrounding areas. Flood frequencies were computed for 52 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) streamgages impacted by the flooding in eastern and southcentral Pennsylvania using peak flow data through 2021. Flood documentation maps showing the extent and depth of flooding from the September 1-2, 2021, event were generated for five communities in southeastern...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with Connecticut Department of Transportation, completed a study to improve flood-frequency estimates in Connecticut. This companion data release is a Microsoft Excel workbook for: (1) computing flood discharges for the 50- to 0.2-percent annual exceedance probabilities from peak-flow regression equations, and (2) computing additional prediction intervals, not available through the USGS StreamStats web application. The current StreamStats application (version 4) only computes the 90-percent prediction interval for stream sites in Connecticut. The Excel workbook can be used to compute the 70-, 80-, 90-, 95-, and 99-percent prediction intervals. The prediction interval...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has a long history of working cooperatively with the South Carolina Department of Transportation to develop methods for estimating the magnitude and frequency of floods for rural and urban basins that have minimal to no regulation or tidal influence. As part of those previous investigations, flood-frequency estimates have been generated at selected regulated streamgages. This is the data release for the report which assesses the effects of impoundments on flood-frequency characteristics by comparing annual exceedance probability (AEP) streamflows from pre- and post-regulated (before and after impoundment) periods at 18 USGS long-term streamgages, which is defined as a streamgage...
This dataset features suitable depth (0.2 m ≤ depth ≤ 2.0 m) at discharges from 15,000 cfs to 100,000 cfs. The spatial extent for floodplain inundation modeling in the lower Trinity River was from Romayor, Texas, to approximately Moss Bluff, Texas. River sections were modeled using steady flow conditions. For the upper section, discharge and stage were both available for the two gages (Romayor USGS 08066500 and Liberty USGS 08067000). For the lower section, the Moss Bluff gage (USGS 08067100) is tidally-influenced, so gage height didn’t correspond to upstream changes in discharge. Depth rasters were exported from HEC-RAS 5.0.0. Since the lower section had large over- and underestimates, depth values were sampled...
This model archive contains R source code for the Weighted-Multiple Linear Regression Program (WREG), input files, and associated output files needed to recreate regression models that are discussed in the report: Levin, S.B. and Sanocki, C.A., Methods for estimating flood magnitude and frequency for unregulated streams in Wisconsin, U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2022-5118 ( More information and instructions for running the model archive are included in the README.txt file. Information regarding the WREG program can be found at:
This dataset features floodplain depth (in meters) at discharges from 15,000 cfs to 100,000 cfs. The spatial extent for floodplain inundation modeling in the lower Trinity River was from Romayor, Texas, to approximately Moss Bluff, Texas. River sections were modeled using steady flow conditions. For the upper section, discharge and stage were both available for the two gages (Romayor USGS 08066500 and Liberty USGS 08067000). For the lower section, the Moss Bluff gage (USGS 08067100) is tidally-influenced, so gage height didn’t correspond to upstream changes in discharge. Depth rasters were exported from HEC-RAS 5.0.0. Since the lower section had large over- and underestimates, depth values were sampled along the...
Flood-frequency analyses for 141 streamgages in Connecticut were updated using the U.S. Geological Survey program PeakFQ, version 7.2 (; Veilleux and others, 2014). The PeakFQ program follows Bulletin 17C national guidelines for flood-frequency analysis ( The input and output files to PeakFQ that were used in the Connecticut flood-frequency update are presented. Individual file folders for the 141 streamgages using the streamgage identification number as the folder name contain three files: ".TXT" file used as input to PeakFQ contains the annual peak flows for the streamgage in standard PeakFQ (WATSTORE) text format available from NWIS web at...

map background search result map search result map GCPO Inundation Frequency Mosaic (2017) Model archive—Regional regression models for estimating flood-frequency characteristics of rural, unregulated Ohio streams Annual peak-flow data and PeakFQ output files for selected streamflow gaging stations operated by the U.S. Geological Survey in the New England region that were used to estimate regional skewness of annual peak flows PeakFQ output files for selected streamflow gaging stations operated by the U.S. Geological Survey in the New England region that were used to estimate regional skewness of annual peak flows Peak-flow files for 186 selected streamflow gaging stations operated by the U.S. Geological Survey in the New England region that were used to estimate regional skewness of annual peak flows Results of peak-flow frequency analysis and regionalization for selected streamgages in or near Maine, based on data through water year 2019 (ver. 3.0, August 2021) Flood frequency and source data used in the regional regression analysis of annual peak flows in Connecticut (2020) (ver. 2.0, April 2021) River stage-specific GIS data layers depicting suitable habitat for Alligator Gar spawning in the lower Trinity River of Texas River stage-specific GIS data layers depicting suitable connected habitat for Alligator Gar spawning within managed areas in the lower Trinity River of Texas River stage-specific GIS data layers depicting suitable depth for Alligator Gar spawning in the lower Trinity River of Texas River stage-specific GIS data layers depicting floodplain inundation in the lower Trinity River of Texas River stage-specific GIS data layers depicting floodplain depth in the lower Trinity River of Texas Worksheet for computing annual exceedance probability flood discharges and prediction intervals at stream sites in Connecticut Flood-frequency of rural, non-tidal streams in Louisiana and parts of Arkansas, Mississippi, and Texas, 1877-2016 PeakFQ program input and output files for selected streamgages in Connecticut Model archive - Regional regression models for estimating flood frequency characteristics of unregulated streams in Wisconsin Tables and associated data for effects of impoundments on selected flood-frequency and daily mean streamflow characteristics in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina Data in support of peak streamflows and flooding in select areas of Pennsylvania from the remnants of Hurricane Ida, September 1-2, 2021 Model archive of regional flood frequency equations for Minnesota streams River stage-specific GIS data layers depicting suitable connected habitat for Alligator Gar spawning within managed areas in the lower Trinity River of Texas River stage-specific GIS data layers depicting floodplain depth in the lower Trinity River of Texas River stage-specific GIS data layers depicting suitable habitat for Alligator Gar spawning in the lower Trinity River of Texas River stage-specific GIS data layers depicting suitable depth for Alligator Gar spawning in the lower Trinity River of Texas River stage-specific GIS data layers depicting floodplain inundation in the lower Trinity River of Texas Flood frequency and source data used in the regional regression analysis of annual peak flows in Connecticut (2020) (ver. 2.0, April 2021) PeakFQ program input and output files for selected streamgages in Connecticut Worksheet for computing annual exceedance probability flood discharges and prediction intervals at stream sites in Connecticut Data in support of peak streamflows and flooding in select areas of Pennsylvania from the remnants of Hurricane Ida, September 1-2, 2021 Model archive—Regional regression models for estimating flood-frequency characteristics of rural, unregulated Ohio streams Flood-frequency of rural, non-tidal streams in Louisiana and parts of Arkansas, Mississippi, and Texas, 1877-2016 Results of peak-flow frequency analysis and regionalization for selected streamgages in or near Maine, based on data through water year 2019 (ver. 3.0, August 2021) Model archive - Regional regression models for estimating flood frequency characteristics of unregulated streams in Wisconsin Annual peak-flow data and PeakFQ output files for selected streamflow gaging stations operated by the U.S. Geological Survey in the New England region that were used to estimate regional skewness of annual peak flows PeakFQ output files for selected streamflow gaging stations operated by the U.S. Geological Survey in the New England region that were used to estimate regional skewness of annual peak flows Peak-flow files for 186 selected streamflow gaging stations operated by the U.S. Geological Survey in the New England region that were used to estimate regional skewness of annual peak flows Tables and associated data for effects of impoundments on selected flood-frequency and daily mean streamflow characteristics in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina Model archive of regional flood frequency equations for Minnesota streams GCPO Inundation Frequency Mosaic (2017)